Yan Cigui

Chapter 230: Suffered by a gangster (please vote for me)

 The eighth day of the first lunar month.

 The nuns loaded all the gifts onto the carriage.

 The smile on Chen's face remained the same, but she was also a little tired.

There are so many things to do during the Chinese New Year, even if she is as energetic as she is, they are all a bit overwhelming.

Holding Lin Yunyan's hand, Chen said: "Yunyan is still considerate and willing to accompany me to visit relatives. Unlike Yunfang, she is like a monkey on weekdays. She hides during the New Year and is unwilling to let her go out."

Lin Yunyan smiled.

 Everyone knows about Lin Yunfang's little thoughts.

 For those who are celebrating the Chinese New Year, they are too embarrassed to win alone in horse-drawing games, which is not fun at all.

I have to deal with this mother-in-law and that aunt, asking her a lot of questions.

“Yunfang is another year older. Is there a suitable candidate in the family?”

"How is my maternal cousin and her nephew doing? Do you want to get in touch?"

It would be strange if Yunfang didn't run away.

Lin Yunyan will go today because she is going to the Jin family.

“I promised Ning Ning to play with her, and I can’t break my promise,” Lin Yunyan said.

Just as we were getting ready, Chen Gui came.

 Chen Gui is here to deliver news to Xu Jian.

“Xuansu followed Jiangjunfang the day before yesterday, and Liu Xun came suddenly. He talked to the two guards outside for a long time, and then went into the private room.”

“It was too noisy at the time, and Xuan Su couldn’t follow too closely, so I didn’t understand what was said on the other side.”

The words were all true, but Chen Gui didn't know what the inner meaning was.

Even, he didn’t know what Duke Fu Guo wanted to do to ask his personal followers to follow the prince.

In case you are arrested, can the royal study be explained?

 It’s just that Chen Gui has his own rules for doing things.

 Ask less and do more.

 If he’s not supposed to know, then don’t ask around.

Lin Yunyan nodded slightly after listening.

 The prince was addicted to cockfighting, and Liu Xun had contact with the prince. They knew this early on.

 There is no new progress. If things go as usual, Xu Jian will not let Chen Gui report.

 Thinking about it, it was also Xu Jian who knew that she was going to the Jin family today.

They have no way of knowing how Jin Shu and Yueniang are connected, so they must always be careful.

 In that compartment, the carriages are ready.

 Ms. Chen greeted Lin Yunyan and said, "I'll get in the car first."

Lin Yunyan responded, exchanged a few words with Chen Gui, and got on the carriage.

 The car left the mansion and went all the way to Jin's house.

Lin Lang was waiting for them with Jinning in his arms.

As soon as Lin Yunyan got out of the car, Jinning stretched out her hands and shouted "hug".

  Take the child over, you kiss me, and I kiss you again. Lin Yuntan smiled until her eyes were crooked: "It must be that Ning Ning is not afraid of the cold and refuses to wait in the house."

Beside, the eldest wife of the Jin family clapped her hands and laughed: "The princess is absolutely right."

Ning Ning said proudly: "I'm not afraid of the cold! I'm not afraid!"

The group of people went to the ancestral house of the Jin family.

This ancestor is almost eighty.

 I am still in good spirits and speak loudly, but my ears are not very good and my memory is not very good either. One moment I am clear and the next moment I am confused.

"Is this the princess? She has grown into a big girl," she said cheerfully, "have you said we kissed you?"

The eldest wife of the Jin family leaned over and reminded her in her ear: "We said we kissed last year and gave it to Duke Fu, have you forgotten?"

 “Assist the Duke of the State?” The ancestor thought for a while, “It’s great to assist the Duke of the State, Jun!”

 The women and maids in the room laughed one after another.

"Listen, if you don't remember the others, you will remember Jun."

"That is the most important thing for our ancestors to remember." Lin Yunyan also smiled and turned to ask the eldest lady: "Where are the sisters at home? Where is the fifth sister?"

“They are in their own room. Call them over later,” the eldest lady said, and then added, “Ashu has gone out to burn incense.”

 “Offer incense? What big day is today?” Lin Yunyan asked.

"It's not a big day," the eldest lady said with a smile. "She copied new scriptures and sent them to Fa'an Temple for worship. She went there early in the morning, had a vegetarian meal in the temple and then came back. Don't be in a hurry, wait for the afternoon with other sisters Let’s play some leaf cards, I think Ashu will be home.”

Lin Yunyan's heartbeat was pounding, and she felt an inexplicable palpitation.

 Sink and sink.

 Subconsciously, her left hand rested on her right wrist.

Wearing sleeve arrows inside.

 She has to go find Jin Shu!

"I'll pick her up." Lin Yunyan stood up, bowed to her ancestors and others, and hurried out.

This was so sudden that everyone was stunned.

The eldest wife of the Jin family stepped forward to chase her, but before she could walk out of the room, she saw through the crack of the half-open window that the pretty figure had already left the yard.

"This..." She smiled awkwardly, "Fa'an Temple is not far away, Ashu often goes there."

Mrs. Chen came back to her senses and laughed dryly, trying to make up for Lin Yunyan: "Hey, maybe Yun Jing and the others were in danger years ago, which scared Yun Yan. She couldn't sit still when she heard that Ashu was on the mountain. It's up to her. Go ahead, Uncle Niu can feel at ease driving the car.”

The carriage drove out of Jin's house again and headed towards the city gate.

Niu Bo saw Lin Yunyan in a hurry and drove the car much faster than usual.

Even so, it was almost noon when they arrived at Fa'an Temple.

 There are not many pilgrims in the temple.

Zhike Monk and Lin Yunyan performed Buddhist rituals.

"Are the five girls of the Jin family still in the temple?" Wan Yue asked. Seeing the guest monk's hesitation, she took out her waist badge again, "We are from Chengcheng's Mansion. This is our princess. We are related to the Jin family by marriage. Jin There’s a family emergency.”

Zhike Monk did not recognize Lin Yunyan, but he knew that Uncle Chengyi's house had a good reputation.

Seeing the waist badge and the gorgeous car, the monk who knew the guest replied: "The benefactor of the Jin Dynasty is still in the temple. He is resting in the guest room at the back. The young monk asked someone to take the benefactor there."

 The person leading the way was a young novice monk.

  At first, he said, "The Jin benefactor is kind-hearted and kind-hearted." But then seeing that they were in a hurry, he stopped talking and just led the way.

Fa'an Temple has many guest rooms.

 There are nearly twenty rooms in two rows.

 Today is a free time, and it’s meal time. Everyone has gone to the dining hall, and there’s not many people around at the moment.

Wanyue knocked on the door of Jinshu's room.

There was no response at all.

"Perhaps she went to the Zhaitang?" the little novice murmured, and then added, "The Jin Donor rarely goes to the Zhaitang. She may have gone to the main hall, and her nanny went to the Zhaitang to get food."

Lin Yunyan reached out and pushed the door open.

 The door panel moved and then bounced back.

The heavy feeling is not like a door latch, but like something is blocking it inside.

 She went around to the back of the guest room, patted the window panel, and the window panel flicked out.

Lin Yunyan took advantage of the situation and opened the window.

 You can only look in from here. There is no one in the room and you cannot see the door.

While the little novice monk exclaimed "No, no, no," Lin Yunyan held on to the window edge and climbed in.

Go through the floor cover and look at the door again.

 A chest of drawers stood against the door.

Jin Shu’s nanny fell to the ground, half leaning against the cupboard, unconscious.

 “Wan Yue!” Lin Yunyan raised her voice and called out.

As soon as Wan Yue heard the sound, she knew something was wrong. She wanted to imitate Lin Yunyan and climbed out of the window, but she was in a hurry. Uncle Niu climbed in first and grabbed her again.

The little novice monk was so anxious that he didn't care about any rules or etiquette.

 When he entered the guest room and took a look, he was immediately dumbfounded.

This, this is obviously a bad person!

Please give me a monthly ticket. Can you get enough 1,000 to draw a prize this month? It’s almost the same, howling.

  Thanks to book friend Abbey30 for the 10,000-coin reward. Thanks to book friends Xu Bicheng’s official girlfriend and Xiaoyuan for the reward.

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