Yan Cigui

Chapter 209: The sentence is very severe

Chapter 209 The sentence is very severe

Xiao Duan has never met Yu Pu, and all his knowledge comes from Chen Gui's narration.

Hearing what Chen Gui said, she couldn't help but think more highly of this young man.

"If you have real talent and knowledge, it would be great if you can put it to use in the examination room." Xiao Duan sighed.

 It is really not easy for students from poor families to get ahead.

 They do not have an outstanding background and can only work **** their own.

Not to mention that the teachers you can hire when you are young are very different, even if you have learned some skills, the paths you can take are also different.

Like Lin Yu, he was able to meet the late emperor at a young age and express his thoughts frankly. As long as he had real ability, he would not be afraid of being buried.

 As for later staying away from the center and only holding a sinecure position in the Hanlin Academy, that was a personal choice.

 If he changes his mind tomorrow and wants to show off his talents, there will be plenty of opportunities.

 The children of official families are weaker.

However, with elders guiding the way, there are still many opportunities.

As for the children from poor families, they can only take the scientific examination.

In case the test is not good, in case of abnormality, it is only capable of being able to be buried.

Lin Yunyan has great confidence in Yu Pu.

In the past, Yu Pu's official career was mediocre, and he was demoted from the capital for running around for his father and uncle's house. However, he was named on the gold medal list.

“Don’t worry,” Lin Yunyan said to Xiao Duan. “Looking back, we will see a few powerful people come out of Laoshi Alley. When the Number One Scholar comes out of the alley, you can just wait to collect the money next year.”

 Little Duan laughed.

Speaking of the money, she added: "I was worried before that Yu Pu would be angry when he saw the money."

She thought about being more roundabout, but the girl Yun Yan glanced at her again and again, and saw that she had no intention of going around in circles. She whipped up the whip to let the horse spread its hooves as straight as she wanted.

Lin Yunyan smiled and said: "You know best how people's words can be feared.

It would be okay if there was no incident between the Liu and Zheng families. But a while ago, how many people mentioned that Mr. Liu was a hero who saved the beauty. How can serious candidates today dare to get such a reputation again?

You would not be happy if you offered to help with good intentions, but have others criticize you. Of course I can't give away cured duck and sausage. "

Little Duan laughed and gave Lin Yunyan a light slap: "Duck and sausage, a happy New Year gift!"

Lin Yunyan also laughed.

 For other families, it is indeed a good New Year gift, and the third aunt is extremely considerate in her work.

 But for Yu Pu, it is not as real as paper, pen and money.

"If he hadn't been an honest person, he wouldn't have left his name anonymous that day," Lin Yunyan said. "You are honest, and Yu Pu is also honest. Sincerity is replaced by sincerity, how could he be angry?"

 Little Duan nodded.

Straight forward, she is still pondering and learning, but sincerity and sincerity have been with her for decades, and she is very familiar with it.

Little Duan said: "Let's talk to Yun Jing and her daughter later to reassure them."

 Lin Yunyan responded.

 When she arrived at Qingpuyuan, she told the story.

Mrs. Huang was frightened that day, but she has been nursing him for the past few days. Hearing this, his expression became much more relaxed: "That's good, that's good. He has been kind to us. If we don't find him, please say thank you. I will always remember him in my heart." "

Lin Yunjing also said: "It's a pity that I sprained my foot. Otherwise, when I went to each house to send thank you gifts, I should have gone together."

Lin Yunyan knew her temperament and said with a smile: "It takes a hundred days for my eldest sister to take a good rest. Calculating the time, it will be time to make an appointment in a hundred days. If Yu Pu is named on the list, eldest sister will express her thanks and congratulations."

Lin Yunjing glanced at her swollen ankle and said angrily: "You made the arrangements clearly."

The two sisters were laughing and playing.

Besides, Grandma Hong was also smiling from ear to ear. Then, with a thought in her mind, she turned to look at Mrs. Huang.

 Ms. Huang had a smile on her face, and she was very happy that the sisters were close to each other, but Grandma Hong knew that Mrs. Huang was worried about her.

 She is very anxious about her daughter's future.

  Since breaking off the engagement with Na Su Ke, Mr. Huang has said this many times.

 Don't be in a hurry, take your time, and you won't encounter those ghost-hearted people in human skin again.

Those are all true words.

 But when she calms down and doesn't let the eldest girl hear her, the second lady will also say a few words to her in private. “There is definitely nothing wrong with canceling an engagement, and we are reasonable, but there are some things that just don’t make sense.”

“After canceling the engagement once, and then planning to engage in engagement, other families will have some ideas.”

“I know what you are going to say. Those who have weird ideas, we at Yunjing don’t want to join in and suffer the consequences.”

“But I just thought, when will there be a good family?”

“I will be satisfied if I can distinguish the truth, treat Yun Jing well, and have a happy marriage with Yun Jing.”

 Hong Mammy understood Huang's feelings. This kind of eagerness but not daring to be anxious was exactly the mother's ardent affection for her daughter.

The people who are almost the same in Beijing know the roots.

  If you are a new rich…

Can the new sciences be expensive? Hong Yan said it was not good.

But when she looked at Yu Pu, he was young. Not to mention how handsome he was, at least he had good features.

Thinking in this direction, Grandma Hong felt more and more that Yu Pu was good.

It seems that I need to ask Aunt Wang to come out and check out Yu Pu's family carefully. Everything else doesn't matter, as long as she doesn't have a fixed marriage in her hometown.

That's really a bunch of unnecessary things.

However, that’s all for later.

 You still have to pass the exam first.

The princess's suggestion is very good. When the time comes, she will thank and congratulate her and ask the eldest girl to take a closer look at Yu Pu first.

If she can appreciate it, she will mention it to the madam and ask the old lady to consider it.

at dusk.

Lin Yunyan changed into men's clothes and went out, finding a private room in a restaurant not far from Shuntian Mansion.

 After drinking some hot drinks and sitting for a while, Xu Jian arrived.

Lin Yunyan looked him up and down and said, "Didn't Mr. Shan stop him?"

Xu Jian knew she was joking.

He can come and go freely in Shuntian Mansion, and Shan Shen does not pay his salary, so who will care when he arrives and when he leaves?

However, since he said he would get the seal in Shuntian Mansion, he certainly wasn't lazy.

“After I’ve filled my stomach, I’ll go back to accompany Mr. Shan to approve documents,” Xu Jian sat down and said, “It’s really not as comfortable as in Taohe Zhai.”

 Lin Yunyan strongly agrees with this point.

What happened before, she went to the peach nuclear fast to discuss with Xu Jian in person.

Xu Jian said: "Yu Pu came to the Yamen in the afternoon."

Upon hearing this, Lin Yunyan smiled and said, "There are people in the Yamen who are easy to do."

Xu Jian reported a few more names, all of which were famous on the list in the past, especially the number one scholar Zheng Yuanhe, who was familiar to Lin Yunyan at first sight.

 “They all live in Lao Shi Lane?” she asked.

"No," Xu Jian said. "When the list is published, it would not be good to be too conspicuous."

 Furthermore, there are indeed a group of very difficult candidates, and they must be accommodated.

The two talked about business for a while, and Lin Yunyan returned to the matter of Su Ke: "Fleeing for three thousand miles, the holy sentence is very severe."

 Heavier than she expected.

Xu Jian sipped her tea.

 Let him say that with such a result, Shen Shen alone deserves the most credit.

Master Shan wears many hats on others, and his kickbacks are accurate and ruthless.

“It’s better to be harsher,” Xu Jian said. “If you judge someone else’s son harshly, you won’t be able to sentence your own son lightly in the future.”

   Thanks to book friend Xu Bicheng’s official girlfriend for the reward.

  (End of this chapter)

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