Yan Cigui

Chapter 197: Pay attention to the head but not the buttocks

 Xu Jian clicked to stop.

  Since Chen Gui came to the Yamen to report the case, he became suspicious of Su Ke.

Even when Chen Gui quietly told him that "the princess suspected someone was involved," Xu Jian was able to confirm that the "someone" the princess meant was Su Ke.

However, without the slightest evidence, the sincere uncle, as the owner of the suffering, cannot casually doubt Xu Guogong's mansion.

 Xu Jian is different.

He came to Shuntian Mansion under the holy order, and he had a few words with Mr. Shan, which was not regarded as unfounded suspicion.

 It is a brainstorming method for investigating a case.

What’s more, he didn’t mention anyone by name.

Who is it that Su Ke is so ambitious? Master Shan immediately thinks of him when he talks about "dandy".

In this room, Shan Shen was thinking about how to touch Su Ke's bottom without alarming the snake or adding to the conflict. In the other room, Zhang Yuan's nose was inhaling again and again, and the fragrance made his stomach growl.

 He made an appointment with Chen Gui to meet outside the government office.

 Chen Gui came, with a young boy behind him dragging a cart, which was covered with a layer of cloth, and a kind-faced nanny stood beside him.

"This is..." Zhang Yuan swallowed, "It smells so good!"

Chen Gui laughed.

"The gift prepared by the third lady, it's almost the Chinese New Year, isn't it? It's tacky to give money. If you don't have enough, you won't be able to use it, and if you have too much, you will be jealous. It just so happens that the village has prepared a lot of duck sausages to give to well-wishers. It can be used during the New Year." Add two dishes.”

"It was getting dark, and the people knocking on the door at the government office were very scary. There were still women at home, so the princess asked Grandma Wang to come with her so we could talk."

"Mr. Zhang and all the yamen servants are all on official business. After the yamen is sealed, I will bring two more ducks. Speaking of which, we haven't eaten since evening, so why don't we share two hot buns and put them on a pillow? ”

 Zhang Yuan felt very warm in his heart when he heard this.

 When giving a thank-you gift, you must not embarrass the recipient of the gift.

Although money is good, it is not good if it is revealed.

They are not allowed to accept anything as errands, but when you are on vacation, you share a duck leg, I nibble on a duck wing, and then drink hot wine, no one can say that this is "lining their own pockets."

 Having two buns now is not a big benefit.

  With such thorough consideration, the dignity of the uncle's house is engraved in his bones!

  What were the colleagues in the yamen and privately saying before?

If all the distinguished disciples in the capital were as upright as Chengyi Bofu, the Yamen would have fewer problems.

There’s really nothing wrong with that at all.

 Zhang Yuan greeted the two yamen servants and divided them, and hurriedly finished eating before setting off.

This family knocked on the door one by one, which showed that Grandma Wang was very eloquent.

A basket of bacon and duck, and a sincere thank you, relieved the nervousness and defensiveness of the well-wishers when facing people coming from the yamen, and they could calmly talk about the situation at that time.

He was so busy until dark, and early the next morning, he visited the remaining ones and several houses outside the city. After Zhang Yuan sorted out the statements from all parties, he handed them over to Shan Shen for review.

 Sir Shan’s head felt swollen when he saw it.

Under the guidance of a nunnery's master, the government officials found a wealthy businessman who came down the mountain in a carriage yesterday.

According to the handlebar theory, they went down the mountain two quarters of an hour earlier than Uncle Chengyi's house. The mountain road was difficult to navigate, but it was not particularly slippery.

"We have been driving for 30 years, and this is how we eat. Can we tell whether the ground is slippery or not? We went down the mountain smoothly! Is the one who slipped a newbie? It is also an old handlebar type, very reliable? "

Good-hearted people, some go up the mountain and some go down.

 An old lady with numb legs and feet gave her excuse. "When I was going up the mountain, I saw a carriage parked there. I shouted to the carriage. If the horse couldn't move anymore, it had to be moved to the inside. How could it be parked on the outside? What if the carriage came down the mountain and the carriage was not pulled? , wouldn’t something happen?

 When I went down the mountain again, the car was gone. I encountered another car in danger, so I hurried up to help.

 I don’t know what the difference between an uncle’s house and an uncle’s house is. When someone is in trouble, isn’t it right to lend a hand?

 That carriage from before? The car jacket is blue, the most common kind in the city. "

At the foot of the mountain, next to the official road, there is a tea stall.

"Yesterday was not a big day. There were few carriages going up and down the mountain. Except for those who came down in the morning, I remember there were only five carriages. I know the one belonging to Uncle Chengyi's house. Everyone said that something almost happened to his family. Those who came down the mountain before and after his house ...In the afternoon, there was one car. I drank hot tea here. Then it was a car with a Chu color car cover. It looked a bit rich at first glance, and then it was the uncle's car. The last ones coming down the mountain were two blue cars, rented by the car dealer. Bar?"

 Below this paragraph, Zhang Yuan gave annotations.

The Chu-colored car jacket belongs to the wealthy merchant.

 Looking further down, we can probably determine the source of the ice water.

There is a small temple on the mountain, which is not busy on weekdays. There is a spring in the backyard that does not stop in winter, and occasionally people come to fetch water.

"Yesterday when I got up from my nap, I saw two people carrying two buckets of water each and leaving. The young monk was also surprised. The spring water in the temple did not taste good and the tea was unpalatable. No one usually came to take so much. Those two people should be officials. The servants were dressed differently from the common people. The senior brother said that a carriage was parked outside the temple. After leaving in the afternoon, he came back later, but no one entered the temple to offer incense. "

 After reading it, Shan Shen handed the testimony to Xu Jian with a dull face, closed his eyes to rest, and sorted it out.

Each servant carries two buckets of water and walks grandly on the mountain road. Someone will definitely see him.

The officials asked so many people, but no one mentioned it. It can be seen that the four buckets of water were loaded into the carriage after leaving the small temple.

That blue carriage is very suspicious.

The carriage could hold it. Before the monk saw it, several barrels might have been loaded.

The old lady went up the mountain and urged the car to be moved before the wealthy businessman came down the mountain.

Since there were few carriages that day, once the wealthy merchants left, apart from two rented carriages, only the Chengyi Mansion remained.

In other words, the carriage in blue has been waiting nearby but did nothing because the goal was clear.

 After it was determined, no pedestrians passed by and the water in the bucket was poured down.

 The two carriages parked back outside the small temple, and the instigator...

Just wait and see the fun!

 Is this matter handled with care? It's really not fastidious.

 Have you considered the causes and consequences? Have you considered cleaning up the scene and wiping your **** clean? nor!

But anyone who has been in the officialdom for two years and worked as a clerk in a yamen for a few months can do such harmful things without being noticed.

If He Shen takes action, he can make the carriage fall apart without even analyzing and deducing step by step, and it is "too unfortunate"!

Where can I ask the Yamen to get clues?

But being so careless about his head and buttocks, Shan Shen could only think about Su Ke's bare **** with teeth marks that was seen by half the city's people.

 Pressing the swollen forehead, Mr. Shan let out a long sigh.

 Don’t blame him, I really don’t blame him!

I really can’t stop thinking about Mr. Su.

 With so many clues left, you still want to escape unscathed?

 Just think of him as a fool!

“I’ll ask someone to ask some horse and carriage shops first, who rented two carriages to go out of the city yesterday.” Shan Shen discussed with Xu Jian.

  Thanks to book friends Wen Wen Wanting and Xu Bicheng’s official girlfriend for the tips, thanks to Bookstore book friend celestial Li for the tips, and thanks to Hongxiu book friends 15966, Apple Blossom, and Ye Xiaoye for the tips.

 Push the book, push the book, it is very fat.

 "Song Tan Chronicles" Song of Thorns. Introduction: After returning from cultivating immortality, I went back to my hometown to live broadcast farming!

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