Yan Cigui

Chapter 214: Don't be ignorant of praise


 The carriage stopped.

The chamberlain trotted forward, placed the pedals, and then bowed and saluted the people in the carriage: "My dear, please give your regards to King Jin."

 The curtain opened and the people in the car stooped out.

After standing still, Li Du adjusted his sleeves and clothes casually, looked around, and let out a long sigh of relief.

Looking at the white air coming out in front of his eyes, he sighed: "It's really cold today. Your Highness the Crown Prince is really young and energetic, and he is still interested in hunting in such a cold weather. Speaking of which, where are the others?"

The chamberlain hurriedly replied: "His Royal Highness has already set off into the forest."

"Oh?" Li Du asked as he walked forward, "Did you find the whereabouts of the prey?"

The chamberlain smiled and shook his head: "It seems not yet."

Li Du smiled softly and said: "The prince is still so impatient. Go and bring the horse, and I will look for him."

Soon, a servant came with Li Du's beloved horse.

It was a yellow gelding horse. It looked unattractive just because of its coat color, but it was well trained. It had long limbs and looked strong and strong.

Li Du patted the horse's neck, got on his horse, and headed into the forest.

 The personal bodyguards and chamberlains all followed.

 In the twelfth lunar month, very few royal family members and dignitaries came to the forest farm, and the snow that had fallen previously was still accumulating.

Easily, Li Du found Li Shao and his party through the traces in the snow.

Li Shao was sitting on his horse with his long bow on his back. He turned his head when he heard the sound and said, "Uncle is here?"

Li Du urged his horse to ride alongside Li Shao and said, "Is there anything to gain, Prince?"

“Not yet,” Li Shao replied, “I don’t know where they are hiding.”

"Then why are you in a hurry? I see you were the first to rush in. There are so many people and you don't dare to walk alone. The vastness scares away all the prey," Li Du said with a smile, "Wait a moment, let's The guards will serve as scouts with you, and they will disperse first. If you find anything, it won't be too late for you to come back."

Li Shao was a little unconvinced.

He has always been like this. Didn’t he hunt a fat deer before?

However, what the second uncle said made sense, so Li Shao suppressed his dissatisfaction and signaled the guards to go find the deer.

Li Du accompanied Li Shao and let the horses move forward slowly and leisurely.

“Hunting is a pleasure,” Li Du said. “Looking at your expression, why does it feel like a chore?”

 Li Shao curled his lips.

 Isn’t he just doing hard work?

 “My father asked me to go to the Six Ministries after the new year to observe the government.” Li Shao said.

Li Du was stunned when he heard this, and then laughed again: "Isn't this a good thing? The six departments are observing politics and getting in touch with the practice, which is more intuitive than just listening to the lectures of the three orphans. Your Highness has studied with the three orphans for many years, and has accumulated a lot of various concepts. , it’s time to put them into practice.”

 With a basic perspective, we can use it to analyze practical applications.

With more exposure to practice, you can learn from experience, and in turn have a deeper understanding of the teachings of the gentlemen.

"That's what my father said," Li Shao said, paused, and then said, "I don't hate going to watch politics, I just don't like my father asking Xu Jian to follow me."

 Li Du laughed heartily.

 Li Shao was dissatisfied with the arrangement made by the Holy Council, but Li Du was not surprised.

He also asked Xu Jian to go to Shuntian Mansion, and called people into the imperial study from time to time. The emperor's concern for Xu Jian was beyond words.

The intention is not difficult to guess.

 Li Shao lacks a companion.

It is not appropriate to say it is a companion. The prince lacks a companion who can supervise him and guide him, rather than a companion who dares not go west when the prince points east.

 Xu Jian is exactly that kind of person.

 After all, among all the distinguished sons of the dynasty, Xu Jian was the only one who could tie up the prince without saying a word.

Last year, when Li Shao returned to Beijing and told him about this matter, Li Du held back his strength so as not to laugh on the spot.

With such hatred, how could the prince be willing to ask Xu Jian to take care of it?

 His sixth brother, the emperor, was still too naive in this matter. Thinking so, Li Du did not reveal Li Shao's secrets when he spoke: "To tell you the truth, I thought it would take at least another year or two before the Holy Father would let you observe the government.

 He has trained you, trusted you, and has thought of giving you all this country.

I always hold on to you because I am worried that I will delay you; if I let go too early, I am afraid that the foundation has not been laid and will cause you to take more detours.

Tianjia father and son are kings and ministers, but he treats you like an old father raising a son, and he thinks a lot about you.

After thinking about it like this, is there any other disciple who can meet his requirements better than Xu Jian? "

Li Shao pursed his lips and listened carefully to Li Du's words.

 Li Shao knew very well how his father treated him, and he also knew that his uncle was telling the truth.

“But I really don’t like Xu Jian, he is too difficult to get along with!” Li Shao muttered.

Li Du patted his waist and said, "I don't think this can all be attributed to Duke Fu."

Li Shao's eyes widened and he questioned: "Is it my problem?"

  “That’s not what I meant.”

Compared to Li Shao's eagerness, Li Du was still slow and calm: "Getting along with people of the same age is a science.

Your Highness is the eldest son of the emperor. He is very different in age from his younger brothers. When you were studying with Sangu, they could not even walk.

 The two previous companion readers left you for their own reasons after not being with you for a few years.

The same goes for Duke Fu. Although he has a younger brother who is about the same age, he has had very little contact since he was a child, right?

I remember that he had always followed the old man, studying and practicing martial arts, and I didn’t see him making many friends.

Later on, he was appointed to the court early. He was young but had to be mature, so His Highness found him difficult to get along with. "

 Li Shao snorted.

 Xu Jian is mature?

How could Xu Jian look so mature when he was watching and talking about music in the court?

Uncle just put money on Xu Jian's face.

 This point can be discarded, and the rest of the words seem to make sense.

Li Du couldn't help but laugh when he saw his snort: "I know what His Highness is thinking. Your Highness thinks that Duke Fu is having fun all day long, right?

You don’t like Duke Fu to follow you, but let me tell you, Duke Fu may not want to follow you either.

Following His Royal Highness Six to observe politics, what is he happy to see? He's even more boring.

 Sacred mandate is difficult to deal with.

You should be considerate of your father's intentions. If you observe your politics and understand your intentions, Xu Jian will be able to do business, so he won't bother to follow you. "

Li Shao’s eyes lit up.

 What my uncle said makes sense.

He has a lot of people, so he took the initiative to step back and not argue with Xu Jian.

 I hope Xu Jian will not be ignorant of praise!

While the two were talking, a guard came back and pointed to the front and said: "Your Highness, we have found the deer's traces. The young ones are following it."

When Li Shao heard this, he immediately put Xu Jian's matter behind him and said to Li Du, "Let's catch up quickly!"

 Soon, they saw the deer.

  It has been alarmed and is running anxiously.

Li Shao didn't like the guards surrounding the prey. He came to shoot the last arrow. The kind of meat that was fed to the mouth made him achieve nothing, so the encirclement was very loose.

Seeing that the deer was about to run away, Li Shao took up his bow and shot an arrow. With a whoosh, the long arrow pierced the deer's hindquarters.

The deer was in pain and ran away screaming.

Li Shao laughed, followed the red blood stains on the snow, and rushed to the first one.

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