Yan Cigui

Chapter 226: Don’t mess around (two updates combined into one, please vote for me)

 The small door of Uncle Chengyi's Mansion opened.

Linton came out with a broom and swept the snow outside the gate to both sides.

 Then he changed the rag and bucket and wiped the door.

There was a neighbor's steward who went out early. Seeing him busy, he couldn't help but smile and say hello: "Uncle Dun, it's so early today. Why don't you do all the work yourself and let the young people below do it?"

Linton chuckled: "It's not a troublesome thing."

The steward had an idea: "Hey, I thought about it, my new uncle is coming to pay New Year's greetings today, right?"

 Linton was even happier.

Xinguye refers to the Duke of Fuguo.

It was decided a year ago, and I came to visit on the third day of the Lunar New Year.

Linton was so excited that he got up at dawn to clean up.

The Duke of Fu must be allowed to see the importance Bo Chengyi attaches to it, and at the same time, it also attaches great importance to the Holy One. After all, this marriage is the decree given by the emperor, and nothing can be done carelessly.

 The steward expressed congratulations.

Linton responded and tidied up the inside and outside of the door again.

In the uncle's house, Grandma Zeng also directed the ladies in charge.

When Mrs. Chen asked about it, she said: "The servants are all watching, so just don't worry, and let the old lady and the princess rest assured. The first New Year greeting after the marriage must be thorough."

Everything is ready in the mansion. People came from the front and announced that Duke Fu had arrived. He had just entered the gate and was greeting his uncle.

Mrs. Chen quickly cheered up: "Go to Zai Shou Yuan and report it."

 In the front yard, Xu Jian and Lin Yu saluted.

 Behind him, on the carriage, boxes of New Year's gifts were carried down one after another.

From snack boxes to small trinkets, he had no shortage of anything that was customary in the capital to give to his new uncle for New Year greetings.

Lin Yu said: "I'll go see the old lady first, and we'll talk about other things later."

 Xu Jian naturally listened to him.

 In Zai Shou Courtyard, little Duan was looking forward to it.

Lin Yunyan sat next to her grandmother, eating sweet glutinous rice porridge and listening to Grandma Ruan talking.

“The old lady got up early and even applied 30% more oil on her hair than usual, making it shiny.”

"This dress was made a year ago. When my aunt came back yesterday, the old lady didn't even want to wear it. It was just for meeting my new uncle."

“There is also this turquoise forehead wiper on my head. I haven’t worn it for a long time. I wiped it carefully last night.”

Little Mrs. Duan pointed at Aunt Ruan, laughed and cursed: "Just expose my old ways! This is the first time I meet my grandson-in-law, and I am happy to do so!"

Lin Yunyan also laughed and said teasingly: "You attach so much importance to me, what should I do if you scare the Duke away?"

“Humph!” Xiao Duan said angrily, “He has even been on the battlefield, so he is very courageous.”

Xu Jian followed Lin Yu into the courtyard and heard the laughter inside.

It was lively and joyful, and the warm atmosphere that should exist during the New Year suddenly overflowed. Xu Jian lowered his eyes and couldn't help but curled his lips.

The curtain was lifted, and he entered the second room and looked at the old lady sitting on the Arhat's bed.

 The old lady’s mood was written all over her face.

 Xu Jian came forward to pay his respects to the new year.

Little Duan looked at the young man in front of him.

In her early years, she met the old Duke Xu Mang, and also recognized his wife Guo. The man was handsome and the woman was beautiful, and the only daughter she had had also had outstanding facial features.

She didn't like Liu Jing's personality, but she still wanted to praise him realistically.

Xu Jian, who was born from such a union, really inherited all the advantages and strengths of her parents.

Who doesn’t like beautiful children?

 She liked it very much.

Yun Yan is so outstanding, so of course my uncle must be able to show off her looks, talents, and character.

Thinking of this, Xiao Duan felt even more sorry for Xu Jian's leg injury.

“I have troubled the Duke to take care of business.” Xiao Duan found a way to talk.

Starting from Lao Shi Alley, the two sides chatted smoothly.

Having said that, Xu Jian got up first and followed Lin Yu to the study.

Little Duan and Lin Yunyan lamented: "It's hard to fault anything in their conversation and behavior."

Lin Yunyan laughed when she heard this.

 She was sitting aside just now, listening to Xu Jian's serious conversation with her grandmother.

 The tone of voice is calmer than before, and the speed of speaking is neither fast nor slow.

No matter how grandma listened, she would never be able to detect the slightest bit of yin and yang in it.

 When it comes to showing off, Xu Jian is really good at it.

Of course, she’s not bad either.

 In the other room, Xu Jian and Lin Yu closed the study door.

 Xu Jian spoke first, explaining why he deliberately provoked the prince on the first day of the new year.

"My uncle should be able to see that, regardless of the prince's talents, his mind is limited to government affairs. He prefers hunting and riding horses."

Lin Yun nodded slightly and said, "The prince is young and has not fully recovered his thoughts."

"The Holy Father asked me to follow him to observe the government, and he also wanted to let me lead the way," Xu Jian sighed, "The soft one won't work, come on hard, the prince will definitely annoy me.

 Those who have old and new grudges will be annoyed whether I recruit them or not.

Let him know that I have a bad temper, so I won’t just follow him, and maybe I will behave better. "

Lin Yuan was thinking.

 Xu Jian's words are not unreasonable, but that person is the prince after all.

Having heard the Holy Father mention this matter before, Lin Yu secretly hoped that Xu Jian would refuse and not accept such a thankless job.

 If you don't want to be idle, it is also feasible to find a yamen to order Mao.

 But Xu Jian had already agreed, and it would be even more inappropriate to change his mind again.

"I have been thinking about it for the past few days, but I am not too eager to see any results for the prince to watch the government," Lin Yu sighed, "His Royal Highness is young and not stable enough. Instead of forcing him to do what he wants, it is better to Let him get used to Qianbu Corridor first.

It doesn’t have to be a big achievement, it’s enough for the Holy One to see his growth.

 In a few years, when His Highness becomes more stable, there will be more progress.

However, since you have your own ideas, then do it according to what you think.

 You must remember, after all, that person is His Highness the Crown Prince.

We, as ministers, no matter how dignified and well-spoken we are in front of the emperor on weekdays, His Highness is the most valued son of the Holy Emperor. "

Xu Jian listened attentively and did not interrupt Lin Yu's words.

The previous explanations are all true in their antecedents, but all their consequences are nonsense.

 He didn’t point the prince straight at all.

No matter how many opportunities he is given, Li Shao will not be able to straighten himself out. In the end, he, Lin Yunyan, and the entire Chengyi Mansion will be trapped and have no way out.

  However, you still have to have reservations in front of your uncle.

At the same time, Xu Jian could also tell from Lin Yu’s words that his uncle also considered and retained a lot.

Uncle uncle almost always talked about "dallying around" and "as long as he can do business".

The words "Young and not stable enough" are all just words of a minister.

 After all, Xu Jian was younger than Li Shao when he first entered the battlefield, and he was also younger than Li Shao when he went to court to express his views directly to the late emperor. Having said that, there are indeed many people who do not suddenly understand until they are in their weak years.

 The prince is still not interested at the moment, and the ministers can only place their hope in the future.

This is why my uncle suggested that he let him "huddle around for a few years", and Sangu was there to teach him, so that Li Shao's foundation would be stronger, and then the building would be strong.

 This is also where the Holy Spirit hesitated to make his choice before.

 It's just that Xu Jian "persuaded" the Holy Emperor and directly confirmed Guan Zheng.

 If he doesn't mix, Li Shao can't even think about it.

Just mess around like this, stir up all the messy things in it, and show the Holy Spirit what the miasma is.

Although Lin Yu had suggestions, he would not force Xu Jian to follow his suggestions.

On the contrary, he was very interested in Xu Jian's thoughts.

“I would like to suggest to the Holy One that we start with the Ministry of Rites’ inspection of politics,” Xu Jian said clearly. “The scientific examination is the most important part of selecting talents for the imperial court. Although it is an enke, all the processes and arrangements are consistent with the three-year examination.

Your uncle is right. It does not necessarily require His Highness to have a deep understanding. He knows everything inside and outside the examination room.

 It is the business of the officials below to arrange all those processes, not the emperor or the prince.

The prince knew the process and had experienced it personally. When the next big exam took place two years later, he would understand a lot. "

Lin Yue listened very attentively and nodded from time to time.

Until the table was set up in the flower hall, I was still not finished.

 After leaving the study room, the court matters were no longer mentioned.

Lin Xun and Lin Yao were at the table together, and the lunch was enjoyed by both host and guest.

 In the afternoon, when Lin Yunyan brought Wan Yue to the flower hall, everything had been tidied up.

 The table was removed and replaced with tea and snacks.

Xu Jian sat alone at the table and drank tea slowly.

 As for my father and uncles…

Lin Yunyan knew without asking that the two uncles probably went back to their houses to take a nap after drinking. Her father went to the study, leaving her and Xu Jian to have a few words in the flower room.

Originally, it was supposed to be arranged to take a few steps in a garden to see the plum blossoms, but Lin Yunyan refused.

On a very cold day, she was not afraid of being tossed by the wind, but Xu Jian had better forget about her legs being wet and cold.

I didn’t get to come to pay New Year’s greetings, and I would be in pain for a few days when I went back.

Lin Yunyan sat down and said with a smile: "Grandma praises you a lot."

 Xu Jian laughed loudly: "You should be praised."

 Speaking without shame.

Lin Yunyan glared at Xu Jian.

Xu Jian added: "It seems that this is the first time I have seen her in such a good mood. As soon as she entered Zai Shou Yuan, she heard bursts of laughter in the room. No wonder the princess misses her."

Hearing this, Lin Yunyan was slightly startled.

When I asked Xu Jian to mention it, she remembered it.

  When she was engaged to Xu Jian in the past, the sisters all encountered obstacles that they couldn't overcome, and the atmosphere in the house could never be so relaxed and joyful.

When Xu Jian came to visit, her grandmother certainly paid great attention to her. However, thinking of the hardships endured by her eldest sister and the unknown future of her third sister, her smile was inevitably filled with melancholy.

Hmm, it’s not like today when I smile so hard that my eyes narrow into slits.

Of course, the clouds at that time were stronger than the storm later. How could my grandmother still laugh after the accident in the uncle's house?

 When she and Xu Jian recalled the time in her boudoir, especially the time in Yongjia twelve years ago, the words she used most were "in good spirits", "laughing" and "missing".

Lin Yunyan sighed: "The Duke still remembers it."

 Xu Jian said: "I'm just curious."

Lin Yunyan's eyelashes trembled.

She knew the meaning of Xu Jian's words without asking.

 He has never experienced "a happy family".

 He doesn’t have that many “family members” either.

 It was not out of indignation or resentment, Xu Jian was more stating a fact.

This topic has come to an end, Xu Jian lowered his voice and talked to Lin Yunyan about the previous conversation in the study.

Lin Yunyan listened, her brows furrowed and relaxed, and finally she smiled and shook her head: "Father tried his best to make the prince's unconventional temperament so fresh and refined. Father really considered it carefully."

 Xu Jian raised his eyebrows.

 If Uncle Chengyi’s words can be summarized in this way, how can the little princess’s summary not be fresh and refined?

Of course, Xu Jian also agreed with what Lin Yunyan once said that the uncle was a person with an extremely heavy sense of responsibility.

Despite what he said about letting the younger generation "hang out for a few years" and not work hard, he himself had an attitude in the Hanlin Academy of doing more learning and less about government affairs, but his edge has not dimmed.

Xu Jian regarded Chengyibo's choice as hiding one's strength and biding one's time.

The uncle must have had his reasons for choosing silence, but he was accustomed to carrying the burden on his shoulders and not talking to his family.

Once the sharp blade is unsheathed, the various news brought to them by their uncle in the past will be a kind of circumstantial evidence.

A few months ago, being able to find Wang Liuliu in the huge capital city was also a sign of ability.

 It's just that it's not the time for them and their uncle to be honest with each other yet.

Lin Yunyan was also thinking about what her father said.

Suddenly she heard Xu Jian speak, and she raised her head in surprise.

 “What did you do when you asked someone to follow that Yue Niang yesterday?”

Lin Yunyan blinked.

Since I asked about it, it was indeed important, so I told Xu Jian the whole story.

This time, it was Xu Jian's turn to look surprised.

“I just felt that if we continue to search for Jin Shu, we should get some unexpected results,” Lin Yunyan lowered her voice, “But after listening to what you just said, I have thought of a few possibilities.

There is no evidence of Li Shao’s **** affairs. He was too careful. Could Jin Shu have been harmed by him?

He has met Yueniang, and maybe he is flirting with her. Maybe he just likes Yueniang, and he mistakenly identifies Jin Shu as Yueniang? "

 After saying that, Lin Yunyan raised her eyes and saw Xu Jian looking at her for a moment.

Those eyes were deep and heavy, only revealing a hint of amusement and a smile.

Lin Yunyan intuitively felt that Xu Jian was not ready to say anything nice, but she still asked, "Am I wrong?"

 Xu Jian put down the tea cup and said, "I have many ideas and broad ideas, but..."

When the words came to her lips, Xu Jian clicked her tongue when she saw Lin Yunyan's bright eyes turned sideways, as if she had the ability to tell the truth.

To be honest, the little princess made it clear that she didn’t want to hear it.

Just change it to something more convergent.

Who called this the Chengyi residence, the territory of the little princess?

She was so angry that she left the table and walked out. He had to make up some excuse to explain to his uncle.

 It is not as easy to compile as the "Prince Guanzheng". He is experienced in playing games with the Prince, speaks in an orderly manner.

“But the princess doesn’t know enough about the prince’s temperament,” Xu Jian said in the calmest way. “The prince is noble and thinks highly of himself. He may like Yue Niang, but he doesn’t like her.

It's not that he dislikes Yue Niang, he dislikes Liu Xun.

 The prince's search for Liu Xun originated from me. He was not looking for a brother, he was just looking for a follower who had some quarrel with me.

He is the master, and Liu Xun is the servant. If the prince gets involved with a woman who has been a servant for so long, in his mind, she will lose her status.

He may not care when he gets crazy, but he hasn't been that crazy in the past two years. "

 It’s the end of the month, and in the last three days, I’m calling for monthly tickets~~~

  Thanks to book friends Yunshui98 and Xu Bicheng’s official girlfriend for the reward.

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