Yan Cigui

Chapter 190: Thank you, Princess, for your concern

 Xu Jian turned to look at Lin Yunyan.

The little princess suddenly tilted her head, which was undoubtedly a lie, and the lie was obvious, just to let the Empress Dowager and the Holy See see it out.

 Pretending to make the two of them happy...

I have to say that this is the ability of the little princess.


 Xu Jian lowered his eyes.

It is true that my right leg feels uncomfortable, but it doesn’t mean that I can’t stand up without any help.

However, he would not go against the kindness of his father-in-law.

 Otherwise, the little princess’s eyes would turn sideways after a moment.

She has good eyes and a natural smile, and her sideways glare doesn't have much power, but makes people want to laugh.

 Normally it doesn't matter, just stare as much as you like.

Today in front of the emperor, her little deliberate thoughts were probably to add fuel and vinegar and stir up the fire.

Xu Jian slowly stood up after putting a hand on Yu's father-in-law's arm.

Beside her, Grandma Wang held back her laughter and helped Lin Yunyan up.

 Looks like everyone is in a good mood.

 Except Li Shao.

 Li Shao sat on the edge.

Just now, Xu Jian and Lin Yunyan were about to give a grand ceremony. Li Shao did not go to the Queen Mother's side to join them. He just sat down at the table and drank tea by himself.

Originally, he was content that the water in the well did not interfere with the river, but he did not expect that Xu Jian's wounds would be turned out.


No one talked about it, no one mentioned the old hurt, no one complained about it, but every move was an old score.

Li Shao looked past Xu Jian's legs with an expressionless expression.

 A lot of times, Li Shao couldn't understand Xu Jian.

Xu Jian himself looked like a normal person. There was no visible lameness when walking, and he even stood up straighter than others. Except when he deliberately blocked people's mouths, he never mentioned the root of the disease in his right leg.

You can say that Xu Jian is not sick or in pain, but you are bluffing people with old wounds...

Li Shao couldn't tell that kind of nonsense whether he opened or closed his eyes.

He saw with his own eyes that Xu Jian was injured and his entire right leg was stained red with blood. That horrific scene remained in Li Shao's mind and he couldn't get rid of it.

It's very common for such blood to drip and cause disease.

 He knew it, but he didn't like it. He was on pins and needles and his scalp was numb.

 The cushions were taken away, the chairs were put in place, and hot tea and snacks were added. The people in Cining Palace worked very quickly.

Lin Yunyan sat down below the Empress Dowager with a sweet smile.

The Queen Mother held her hand and teased her with a smile: "Does it hurt from the fall?"

Lin Yunyan was not shy at all and told the truth: "It's the first time I fell like this and I didn't control it well. Fortunately, I have thick clothes."

Such sincerity made the Queen Mother laugh.

"The Aijia know what the Lord is thinking," the Empress Dowager glanced at the Lord, who was also in a good mood, "Yun Yan is not a naive person, but has been attentive and caring since she was a child."

The Holy Spirit was burying his head in his heart, and asked the Queen Mother to point it out directly, but he was not upset: "Ning An's attentiveness is all due to your good teaching."

"That's because Yun Yan is very thorough and can teach her," the Queen Mother said with narrowed eyes, "She cares about the Ai family, and the Ai family is willing to let her care about her and come and go."

Xu Jian smiled softly.

The Queen Mother said these words to him.

 If people want to get along with each other in a pleasant way, they must be able to come and go.

 If you only have one head that is hot, you will not be able to go far after all.

Xu Jian turned sideways to Lin Yunyan and said, "Thank you, Princess, for your concern."

Lin Yunyan pursed her lips and blinked.

 As expected, he is still in front of the emperor. This sentence of thanks is respectful and restrained in tone, and there is no trace of yin and yang in it.

The Holy Spirit cleared his throat and said some words of admonishment. They were all in accordance with the rules and regulations, and they were very strict.

"It sounds a bit boring, right?" After the Holy Master finished speaking, he commented, and then slowly said, "I also found it boring before.

 But in the past few years, when I looked back at these admonitions, I realized that they were all good words.

 There is a lot of wisdom and flexibility in how couples get along.

If I had understood these principles in my early years, many things might have been different.

You young people, think more about it yourself. "

Hearing this, the Empress Dowager's expression condensed slightly. She knew what the Holy One was referring to.

 Xu Jian also knows.

 Before, Uncle Chengyi told him in private.

On the night when Dingguo Temple was flooded, the Holy Emperor and Queen Xia had some verbal dissatisfaction, so they walked to the front hall to relax, and saw the townspeople at the foot of the mountain who came to move rescue troops.

In excitement, he took his guards and monk soldiers down the mountain to rescue, but the temple was left empty of people and unable to rescue when the fire broke out.

 It is actually unfair to judge the Holy Spirit’s choice that day as an afterthought.

 The dangerous situation at the foot of the mountain was a premeditation and calculation. As a prince at that time, the Holy Spirit should rush to rescue.

The fire at Dingguo Temple is still considered an accident. The Holy Spirit was not thorough enough at the time, but it does not mean that he was wrong.

 It's just that he has a knot in his heart and is very difficult to cope with.

 His last interaction with Queen Xia was a dispute.

The cause is so small that it is not even worth arguing about. In the end, the yin and yang are separated. How can the living people not have regrets and regrets in their hearts?

Xu Jian respectfully replied: "I will remember the teachings of the Holy Father."

 Lin Yunyan also responded in the same way.

 After the Holy Spirit finished speaking, it was supposed that the Empress Dowager should give a few more instructions.

Just as she was about to speak, she raised her eyes and saw Li Shao, who was looking forlorn at the side.

The Queen Mother sighed deeply in her heart.

 In the words of the Holy Spirit, she was thinking of Shen Yun who was in distress, so what Li Shao would be thinking of was naturally his mother.

Li Shao survived the fire with only a few cuts on his body.

 He was only four years old.

After narrowly escaping death, he became seriously ill. After he recovered, he knew that there was a fire that night, but he had forgotten the specific process.

The imperial doctor said that this was normal. His mind was protecting his body, so that memory was blurred.

  No matter how vague it was, Li Shao knew that he lost his mother that night.

 Let the children who lost their mothers at a young age not miss them?

That is impossible and cannot be done.

The Empress Dowager thought for a while and changed her words: "There are all kinds of tea here. The Ai family always drinks Laojun Mei. The Holy Master likes Longjing. Yun Yan sometimes makes some fruit tea and scented tea. I don't know what Fu Guogong likes." One mouthful. The tea cans are stored in the opposite hall. Yun Yan, please take Duke Fu to pick them out."

 It is fake to pick out tea, but it is true to pay for it.

Lin Yunyan can certainly hear it.

The empress has her own considerations when she acts.

Lin Yunyan stood up and made an inviting gesture with Xu Jian.

With a series of actions, her eyes naturally slid across everyone, and she saw Li Shao's emotions.

  She then understood what the Empress Dowager was thinking.

If the empress, like the Holy One, speaks in the usual way, Li Shao will not be happy to hear it.

If the parents are short-term concerned, there is no need to rush. The empress can tell her whatever she wants to tell her at any time.

 It’s better to put it aside for now and calm down Li Shao’s situation.

 Give her a chance and let her and Xu Jian go aside to talk to themselves.

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