Yan Cigui

Chapter 188: Accept the imperial edict with joy

Chapter 188 Receive the imperial edict with joy

 After Grandpa Xiao finished reading the imperial edict, he handed it over to Lin Yunyan.

 “Congratulations to the princess.” He finished with a smile and added that Mrs. An Yibo met the Queen Mother in the morning and every word was full of joy.

Lin Yunyan was very happy to hear that the Empress Dowager's smile never stopped when she woke up in the morning.

"I'll go up tomorrow and wait for the princess to thank you for the gift. Your Majesty will definitely be happier."

Lin Yunyan smiled.

Lin Yue invited Mr. Yu to sit and have tea in the flower hall.

 Lin Xun and Lin Yao each took their sons and went out to thank their neighbors.

  "Prepare some more coins, and some candies, right?"

  "When it comes time to divide, be more generous with your hands, and you can grab as much as you want."

"You're right, what kind of money can you save by saving so much? You must give enough money for happiness."

Ms. Chen directed the people to count all the rewards and put them in a register.

Lin Yunfang couldn't stop and pulled Lin Yunyan and Lin Yunjing to look at each other one by one.

“These pair of jade Ruyi are so big! When I send the dowry, they will be placed at the front!”

“The vase looks good, the white porcelain is moist and translucent, and there are a few branches of red plums standing up, just in time for the season. Second sister will move back to Bao’an Garden later.”

“The material feels really good, and the pattern is happy, but the color is not fashionable enough, which is a pity!”

Ms. Chen was greeting the mothers to do their work, and all Lin Yunfang's comments fell into her ears.

"You are quite powerful. I haven't figured it out yet. You have already figured out how to display and use it," Mrs. Chen spat at her with a smile, and then said to Lin Yunyan, "Don't just listen to Yunfang, my aunt will also help you." The color of this material is not fashionable. It’s a pity for clothes, but it’s suitable for quilt covers.”

The girl's family has certain requirements for what to put in the box when she gets married. It is soft and heavy at the bottom of the box.

  Quilts, curtains, large and small pillows are nothing more than rich families having more sets and more exquisite ones, while poor families have fewer sets and more common ones.

It is impossible for a girl from the uncle's house to miss a dowry.

Lin Yunyan is also the princess, so where can she be short of daily necessities?

 It’s just that these things are all from the past and present, and the elders’ reluctance for their girls to get married and their expectations for future life, and they are all indispensable.

 Chan is the master of the house and attaches great importance to these rules.

“Don’t worry, Princess, our quilts are nice, warm, and not heavy.”

Lin Yunyan was very happy when she heard this: "How can I not be worried? I am most at ease when I work with you."

 Ms. Chen is a clever woman.

 In the hard days after the decline of the Lin family, Chen's family racked their brains to move eight bottles and seven caps every day, but they still managed to persevere.

Now, the family is still well off, the warehouse is full of rice and grain, and the third aunt is able to put her talents to use.

Little Duan stood aside and listened to their lively chatter, her eyes cracked with laughter.

The two daughters-in-law, Huang and Yuan, stood beside her, leaning their heads and talking.

As he was talking, he suddenly saw a hint of sadness in Xiao Duan's smile, and Huang just gave Yuan a wink.

When Yuan saw it, she sighed in her heart.

 The old lady must be filled with emotions.

 As an old man, looking at the things in front of him, he suddenly recalled his past experiences and common situations.

As soon as the two of them got together, they stepped forward and took Xiao Duan's hand, one on the left and the other on the right.

“It’s very cold outside, let’s help you go back to Zaishouyuan.”

"If you have anything on your mind, just tell us. The three of them can go their own way."

 Xiao Duan lost some of her emotions after being talked about by the two people, and couldn't help but laugh.

She didn’t want her “nostalgic” thoughts to worry her granddaughters, so she walked back as she was told. While walking, I still read a few sentences with my daughters-in-law.

“I was just thinking that it’s been a long time since the palace received an imperial edict with such joy.”

 Last time it was Lin Yuchengjue.

It is a good thing to inherit the title, but behind it is the death of old uncle Lin Kui.

 The last time Lin Yunyan was granted the title of princess.

It is an honor to receive a title, but behind the honor is Shen Yun's life.

 Where can I be truly happy?

 This is the only one, and it is completely different from the previous two times.

The Holy Father’s instructions for marriage were made to Yun Yan’s satisfaction. There was no grievance or uneasiness mixed in. It was a decree that the whole family could laugh and laugh at without any burden.

 How can Xiao Duan not sigh?

Yuan pursed her lips and raised her eyes: "Are you feeling emotional now? Where are you?

The children have grown up one by one, and they will all be engaged, welcomed in, and married off. You can see the joyful things happening one after another, and you can't stop at all.

Although they may not all be followed by imperial edicts, they must all be great joyful events.

 In three to five years, when another younger generation is born and four generations live under one roof, you must not drop your silver beans and make the younger generation laugh. "

Little Mrs. Duan was still excited when she heard her first few words. When she heard about "Yin Doudou", she was really angry and funny.

How dare you love her old woman and live like a little baby?

 How can one describe the old woman's tears as silver beans?

Mrs. Huang also laughed when she heard this, and hurriedly said to Xiao Duan: "You haven't heard the little thoughts of the fourth brother and sister? She asked you to ask for silver coins. Please reward her more today and shut her up." "

Yuanshi happily responded to these words: "I can't hide it from my second sister-in-law, so I just want to enjoy Yun Yan's happiness."

The east sentence and the west sentence, how can Xiao Duan still have the time to sigh?

Going back to Zaishouyuan, with a wave of his hand, not only those who were waiting in the yard, but also everyone in the uncle's house were rewarded.

 When Lin Yunyan and the sisters also came over with smiles, they entered the yard and saw that a wave of people were still inside thanking them for their reward.

 Sincerity's Mansion is joyful inside and lively outside.

 Happy money was scattered, and a lot of candies were distributed.

After the people who came to watch the excitement left, Lin Yu, who was younger than his father-in-law, went to see him off with his two younger brothers.

 The next day.

As soon as Lin Yu entered the court room, he was surrounded by a group of officials congratulating him.

Lin Yue returned the greeting one by one, looked around, and saw Bo An Yi sitting beside him. He stepped forward and said "Thank you".

"When I came in, everyone asked me why I was so tight-lipped and didn't make any noise at all," An Yibo snorted, "How can I be a big talker about things that the Holy Father has told me to do?

As for the marriage negotiation, if it doesn't work out, the horoscopes are not perfect enough, and the final decision cannot be made, this situation is not unheard of.

 I’ve spread it everywhere, it’s so inappropriate!

 Fortunately, they are a match made in heaven. They are a perfect match, and I will live up to the trust entrusted by the Holy Spirit. "

 An Yibo said this, and naturally some people agreed with him.

But everyone knows in their hearts that if the marriage is planned by the Holy Spirit, the horoscopes will not be incompatible.

An Yibo has to be strict with his words to gain the trust of the Holy One.

 The curtain was lifted and Xu Jian came in from the outside.

 Amid the joyous sounds, he bowed to Uncle Chengyi and Uncle Anyi.

An Yibo patted Xu Jian's shoulder, his face dark and rosy, full of joy.

Uncle Chengyi whispered a few words to Xu Jian. Xu Jian listened carefully and nodded from time to time.

Just looking at this scene, it looks like the young groom and his two fathers are very harmonious.

Many people saw and thought this way, and they couldn't help but turn their heads and look at the real biological father.

There is no emotion on Mr. Liu's elegant and handsome face. He is standing on the other side, looking out of place with the others.

 (End of this chapter)

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