Yan Cigui

Chapter 235: Unlucky guy

As soon as Liu Xun saw Qian Hu's shabby look, a smile froze on his face.

 This is definitely not the way things should be.

 It can be said that I missed...

 Liu Xun could not think of any possibility of failure.

  Could it be that the woman was not in line with His Highness the Crown Prince’s wishes?

 Not delicate enough? Don’t know how to serve others?

  Oh, Your Highness, it’s really not a consensual thing. Do you still expect this girl to be so well-behaved?

However, to say the least, His Highness is so rich and noble that only the people around him please him.

Having been held up by others, you may not be able to appreciate the wonderful taste of brute force for a while.

Liu Xun looked around while thinking.

 His Royal Highness the Crown Prince is not in the courtyard.

Liu Xun quickly stepped forward and knelt down next to Qian Hu: "Brother, what mistake did you make to be punished by His Highness?"

 Qian Hu glared at Liu Xun.

 Asking knowingly!

 It doesn’t seem right either.

Just as he himself did not expect that His Highness would object or be angry, Mr. Liu probably did not expect it either.

 In the final analysis, it was all the fault of Geng Baoyuan.

Qian Hu was busy and kept the story short, telling everything once.

Liu Xun was stunned when he heard this.

Geng Baoyuan stepped on the spot and trampled people to death?


Before he could think about it further, Li Shao, who received the message from the chamberlain, walked out of the main hall with his hands behind his back and a dark face.

 “Liu Xun.” He gritted his teeth.

Liu Xun looked up and saw Li Shao's angry face.

 Did he stand up and salute?

Or just squat down and kneel down to salute?

At such a moment of hesitation, black soles came towards me.

Li Shao kicked Liu Xun on the shoulder.

Liu Xun fell to the ground, grinning in pain, and looked at Li Shao in shock.

Beside him, Qian Hu could not help but shrink his neck.

He was kicked twice not long ago. Although His Highness's fists and kicks are average, he is really powerful in kicking people.

His bodyguards who practice martial arts all have bone aches, and a scholar like Liu Xun may have his flesh turn blue and purple.

From a high position, Li Shao looked at Liu Xun and asked, "What did you mention about Fa'an Temple or anything similar to the two of them?"

Liu Xun covered his shoulders and took several breaths of air-conditioning from the pain.

I didn’t expect that His Highness would be so angry!

 How is this different from what father said?

Not only did His Highness not look at him favorably, he actually looked like he wanted to take it out on him.

Li Shao cursed again: "You can't think of kidnapping someone! You have a good relationship with Xu Jian, why don't you dig a hole for me for him?"

 Cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and Liu Xun had only one thought in his mind: argue with reason.

 Fortunately, my father had the foresight to avoid getting into trouble and getting burned.

 He wants to pluck himself out.

 As for whether Xu Jian is Xu Jian or not, that is not the focus now.

 Otherwise, I will completely offend His Highness, and this road will not work in the future...

Ignoring the pain in his shoulders, Liu Xun knelt down and said, "Your Highness, I did say something about Fa'an Temple that day. I almost admitted the wrong person and made a joke in the temple. Is there anything inappropriate about what I said?"

Li Shao was stunned for a moment: "You didn't let them kidnap anyone?"

"Kidnapping people?" Liu Xun waved his hands repeatedly, and his mind quickly recalled Liu Jing's remarks that day, "That's a beheading business, how dare I! Your Highness, ask Guard Qian, did I say kidnapping?" If someone robs someone?"

 Li Shao looked at Qian Hu.

 Qian Hu recalled it. Mr. Liu indeed did not say it. He and Geng Baoyuan were the ones who presumed to guess His Highness’s thoughts...

 He did not accuse anyone falsely, he said so honestly.

When Li Shao heard this, he looked at Liu Xun a few more times.

  It's all other people's own decisions. Thinking about it this way, is Liu Xun also an unlucky guy?

 Li Shao woke up early in the morning and was the unlucky guy. He was still angry. Now that he understood Liu Xun's situation, he couldn't help but feel a little more comfortable.

Liu Xun saw that Li Shao's anger had softened, and he breathed a sigh of relief. He took two steps forward and suggested, "Your Highness, it is still important to find Geng Baoyuan right now. Shall I go to Fa'an Temple with Guard Qian to find out?"

Li Shao glanced at the footprints on Liu Xun's shoulder, tensed his jaw, and snorted lightly.

 He will not apologize for the kick he just gave Liu Xun.

 Agreeing to Liu Xun's suggestion is already giving him face.

 Watching Li Shao return to the main hall, Liu Xun and Qian Hu got up.

 One's shoulders were so painful that he was sweating profusely, and the other's legs were so numb that he couldn't move.

 Don’t dislike anyone at this moment.

They supported each other for a while and then walked out of the palace together.

 It wasn’t until he got on the carriage and headed all the way out of the city to Fa’an Temple that Liu Xun slowly took a breath.

Qian Hu also recovered. This time he did not make a long story short. He told Liu Xun one by one what the two people had discussed before and how he withdrew.

Liu Xun shook his head after hearing this.

These two people did hear what he had to say and figured out His Highness’s thoughts, but they just messed up the matter!

Qian Hu was not brave enough, leaving Geng Baoyuan without a helper, and what was even worse was Geng Baoyuan.

 Looking like a tall man, why are his attacks so unreliable?

 That stature was lost in vain!

 Liu Xun made a lot of slander.

The carriage stopped outside the temple. The two discussed it for a few words and went to inquire with Zhike Monk.

Qian Hu came forward first. He gestured: "On the eighth day of the Lunar New Year, will there be a mustache to offer incense? He is so tall and quite strong."

The monk who knew the guest returned the greeting and replied, "There is such a benefactor."

 “Where are the others?” Qian Hu asked hurriedly.

“He lit the incense and left.” The monk Zhike answered again.

Qian Hu was anxious and asked some more questions. Seeing that he couldn't get anything out of them, he had to give up and pretend to go into the temple.

 After a while, Liu Xun showed up.

 Qian Hu inquired about Geng Baoyuan, while Liu Xun inquired about Jin Shu.

“Have Miss Jin ever come here to offer incense?” he asked. “My mother met her before when she went to offer incense. She liked her very much and said that if there is a chance, she would like to discuss Buddhist rituals with Miss Jin again.”

The monk Zhike recited "Amitabha".

 The man asked only about the mustache earlier, but Zhike Monk could understand it as "the mustache is missing, and an acquaintance is looking for it".

 One person does the work and one person is responsible for it.

 The mustache does evil things, but it is not the fault of acquaintances.

 But now the scholar asked Miss Jin again, and the guest monk felt clear in his mind.

Don't think that if they are separated one behind the other, he won't be able to tell that they are in the same group.

Moreover, they all knew that Mustache came to the temple for Miss Jin, and they were obviously aware of Mustache's evil deeds.

 Looking at Liu Xun with clear eyes, Zhi Ke Monk secretly thought: Appearances come from the heart.

Such a benefactor has handsome features, but his eyes have lost their calmness and become more eager.

“Donor,” said the monk who knew the guest, “we will meet each other if we are destined.”

 Liu Xun smiled dryly.

This answer is very close to his impression of a monk who is stupid when he chants sutras.

 But it was not what he wanted.

Liu Xun didn't care anymore, and asked bravely: "Did Miss Jin come here on the eighth day of the Lunar New Year?"

 The second watch is a little later, cover your face.

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