Yan Cigui

Chapter 223: Unintentional insertion (asking for monthly votes)

 The "war" was successful.

Little Mrs. Duan was in a good mood. The next day, when Lin Lang took her husband and daughter back to her parents' home to pay New Year's greetings, she was in high spirits.

As the youngest daughter and the only daughter, Lin Lang was very doted on by her parents and brothers during her childhood.

Before the old man died, she was the one who worried most.

Even though the marriage was finalized long ago, he has always been reluctant to get married, but he didn't expect that staying until the end would delay his illness.

 Fortunately, the uncle and husband’s family I chose are decent and reliable.

The Jin family does not have a title, but they have been a scholar for hundreds of years. Their ancestors had great Confucian scholars, and their family tradition is particularly upright.

 After the disciples became officials, some stayed in the capital, while others were sent to serve as officials. Even if they were not in high positions, they all had good official titles.

 Brother-in-law Jin Wei'an has no intention of entering the court, and is focused on learning.

During the three years when Lin Lang kept filial piety for his father, he followed the Jin family's elders to travel around the mountains and rivers and gain more knowledge.

After getting married, the two lived a happy and smooth life, and they got a daughter, Jinning, who was also very popular and loved by everyone.

 But today, Jinning pouted, looking aggrieved.

 As soon as he entered the house, he didn't say hello to anyone, and jumped directly on Lin Yunyan.

Lin Yunyan simply held her in her arms.

Little Mrs. Duan felt extremely distressed when she saw it. She wanted to reach out to take it, but Jinning was unwilling to let go, so she didn't force her. She just asked, "Who bullied us, Ning Ning? Tell grandma."

Jinning blinked her big eyes, and tears fell down: "Fifth sister ignored me."

Lin Lang took out a handkerchief and wiped her tears: "I'm not ignoring Ning Ning. Ask her when you get home. She will definitely play with you."

 After speaking, she explained to everyone.

Lin Yunyan gently patted Jinning on the back and listened, but she understood.

 The fifth sister refers to Jinning’s cousin Jin Shu.

On the way back, Jinning clamored for flower cakes, so Jin Weian stopped the carriage and went to buy some with the child in his arms.

Unexpectedly, when he met another young woman who was also buying, Jinning opened her mouth and called her "Fifth Sister."

That woman is naturally not Jin Shu.

"Weian said that the facial features are not very similar, but at a glance, it is indeed easy to misjudge them," Lin Lang said, "It is more like the way they behave, they are both delicate and delicate girls.

Ning Ning didn’t know clearly for a moment, thinking it was Ashu, and stretched out her hand to be hugged.

The girl must be introverted. She took one look at us and got on the sedan.

Ning Ning, isn’t this just..."

Little Duan was very amused when he heard this.

It is so common to admit the wrong person. It happens to adults as well, not to mention children.

 It's just that the child admits his mistake and cannot react, and he feels aggrieved.

Xiao Duan brought a lot of new things for fun, and then Jinning let go of Lin Yunyan, and she carried her over to coax her. They teased her in various directions, and finally made her granddaughter forget to ignore her fifth sister, and she smiled happily. .

Lin Yunyan looked at the lively and happy scene with a smile on her face, but her thoughts fell on Jin Shu.

 She remembered that Jin Shu left very early in the past.

It seems that it was this year that the Jin family sent a funeral notice to the uncle's house, saying that Jin Shu had died of a long illness.

Mrs. Duan was quite emotional when she took the post, saying that raising a child is not easy. From being a baby to being able to run and jump, to being able to get married, she saw that more than ten years of hard work has been spent, and now she has to worry about her. The future, rather than fear of premature death, is...

Since she was a girl who died of illness in her boudoir, the Jin family was heartbroken, so they did simple things and had no intention of letting anyone come to the door to add fragrance.

Lin Yunyan did go there.

 Because Jinning is ill.

Ning Ning has been very close to her since birth and wants to look for her when she feels uncomfortable.

Lin Yunyan took Jinning back to Bao'an Garden and stayed there for ten days. Aunt Ma was watching over her, so she could rest assured about her condition.

 But at that time, Jinning was in a daze and had a conversation with Lin Yunyan in the middle of the night. "Fifth sister has been ill for a long time. I wanted to go to her, but they didn't let me go."

“I went there secretly once, and the fifth sister was covered with injuries.”

“The fifth sister refuses to take medicine and is forced to take it by grandma. It’s so pitiful.”

 After that, Jinning fell asleep.

 When I asked her again after she woke up, the child was confused and couldn't explain why she was here.

 When Lin Lang came to pick up Jinning, Lin Yunyan mentioned it to her.

At that time, Lin Lang's face didn't look very good. He looked at his daughter who was talking to Mother Ma and didn't say anything for a while.

After a long time, she said: "Little Ning Ning, even her dreams are real. She doesn't take the medicine herself, but she says that Ashu doesn't. This child is really... Yun Yan, don't take it to heart."

Lin Yunyan smiled and didn’t mention it again.

 First of all, Ning Ning is not yet five years old, so everything she sees and says is compromised.

 Furthermore, it was a matter between my aunt's mother-in-law's family, and my aunt obviously didn't want to mention it more. Even if there was something involved, it wasn't like she rushed to Jin's house and pointed out what to do.

Can't hear Ning Ning say that Jin Shu is injured. The outsiders who can barely hit by her eight poles are shouting to dig a grave and open the coffin?

 But now, Lin Yunyan is thinking about the past again...

 She wanted to save Jin Shu.

Ning Ning likes her fifth sister so much.

 Jin Shu is about the same age as her, and Lin Yunyan has a good impression of her.

 It is a pity that a girl of the same age is missing.

Moreover, somehow, she had a vague feeling in her heart that helping Jin Shu would be beneficial to her.

 Hatefully planting willows and willows to create shade.

Just like she rushed to the two boxes of gold bricks, but in the end she dug out the Zhu family and Wang Sixian, and found out the cause of the death of His Royal Highness Prince Ding.

This may be the case with Jin Shu, giving her new gains in unexpected places.

 So, where should she start...

Lin Yunyan turned around and asked Lin Lang: "Aunt, which flower cake did Ning Ning buy from?"

"The one at the corner of Ruyifang Street," Lin Lang said with a smile, "Why are you so greedy? I should have bought a few more, because Ning Ning just cried and couldn't take care of it."

"It's okay, I'll send someone to buy it." Lin Yunyan said.

 Ruyifang is in the west of the city, half a city away from Chengyi Bo's Mansion.

Lin Yunyan found Aunt Wang and exchanged a few words with her.

 After the family had lunch, the energetic Jinning was finally tired enough to take a nap, and Grandma Wang came back.

Lin Yunyan saw her expression was strange, so she asked, "What did you find out?"

Grandma Wang said in a low voice: "The flower cake stall deals with regular customers, and all the neighbors recognize it."

Wang Yan said that at the time, he only cared about coaxing the child and scared away the other girl away.

The stall owner was very impressed by Jinning who had cried at the stall in the morning, so he said that he was a regular customer, so he didn't need to be so particular. He could just talk to them next time the guests came over.

Wang Yan's mouth cleverly asked, and asked the residence of frequent guests.

"He said, it seems to be in Narcissus Alley," Grandma Wang's voice became even lower, "I wanted to ask again, but an old woman next to me winked at me, and then she whispered to me, that girl learned how to Go to the outer room of the young master who caused the uproar. Her son works as an errand in the government office and has met people. Isn’t that..."

This time, it was Lin Yunyan's turn to be surprised.

The little lady Liu Xun raised over there?

Yue Niang?

 Shout for monthly tickets, can I collect enough monthly tickets for the lottery draw this month...

 Thanks to book friends Xu Bicheng’s official girlfriend, Shuangshuang, book friend 20200702170435655, and book friend 20230706221436215 for the reward.

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