Yan Cigui

Chapter 201: Creepy

The concierge saw the government officials coming to the door, and the Duke of Fu and Shan Fuyin came together. He didn't dare to take Qiao at all, so he led them to the flower hall and sent someone to report the news to the masters.

When Xu Guogong heard the news, he did not come to see the guests immediately. Instead, he rushed to the backyard to look for Su Ke.

 Subconsciously, he knew that Su Ke must be causing trouble.

 In the main courtyard, the old Duke and his wife were sitting cross-legged on the Arhat bed, listening to Su Ke's words with squinted eyes. The Duke and his wife were sitting beside her, looking very happy.

Seeing her son come in with a sullen face, the old lady was very unhappy: "I don't need you to accompany me, so who are you going to show me with a sullen face?"

Xu Guogong looked directly at Su Ke and said, "Shuntian Mansion has come to visit."

As soon as he finished speaking, he clearly saw Su Ke shrinking his neck. He was surprised and felt more guilty.

"It's really you!" Xu Guogong was anxious. "I heard in the morning that the carriage of Uncle Chengyi's Mansion almost had an accident. I guessed that something was wrong. I didn't expect that it was really you who was causing trouble? Are you crazy?"

Before Su Ke could reply, the old lady patted him hard several times.

"What's the matter? You're yelling!" she said. "An accident happened to the carriage? I think the Lin family is getting retribution! What does it have to do with us Ke'er! The marriage has been cancelled, do you still want to break up with us?"

 Xu Guogong looked at his mother helplessly: "If there is no evidence, will the Yamen find it?"

Seeing that a quarrel was about to break out, the Duke's wife hurriedly tried to smooth things over: "Let Ke'er say a few words first to see if it has anything to do with him."

 Everyone’s eyes fell on Su Ke.

Su Ke’s face looked as if it had been whitened and pulped, and he shrank to the side of the old Duke’s wife: “Grandma…”

 Such an attitude, the meaning is clear.

 The Duke’s wife felt a breath in her chest and was extremely puzzled: “You are such a good person, why are you provoking them? They are in the limelight!”

Xu Guogong's jaw was also tense, and he raised his hand to hit Su Ke: "It's the end of the year, you can't let us spend the New Year in peace! How many things have happened to you in the past six months? It's not exciting enough for people to see. ?”

Su Ke was speechless.

The old lady of the country guarded her grandson tightly, grabbed the crutch on the side and pointed at her son: "What do you mean Ke'er is causing trouble? He was obviously plotted! I told you a while ago that the memorial archway of Uncle Chengyi's house was neatly erected. It’s all deception!”

When his grandmother spoke, Su Ke immediately had a backbone and said with a pinched neck: "Yes, they are plotting against me! My father refused to find justice for me!"

When Xu Guogong heard this, his heart sank: "You eavesdropped on our conversation?"

He said that after half a year, Ke'er didn't suddenly think of looking for the Lin family. It turned out...

 Not long ago, Liu Jing's son was embarrassed at the academy and once said that he was plotted by Princess Ning'an.

The incident of falling into the water happened again later. Although Liu Jing changed his words about longing for her, her mother heard something from someone who said that the Lin family and Princess Ning'an had set up a trap.

Even, he wanted to urge his wife to go to the Yunyang uncle's house and join the Zheng family to sue the princess.

 Xu Guogong was furious at home.

I have already lost my face. Fortunately, half a year has passed since the incident, and no one will mention it.

The Liu and Zheng families are in trouble right now, but they still want to come forward and get a share of the pie. Is that a delicacy? That's stinky swill!

As long as they get a little bit of it, not to mention whether the Yunyang uncle's house will be happy to see someone messing with the water, anyway, they will have to make the Duke of Xu's house stink again.

Xu Guogong will never allow his family to commit such stupidity.

Fortunately, his wife listened to his advice, and although his mother was dissatisfied, she never mentioned it, and the other two sons would not go against his words. But he didn't expect that Ke'er heard it and went straight to Harm without making a sound. !

"Did you know that someone would die? If someone does die, your head will not count. Our whole family will have to pay for it!" Xu Guogong gritted his teeth.

"Isn't there no one dead?" Mrs. Xu Guogong asked anxiously.

Xu Guogong said: "I think Ke'er is still worried. He did something bad and the result was unsatisfactory. There was no danger, right?"

Su Ke did think so. He had clearly arranged everything, so why did the carriage wheels get stuck on the rocks?

 He suffered from the cold all day, what a shame!

Mrs. Xu Guogong had a grimace on her face and tried to persuade Su Ke to stabilize the situation. She urged Su Ke to explain what he had done and how he had done it.

"The carriage was rented by someone else, and Ke'er didn't get the water. Why should they look for Ke'er?" The old lady held her grandson's hand, "I should ask Shuntian Mansion carefully, why!"

"I'm still saying the same thing. I won't come to you without proof or proof! Duke Fu may not know that the sky is high and the earth is high. Shan Shen has been the governor for so many years, old fox!" Duke Xu sighed.

His head hurt just listening to Su Ke's words.

There are too many clues in it. It’s not surprising that Shan Shen was able to find Ke’er’s head so quickly.

 Let’s make up for it before it’s too late!

Xu Guogong said to Su Ke: "You can't say it has nothing to do with you. You can say it was all an accident. You are my son. As long as you don't mean it, Shan Shen can't do anything to you!"

After a long explanation, Xu Guogong asked Su Ke to leave the house first, and said to his mother: "Don't let Ke'er know what you have in mind next time. He is young and doesn't know the importance. He does wrong things when his head is hot! He wants this time A life was caused just because you shouted to Uncle Chengyi to find an explanation. You harmed him, can you feel at ease? "

Mrs. Xu Guogong covered her chest and was shaking with anger.

As soon as her son left, she calmed down and cursed: "Is it my fault? If he could have protected Ke'er and prevented him from suffering such a big loss last time, would he have been in the same situation now?"

 In the flower hall.

Shan Shen and Xu Jian sat for a long time before they saw Xu Guogong, who had arrived late.

Duke Xu Guogong looked guilty: "I've kept you two waiting for a long time. Why did you come here so late?"

No matter whether Shan Shen is impatient or not, he has to say a few words at least in the situation.

After finishing speaking, getting to the point, Shan Shen said: "All the evidence points directly to the Third Young Master, the Duke of the State. We have to ask the Third Young Master to go back to the Yamen."

   Xu Guogong made it clear that he was pretending to be stupid: "Master Shan and Duke Fu, it's not that I'm excusing Ke'er. In fact, these confessions can't prove anything..."

 Xu Jian laughed.

Shan Shen also smiled, with a look of helplessness on his face but a sense of security in his heart.

Since the Holy One has the final say, it really doesn’t matter whether we mention Su Ke’s return to Shuntian Mansion today or not.

He even said that the less cooperative Xu Guogong's government and Su Ke were, the happier Shan Shen would be.

"No matter what, I still have to ask, why don't we invite the third young master out..." Shan Shen said.

 Xu Guogong touched his beard.

Even though he had been warned, he was still not at ease when Ke'er spoke. He might have been deceived by Shan Shen and cause trouble.

 One side refuses and the other insists.

Master Shan did this intentionally and made Duke Xu anxious in just a few words.

"He has already rested," Xu Guogong said. "It's late at night. You two should go back earlier, so I won't send him off."

Hearing this, Xu Jian stood up immediately. Seeing this, Shan Shen did not stay much.

 Seeing the two people walking so neatly, Xu Guogong suddenly felt worried in his heart.

 He looked outside, but the two people could no longer be seen.

There was only darkness, which made his hair stand on end.

It seemed like there was something hiding in the darkness, with its mouth wide open, ready to bite whenever it found an opportunity.

 That’s not good…

Thanks to book friends Tongtong 1609 and Xu Bicheng’s official girlfriend for the reward.

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