Yan Cigui

Chapter 202: only one

 Shan Shen was in a good mood after "returning from Xu Guogong's mansion in vain".

  Back to Houya, I studied some ink and thought about it, and finished it in one go. I wrote an impeachment book.

At the court meeting the next day, Shan Fuyin came out and scolded Duke Xu Guogong and Su Ke with great energy and cadence.

Even though he has read it once, Xu Jian has to say that Mr. Shan’s cursing articles are very well written.

 Elaborate on Su Ke's coincidental crimes and accuse Xu Guogong's government of being lawless.

In one sentence, our Shuntian Mansion gave the Su family enough dignity. Even Duke Fu also went to Duke Xu's Mansion, but he was kicked out without even seeing Su Ke, who was suspected of committing the crime.

How dignified it is!

 Xu Guogong's breathing was stagnant and his scalp was numb.

He said that yesterday the two men did not speak sharply and their attitude was not firm. It was thundering but not raining, so they left as soon as they were allowed to leave.

 It turned out to be waiting for him here!

 After Shan Shen finished cursing, Xu Guogong could only apologize to the Holy One.

He admitted that he was not cautious and polite enough when visiting Shuntian Mansion, but he definitely did not mean to look down upon him.

It’s just that the evidence provided by the Yamen is really ridiculous. How can we say that Su Ke harmed people?

As a father, he was so angry that he didn’t let Su Ke respond.

He also said that after going to court, the person would be sent to Shuntian Mansion, and the Yamen could ask whatever they wanted.

 In a word, those who should cooperate will cooperate, but if Shuntian Mansion makes up charges out of thin air, Xu Guogong Mansion will also ask for an explanation.

 After finishing speaking, Xu Guogong secretly breathed a long sigh of relief.

 He felt that what he said was very reasonable.

Since it was a coincidence or an accident that he was bitten to death, he must have the confidence he deserves.

 Especially in front of the emperor.

The Holy Emperor doesn't know much about this matter. He only listened to Shan Shen's words just now. If he is too submissive, he will only appear guilty.

 However, what Xu Guogong didn't know was that the Holy Spirit had already "preconceived the idea".

 On the dragon chair, the Holy Master's brows were slightly frowned.

 The impeachment report of Shan Fuyin is in line with the Holy Sage's recent impression of Duke Xu's government.

Su Ke acted too eccentrically, and Xu Guogong had a heavy responsibility.

Normally, when the yamen judged who had serious suspicions, the yamen servants would go directly to the door to mention the person. Only because that "who" was the prince of the Duke's mansion, Shan Shen had to go to the door in person.

This is not surprising.

 The prince's house still has these decencies.

The government always has difficulty in dealing with distinguished officials. Otherwise, Shan Shen would not have come to the Imperial Study Room to move reinforcements when investigating Zhu Cheng's case.

 Dignity is respectability, but the prince's house cannot be shameless.

Shan Shen even took Xu Jian with him, and was "invited" by Duke Xu to leave the house. This can give a glimpse of the Su family's usual attitude.

Although it cannot be concluded that Su Ke did this intentionally, we must seize the opportunity to wake up the princes and princes!

 “There is no need to send your son to Shuntian Mansion.”

The Holy One suddenly spoke, and everyone below was stunned.

Could it be that the Holy One also thinks that Shuntian Mansion is looking for trouble?

Xu Guogong was also stunned, a burst of joy rose in his heart, but he did not dare to judge.

The next moment, the Holy Spirit's words were like a bucket of ice water pouring down from his head, chilling him to the bone.

"Don't we all have to judge and give an explanation?" The Holy Master said coldly, "Shan Qing, put the court at the entrance of the vegetable market so that everyone can come and listen, and let all the people in the capital come to judge and explain. Is it true that Shuntian Prefecture made something out of nothing? ”

Shan Fuyin's throat rolled.

He was deliberately scolding, but he really didn't expect that the scolding would have such a result.

He has experienced public court trials in the past, but they were all extremely heinous and major cases with extremely negative consequences. If they were not handled well, everyone in the yamen would be punished. Comparing with those others, Su Ke really pales into insignificance.

 It’s only such a “small” thing that we should be treated like this.

 Xu Guogong was stunned on the spot.

I decided to go there because the place was big and spacious, but it was too unlucky.

 Caishikou, that’s where death row prisoners are beheaded.

Furthermore, in front of so many people, Ke'er won't make any mistakes, right?

Thinking of this, Xu Guogong couldn't help but secretly regret. If he had known that he would have asked Ke'er and Shan Shen to explain things clearly last night, he would not have been exploited today.

 But then I thought again...

Shan Shen came prepared. Even if he asked yesterday, there would definitely be another wave today.

Speaking of which, Shan Shen got an excellent grade in the year-end performance appraisal, right?

At the beginning of next year, something happened in Laoshi Lane. Shan Shen was scolded by the emperor and the censors. Seeing that Shuntian Prefecture Yin's chair was unsteady, he didn't expect that at the end of the year, he would be turned over!

 To put it bluntly, it was the merits of handling the Zhu family case.

 He took down the hereditary Duke's Mansion and chopped the Zhu family from head to toe. Shan Shen seemed to be addicted to chopping!

This guy is probably trying to make trouble with Ke'er for next year's performance evaluation.


The Duke of Xu is not a British government.

The British father-in-law foolishly got involved in Li Mi's affair. He promised that the Duke was loyal to the emperor, but Ke'er's relationship between men and women was just not glamorous enough. This time it almost led to an accident. He didn't believe it was possible to settle things!

 The public hearing was scheduled for the afternoon.

  Su Ke was still confused when he was taken to Caishikou.

The Yamen set up a shed, and Shan Shen sat in the middle, higher than the surrounding ground. He could see Master Qingtian's majestic appearance at a glance.

Common people gathered around one floor after another, and everyone's eyes fell directly on Su Ke...

Su Ke couldn't help but trembled all over.

 Bad memories rushed up from the depths of his mind, wrapping around him, strangling his limbs like a hemp rope.

He wished he could just pass by, but he couldn't and it wouldn't work.

I can only reassure myself over and over again. Today I am dressed neatly and have the demeanor of a prince.

 Then, he turned his head and looked aside.

A small shed was also set up there, and inside was the family of the "suffering master".

Lin Xun, the third master of Uncle Chengyi's residence, was sitting next to him. There was a girl wearing a curtain hat. Her identity was not difficult to guess. She should be the princess.

Lin Yunyan is very satisfied with the situation at hand.

 It was beyond her expectation, but the results were fruitful, and she could guess the Holy Spirit's thoughts.

 She and her grandmother had been talking about killing chickens to scare monkeys for half a year, and now they had indeed killed Xu Guogong's house.

 As for being able to attract so many people to watch in just half a day, Chen Gui put in a lot of effort, and it was the same when he came to Jingdong's house.

Mr. Su San, who was involved in the trouble caused by the outside waiter, is about to be questioned by the Yamen again. Just this sentence can attract countless people to come forward.

 After the big case, Shan Shen patted the gavel.

 Amidst the "powerful" voices of the government officials, the noisy discussion gradually stopped.

Shan Shen was so angry that he told the story of the Lin family's carriage being in danger on the mountain road yesterday, and asked Su Ke, "What do you have to say?"

 “What does it have to do with me?” Su Ke asked.

Shan Shen shook his head, looking past Su Ke and stopping at Xu Guogong on the other side.

It seems that Xu Guogong did not explain it clearly to Su Ke. When they handle the case at Shuntian Prefecture, can they not provide evidence?

 The witnesses are all lined up one by one!

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