Yan Cigui

Chapter 192: sprained feet

 In the evening, Lin Yunyan left the palace and returned home.

The Empress Dowager was in a particularly good mood today, and there was a lot of excitement during the horse-drawing ceremony. However, after the excitement, people will inevitably be tired, so she did not stay with Lin Yunyan to have dinner with her.

As the carriage passed through the bustling street, Wan Yue lifted a corner of the curtain and looked outside.

 The end of the year is approaching, and the New Year atmosphere is gradually getting stronger on the streets.

The little maid silently counted the days in her heart.

Just heard from Cining Palace that the wedding ceremony between the princess and the Duke will probably be arranged in the spring.

It’s not a rush, it’s enough for both sides to arrange things properly.

 One year later, in the 13th year of Yongjia, the princess passed the hairpin ceremony and then gave the grand ceremony.

The princess's birthday is in March, which means that if the wedding date is chosen more closely, it will only be sixteen or seventeen months.

Putting down the curtain, Wan Yue turned around and asked Lin Yunyan softly: "Do you have to stay in the yard these days?"

Lin Yunyan blinked.

At first I didn’t understand the meaning of the moon, but when I thought about it again, I couldn’t help but laugh out loud.

"My feet are on me, Taohe Restaurant is right on that street, why don't I go if I want to?" Lin Yunyan reached out and poked Wan Yue's cheek, "Grandma won't even recite a single word of those tiny and complicated rules. "

She is not confused, and Xu Jian is not confused.

 Xiao Duan definitely has a little bit of trust in her.

 As for my father…

 Father would tell him to be careful when going out and let Chen Gui accompany him.

Thinking of Chen Dongjia, Lin Yunyan met Chen Dongjia himself in Zai Shou Yuan.

Lin Yunyan went in to greet Xiao Duan, and Chen Gui came behind.

 Chen Gui congratulated them with a smile on her face.

“I met Duke Fu several times before, and I thought this young man was really good.”

“I say I don’t care about anything, but in fact I know very well that the business in Laoshi Alley is very well planned.”

"Seeing that I, Jingdong's family, and Gao An all understood, he went to be a hands-off shopkeeper. This is the most rare thing! A layman will make a mess if he gives advice to an expert, but he can obviously be an expert, but he doesn't point fingers, which is enough to see the right way to do things. People's trust. The Jingdong family said that they would not be **** in doing things for the Duke. "

“Doing business and living life are actually the same thing. What do you think, madam?”

 Little Duan nodded repeatedly after hearing this.

At her age, she has seen and heard a lot about the conflicts between husband and wife in many families. In the final analysis, they just don’t let go where they should let go.

 Can there be peace between those who come and find fault?

 When she married into the Lin family, her mother-in-law gave her guidance for half a year. Seeing that she was able to handle it, she gave her all the middle money.

 Reply properly once a month, point out any imperfections privately, and never find fault with others.

 The same is true for the husband.

Lin Kui is very clear about all matters in the family. He does not blindly act, but he does not give random orders, and he never acts like an afterthought.

Little Duan's housekeeper manages things very smoothly.

When she handed it over to Mrs. Chen later, she followed her mother-in-law's example and told Lin Xun not to cause unnecessary trouble to the housekeeper's wife.

As for Lin Yu, Xiao Duan doesn’t need to say anything at all.

Lin Yue’s temperament and wisdom in daily dealings are very similar to Lin Kui’s.

 I understand better than anyone else, and I act more decently and thoughtfully than anyone else. Only when you live this kind of life year after year will your heart and family be happy.

Previously, Xiao Duan had heard some about Xu Jian's behavior from Lin Xun due to two businesses. She also learned some about Xu Jian's behavior from Lin Yu recently. She knew a lot about Xu Jian.

 Good words are pleasant to the ears.

Chén Gui praised the Duke of the country, and little Duan became more and more excited as he listened.

 Holding Lin Yunyan's hand, she said: "I haven't seen him properly yet. He is supposed to come during the New Year, right? I have to keep my eyes open during the New Year greetings."

Chen Gui gave a thumbs up: "One word, handsome, two words, handsome. When such a handsome future grandson-in-law comes to the door, the neighbors will definitely be envious."

 Little Duan laughed heartily.

Lin Yunyan also laughed and teased Chen Gui: "How many red envelopes have the Duke of the State given you, so you are so active in saying good things for him?"

"Look what the princess said," Chen Gui said with great joy, "I'm going to make a fortune by pointing to Laoshi Alley. When I make a lot of money, I will give you a wedding gift. I can get such an opportunity to make a fortune. You and Mr. Guo are willing to take a share of my business.”

Lin Yunyan smiled.

Since it was about business, Chen Gui got down to business seriously.

“During the day, the officials from Shuntian Prefecture went to Laoshi Alley again and were very satisfied.”

“Originally, we planned to make unified arrangements for the lives of the candidates going to Beijing when the government office opens later this year. Jingdong’s family had been advising the government before that since the houses are ready, it would be better to settle them earlier.”

“Although most of the candidates who arrived in the capital early are relatively well-off, there are also a small number of poor families who have to set off early because of the long distance to avoid inconvenience and problems on the road in winter.”

“The place where these students will live when they arrive in Beijing is not very good, and they don’t have that much money to keep warm. This winter is very windy and snowy. If they fall ill..."

“Besides, we are about to celebrate the New Year, with a new atmosphere and a new house that can be lived in, so we should improve it as soon as possible.”

"The yamen said that things are just like this. Now if we want to change it, we have to report it one by one. I heard from the Jingdong family that Mr. Shan is willing to get things done..."

As he was talking, there were hurried footsteps outside.

Soon, a woman entered the middle room and reported through the curtain.

"The old lady, the princess, the second lady and the eldest girl are back. There was an accident on the road and the eldest girl sprained her foot."

Xiao Duan's smile disappeared: "Is it serious? Have you called a doctor?"

 The mother-in-law said again: "It's swollen a lot. I've already gone to see a doctor."

Little Duan breathed a sigh of relief, said something to Chen Gui, called Lin Yunyan, and was anxious to go to Qingpu Garden to visit.

There was something going on at the house, so Chen Gui left first.

Soon Lin Yunyan helped Xiao Duan into Qingpu Courtyard.

Mr. Chen had already arrived. Seeing Xiao Duan's footsteps in a hurry, she said, "There is nothing serious in Yunjing. Don't be in a hurry. Don't be in a hurry. The doctor is on the way."

Little Duan asked: "Why is it so weird?"

Mrs. Chen looked around and said: "The road on the mountain is difficult. The carriage skidded and the wheels got stuck on the roadside. The people in the carriage had to get out. The second sister-in-law couldn't stand firm, so Yun Jing went to help her. As a result, the mother and daughter They all fell. I just heard what the second sister-in-law said. Fortunately, the clothes are thick, and except for Yun Jing's sprained foot, everything else is fine. "

Little Duan clasped his hands and recited "Amitabha" repeatedly.

Mrs. Chen added: "In addition to looking at the feet, I will ask the doctor to take a closer look at the body. If there are bruises anywhere, I don't know. Then I will prescribe a prescription to calm my mind."

Xiao Duan said: "I can rest assured that you are doing the work."

Lin Yunyan listened on the side, thought for a while, and called Wan Yue: "Let Chen Gui sit in the flower hall for a while. I may look for him later."

 The second watch is on the road, covering my face.

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