Yan Cigui

Chapter 193: We report to the official

Lin Yunyan followed Xiao Duan into the main room.

Mrs. Huang had already tidied up briefly, changed into clean clothes, and said to Mrs. Duan, "I'm worrying you."

"It's good if everything is fine." After Xiao Duan finished speaking, he went to see Lin Yunjing again.

Lin Yunjing was lying on the couch. His face was a little pale and he was in good spirits. His left foot and ankle were severely swollen.

Little Duan looked distressed and comforted: "It hurts now. It won't hurt much when the doctor comes and straightens it. I just need to take care of myself."

As she spoke, she said to the others: "We Yunjing are so brave. We hurt our legs without crying out in pain. We let the kitchen stew some bone soup to make up for it."

Lin Yunjing called Xiao Duan and started laughing.

Lin Yunyan also smiled and pursed her lips at Lin Yunjing: "Grandma treats my eldest sister as the child she was ten years ago."

When Xiao Duan heard this, he was very amused.

With this smile, the tension dissipated and everyone in the room felt much more relaxed.

 When you relax, you can talk about things carefully.

Without letting Lin Yunjing waste his energy, Huang collected his thoughts and said, "After I burned incense and came out of the temple, there were not many pilgrims on the mountain road, but I met them one after another.

 The road was slippery, so I told the handlebars to be careful and go as slowly as possible.

 It was quite stable at first, but suddenly it was thrown off halfway up the mountain. When it stopped, the handlebar urged us to get off first.

Grandma Hong got off first, then Yun Jing. I jumped down last and saw the edge of the cliff at a glance.

It turned out that the wheel of our cart was stuck between the stones on the roadside, which prevented it from sliding down. The handlebars stabilized the horse, and we didn't dare to move the cart directly for fear that the horse would not obey us...

  When I looked at the high mountain, my feet gave way. Yun Jing was eager to pull me up, so I fell down together. "

Mrs. Chen's hair stood on end when she heard that, and she rubbed her arms vigorously: "Second sister-in-law, do you mean that if the stone hadn't been stuck, the carriage would have fallen?"

Huang's throat rolled up and she nodded: "Fate is great!"

 Little Duan said Amitabha several times again.

Huang added: "Everyone who passed by on the road saw that we were in danger, so they all came to help and worked together to pull the carriage back to the right road."

Little Duan said: "For those of you who are in shock, have you written down the names of the kind people who helped? We have to thank them for their help."

"I don't have the ability. I just took care of Yun Jing and didn't pay attention to this matter. Fortunately, Grandma Hong was careful and she basically answered all the questions," Huang said, "I'll wait for the three brothers and sisters to prepare some gifts tomorrow. We'll use Send it to someone.”

Mrs. Chen hurriedly said: "It should be, it should be."

Lin Yunyan listened to the elders talking without interrupting. She just sat next to Lin Yunjing and asked in a low voice: "What do you think?"

Lin Yunjing was slightly startled.

 In the past, she probably wouldn't have been able to understand the meaning behind Lin Yunyan's words.

But I had just witnessed the "Heroes Save the Beauty" event in Zhangping Garden not long ago, and also heard Lin Yunyan talk about Mr. Liu's past, Lin Yunjing understood it all at once.

After thinking about it seriously, Lin Yunjing said: "There is a man of about the same age, less than twenty, who is a scholar.

He put the book box aside and helped move the car. Later, grandma asked everyone their names and where they lived, and I saw the scholar busy packing the book box.

He was in a hurry and even turned over the book box. When grandma asked where he was, he seemed unwilling to say a word, picked up the book box and ran away.

By the way, he didn’t pack everything and missed a piece of paper.

 I asked grandma to pick it up, and it seems that I just put it on the table. "

After listening to this, Lin Yunyan stood up, took out the paper, and sat down next to Lin Yunjing.

The paper is a draft paper, which seems to be a strategic thesis for analysis. Many argument angles are written in one sentence here and there, and a few sentences are expanded.

 This is not a complete article, but you can see that there are many ideas.

 The handwriting is here. It is not impossible to determine the identity of the person based on this piece of paper.

 It must be said that someone must have imitated Liu Jing...

 Too oblique.

 Just to make Lin Yunyan believe that today's situation was an accident...

 The driver today is Niu Bo.

Niu Bo is her handlebar type. Lin Yunyan knows very well how good she is. In the past, when she and Xu Jian escaped from the capital, Niu Bo drove them. When it was dark and rainy, the road was slippery, and they had to be careful of pursuing troops and ambushes, but Niu Bo got them out safely.

When I woke up this morning, I also had a thought in my mind, vaguely thinking about changing the handlebar style.

 After all, she was just going to the palace, and Huang and Lin Yunjing were going up the mountain to offer incense, so Lin Yunyan was more relieved that Uncle Niu was driving the cart.

Lin Yunyan lowered her head and looked at the paper again, frowning slightly.

 This handwriting seems familiar.

 The doctor has arrived.

Lin Yunyan whispered to Lin Yunjing: "I'm going to ask Uncle Niu. Sister, please don't worry about this matter. If that young man is kind-hearted, then he has to thank him. If there is anything going on, we have to figure it out." ”

Lin Yunjing nodded.

Lin Yunyan walked quickly to the flower hall.

Chen Gui was sitting inside drinking tea. Wan Yue had come to stay with him earlier. Since the princess had ordered him, of course he wouldn't leave and would just stay here.

Lin Yunyan sat down and handed the paper to Chen Gui first: "Help me see, which society has talked about this topic in recent times?"

 Chen Gui took it over and took a look.

 The words above are good calligraphy.

  Although it is a bit erratic, the manuscript is for yourself to read, not stroke by stroke.

But here is the tip of the pen, and you can generally get a clue of what the Eight Classics will look like when written.

 The paper was very ordinary and thin. It had fallen to the ground and was stained with mud and snow. It was so dizzy that it was wrinkled and looked like it was about to be torn.

The selling point of this kind of paper is that it is cheap and plentiful. It is also suitable for use as manuscript paper, but in all likelihood, the owner will not be very wealthy.

Since he wanted to open a study and shop, Chen Gui made everything clear.

 As for the title…

Chen Gui recalled something and said: "A few days ago, a teahouse called Dacheng in Nancheng held a poetry meeting. Not many students attended, but a few good poems were produced. It seemed that some policies were discussed at that time. Among them is this question.”

Lin Yunyan nodded slightly and saw Uncle Niu coming over, so she asked about the condition of the mountain road.

Uncle Niu was also in shock.

 It was rare for him to drive a carriage for other masters in the house, so he almost got into serious trouble.

"The cars are different, the horses are different, and the road conditions are not good today. Driving a small car requires a little more caution than usual," Uncle Niu said sincerely, "Although it is downhill, but the speed is high, it is reasonable not to It's slippery, but I don't know how..."

Lin Yunyan asked: "Have you checked it?"

"I checked the carriage and the horses, everything is normal." Uncle Niu was doing things for Lin Yunyan. He was very careful and thought about it and said, "When you said that, I remembered that there wasn't much snow there, but there was a lot of snow there. Ice, and thicker than elsewhere.”

When Chen Gui heard this, he sighed.

  Could it be that someone is causing trouble?

 Do you know that it is a mountain road? If it slips too hard, someone will die!

 Thinking again of the paper the princess asked him to read...

Lin Yunyan was also looking at the piece of paper.

It’s not surprising to learn from others, but this thing is too dangerous, it’s really an accident, there’s nothing that can’t be saved!

 So, maybe one is one and two is two?

 The person who did it didn’t care whether he was harming someone’s life, and the person who helped him was just enthusiastic.

 Just put it together.


Lin Yunyan quickly organized her thoughts and said to Chen Gui: "My boss and Uncle Niu will go to the Yamen together, and we will report to the official."

Chen Gui's eyes widened, he didn't expect the princess to be so resolute.

"Are you sure someone was trying to kill you? Who should you sue?" he asked.

Lin Yunyan waved her hand and said with a smile: "If you don't sue anyone, sue that mountain road. Tell Mr. Shan, how many people will go up the mountain to offer incense in the twelfth and first lunar months. Our family is lucky and no major accidents happened, but the road conditions are not good. After sorting it out, who will be unlucky next time?”

Thanks to book friends Xu Bicheng’s official girlfriend, Meimei Da M, and Xiaoyuan for their tips.

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