Yan Cigui

Chapter 225: Which pot should not be opened?

Chapter 225 Which pot should not be opened?

 While the master and servant were talking, someone came to report from outside.

 It was said that Miss Ningning woke up and shouted to find the princess.

Wan Yue responded and helped Lin Yunyan to Zaishouyuan.

 Xiao Duan's place is still very lively.

Jinning knew that Lin Yunyan was already on her way, so she stopped making noise and just looked outside with her round eyes.

When she heard the maids and mothers in the yard greeting Lin Yunyan, she twisted her body and got out of Lin Lang's arms, and walked out on two legs.

Lin Lang laughed and asked her to "slow down."

As soon as Lin Yunyan entered the main room, before she could go to the next room, she saw a beautiful dumpling rushing out of the room and threw it directly into her arms.

 She picked up Jinning.

With a smack on his face, Jinning kissed Lin Yunyan on the cheek, giggling to himself.

Lin Yunyan was also happy, holding her soft little hands and talking softly.

 The two of them were sitting around having fun, flipping ropes and feeding them snacks.

Since Lin Lang and the others are going back, dinner will be served earlier than usual.

When the banquet was over, Jinning was held by Lin Lang, but his hands refused to let go of Lin Yunyan. There were big tears in his eyes, and he wanted to cry.

Lin Lang felt distressed and amused at the same time: "Your father and I have to go back. Does Ning Ning want to stay alone at her grandmother's house and play with sister Yun Yan?"

Jinning hesitated upon hearing this.

Lin Yunyan smiled and said to her: "Did Ning Ning forget the fifth sister? You have to go home and see if the fifth sister wants to play with you."

 When mentioning Jin Shu who ignored her, Jinning suddenly made up his mind.

“I’m looking for the fifth sister,” she said.

Lin Yunyan added: "Yes, let's find the fifth sister. I will come to your house to see you in a few days. You take me to find the fifth sister and we will play together."

Jinning was no longer entangled, hugged Lin Lang's neck, and urged her to get into the carriage.

Lin Lang smiled and said: "Yun Yan still has a way."

The carriage drove out of Chengyi Bo's Mansion.

Lin Yunyan looked at it, thinking about which day she would go there.

 In normal times, I would just hand in a post and go there. But during the Chinese New Year, every family has a lot of things to do when visiting relatives and friends.

She doesn't mind if someone is too busy and not considerate, but if the Jin family is decent, if they don't treat their guests well, they will feel terribly uncomfortable.

Thinking about it this way, it’s better to wait until the seventh day of the lunar month, so that it’s not so busy.

 Late at night, Lin Yunyan was lying on the bed, closing her eyes and remembering.

 The room was warm, the quilt seemed thicker, and she was covered in a thin layer of sweat. Subconsciously, she raised her feet and kicked.

 The cotton wool sinks…

  Yes, I remember that Ning Ning couldn’t kick the quilt away at night, and vaguely shouted that it was hot several times, so she asked Wan Yue to change the bed to a thinner one.

 Because of the cold weather in spring and autumn, she will change her thin quilt later.

 If it were a summer blanket, it would have been kicked away long ago.

At about dawn, Ning Ning wet the bed, and Mother Ma and Wan Yue came to clean her up in a hurry. She took Ning Ning aside and didn't seem to put any clothes on her, so she shouldn't be cold.

So to put it this way, it’s not winter, there’s no spring cold, and it’s not summer yet.

That should be in late spring or early summer...

Thinking about this line of thought again, Lin Yunyan completely remembered it.

 It’s almost the end of April.

Grandma had not yet completely recovered from her health at that time, so she was very sad when she received the post about the funeral and said a lot about how difficult it is to raise a child.

—When you are young, you are afraid of dying, and when you grow up, you have to worry about the future, especially girls. They make mistakes before getting married, just like Yun Jing, who suffers too much.

When Lin Yunyan went to pick up Jinning, her aunt was also in a dilemma, saying that her mother was still ill and she had to worry about Ning Ning at home.

 At that time, she persuaded her aunt that her grandmother was sick and bored, and hearing Ning Ning’s voice might cheer her up, so she brought Ning Ning back.

 Jin Shu left at the end of April.

When did Ning Ning say “I have been ill for a long time”?

 This point, Lin Yunyan is not sure about.

Now that I think about it, too many people fell ill between the first month of the twelfth year of Yongjia and late spring. Except for Xiao Duan, Lin Yunfang and Jinning, whom she already knew, Grandma He and Jin Shu died of illness, and the Queen Mother also fell ill...

 Is there any connection between this?

 Or is it just a coincidence?

Thinking like this, tiredness came over her and Lin Yunyan fell asleep.

The sky is gradually getting brighter.

Xu Jian got up to wash up, and not long after, Xuan Su came to say hello.

 “When did you come back?” Xu Jian asked him.

Xuan Su said: "I just came back less than half an hour ago."

Xu Jian laughed loudly: "He can do it."

 The "he" refers to Li Shao.

 Xuansu followed Li Shao all day yesterday.

On the first day of the Lunar New Year, Xu Jian and Lin Yu left the Gongmen Square together and met Li Shao halfway.

Li Shao's face was radiant and he was beckoning people to leave the city.

When he saw them, he was probably in a very good mood during the New Year, and he even greeted them warmly.

Xu Jian replied to him: "Your Highness, please be careful when leaving the city. Unfortunately, I cannot ride a horse and cannot follow Your Highness."

In this way, Li Shao's face immediately dropped when he didn't open any pot.

 “I didn’t ask you to follow either.” He said.

"When the seal is opened in the next year, your Highness will not let me follow you," Xu Jian said, and smiled deliberately, "Whether you are your Highness or I, please seize these half a month and be more relaxed."

 Li Shao:…

His Royal Highness the Prince was so angry that he waved his riding whip and left.

The uncle was still very puzzled and asked, "What should we do to recruit him?" Xu Jian did not answer directly. He only said, "I will tell you in detail when I visit in a few days."

 He was deliberately looking for trouble with Li Shao.

Not only did I look for it in the first grade of junior high school, but I also found it in the second grade of junior high school.

When he learned that Li Shao had left the palace again, Xu Jian went to look for him, but acted like he had just met him on the street.

Li Shao asked with a dark face: "The capital is so big, what's wrong with you?"

Xu Jian answered him: "Perhaps I and Your Highness can think of going together. There are so many places outside the pass. Wouldn't I catch up with Your Highness immediately?"

With Li Shao's temper, such an argument would definitely explode.

 He said: "I finally know why you and your brother don't have a good relationship."

Xu Jian said: "His Highness must not learn from him. He learns to cheat and drags other girls into the water. If Your Highness does this kind of thing in the future, I will not be able to answer the question in front of the Holy Emperor."

After saying this, Li Shao didn't say a word from his teeth for a long time.

According to Xu Jian's observation, if Li Shao himself didn't want to lose that person, he might have harmed him like this.

Since then, Xuan Su has been quietly following Li Shao.

According to the plan, the more troublesome Li Shao gets, the more likely he is to do something outrageous. Xu Jian is waiting for him to do something outrageous.

It’s just that the news Xuan Su brought back...

“The prince asked people to look for Mr. Liu. When he learned that Mr. Liu was listening to a play, he also went over.”

"Outside the theater, I saw Miss Wan Yue and Grandma Wang. They must be following Yue Niang, but they didn't find me."

"When the prince arrived, he didn't see Mr. Liu sending anyone out. I think he was looking for Yue Niang first, and then asked the prince to find her."

“The prince left in the evening and Mr. Liu sent him out, but Yue Niang did not show up.”

"Mr. Liu quickly returned to the private room upstairs. Yue Niang should still be there."

 “The prince drank wine and dined until the fourth watch, and then went to the Prince of Jin’s Mansion.”

 Xu Jian pondered.

Since the palace gate was closed, it was normal for him to go to Prince Jin's Mansion to rest. If the Holy Emperor asked him the next day, Li Shao could explain it.

 Just, what are Wan Yue and the other two doing following Yue Niang?

Could it be that the little princess has discovered something new these days?

   Thanks to book friend Xu Bicheng’s official girlfriend for the reward.

  (End of this chapter)

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