Yan Cigui

Chapter 196: Extraordinary dandy

Chapter 196 An Extraordinary Dandy

Zhang Yuan raised his heels and ground them **** the ice. It was slippery and made his calves tremble.

He knelt down again and touched it with his hand. It was so cold that his heart froze.

 Who is this person, so wicked!

 In the middle of winter, water is splashed along the outer edge of the mountain road?

 That is to assist the Duke of the country to be cautious.

 Otherwise the government officials just shoveled all the ice away without thinking much, and it would be too late.

  Chen Gui was not surprised by the result as the princess and the Duke had said.

Even, he very much agreed that this move was for Uncle Chengyi's Mansion.

 It’s just that the evidence is not there yet, so it’s hard to kill him with one bite.

Therefore, Chen Gui pretended to be shocked: "What do you mean? Someone has lost his mind and caused trouble on the road, and wants to catch someone unlucky? We just happened to meet him in our house, and he was unlucky but not so unlucky, so he saved the day?"

 Zhang Yuan nodded slightly.

Seeing this, Chen Gui hurriedly pulled Zhang Yuan and said: "The conspiracy has not succeeded. That person may come again several times. Others may not be so lucky next time! Oh, Mr. Zhang, we must catch that villain." Come out, or else I’ll cause someone else to fall down tomorrow, what should I do?”

 How could Zhang Yuan not understand the importance?

Even if the person who is in trouble today is an ordinary citizen, as long as they find him in the Yamen and see the clues, they will definitely deal with it and will never dismiss it with "bad luck".

What's more, it's Chengyi who is in trouble.

 The Duke of Fu is still sitting in the Yamen having tea!

 It’s just like what Chen Gui said, if you don’t succeed once, you’ll have to do it again...

He didn't know whether Mr. Shan's head hurt or not, but Zhang Fucheng's neck was very uncomfortable anyway.

The yamen are active and active, but everyone can walk on the mountain road. Where will they arrest people?

Chen Gui was very considerate, and quickly took out a roster from his arms, unfolded it and showed it to Zhang Yuan: "They are all pedestrians who helped move the carriage in the afternoon. I originally wanted to come to the door with gifts to say thank you, so I specially left my name, surname and address. You Do you want to ask first?"

 Zhang Yuan’s eyes lit up.

Witnesses, of course you have to ask!

 It is truly worthy of being a sincere manor!

 Those who have rules and know etiquette will do things thoughtfully!

 With so many names, it’s finally not impossible to start.

 At the same time, Chen Gui’s suggestion also opened his mind.

 Zhang Yuan gave some instructions to the government officials.

Three people were left to clean up the ground, and others were asked to go up the mountain to several temples and nunneries to inquire whether anyone had seen any suspicious people, or if any familiar pilgrims had been there and knew their residences so that they could be recorded. Go ask a few questions.

 Especially when going up and down mountains by horse-drawn carriage.

Pilgrims walking will try to stay on the inside of the mountain path. Even if there are conditions on the outside, it will be difficult for them to notice.

As the carriage goes down the mountain, it will inevitably be pushed to the outside. Perhaps we can judge from the reactions of the handlebars and try to shorten the time frame when the mountain road is out of condition.

After the arrangements were made, Zhang Yuan and Chen Gui hurried back to the city.

Mr. Zhang first reported to the Yamen.

 Chen Guize went to Uncle Chengyi's house to deliver the news.

 In the Zai Shou Courtyard, Mrs. Duan had already heard about Lin Yunyan's appointment as a newspaper official.

 Asked the reason again, the old lady nodded repeatedly.

"Yun Yan is more careful," she said. "I was just worried that Yun Jing and her daughter were gone, but I forgot to mention that the mountain road is difficult to navigate. Other families may also encounter it, so it is better to let the Yamen clean it."

Lin Yunyan smiled and said: "How can I be as kind-hearted as you said? I asked the police to report it because I felt that there was a reason for the incident and there was a monster harming people!"

Little Duan was stunned when he heard this.

There have indeed been a lot of backstabbings in my home recently. If Lin Yunyan mentions it, Xiao Duan will certainly not think that she is talking nonsense.

 It was just the word "monster" that confused the old man.

Yun Yan often used words to nudge her.

Now is this true, or is it just a matter of not missing any opportunity and **** up as much as possible?

Just as he was thinking about it, Chen Gui was invited in.

 After saluting, Chen Gui explained the situation one by one.

"When Uncle Niu and I arrived at the Yamen, Duke Fu was also there. He was very concerned about what happened and asked Xuansu to follow us out of the city." Once you take a look, you can see there’s a problem.”

“Zhang Fucheng also agrees that someone is causing trouble, but he is still not sure whether it is for us, or just whoever is unlucky.”

"The Yamen will investigate all night, so I handed over the list of records to the nanny."

“I thought that if the thank you gifts were prepared and sent there together, otherwise we would be very embarrassed if someone came to ask questions before a thank you was received even though someone had done a favor and left a name.”

Little Duan covered his heart when he heard this.

Seeing Lin Yunyan give her a look that said "You see, I'm right?", she couldn't help but laugh.

 This girl is so naughty!

It's a good thing to be smarter, so that you can fight back again and again, and don't let those monsters plot against you!

 Ms. Chen rushed over quickly.

Having figured out what was going on at the moment, she said: "Everything is ready, and I can send it to you later."

Seeing that the old lady was worried, she quickly found something to say and praised Xu Jian again.

 Careful, thoughtful, and attentive.

 The praise made Xiao Duan feel much relieved.

 The other side.

Shan Shen almost rolled his eyes to the sky after hearing Zhang Yuan's reply.

There are really some people who think that the year before was not lively enough and want to set up a stage to sing a big show, right?

Fortunately, no one was killed, otherwise, Shan Shen would have been severely scolded in the Jinluan Palace.

 He is not afraid of being scolded.

 When you are an official, it is very common for you to be scolded by the top and the common people when things are not done well.

 But this is purely because someone is looking for trouble.

Shan Shen turned to look at Xu Jian.

 Xu Jian patted his shoulder and said, "Thank you, Mr. Shan."

 After Zhang Yuan exited, Xu Jiancai said again: "Master Shan, who do you think would do such a stupid thing?"

Shan Shen's eyebrows twitched and he took a breath of cold air: "Why do I hear that the word 'dandy' by the Duke of the State has something to do with it?"

Xu Jian laughed, noncommittal.

 It was so unclear that Shan Shen became more and more concerned about it.

In his mind, a dandy face emerged—the third son of Duke Xu.

 Thinking on the left and thinking on the right, it’s all him!


 No, you must not be preconceived when investigating a case!

Shan Shen reminded himself.

Even if there is indeed a conflict between Su Ke and Uncle Chengyi, especially Miss Lin, and the motives are reasonable, it has only been half a year, and there is no reason to suddenly cause trouble at this time.

 Besides, can this be done...

He really may not be able to do such an unsteady thing!

However, Shan Shen felt that Su Ke could do it.

 Taking another deep breath, Mr. Shan calmed down his emotions and couldn't help but reflect.

It is almost certain that he would make a big mistake if he investigated the case carefully.

 Can you blame him?

 In fact, the way Su Ke was brought to Shuntian Mansion by the garrison yamen that day was indeed an extraordinary dandy.

How about quietly checking up on Su Ke?

 After all, when investigating a case, one cannot ignore intuition.

 (End of this chapter)

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