Yan Cigui

Chapter 211: Don’t learn from the good ones and learn from the bad ones

 Looking at each other.

 Xu Jian could clearly see her own appearance in Lin Yunyan's eyes.

Mixed with her smile, the corners of Xu Jian's lips subconsciously twitched slightly.

 A laugh escaped from his throat, and Xu Jian whispered: "Grasshopper..."

 He had heard Lin Yunyan mention this before.

It's just a metaphor, and Xu Jian doesn't mind being compared to a bug. Even this grasshopper doesn't sound good.

“It was okay before,” Xu Jian said casually, “Isn’t it unlucky to say that now?”

Hearing what Xu Jian said, Lin Yunyan remembered it.

 In the past, when she mentioned grasshoppers, Xu Jian didn't even respond.

Only once, when they were besieged and it was difficult to move forward and back, she laughed at herself as a "grasshopper", which resonated with Xu Jian.

Who said they are indeed grasshoppers after autumn?

  I can't do it for more than a few days even if I want to.

The reluctance, resentment, and persistence of having no choice but to try again, turned into such self-deprecation, which is a true portrayal.

 It just seems unlucky today.


Lin Yunyan pursed her lips.

 Xu Jian is really good at avoiding the important and taking the easy.

 She asked him to "praise well", and he told her "grasshopper".

"In the past six months, I have often talked with my grandmother," Lin Yunyan added some drink for herself, took a sip, and said, "My grandmother's temper spread throughout the backyard of the Duke's house.

He is thin-skinned and does not know how to speak harshly. If he wants to point out something, he has to lay the groundwork and circle around it three times before trying to speak.

  I said that she was too arrogant and tired, and she said what she needed to say when something happened.

She has indeed gradually changed over the past few years. Although she still can't speak harsh words, her words are sincere and sincere, and they still touch people's hearts. "

Xu Jian clicked his tongue.

Still dissatisfied with grandma for going around in circles?

Isn’t the little princess just around now?

Let’s take my grandmother as an example. Even if she goes around like this, she won’t be afraid of getting dizzy.

"The princess has given you good guidance, and the old lady will definitely be more diligent in the future." Xu Jian said.

Lin Yunyan frowned slightly.

Xu Jian's eyes seemed to have a smile, but the words he spoke were still so "meaningful".

If she gave good advice, what did Xu Jian learn from her?

 Learned her weird ways.

Thinking of this, Lin Yunyan raised her eyebrows and smiled angrily.

She obviously has so many advantages, but Xu Jian can only learn from the good ones and the bad ones!

After thinking about it again, there is nothing wrong with the yin and yang weirdness. Tiantian looks like he is having fun and does not mind the trouble. The Holy Master is used to it, and Li Shao is probably getting angrier the more he thinks about it.

 The more angry Li Shao becomes, the better it will be for them.

  That’s right, the energy in my heart is still a little bit hard to get rid of.

Lin Yunyan simply stood up and went out to call Wan Yue: "Let the waiter serve the dishes and add two bowls of plain noodles."

Wanyue was stunned for a moment: "Sumian?"

The Empress Dowager has always liked big fish and meat, and the princess has followed her since she was a child, and she also eats delicacies from the mountains and seas. Why did she suddenly want to eat vegetarian noodles?

As she was thinking, the princess seemed to notice her doubts and said: "It's a rare luxury."

 Wan Yue was confused.

 How does plain noodles count as luxury?

Then, she heard a laugh in the private room, and she was obviously amused by "luxury".

 Oh, she understands.

The princess and the Duke are joking.

Alright, as long as the two of them are happy.

After Wan Yue handed over the instructions, Lin Yunyan turned back to the table and sat down.

 Xu Jian still had a smile in her eyes, which was getting deeper and deeper, and even the corners of her lips were curled up.

 The waiter quickly brought out all the dishes, including two bowls of hot plain noodles.

The soup base is clear, with shredded bamboo shoots and mushrooms, tofu skin, small pieces of soft tofu, and garnished with green beans, the aroma is overflowing.

 After the waiter exited, Xu Jian commented: "It's really luxurious."

  It is much more luxurious than the plain noodles that the little princess gave him from the front. Those are really clear water noodles with some wild vegetables.

It happened that when a person was at the end of his life, it was better to have a stutter than to go hungry. The two of them shared a bowl, and there was not even a mouthful of soup left.

 After eating the hot soup noodles, Lin Yunyan felt much more comfortable.

 It’s still a good time and comfortable.

I have some temperament with Xu Jian, and I can buy whatever I can, and I do n’t need to care for money at all.

  Unlike those hard days, just thinking about how to survive, even bickering is a luxury.

Such a good life must last for a long time.

 The night wind is getting stronger.

Shan Shen, who was working hard at the desk, stood up and walked out of the study. While moving, he hit his tight waist.

 Looking up, he happened to see Xu Jian coming back with a food box in his hand.

“I brought some snacks to Mr. Shan.” Xu Jian said.

Shan Shen suddenly became energetic.

 The Duke of Fu was so considerate. He knew that he had worked hard all day, and even his dinner consisted of two steamed buns and some side dishes, and he even brought him food.

"After I finish all this, I'll go back and wipe my face, warm a pot of wine, and feel at ease!" Shan Shen rubbed his hands.

 Is there anything more relaxing than a late-night snack with side dishes and wine after work?

there is none left!

 This is it!

Shan Shen happily put away the food box and asked casually: "What did the Duke eat?"

 “Simple noodles.” Xu Jian said.

Shan Shen was stunned, thought for a moment, opened the food box and took a look.

 Crystal elbow white cut lamb.

 It’s okay, it’s all meat and vegetables.

 Shuntian Mansion has been busy for a few days.

 Before the seal was sealed, a group of candidates were moved into Lao Shi Lane and subsidized money was distributed to other candidates.

 Shenghui Pavilion opened its doors for business. Chen Gui, the apparent owner, was smiling brightly, but when he stood behind the counter, he did not dare to step **** the ground with his feet.

There are gold bricks buried underneath.

There are floor tiles, rammed earth, and boxes and cages separating them, and the gold bricks are not something that can be stepped on, but this is what I am thinking about in front of my heart.

He could only tell himself over and over again in his heart that it would be difficult for the business to be prosperous even if he was doing business on gold bricks.

 On the twenty-fifth day of the twelfth lunar month, the Yamen sealed it.

Shan Shen breathed a long sigh of relief and sighed: "I have been busy for a whole year, so I can count on a few days of rest."

 Zhang Yuan also said: "But we must have a good year."

After all, they are the officials of the capital. If something big happens during the New Year, they will have to come to the Yamen and work overtime.

“If you are stable during the New Year, you must also be stable after the new year,” Shan Shen said. “I don’t want to open the seal next year and start by kowtowing to apologize.”

 Thinking about the beginning of this year, before Shang Xia Xia could recover from the joy, something happened in Lao Shi Alley.

The taste...

Shan Shen didn’t want to remember it, so he cupped his hands with Xu Jian and said, “I have worked hard these days, Lord Duke.”

Xu Jian said: "I came here to kill time. It's not hard work at all."

 “What are the Duke’s plans for the next year?” Shan Shen asked.

 To be honest, he still liked Fu Guogong sitting in Shuntian Mansion.

This person does not interfere in things, and does not shirk when it is necessary for him to take action. He is truly an effective Bodhisattva statue.

 But he also knew that Duke Fuguo could not stay here forever...

 Xu Jian thought for a while and said, "Let's see how the Holy One arranges it."

 “That’s right.” Shan Shen nodded, it was hard to disobey the king’s order.

Xu Jian added: "It's been a pleasure working with Mr. Shan. If there is anything I need help with in the future..."

As soon as Shan Shen heard this, he subconsciously said: "Oh, the Duke is so polite!"

“Then I won’t use polite words,” a smile flashed in Xu Jian’s eyes, “When I need Mr. Shan’s help, I will speak up.”

Shan Shen:?

 How was he polite to others in the past?

 Why doesn’t something seem right now?

 Is it the other way around?

 Continue to shout for monthly votes.

Thanks to book friend Xu Bicheng’s official girlfriend for the reward.

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