Yan Cigui

Chapter 227: Don't know what is good or bad

Chapter 227 Don’t know what’s good or bad

How crazy can Li Shao be?

 Lin Yunyan has not actually seen it “with her own eyes”.

In the past, after Li Shao came to power, he suppressed the princes and princes again and again. He was crazy and a little crazy, but he had not developed to the extreme.

When Li Shao was at his craziest, Lin Yunyan and Xu Jian had already fled the capital.

 What we could do at that time was to pursue the truth and figure out what was going on behind the madness.

 Take Li Shao down?

 Where else would there be such an opportunity?

 The one who really faced Li Shao's madness was the Holy Master who was "recuperating" in Chengshou Palace.

Judging from the few words his father left before his death, the Holy Spirit should have no way to control Li Shao anymore.

Years of indulgence, and even when Li Shao showed signs of "reducing power" for the first time, he did not strictly stop him, so that the **** blade suddenly turned around one day and stabbed him straight, ultimately resulting in a bitter fruit.

 At that time, Lin Yunyan, who was being pressed every step of the way, asked Xu Jian.

They can't go back to the capital, and they can't bring down Li Shao, so is there any use in finding the truth?

 Xu Jian put it very straightforwardly.

“What can we do now? What do we want to do?”

“The gap between the two is so big that it is impossible to complete it, but this gap is the direction we are going to go.”

 “If you have a direction, think of ways to narrow it down little by little, think of various ways, and try various means.”

“This is what my grandfather taught me when I was a child. I have used it as a guideline for decades. Even when I am hesitant, I can only stick to this idea that is engraved in my bones.”

 “If you keep going like this, the closer you get and the smaller the gap, the clearer you will be able to see the problem.”

 The truth is very broad and very practical.

Lin Yunyan realized then that it was not just her who was confused and uneasy in the predicament, but also Xu Jian.

Since there is fog all around, it is better to walk in one direction to the end than to hesitate in one place.

 Perhaps, there will be a turning point...

 The fact is that the turning point came in a way that Lin Yunyan had never imagined.

 She and Xu Jian returned to the past.

 The gap that once had no way to be narrowed suddenly has room for improvement.

 Some of the clues they have grasped before will be more effective if they continue to dig deeper today.

Li Shao, who they could not defeat by their own strength at that time, still has someone who can restrain him now.

The empress dowager is still there, and the emperor is not "recuperating" in Chengshou Palace. Upright old ministers like An Yibo are also walking in the court.

Let them see Li Shao truly crazy while they still have the energy. This is the way Lin Yunyan can break the situation now.

Xu Jian followed Li Shao to observe the government, also in order to "force" him crazy as soon as possible.

Lin Yunyan reorganized her thoughts according to what Xu Jian said, and said: "The prince likes Yue Niang, but he doesn't want Yue Niang. By chance, someone discovered Jin Shu who looked similar to Yue Niang, so …

 This "person" may be Liu Xun who noticed Li Shao's preference, or he may be Li Shao's personal follower, or he may even be Li Shao himself.

Jin Shu fell ill and was covered in wounds after such an encounter.

 She refused to take the medicine, it was the medicine..."

 Speaking of this, Lin Yunyan directly cut off any further thoughts.

Maybe there are some old-fashioned people who think this incident is too embarrassing. Even if there is not a word of rumors outside, they will let the victimized girl "die of illness".

 But the Jin family would not be like that.

 She has a very good impression of the Jin family.

 Once upon a time, Zheng Liu questioned Lin Yunfang's prostitution. When Lin Lang returned to his natal family, he also brought greetings from the Jin family.

 They believed in the Lin family and also believed that Lin Lang's niece would not do such a thing.

 The Qing Dynasty cannot clean themselves up, and the Jin family can't do much to help. They can only express their concerns in this way.

Later, when Su Ke's scandal spread all over the city, and the Chengyi Mansion was overwhelmed by the idea of ​​"the prodigal son returns home without paying for his money," the Jin family stood up and scolded Su Ke and Xu Guogong's manor. Jin Weian even wrote a fierce article.

 The Jin family actually fell earlier than the Chengyi family. The Jin family does not have mountains of gold and silver, only mountains of books. If many of their children live abroad, it is not a big deal.

 Once the days get tight, there is no need to push outside, it will only become more difficult every month.

But I was too embarrassed to write my difficulties on my face, and I was unwilling to let my in-laws support me, so I quietly sold my family property, pawned items, etc...

Even though it was so difficult, the Jin family still pooled together some money.

After the eldest sister escaped from Xu Guogong's mansion, she followed her second aunt to seek refuge with relatives of the Huang family. The money for her personal journey came from the Jin family.

Lin Yunyan thought that with the integrity of the Jin family, even if they could not seek justice for Jin Shu, they would never harm her life.

She may not understand the prince, but she thinks that she understands what a family with a pure and happy family would think and do.

Thinking about it, Lin Yunyan said: "That medicine is probably good for the body, but Jin Shu doesn't want to live anymore."

Xu Jian listened to her speculation and said: "Xuansu will follow the prince from time to time. If he discovers the situation, he will come to the rescue, but the Jin family..."

Lin Yunyan said: "I will go to the Jin family to pay New Year's greetings in a few days."

No one knows when and where Jin Shu's incident happened in the past. All we can say is that we should take one step, observe one step, and make corrections step by step.

 In the winter afternoon, the sun is very bright.

 Although it doesn’t bring much warmth, as long as it is there, it makes people feel happy.

 Even such a heavy topic can be a little less boring.

The two of them talked about things that had nothing to do with each other.

“Sir Shan is very polite and sent me a New Year’s gift.”

"Chen Gui said that the opening of Shenghui Pavilion was a success. Not to mention how many study rooms were sold, the shop was always very lively. Candidates from Lao Shi Alley came to hang out during the day. Those who talked about poetry together were the most likely to be number one. Zheng Yuanhe has been coaxed to leave a poem on the wall."

“On the day of the Yuan Dynasty, Grandma He’s family was going to take her grandson to see the lanterns. I asked He Rui to leave the shop alone and go with her.”

“Mrs. Enrongbo handed me a message and asked my grandmother to go worship the Bodhisattva together.”


As he spoke, the pot of tea was empty.

Xu Jian said: "I will go to my uncle's study to talk about something."

Lin Yunyan did not react for a moment and asked: "What suddenly occurred to me and I want to discuss it with my father?"

Xu Jian stood up and said slowly: "That's not the case, I just don't want to be called ignorant for the first time."

Lin Yunyan:…

 Who is the one who doesn’t know what is good and what is evil?

If her father wanted to stop her, he could still let her go to Taohe Ju often.

 After Xu Jian left, Lin Yunyan was biting into the jujube cake, and suddenly an idea flashed across her face.


 She seemed to know what Xu Jian had changed her words before.

  What "the princess doesn't know enough about the prince's temperament", Xu Jian's original words are clearly "the princess doesn't understand men."

It’s really…

 She is the girl’s family.

 Even if he lived a few more years in the past, he could only live with one young woman.

 Where to know what kind of man.


  It’s better to learn more about jujube cake first.

This jujube cake is glutinous and sweet.

 (End of this chapter)

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