Yan Cigui

Chapter 195: Let's get it together

When Chen Gui heard this, his eyes widened suddenly.

 He deserves the name Yu Pu.

This is a student who went to Beijing. He arrived in the capital not long ago and did not participate in the previous seminar that made Liu Xun make a fool of himself.

He arrived late and was not as famous as the candidates who had arrived earlier and had already excelled, but they were not unknown.

 At several small poetry gatherings in Nancheng, Yu Pu composed several poems, which were quite interesting.

 Chen Gui heard it mentioned by the people below and was thinking about finding an opportunity to get acquainted.

If you are really a good young man, Shenghui Pavilion will also prepare a gift.

However, he did not expect that Duke Fu would actually know Yu Pu and recognize his handwriting.

Moreover, judging from what the Duke said, the princess also knows this name?

Chen Gui put the paper away, looked around, and asked softly: "Could that be Yu Pu..."

Xu Jian laughed and said, "Let Xuan Su follow you and check carefully."

 Chen Gui came down, but he was also murmuring in his heart.

 Let Xuan Su follow. Apparently Duke Fu had some thoughts about the car skidding.

 But if he said that he questioned Yu Pu, it didn't seem to mean that.

how to say?

The princess and the Duke are so well matched!

 When he looked carelessly, he thought they were exactly the same and could not tell the truth from the false.

 Zhang Yuan came over with the order.

He got Shan Shen's advice and was very willing to achieve adult beauty. He greeted Chen Gui, asked Niu Bo a few questions, and then urged the officials to set off together.

On the other side, in Uncle Chengyi's house, Lin Yunyan received a message from Chen Gui's envoy.

"The Duke is in Shuntian Mansion?" Wan Yue asked curiously, "That's a coincidence!"

Lin Yunyan smiled.

She was a little surprised, but not that surprised.

Previously, when Chen Gui said that the candidates would be placed before the exam, but the regulations were still stuck, Lin Yunyan guessed that Xu Jian would think of some ways, but she didn't expect that Xu Jian would take action so quickly.

Since Xu Jian asked Xuan Su to follow him, no clues could be hidden.

Xuan Su is good at this, and Zhang Yuan is also an experienced old man. If someone is really causing trouble, he will definitely be able to see some clues.

 What really surprised Lin Yunyan was Yu Pu.

 She recognized Yu Pu and was very impressed.

In the past, Yu Pu was admitted to the Hanlin Academy as a scholar in Enke High School, where his ranking was neither advanced nor backward, ranking in the middle of the second class. After leaving the academy, he stayed to serve as a lecturer.

For a student from a poor background, his path to becoming an official was not very broad or soaring, but it was enviable enough.

 Being able to achieve such results is indispensable for his hard work and diligence, and his honest and sincere temperament has added a lot of points to him, making him very popular.

Lin Yunyan can remember him because Yu Pu was an active person when something happened in the Chengcheng Mansion.

My father only held a temporary position in the Hanlin Academy. He was not concerned with the affairs of the yamen, and his relationship with his colleagues was not far or close. Occasionally, he only commented on articles together.

It is absolutely impossible to rely on the help of my father to advance further in the officialdom.

Colleagues all know this, and it makes them feel more comfortable getting along with each other.

Yu Pu had not had much contact with his father before, until the Chengyi Mansion was implicated and the superiors wanted to settle all the old scores that could be settled, the minister was very unhappy.

Not only did he praise the sincerity of the sinecure when people came to ask questions, he also went to find many people and asked them to speak for the Lin family.

Some people also advised Yu Pu not to wade in this muddy water.

Yu Pu didn't listen. He said he couldn't see a down-to-earth person like Uncle Chengyi being slandered, so he just kept running.

 The results were certainly not satisfactory.

The Lin family was confiscated, and Yu Pu was recorded for this incident, and was demoted from the capital half a year later.

 Lin Yunyan once went back to visit her family and found a piece of paper on her father’s table. My father said that it was sent by Yu Pu before he left Beijing, and he also left some money.

The paper says "to express my feelings", but everyone knows that this is not a small amount of money for both the sender and the receiver.

Yu Pu has only been an official for five years, and he is a minor official in Qingshui. His monthly salary is limited, and there are elderly people to support, so he can't save a few copper coins throughout the year.

If you offend people and be transferred from the capital to go to the nest as an official, you will only be more difficult to go back in the back.

 At that time, the Lin family also had a headache due to expenses.

Lin Yunyan wanted to help, but the capital was so clouded that it was difficult for the Fuguo government to move forward.

Those things that belonged to the Duke's palace were taken away when the imperial court revoked the title of the princess and withdrew the royal rewards.

 I know I am making excuses, but there is no reason for it.

Even though the plaque on the Duke’s Mansion is still there, it’s just a crumbling empty shell inside.

The taste...

Lin Yunyan was speechless when she recalled it.

Hunted Wan Yue to pour her a cup of candied date tea, put it in her mouth to moisten it, and there was some sweetness in her mouth, so Lin Yunyan continued to think about it.

With Yu Pu's upright character, even if he heard someone talk about "heroes saving beauties", he would never think wrongly.

 Perhaps, just as she thought before.

 Let’s get it together.

Yu Pu is the enthusiastic one, and the one who is not afraid of harming people’s lives will be...

 Outside the city, night gradually fell.

   Niu Bo took everyone to the place.

They listened to Lin Yunyan's words and did not ask the government officials to clear the road immediately. Instead, they turned left and right.

 Zhang Yuan was very considerate and not in any hurry.

Chen Gui stood by the road and looked down, and let out an ouch.

It was not yet completely dark, and you could see that the branches below were entangled, and there was a lot of snow. No wonder the second lady's feet were weak, and Chen Gui's feet were weak just by looking at them.

You have to take the car down, and you have to go to half a life!

The rocks on the roadside are still there, and you can see the marks where the wheels were stuck.

Chen Gui bowed his hands to several stones, which saved his life!

Uncle Niu was observing the slippery road and asked Xuan Su to look at it: "I'm not sure, there are so many people up and down the mountain road..."

Xuansu told Uncle Niu not to worry, so he walked a hundred steps up and knelt down to observe.

 Looking at it all the way, I have a good idea.

 “Master Zhang,” he called, “come and take a look too.”

Upon hearing this, Zhang Yuan hurriedly stepped forward. He almost slipped under his feet when he was walking in a hurry, but luckily he staggered and stopped.

  Wiping away the weak sweat, he followed Xuan Su and walked again.

Looking at it this time, the empty sweat turned into real sweat, and my forehead was wet.

On the outside side of the mountain road, as Xuan Su pointed out to him, the ice is thicker than the inside, and the thickness is uneven.

 It’s not very long, just a dozen steps or so, and there is a clear difference between the front and back.

Although it was crushed, the parts that were not crushed remained, and the overall appearance can be inferred from this.

Zhang Yuan hurriedly called the Yamen servants and divided them into two teams, one going up and one going down. After waiting for a quarter of an hour, the two teams came back.

 The answer is that although there are changes in other places, they are relatively uniform and do not have the same conditions as this section.

 It was like someone brought water and poured a layer of water on the ground.

 Zhang Yuan:…

  Thanks to the book friend Xu Bicheng’s official girlfriend and Wuxihuan 166 for the reward.

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