Yan Cigui

Chapter 224: Doesn't it look like it?

Chapter 224 Doesn’t it look like it?

Lin Yunyan has never met Yue Niang.

 In the past, after she married Xu Jian, there was no such person around Liu Xun.

Wang Yan never even saw Jin Shu, even if she saw her mother's face, she couldn't judge whether it was like.

 Fortunately, Wan Yue still has some impressions of the fifth girl of the Jin family.

 She volunteered and went to Narcissus Alley with Grandma Wang.

 On the second day of the Lunar New Year, the streets are full of people visiting relatives.

Wan Yue and Grandma Wang were dressed simply and carried snack boxes in their hands. They looked like grandparents and grandchildren visiting relatives and friends.

When we arrived at the place, most of the doors of the neighboring houses were open, except for the small courtyard where Yue Niang lived, the door was closed tightly.

Unexpectedly, as soon as her chubby body took a step forward, a young man from the other end of the alley ran over.

The little brother ran very fast, followed by a sedan. Judging from the relaxed steps of the sedan bearers, there was no one sitting in the sedan.

They were walking in such a hurry that they almost bumped into the children playing in the alley, which made the elders in the family poke their heads in surprise.

 “Look carefully when you walk! What should you do if you bump into someone?”

 “Hurry to vote…”

 “For those who are celebrating the Chinese New Year, forget it!”

The younger brother turned a deaf ear and went outside Yue Niang’s house, raised his hand and knocked on the door.

Seeing this, Grandma Wang took two steps back and pulled Wan Yue Reluo to talk.

The two of them looked like they were just having fun at home, but their thoughts were all in the yard.

The door panel was opened and an old woman stood inside. After hearing the young man say a few words and looking at the sedan, she closed the door.

 The younger brother waited at the door and said a few words to the bearer from time to time.

Seeing Wan Yue looking at the person from time to time, Grandma Wang asked her softly: "Have you seen him before?"

"It seems to be the one with Mr. Liu," Wan Yue hesitated slightly, "On the day of the training, Mr. Liu was taken back to the Yamen. He refused to follow, and later ran away."

 That day, she was in the attic with the princess. Looking down from a distance, she could only get a rough look at her facial features.

There were too many people at the school, and Liu Xun would not let a boy follow him closely, which made Liu Xun look out of place among the students.

It was the hesitant look that made Wan Yue see him and guess his identity.

As he was talking, the door panel of the compartment opened again with a creak.

The old nanny walked in front, followed by a young lady, who was Yue Niang.

The younger brother said hello diligently and lifted the sedan curtain for her.

Yue Niang seemed to notice that someone was looking at her. She turned around and looked around, but found nothing.

She usually doesn’t go out much, so she doesn’t know her neighbors very well. Besides, there are guests from every house today, and there are many unfamiliar faces, who gather in the alley to chat briefly at home.

 Suddenly a sedan came over to her and she was about to go out again. It was normal for others to look at her subconsciously.

With this thought, Yue Niang no longer discerned any further, and bent down to get on the sedan.

 The sedan curtain fell.

The younger brother urged the bearer to set off and walked in front. This time he had a better memory and shouted "give way" and "give way".

The old grandma did not follow, but entered the yard and closed the door.

Grandma Wang greeted Wan Yue, and the two of them followed her, neither far nor near. "How is it?" asked Aunt Wang in a low voice, "Does it look like it or not?"

Wan Yue pursed her lips and nodded slowly: "I knew she was Yue Niang, so I was confused at first glance, and then I could see the difference. But I understand what the lady said, that's it Demeanor, delicate and gentle.”

 Speaking of this, Wan Yue shook her head again.

 One is an unknown foreigner, and there is clearly a chance to escape from the situation, but still does not want to live an ordinary life; the other is a well-educated noble girl from a scholarly family.

To say that they both behave the same way would be to underestimate the fifth girl of the Jin family.

While walking along, I thought back and forth.

  Until we walked outside a theater, the sedan stopped.

The younger brother still opened the curtain. Yue Niang got off the sedan and followed him in.

Going forward, it would naturally be difficult to follow, but these last few glances made Wan Yue clasp her hands and say "Oh" in a low voice.

"Miss Jinwu is really gentle and delicate, she is delicate because of her preciousness," Wan Yue whispered to Aunt Wang, "That Yue Niang is delicate, but unnatural, a bit...well, I can't describe it."

Aunt Wang understood it right away: "She pretends too much and pretends to be herself. If you don't let her pretend, she won't know how to pretend anymore. She's very tired and crooked."

Wan Yue nodded for a while, and then said, "Mom, did you see a mole under her left eye? The fifth girl also has one, on the right."

“That’s a coincidence,” said Grandma Wang. “It’s no wonder Miss Ningning recognized the wrong person.”

Having achieved their goal, the two of them stopped waiting outside the theater and headed towards Chengyibo.

However, no one noticed that there were many stalls opposite the theater, some selling food and some selling gadgets. There was an old man selling candied haws on the side.

The "old man" looked at their backs expressionlessly, muttering in his heart: How could the princess's maid and nanny follow the Yue Niang?

 The two of them returned to the house.

Lin Yunyan listened to Wanyue explain the whole process.

 “That’s really a coincidence.” She sighed.

Wan Yue asked: "Princess, is it true that Yue Niang has nothing to do with the Jin family? There is no connection at all, why are they similar? Is there really such a thing in the world? Or is it that Yue Niang was originally from the Jin family, but she was just a child? Someone took her away? Or maybe it was the illegitimate daughter left by a master of the Jin family? What else..."

Lin Yunyan laughed when she heard this: "How do you recall the story books you read?"

Wanyue called her a little red heart and laughed awkwardly.

"You ask me, how can I explain it clearly," Lin Yunyan said, "I have indeed never heard that the Jin family has lost any girls. As for the romantic debts, it is even more impossible for me as an outsider to understand clearly.

However, the world is so big that it is impossible to be similar.

Furthermore, as you just said, the facial features are just a glance, and you can tell them apart if you look carefully. It's just the smell in the behavior and the tear marks under the eyes that can easily confuse people.

Suppose that Yue Niang is like our Yun Fang, hot-tempered and carefree, do you still think she is similar to the Jin Wu girl? "

Wanyue asked Lin Yunyan to ask.

With her head slightly raised and her eyes raised to the sky, she seriously connected Yue Niang and the third girl...

  She couldn't help but shudder.


Forcing herself to think about it again, she replied: "If it is so arrogant, I probably won't think of Miss Jinwu. That smell is not right!"

Lin Yunyan looked at the series of changes in her expression and couldn't help but smile.

Wanyue herself rubbed her forehead in embarrassment.

Earlier, she herself felt aggrieved for treating the fifth girl of Jin as the same as Yue Niang, so the princess directly used the third girl to put it on Yue Niang.

The princess is really direct in her words.

 (End of this chapter)

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