Yan Cigui

Chapter 215: wishful thinking

 The snow is thick in the forest.

The wild deer galloped, blood dripping continuously, and gradually exhausted, its speed became slower and slower, and its body was swaying.

Li Shao, who was following it, raised his hand to add another arrow, but was stopped by the guards around him.

 “What’s wrong?” Li Shao asked.

The guard pointed further ahead: "Look, there is another one."

Li Shao took a closer look, and sure enough, there was something there.

"This deer is already in the bag," Li Shao said, "let's go after that one."

 After saying that, he called the guards and continued forward.

Li Du did not rush to catch up. He only told the people around him: "Go and take good care of the prince. Don't let him be in danger."

 For a time, most of the people left with Li Shao.

Li Du drove his horse slowly closer to the injured deer, watching its dying struggle intently until his strength was exhausted and he could no longer move.

Hand in person, he dismounted, picked up the deer's head, and put the dead deer on the horse's back with force.

Li Du sighed: "This deer is not bad."

The chamberlain hurriedly agreed: "It's indeed good. Look at the legs, which are thick and strong. They will taste great after roasting."

Li Du smiled and said: "I said it has a temper. When it gets hurt, it will run home. It saves the prince the effort of looking for the deer again. Buy one, get one free."

The chamberlain said: "You are right."

“Let’s go,” Li Du said, “go and see if the prince has hunted the other end.”

 Li Shao has not succeeded yet.

This time, he was no longer accurate. He pulled the bow three times and missed the deer. Instead, he was so frightened that the deer ran away and went deep into the forest.

 That is to say, the snow made it easy to follow, so the deer's position was not lost.

Li Shao followed more and more hastily. The strings of the next few arrows were loosened before they were fully drawn. The long arrows lacked enough force to break through the air and fell halfway.

Seeing him like this, Li Du said: "The more urgent it becomes, the more chaotic it will be. I'll ask the guards to follow me. The prince may as well follow me in another direction, and the fast horses will surround him from the front."

Li Shao responded "Okay" and raised his whip.

 It is better to say that he followed Li Du, rather than that Li Du followed him. The horses' hooves kicked up the snow and foam flew.

Li Shao walked around to the front of the deer and tried to shoot with his bow. He tried several times but found it difficult to aim.

Li Du saw this and called for him to follow him.

The man followed his instructions, drew his long bow fully, and shot an arrow, hitting the deer's head squarely.

 The deer instantly fell to the ground.

Li Shao pulled the horse's rope, gradually slowed down, and turned to look at Li Du.

Li Du said: "If we go further forward, it will be difficult to move forward quickly. The deer is nimble and may escape."

Hearing this, Li Shao looked forward.

The trees there are getting denser and thicker, making it difficult for horses to move. It is an area that he rarely went to for hunting in the past.

 It is better to hunt than to let the prey escape.

“The people around my uncle are very good at riding and shooting.” Li Shao said.

Li Du said: "He is in his prime, and his hands are naturally strong. The prince will be able to make further progress if he practices for a few more years."

Li Shao just said it casually and didn't care who was stronger or weaker. He was more concerned about the two deer.

While waiting for the guards to move the deer back, Li Shao asked Li Du: "Speaking of which, I forgot to ask, how did my uncle get along with his brothers before?"

 His answer was first a laugh.

 Then, Li Du narrowed his eyes: "His Highness asked me this, which really made me sigh.

 My eldest brother, the late King Ding, was a few years older than us. He was a kind-hearted man and an excellent eldest brother.

 Compared with him, as the second elder brother, I am not a good role model for my younger brothers.

No matter what happened to the third and fourth children in the end, we were still very close when we were young.

I just didn’t expect that so many things would happen in the one or two years before my father’s death. However, there is no way to escape it. Nine times out of ten, the royal family, father and son, will end up like that. "

As he spoke, Li Du stopped talking when he saw that another deer was also brought back.

Li Shao went over to watch the deer carefully and was quite satisfied with today's harvest.

The horse was galloping for a while, and my body was very hot. The cold wind was blowing, but I didn't feel chilly, but felt very refreshed.

 He patted the fat deer **** hard and said, "Let's go back to the palace now."

Li Shao was furious and urged people to go back.

"You have succeeded, I haven't drawn the bow yet," Li Du said, "I'll leave later."

Li Shao touched the tip of his nose.

He specially called his uncle to the forest farm, but it was really pointless for his uncle to go back without drawing his bow.

But I have been busy chasing prey all morning, and when I return to the palace, I have to spend a lot of time preparing the deer meat and grilling it. If I don't hurry up, I'm afraid the roasted deer won't be on the table tonight.

Li Du waved his hand and said, "Prince, please go back. Remember to give me a deer leg later."

“When I finish baking it, I’ll have it delivered to my uncle’s house.” Li Shao agreed.

As soon as Li Shao left, most of the guards and chamberlain followed him.

Li Du was not in a hurry, and slowly and leisurely drove his horse forward. He circled deeper and came out again. He did not draw his bow until he left.

 Outside the paddock, the palace people are waiting here.

Seeing Li Du bringing people back, they all cheered up to welcome him.

Li Du dismounted, and someone led the horse away. Someone offered him a steaming clean veil.

Taking off his leather gloves, Li Du wiped his hands with a handkerchief, stepped onto the car, and sat leaning against the pillow.

The chamberlain followed him, brought him a hot drink, and asked: "Your Highness, the Crown Prince, is watching the government. Can you and the Duke of Fu Guo get along peacefully?"

Li Du took a small sip and glanced at the waiter.

 The chamberlain lowered his eyes and said no more.

 After a long while, Li Du finished drinking and said, "Your Majesty, it's just wishful thinking."

In the other room, Li Shao, who hurried back to the palace, first sent someone to the imperial study room to report the news to Cining Palace. Then he went to the imperial dining room, skinned and chopped the waist himself, laid out the ingredients and roasted it on the fire.

 The meat from the four legs should be divided equally between the father, uncle, empress dowager and the imperial concubine.

 The rest was divided among the people below.

 Two deers, clearly arranged.

When it is ready to be baked, Li Shao personally sent it to the Imperial Study Room.

Eunuch Cao happily prepared wine and filled it for the father and son. He heard from the prince that he passed by while hunting deer today.

In Cining Palace, the Queen Mother tasted the deer leg and nodded repeatedly.

 It still smells like meat!

 It is rich in fat and leaves a fragrant aroma in the mouth.

“Yun Yan had a great meal last time. She knew that the Ai family was greedy, so she deliberately came to tempt the Ai family,” the Queen Mother said with a smile, “She is not here today, so the Ai family can only enjoy the meal.”

Grandma Wang said: "I don't know what the princess will eat tonight, whether it tastes good or not..."

The Queen Mother said so, but she was still thinking about Lin Yunyan.

Thinking of the cute way Yun Yan gnawed the mutton chops just to satisfy her craving, the Queen Mother said: "The Ai family can't finish such a big deer leg. The meat is thick, so I quickly cut it off and sent it to Uncle Chengyi's house."

Smaller than the father -in -law, put the meat on the plate, let people send it quickly.

Lin Yunyan is not in the house.

She was in the yard behind Taohe Zhai, holding the thick soup stewed by Grandma He, and after taking a sip, she frowned.

He frowned, but did not put down the bowl. He even added another bowl after finishing the drink.

Xu Jian saw it and raised his eyebrows slightly: "It doesn't have to be so hard to drink."

The little princess has a picky mouth, but she is not biased. Aunt He's craftsmanship is good, so it will not taste like something else in her mouth...

 Thanks to book friends Xu Bicheng’s official girlfriend and Xiaoyuan for the reward.

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