Yan Cigui

Chapter 189: peace of mind

Chapter 189 Ning An is worried

 Liu Jing half lowered his eyes.

 How are you feeling?

 He knew it himself, his throat was severely clogged.

 He couldn't show it, he could only carry on as usual.

  Yesterday when he returned to the government office, Liu Xun was lying quietly on the bed. Liu Jing was surprised by his honesty. He only found out about sending the inkstone after hearing what Manager Tao said.

 An inkstone is a very appropriate gift.


 But the gift was a bit shabby.

Manager Tao himself also reflected: "I was in a hurry at that time, and the young master was urging me too much. The younger one was afraid of delaying things, so he ran to the Duke's mansion without paying attention to others. After he came back, he thought about it, should he change it? A more delicate box, wrapped in a layer of red cloth.”

Liu Jing frowned when he heard this: "Xun'er has no experience and can't remember these basic etiquette. You are an old man, how can you forget it?"

 This is the rule of dealing with favors.

  No matter what thoughts he has about Xu Jian, he should cover them up beautifully.

 Everything has been given away, how can it be less beautiful in appearance?

Who doesn’t like good-looking things?

 When looking at objects, look at the box first, and when looking at people, look at the facial features first. This is the case.

Of course, given the relationship between Xu Jian and their father and son, Xu Jian would not take a second look even if Xiner gave him a gold or silver box.

 But who asked Eunuch Cao to be present when it was delivered?

   What kind of person is Eunuch Cao? How could he not have any ideas when looking at such an ordinary box?

 When he returns to the imperial court, he may not report this small matter to the Holy Emperor, but if something happens in the future and the old matter is brought up again, the small matter may become a big deal.

 Liu Jing has seen many such situations in officialdom.

Seeing Liu Xun's wistful look, Liu Jing didn't go in and muttered anything more. He was afraid that the more he thought about it, the more counterproductive it would be, so he just went to the backyard.

Xu Miao is naturally happy.

 Her character is like this.

 The title of Princess Princess and the Empress Dowager's sweetheart were seen by others, but she ranked them last.

“I heard that he has a very good temperament. Although he was pampered and brought up, he doesn’t have a pampered temper at all.”

"She is a good-looking person. I remember that I met her once in a shop last year. I asked my grandmother at that time, 'Which girl is so lovable?' They told me that it was Ning'an County. host."

“She has a good appearance and a good personality. Ah Jian must also like a girl like this.”

“It’s a good thing that there will be someone to take care of Jian in the future.”

“I spent the whole afternoon choosing these rituals. I want to take them to the Duke’s Mansion tomorrow. I’ll take care of the details for me.”

Liu Jing made the final decision for her and asked her to send it decently, but he also suspected that she might not listen.

 After all, in Xu Miao's opinion, she was just carrying some gifts back to her parents' home, so what kind of ostentation was needed?

Because Liu Xun was unmotivated and Xu Miao had her own ideas on these matters, Liu Jing thought of the ups and downs of the whole day and couldn't sleep well all night.

 Woke up early in the morning and looked in the mirror to tidy up his appearance. The blue color was even scarier now than when he was pretending.

He had no choice but to use Xu Miao's face powder to cover it up.

Thanks to his fair appearance, applying some powder wouldn't be too out of the ordinary.

If it were as dark as Anyibo...

Liu Jing thought of this, raised his eyelids to look at An Yibo, and then looked away.

 Out of sight, out of mind.

When the wind is against you, you can keep your head down and be unassuming, so that you can go further.

If he gets involved now, he will only be asking for trouble.

 After the morning court, Xu Jian went to the imperial study room to express his gratitude.

Your Majesty changed out of his court clothes and was in high spirits.

Yesterday, after Eunuch Yu returned to the palace, he also came to report to him how Uncle Chengyi had received the order. He also added what Eunuch Cao had said about his thoughts at the Duke's Mansion, and Long was very happy.

 Is the Duke’s mansion deserted?    Don't be afraid!

Uncle Chengyi’s Mansion is so lively. If a girl raised from a family with many children and many blessings marries into the Duke’s Mansion, won’t she bring her popularity with her?

As a holy king, he is very particular and outstanding in this finger wedding and this hand balance!

 I feel better and sleep better.

Your Majesty, you are particularly pleased with everyone today.

 When Xu Jian saluted and thanked him, he then said, "I will go to Cining Palace with you later and ask Ning'an to kowtow to me."

Just as he was talking, Li Shao came.

When Li Shao saw Xu Jian there, he opened his mouth and asked the emperor: "You gave him a marriage proposal, but why didn't you give me a marriage proposal?"

Xu Jian glanced at Li Shao.

 It can be heard that Li Shao's words came out of his mouth without any overthinking or carelessness. He just said it casually without any unnecessary emotions.

The Holy One also understood clearly and said in a loud voice: "You are talking nonsense again!"

 Xu Jian is a minister, so marriage affairs are easy to handle.

Shaoer is the crown prince, and the concubine will be the mother-in-law of the world. How can she decide casually?

Even if you want to refer to Liangdi Liangyuan, you have to consider many influences.

Outside, the servant reported that the princess had arrived at Cining Palace.

 The Holy Spirit stood up and left the imperial study.

On the other side, Lin Yunyan walked into the Nuan Pavilion with a smile on her face.

The Queen Mother was sitting on her back. When she saw her coming, she couldn't help but laugh: "They are all talking about you."

Lin Yunyan stepped forward and saw that Grandma Wang was only smiling but not moving, so she said: "You have read me here, but why didn't you put a soft cushion? Do you want me to kneel on the floor tiles today?"

"Who is willing to do that?" The Queen Mother smiled and pulled her to sit down. "I will bow to Xu Jian when she comes. If you don't kowtow now, I will kowtow to you later."

 The chariot came very quickly.

Lin Yunyan stood up and went outside to greet him, and was quite surprised to see Li Shao coming with him.

 After the Holy One sat down on the other side of the Queen Mother, the maids quickly set up two soft cushions.

Xu Jian took a step forward and turned to look at Lin Yunyan.

With their eyes facing each other, Lin Yunyan pursed her lips and smiled, revealing a slight dimple on the side of her face.

  Xu Jian withdrew his gaze, bent his left leg first, then his right leg, and knelt down on the soft cushion.

Lin Yunyan didn't waste any time, she knelt down obediently, bent over and bowed.

 Speaking of which, she rarely saw Xu Jian kneeling.

 In the past, my legs were disabled and I could not kneel down. I was usually exempted from the big ceremony, and I had to kneel down only when "confessing".

 She tried hard to support her, but Xu Jian put all his weight on the arm supporting the ground, trying his best to stabilize his body.

 Kneeling so "relaxedly", it was as if this was the first time she had seen him.

Even so, Lin Yunyan could also see that Xu Jian was not feeling comfortable while kneeling.

His body looks straight, but all the weight is on the left side, and his right leg is not straining.

  It’s still too cold and it will hurt you.

 Salute early, stand up early, and feel more comfortable.

 The Holy Emperor and the Empress Dowager received the great ceremony.

 According to the rules, the two of them must give instructions and explain a few words.

Just when the Holy Master was about to speak, he saw Lin Yunyan's body tilted, and she fell down without kneeling down.

The Queen Mother could not see her little cleverness, so she smiled and gave her a scolding look, and said: "Okay, get up."

The Holy Spirit also reacted and was speechless: "Okay! Peace of mind and peace of mind, my mother should be a good person, and I should not be a bad person. Let's all stand up and speak."

  Thanks to Book Friends Xiaoyuan, Everything Is Happy 166, Book Friends 20230616094340890, Tea Tree Girl, and Xu Bicheng’s Official Girlfriend for their rewards.



 (End of this chapter)

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