Yan Cigui

Chapter 229: opportunity for meritorious service

 Liu Xun was slightly startled.

 What does this have to do with the daughter of the Jin family?

 Which family is the Jin family?

 For a while, he did not understand what his father meant.

Seeing that Liu Jing was deep in thought, Liu Xun did not rush to ask, but instead turned around and dealt with the conversation just now.

 He remembered the word "also" that his father said.

There are also tear nevus.


 Liu Xun curled his lips secretly.

 What kind of rare thing is a tear mole?

Take a thin pen and put it a little under the eye. It will not only appear on the left side, but also on the right side.

 Liu Jing raised his eyes and saw Liu Xun's disdainful expression, and he knew what he was thinking.

 At this moment, he had no time to blame Liu Xun for not thinking fast enough or grasping the problem accurately enough.

In Liu Jing's opinion, instead of having some inexplicable ideas every day, it is better to have a simpler idea. As long as you follow his instructions and hit where he tells you, there will be no mistakes.

 Be afraid, be afraid, and be self-righteous even if you don’t think clearly.

“It’s not just the tear mole,” Liu Jing explained, “her behavior is similar to that of Yue Niang.”

Having said this, Liu Xun suddenly became interested.

 Is there another "Yue Niang"?

“Which Jin family?” Liu Xun asked.

Liu Jingdao said: "The Jin family has produced great Confucians, and the articles of Jin great Confucians are still engraved on the stele of the Imperial College."

 Liu Xun touched the tip of his nose.

He had memorized the article by Jin Daru a few years ago.

 In order to memorize it backwards and forwards, I spent a lot of effort, and now I still have lingering fears when I think about it.

 Liu Jing lowered his voice and expressed his idea.

Liu Xun was stunned when he heard this. He had never thought that there was such a way.

With his throat rolling, he asked: "Is this possible?"

 “Why not?” Liu Jing asked him.

"The daughter of the Jin family won't go out, and I don't have the strength to restrain the chicken..." Liu Xun shook his head repeatedly.

He didn’t even know where the girl lived in the Jin family, what her name was, and how old she was.

Even if he knew it, he would have to be able to knock him unconscious and bring him to the prince...

 What else is he studying?

 He might as well go directly to take the martial arts exam!

Liu Jing raised his hand and patted Liu Xun's waist: "What are you thinking about? Robbery? That's a beheading business, can I let you do it? Who do you think your father is?"

 Liu Xun shrank his neck.

Of course his father would not harm him that much. He was thinking about him and the Liu family all the time.

He is the only incense in the Liu family, and it will be over if he does harm to them.

But if my father didn’t mean that, then...

 Liu Jing reorganized his thoughts, one sentence after another, and taught it to Liu Xun, asking him to memorize it.

Liu Xun muttered: "Is it useful to say this? It's a good thing that if things work out, your Highness may be able to take credit for it. If things fail, His Highness the Crown Prince will be fine. What about me?"

Liu Jing still asked: "What did you do? Did you ask them to do it?"

 Liu Xun shook his head hurriedly.

“Don’t worry, even if things don’t get done, I won’t blame you.” Liu Jing said.

Having said this, Liu Xun had no choice but to agree.

The next day, Liu Xun, who found out about Li Shao's whereabouts, went to Jiangjunfang.

 This is the place where cockfights and cricket fights take place in Beijing.

 In the middle of winter, the crickets obviously can't come out, but the roosters are full of energy.

Most of the people who come in and out are children from rich families, which is what Liu Jing calls "a place where dandies are mixed together."

 This is Liu Xun’s first time here.

If he hadn't been looking for a prince, he probably wouldn't have had a chance to see the world.

Li Shao was in a good mood. He booked a private room so that he didn't have to crowd around. He could look down from a high place and watch the bustle below. In addition to a chamberlain who served tea and poured water, there were several guards wearing simple uniforms guarding the door.

 Liu Xun went over and said hello.

"Mr. Liu," the guard said with a smile, "What a coincidence? Do you want to report it?"

Liu Xun said hurriedly: "No, no, I know nothing about cockfighting, and I couldn't say a few words when I entered. It disturbed His Highness's interest."

The guard asked curiously: "Then you..."

"I want to have more contact with His Highness, but my little interest is not enough," Liu Xun clearly showed his intention to please, "I heard that His Highness is interested in cockfighting, so I thought of coming here to learn a little bit about it. I can only tell you something superficially. Your Highness doesn’t like listening to plays.”

The guard laughed and said: "Master Liu not only listens to the opera, but also has a beautiful woman to accompany him to the opera."

According to the words arranged by Liu Jing, Liu Xun was preparing to bring "Yue Niang" out later, but he didn't expect that the guard would bring her up first.

Liu Xun was overjoyed and went along with the current, and continued the topic: "Oh, I'm so sorry. I didn't know His Highness would be back that day, so I called her... To be honest with you two, I was sitting there with someone beside me, and His Highness. It’s empty, I’m really on pins and needles.”

 The guards smiled again.

Don't care whether you are a young master or a bodyguard, you are all a servant before His Highness.

They all work as servants, so they can understand Liu Xun.

 Thinking about it, I couldn't help but feel a little more friendly.

Someone said bluntly: "Mr. Liu is very lucky. He has a well-behaved person by his side, and he looks good."

“Ashamed, ashamed,” Liu Xun added, “Speaking of which, my mother went to Fa’an Temple to stay for a few days. I went to pick her up and came face to face with a girl.

I misjudged it at first glance and thought it was my outer room. After looking at it several times, I realized that I had made a mistake.

 After asking my mother, I heard that the girl was also pious and often came to the temple to offer incense.

 Fortunately, I didn't greet her randomly, otherwise it would have been a big fool! "

Liu Xun said while wiping the sweat from his forehead.

 Father asked him to stop.

 He also believes that we must stop at this point.

 If you say one more word, you will easily get burned.

 But, it’s a point, can these two people understand it?

 Normally speaking, the people around His Highness the Crown Prince would not be unable to understand, right?

Liu Xun hesitated and listened to the two people laughing happily.

 “Is it really so similar?”

“Fortunately Mr. Liu has made the distinction clearly, otherwise...”

“You still have to go to the Yamen!”

“Mr. Liu, Li Kui and Li Gui, why do you always get into trouble here?”

 The veins on Liu Xun’s forehead were pulsing.

Laughing at him like this?

 Two guards, are they worthy?

 Liu Xun was furious.

 Be patient, you have to be patient!

They still need to be used now. When Liu Xun can say something meaningful in front of His Royal Highness, he will deal with the two minions later!

In the private room, Li Shao heard laughter outside and asked the waiter to ask.

Liu Xun then went inside and saluted Li Shao.

After sitting for a while, I was open-minded and eager to learn. I listened to Li Shao talk about a lot of tricks in cockfighting, and then I left.

Li Shao patted his head and asked the guard: "What were you laughing at earlier?"

The guard said 1510.

 “Is it that similar?” Li Shao asked.

"Young Master Liu is saying..." As soon as the guard said the words, he saw His Highness lowering his eyes and looking thoughtful, and his thoughts moved.

 He turned to look at the other person.

The other person also looked at him, his eyes looking like a lawsuit.

 Both of them understood it by heart.

 The opportunity to make meritorious deeds has come.

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