Yan Cigui

Chapter 231: Prudent and prudent

Chapter 231 Be cautious and cautious

"This, this..." the little novice touched his head, "little monk, little monk, come find the abbot."

Lin Yunyan heard this and signaled Uncle Niu and Wan Yue to place the nanny first, and then hurriedly called the young novice monk.

"Young master is right, you really need to go find the abbot," Lin Yunyan looked at him and said, "First recite the Buddha's name twice to calm down your emotions. If you go there in such a hurry, the abbot will be frightened by you. "

The little novice monk responded softly.

According to what Lin Yunyan said, he recited "Namo Amitabha" twice and nodded heavily.

 “The young monk is not in a hurry, not in a hurry.”

Lin Yunyan saw that he was calmer and said again: "They should all be in the dining hall at this time, right? Go find the abbot and tell him quietly not to shout.

If all the pilgrims in the temple knew that there had been a thief, they would all rush over to inspect the damage, making the scene even more noisy.

 It’s not good for Miss Jin either. "

The little novice suddenly realized something.

 Their temple is about reputation, and the girls here are more concerned about reputation.

If others find out that grandma has passed out and the benefactor is missing, then...

“Donor, don’t worry, the monk knows what to say.”

With these words, the little novice monk glanced at the chest of drawers against the door.

 For a while, I didn't even bother to move it, so I had to climb over the window quickly.

The little body was quite agile. He rushed to the window, turned over and disappeared.

Lin Yunyan then went to see the nanny.

Wan Yue learned some simple bruises from Aunt Ma, and after making sure that Aunt Ma was not in danger of life, she and Uncle Niu moved her to the bed.

Uncle Niu poured a cup of tea, Wan Yue pressed the acupuncture points and pinched the middle part of the body.

Thinking of Jin Shu's whereabouts, her heart skipped a beat and she tightened her hands.

Nanny woke up slowly, her eyes still wandering, looking at the person in front of the bed, unable to regain consciousness.

Lin Yunyan moved her face closer: "Does mom recognize me? I am Lin Yunyan, Ning Ning's maternal sister."

When it comes to Jinning, the nanny is more or less right. She responded hoarsely: "Girl from the Lin family..."

Lin Yunyan said: "Where is sister Ashu? What happened to you?"

Nanny's eyes suddenly became bright. She ignored her body and tried to sit up: "Girl, we girl, I, slave..."

Wanyue put the cup of tea to the nanny's mouth.

After the nurse finished drinking, she took a deep breath and exhaled it in a long breath.

 When something happens, it is most useless to be anxious.

  It will only cause trouble for yourself and others.

 “The slave accompanied the girl to the temple, and everything was as usual.”

"The girl came back from the main hall and said she would take a rest, so the servant sat at the table and took a nap."

“Someone knocked on the door and said he was a pilgrim living in the room at the end. There was no hot tea in the room, and the master couldn’t be found for a while, so he wanted to ask us to borrow some water.”

"I opened the door without thinking much. I didn't know it was a bad guy. He kicked me so hard that I couldn't even scream."

"The two men covered the girl's mouth and nose with a handkerchief, and the girl fainted."

 “They took the girl away.”

 “What should we do! Our girl...”

After listening to this, Lin Yunyan asked, "Do you remember when it was?"

The nanny said, "I heard the bell ringing for dinner in the dining hall."

Lin Yunyan thought for a while.

 When they arrived, dinner had just started in the dining hall.

The two men knocked Jin Shu out, put a chest of drawers against the door, put Nanny under the door, and then led people away through the back window.

   Even those who tried their best did not reach two-quarters of an hour.

Lin Yunyan asked again: "Mom, do you remember what that person looked like? How tall was he?" "He looks quite upright, not short, and by the way, he has a mustache."

Lin Yunyan knew what was going on.

 That is the guard beside Li Shao, named Geng Baoyuan.

Due to the unfavorable performance at Yumen Pass, most of the people in front of Li Shao were replaced by the Holy One.

Geng Baoyuan was replaced later.

Since he is a newcomer, Li Shao naturally doesn’t take him seriously.

Once upon a time, Lin Yunyan heard that Geng Baoyuan and Liu Xun were very close. Later, she didn't know how to please Li Shao, and they became prosperous together.

Geng Baoyuan commanded his lackeys and frequently caused trouble for Xu Jian.

Now that I think about it, maybe it was because of Jin Shu's incident that the two of them had a similar affinity and found a way to "go up".

However, since it was Geng Baoyuan who took Jin Shu away, Lin Yunyan breathed a sigh of relief.

 Because Jin Shu would not really be poisoned.

  The person was robbed for the prince. The prince has not touched him yet. Who dares to touch Jin Shu?

If they find a gangster to be the vanguard, the gangster may not care if he is confused, but Geng Baoyuan is right there, and he will not let the gangster touch Jin Shu.

Geng Baoyuan wanted to deliver Jin Shu cleanly and carefully to Li Shao.

On the other side, Xuan Su has been following the prince. If Li Shao sees Jin Shu and wants to do something inappropriate, Xuan Su will definitely stop him.

 However, Lin Yunyan did not want things to develop to that point unless it was absolutely necessary.

Although they were able to save Jin Shu, Xu Jian's behavior of sending people to follow Li Shao was also exposed.

 In the imperial study, what did Xu Jian say?

 Furthermore, there is Jin Shu’s reputation.

Once the publicity is spread, the world will not care whether the prince succeeds or not. Being captured by gangsters and disappearing is a crime enough.

Of course the Jin family cannot make things difficult for Jin Shu, but Jin Shu's reputation will in turn affect the family.

Lin Yunyan chased to Fa'an Temple to solve Jin Shu's troubles.

Rather than letting Jin Shu escape from what happened in his previous life, he would fall into another pit and struggle.

 She must be prudent and prudent.

There is no rain or snow today, and no footprints can be seen by the window.

There is a mountain outside the temple. According to the information obtained in his previous life, Li Shao did not have his own village on the mountain.

He is not that crazy, and he does not dare to hand over his evil deeds to others as a handle. Besides, people in the wilderness should not have that kind of interest.

Geng Baoyuan will take people down the mountain and back to the city.

 Then a horse-drawn carriage is bound to be used.

Thinking like this, leaving Wan Yue to take care of the nanny, Lin Yunyan motioned to Uncle Niu to go with her.

The two of them had just walked out of the guest room when they met the abbot rushing towards them.

 “This temple cannot absolve itself of the blame for this kind of thing happening to the benefactor of Jin Dynasty.”

Lin Yunyan said: "Now is not the time to share the blame. There is only one way down the mountain from the temple, right? Where are the carriages parked? Is there anyone to guard it?"

Hearing this, the abbot made a gesture to Lin Yunyan: "You go this way."

Several people stepped up and hurried out of the gate.

Zhike Monk was also called by Lin Yunyan to answer the question.

“From the time the donor entered the temple until now, no one has left.”

"Pilgrim with a mustache? There is indeed one. He came in the morning and did not leave. He has never been to the temple before."

"Climb over the wall? The young monk can't guarantee it. You see, the courtyard wall is so high. If someone is strong and strong, it is indeed possible..."

With that said, he walked to the small square where the carriage was parked outside the temple.

“Uncle Wang!” Lin Yunyan called, “Uncle Wang from the Jin family!”

"Who is calling me?" An old man emerged from a carriage and took a closer look, "Hey, Princess!"

 (End of this chapter)

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