Yan Cigui

Chapter 212: Be prepared

Chapter 212 Be Prepared

Yamen sealed the seal, but the Holy Emperor did not completely put down government affairs.

As usual, he got up early to wash up, sat in the imperial study, and looked through the memorials that were not urgent and had not been disposed of before yesterday.

 The contents are mostly sent by local government offices in advance to express New Year greetings.

 A stream of auspicious words.

 Among them, several books mentioned Li Shao.

After reading it, the Holy Emperor put it aside and asked Eunuch Cao: "Has Xu Jian arrived?"

Eunuch Cao went outside to ask.

It was also a coincidence that as soon as he stepped out of the imperial study room, he looked up and saw Xu Jian.

 “The Holy One asked about the Duke of the country.” Eunuch Cao hurriedly came up to greet him.

Xu Jian untied his snow coat, straightened the hem and cuffs of his clothes, and then followed him into the imperial palace. After bowing respectfully, he sat down as instructed.

The Holy One took a sip of tea and said, "There were so many things going on in the past few days that I didn't even bother to ask you. I've been in Shuntian Mansion for a while. What do you think?"

This time, Xu Jian did not excuse himself from "dawling around".

 Verily, he told what he thought and saw during these days.

What things are being done by Shuntian Prefecture, how they are being promoted, how they are coordinating with other yamen, and what are the similarities and differences with the last time he was "in charge" of Shuntian Prefecture.

 The Holy Father listened with great concentration and nodded from time to time.

 Is this because the Holy One is concerned about his growth in the yamen?

Xu Jian knew that he was indeed concerned, but behind the concern was deep consideration for the prince.

 When Li Shao was young, the Holy Master could always take him with him and teach him some things personally.

 The year before last, Li Shaocai moved out of the East Side Hall of the Holy Palace and established his own East Palace.

 It's not far from the palace and the royal study, but after all, it's not in front of you.

The court is busy, and the Holy Father wants to give more advice, but he is too ambitious and unable to do so.

 Furthermore, what those in higher positions see and think are not entirely consistent with the Qianbulangyamen where they handle affairs and the local government.

No matter how much you listen to in the imperial study or how much the three orphans explain, it is just talk on paper, no more direct than visiting the Yamen in person and observing the politics seriously.

Only when you understand how the yamen below do things, you will not be blinded when you sit on the throne in the future, and you will not make jokes about pretending to be a deer.

It is a trivial matter to make the ministers smile and embarrass the royal family.

 A layman gives random advice to an expert, and it is difficult to disobey the sacred order. If government affairs are messed up, it will be fatal.

 In his early years, His Majesty had no intention of becoming an emperor. He just wanted to be an idle prince, and he never learned anything about it.

 It was only when the throne fell on his head that he realized his shortcomings.

From the time he was appointed crown prince to the time he ascended the throne, it only took a few months. If he was determined to learn, how much could he learn?

 Fortunately, the old ministers left behind by the late emperor were capable and taught him step by step, helping him get through the first few years, and he gradually got on the right path.

The Holy Father himself has gone through detours, so he naturally does not want his son to make the same mistakes again.

 Therefore, it is necessary to observe politics.

How to observe and what insights can be gained depends on enlightenment.

To achieve enlightenment, in addition to oneself, one must also have someone who can lead the way.

this person…

 Xu Jian glanced at His Majesty.

 He knew clearly that the Holy Spirit wanted him to do this.

 Having grasped the Holy Spirit's thoughts, what to say and how to say it were naturally prepared before coming.

 The speaking speed slowed down. Xu Jian did not speak very fast, and even stopped occasionally to pretend to think. The Holy Spirit did not urge him.

  Today is free after all, so he has enough time to listen slowly.

 After Xu Jian finished speaking, looking at the look on the saint's face, one could tell that he was very satisfied with the summary.

"Shan Qing praised you to me, and you praised him to me," the Holy Sage laughed, "You two get along really well."

Xu Jian lowered his eyes and said: "Master Shan is in charge of Shuntian Mansion and has his own abilities. I am not boasting with my eyes closed."

 The Holy Spirit laughed heartily.

 Praise when you do well.

This is normal.

  He likes to hear well-founded and well-organized praise among officials.

 This shows that as a king, he employs people wisely, puts the right chess pieces in the right positions, and plays a role.

Feeling relaxed, the Holy Father said again: "You didn't just sit and pass the time. You actually saw some things and thought about a lot. I am very happy. Come and read these excerpts for me."

 After speaking, the Holy Emperor nodded at the basic items he had picked out earlier and motioned to Eunuch Cao to give them to Xu Jian.

 Xu Jian took it with both hands and opened it to read.

  Putting aside the compliments and greetings, the common point in these excerpts is "Li Shao", and they all believe that the prince is young and the emperor should give him more experience.

I don’t know which corner of the book sent it out. I don’t know that anyone in the capital would even mention that the prince visited Yumen on behalf of the emperor last year, and even the superiors praised the prince’s experience trip.

After he finished reading, the Holy Spirit said: "I have been quite hesitant this year.

 I thought for a while that Shao'er was still young, so I would learn more from Sangu and lay a solid foundation before letting him get into practice. After a while, I thought again, if you just listen without practicing, your ideas must be naive and not practical enough.

It is this kind of naivety that makes him act unsteadily and think out of the blue. Otherwise, you will not be hurt.

You can analyze it for me, let Shaoer go to various yamen earlier to observe the politics and master more practical matters, or let him calm down and follow the bosses. "

Xu Jian pursed her lips.

 After "thinking" for a while, he said: "Since you are telling me this in private, of course you don't want to hear some superficial talk, so I won't beat around the bush and tell the truth."

The Holy Father nodded: "You can say whatever you want, and I won't hold you accountable."

"You established the crown prince early because you had planned to leave the world in his hands. Even if other princes have outstanding abilities in the future, you will not establish another prince. And you can be so hesitant now because you are at the right time. You are in your prime of life and in good health." Xu Jian paused and said boldly, "If you are in poor health and the imperial doctor is no longer optimistic, you can immediately kick the prince to the Qianbu Corridor to watch the politics."

Eunuch Cao was bringing more tea to the Holy Sage, and his hands almost trembled when he heard this.

 Listen to what Duke Fu Guo said!

 To tell the truth, it’s too true!

 Fortunately, the Holy Spirit didn't care, and even laughed.

Xu Jian continued: "I thought it was better to be prepared than to have any trouble. The prince said it was not big or small. He will be seventeen next year. How can he not understand the government?"

The principle is such a principle, that is, "be prepared for any danger"...

Sheng glanced at his hand that was holding the big case. The young man was really not particular about his words. He spoke as if he would die in a few years.

 That’s all, he doesn’t care about these trivial matters.

 Besides, Xu Jian is right.

 Seventeen years old, not mature enough, but mature enough to understand government affairs.

"According to your idea, after the new year, let the prince start to observe the government from the six departments." The Holy Lord had already made this decision, and he also led Xu Jian in, "You did a good job in Shuntian Mansion. Please talk to Shaoer about your thoughts, and follow him to observe politics after the new year.”

  Xu·Jianjitong·Jian: Everything is under control



 (End of this chapter)

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