Yan Cigui

Chapter 210: Sorry

Hearing this, Lin Yunyan smiled.

As early as when Su Ke was laughed at by half the people in the city, she knew that Xu Jian had this idea.

At that time, Xu Jian, who had nothing to do with the matter, went to the imperial study room and even invited Xia Qinglue to meet with him.

 The reason for this is that helping her and Uncle Chengyi were just a small thing.

 The real big head is Li Shao.

 In the next few years, Li Shao is bound to get involved in those bad things.

The more serious the Holy Emperor's treatment of Xu Guogong's mansion and Su Ke is, the harder it will be to show mercy to the prince when the time comes.

 Therefore, Lin Yunyan said at that time that Xu Jian used the platform she set up to lay out his own plans.

 Xu Jian is planning for "the future".

However, half a year ago, Lin Yunyan did not expect that Su Ke would cause trouble again.

 This attack caused him to be exiled for three thousand miles.

"Prince..." Lin Yunyan thought about it and said, "The Holy Emperor has a very deep affection for the prince. If his own son commits crimes, he may not be harsh."

Touching the tea cup with his fingertips, Xu Jian said: "As far as a father's heart is concerned, the Holy Emperor will be merciful to the prince, and he will even turn a big deal into a trivial one. But he can punish other people's sons harshly and be tolerant to his own son. He himself Sorry.”

 Xu Jian still understands the temperament of the Holy Master.

Su Ke’s current fate is that he has lost his way on his own.

But if there had not been the matter between the Yunyang House and the Liu family, and Xu Jian had not "added fuel to the fire" with Eunuch Cao in private, the Holy Emperor would not have gotten more and more angry and directly sentenced him to exile.

This judgment is indeed harsh only for the crimes Su Ke committed.

This morning, there were no other sounds.

Several censors stood up and scolded Su Ke, but also advised the Holy One to withdraw his sentence and make the sentence more reasonable.

The argument lasted for three quarters of an hour. The Holy Father did not interrupt anyone and just listened to the end.

 Finally, he expressed his thoughts frankly.

 He wants to impose a harsh sentence.

 The young masters of the Duke's house have the best background and the best education. This group of noble sons should have become the future pillars of the court.

Even if your ability is limited and you cannot shine in the court or on the battlefield, you must still behave like a gentleman. You should set an example for your peers in your speech and behavior.

 It’s better now.

  Have indeed set an example.

 The example shows confusion, chaotic relationships, and even attempts to kill people.

If this trend is not stopped and those who are not punished severely will be imitated by every family, from now on the capital will be full of dissatisfied voices, and they will all be the children of the powerful who regard human lives as ants.

The relatives and family members of the harmful uncle's house can escape unharmed, but if the lives of the people are not taken, will the people still have a place to cry out for injustice?

  One word, one word after another.

In the Jinluan Palace, the civil and military ministers knelt down one after another, and no one dared to say anything.

 Xu Jian knew very well, and he thought other veterans also knew that Su Ke had stepped on the bottom line of the Holy Emperor.

 “Treat human life as an ant”.

In the twenty-seventh year of Taixing, why did the Holy Master, who was still the sixth son of the emperor, leave Dingguo Temple in the middle of the night?

 Because bandits entered the town at the foot of the mountain and burned, killed and looted.

 Why are there such vicious bandits in the Gyeonggi area?

 Because it was a dead soldier pretending to be a dead man, and the purpose was to clear the whole country of bandits and to help suppress the bandits in the future.

·Most of the so-called achievements in local areas are made up of hungry people.

 Behind this series of events was the struggle for imperial power. Several brothers of the Holy Emperor did not care about the lives of the people at all for the sake of the Dragon Throne.

 This is something that the late emperor could not tolerate, and it is also something that the Holy Spirit cannot tolerate.

The Holy One's views on Su Ke's evil deeds are certainly high-minded, but a thousand-mile embankment was destroyed by an ant nest. Who can say that the Holy One was too thoughtful?

 At the end, I shouted "Long live" three times.

Today, no one supports the fire, even the censor is trying to persuade him, and the Holy One has not given in. With this matter in mind, when the prince gets into trouble in the future, the Holy Father will have to think more about it.

Lin Yunyan understood what Xu Jian said was "unforgettable".

 In the final analysis, they are enemies of the prince, which is almost equivalent to being enemies of the Holy One.

 So every step to win over the Holy Emperor is extremely important.

“Although there are rumors about the prince’s **** affairs, there is no evidence,” Lin Yunyan said, “He is very careful.”

She remembered that in the past, before An Yibo's accident, he pointed out the prince's problems in the court several times.

 Most of the time it’s a small thing.

Likes to drink, talk nonsense after drinking, and does not have the dignity that a crown prince should have.

Li Shao was sitting on the small throne, being scolded by his uncle so much that he couldn't even lift his head.

Once in a while, my uncle scolded me for "hanging out with women", "robbing women of the people", and "it's not uncommon for people to die one day".

At that time, Li Shao turned around and complained to the Holy Emperor, saying that An Yibo "made something out of nothing" and "slandered the crown prince with ulterior motives."

An Yibo had no actual evidence, so he was reprimanded by the Holy Spirit and punished to shut himself up and reflect on his mistakes.

This incident laid the foundation for disaster, and An Yibo's family was eventually imprisoned due to old and new grudges.

 Later, Lin Yunyan and Xu Jian checked on the prince.

 All we can say is that the things are correct, but the evidence is insufficient.

 Xu Jian put down the tea cup and said, "After the new year, I will go work with the prince."

As soon as the words fell, Lin Yunyan raised her eyes.

 For a moment, she thought she had heard wrong.

 Before this, Xu Jian clearly tried his best to avoid having too much contact with Li Shao.

 Even half a year ago, he resigned from the Ministry of War, as if he wanted to be idle.

 Why all of a sudden...

 The next moment, an idea appeared in my mind.

Lin Yunyan suddenly understood Xu Jian's plan.

If Xu Jian had been in the Ministry of War, he would have to make some achievements if he wanted to "take advantage of" Li Shao.

 Of course he has the ability to do it, but his "idle" attitude is gone.

 In order to retreat in order to advance, the Holy Emperor did not think about which yamen he would be assigned to do work, but instead gave him the opportunity to get close to Li Shao.

 Li Shao was annoyed by being managed by the capable Xu Jian.

Li Shao will only become more annoyed when being controlled by the idle Xu Jian who enjoys having fun every day.

 The young prince, who was in his early teens, was upset, and the bad things that had been buried for several years suddenly surfaced.

In her previous life, she and Xu Jian had to collect clues and evidence after the fact, which was very difficult.

Now you can change the direction and wait for Li Shao halfway along the road to come to them with the mud that he has not yet cleaned up.

Calculating the time, this is three or four years early.

 The ability to clean up messes and whitewash peace is beyond three or four years.

Having figured it out, Lin Yunyan propped up her cheeks and said with a smile: "He would be very angry if he knew you were plotting against him like this."

"I don't count him out, and he doesn't want to give us a way to survive," Xu Jian said, leaning back and looking at Lin Yunyan, "The princess is still smart and makes things easy."

Lin Yunyan blinked.

 To praise her is to praise her, which is yin and yang.

"After lying on a rope for so long, even a grasshopper knows how to keep from falling." Lin Yunyan looked at Xu Jian, her beautiful eyes full of teasing, "Although I understand the beating around the bush, I want to praise you." I just want to praise you, it’s not like I don’t want to praise you.”

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