Yan Cigui

Chapter 236: No one believes the truth

Chapter 236 No one believes the truth

Zhike Monk looked deeply at Liu Xun.

Liu Xun pursed his lips and forced out a kind smile.

 Monks do not lie.

A monk who has become foolish by chanting sutras cannot tell lies, right?

I only heard the guest monk say: "The benefactor of Jin came to the temple that day."

 Liu Xun was overjoyed when he heard this.

 Tell them to guess correctly!

 Instinctively, the hand in the sleeve clenched tightly, not knowing that it involved the painful shoulder...

Liu Xun took a breath of cold air before he screamed out in pain.

He endured the severe pain and thanked the monk Zhike with a trembling voice.

Not far away, Qian Hu pricked his ears and listened for most of it, and looked at Liu Xun with an increasingly unkind look.


 This is a big-tailed wolf!

 Liu Xun clearly knew the girl's last name, but he had never let it slip before.

   You don’t mean to kidnap people, you just deceive His Highness!

 Hide behind and come up with ideas, let others take the lead, and if anything goes wrong, they will be wiped out.

 As Qian Hu said, people like Liu Xun are as bad as others.

 When he finds the opportunity, he must report this villain in front of His Majesty the Crown Prince!

He thought so, but Qian Hu didn't show it on his face.

The two of them bypassed the mountain gate and walked to the back of the main hall. They gathered together to figure it out and then went to find someone to inquire about.

“Mustache? I’m not very impressed. What did Zhike Monk say?”

"You said he went down the mountain at noon? He must have left. I didn't see him when we had dinner in the dining hall at noon."

“The girl with the mole under her eyes? She is still worshiping at the main hall in the afternoon.”

"That girl came here in the early morning, but I didn't see her at noon. But when I got up from my nap, I met her maid fetching water, and I didn't wake up until I met her."

“The maid seems to be from another family. The master is very familiar with the girl. I heard her call her ‘Princess’.”

"When did the princess come? At noon, right? We left together in the afternoon."

 The more Qian Hu inquired, the more confused he became.

Princess? Why is the princess still involved?

 The more Liu Xun inquired, the more uneasy he became.

Princess? Could it be Lin Yunyan? Why is it related to the princess?

Just as the two of them were about to collect their thoughts, the abbot led two monks to find them.

“Two donors, isn’t it appropriate to ask about this and that in the temple?”

No matter how many tricks you use, it can't compare to the stick in the monk's hand.

Liu Xun couldn't defeat him, but Qian Hu didn't dare to defeat him.


They made Fa'an Temple anxious and went to Beijing to file a complaint, saying that they were disturbing a pure place of Buddhism...

Your Highness can give them a few more kicks.

 The two of them could only walk down the mountain in dismay.

As he reached the foot of the mountain, Liu Xun had a flash of inspiration.

Last time, something happened to the carriage of Chengyi Bofu. Shuntian Mansion asked the tea shop at the foot of the mountain to ask questions.

The tea shop owner has a good memory. He clearly remembers how many carriages there were and when they got on and off.

Liu Xun hurriedly stopped the car and went to ask the boss.

"The princess's carriage? Is your name written on it? How can I recognize it if it's not written on it?"

 “Moustache? Never seen it.”

“The car going up the mountain and the car going down the mountain? I didn’t remember!”

“You are not from the Yamen, so why should I tell you? If you have something to report to the official, I will answer the question.”

 “What attitude? The attitude of doing business!”

“I came in without asking for a bowl of tea, and kept asking questions. I am indeed a person who is stupid at reading.”

 Liu Xun was scolded inexplicably, and his face seemed to be on fire.

 Buy another bowl of tea?

 Buy shit!

 Liu Xun got on the carriage angrily.

 The tea stall owner looked at the carriage going away and spat.

How many people has he seen traveling north and south?

I dare not say that I can tell the difference between loyalty and treachery, but I can still tell whether there is any malicious intent.

The young scholar asked so many questions, which showed that he had no good intentions.

 He wouldn't tell him any news.

On the carriage, Liu Xun and Qian Hu, who had limited gains, stared at each other.

 “Mr. Liu, what do you think?” Qian Hu asked.

 Liu Xun’s view is very direct and simple.

 for himself.

 Today is really unlucky.

First he was kicked by the prince, and then he was kicked out of the temple. Even the vendors at the street stalls dared to look at him.    Bah!

 Hitting the wall everywhere and getting into trouble.

 Yu Na Geng Baoyuan…

Liu Xun’s intuition is related to Lin Yunyan.

 That princess is too evil.

 At the time of learning, Chen Gui came out to ask questions.

 In the Changping Garden, she not only covered her body but also returned all the leaves without touching her body.

 Now he appears in the temple inexplicably...

She seems to have eyes that reach into the sky, looking ahead to everything and arranging everything in advance.

Even if Liu Xun and Liu Jing analyze the matter afterwards...

Father was not sure whether the princess was targeting her intentionally.

 After all, how can there be any unforeseen events in the world?

Knowing that he had stolen the title, did you let Chen Gui appear at various poetry societies in advance?

Did you know that Geng Baoyuan was going to take action?

Even Liu Xun didn’t know that Geng Baoyuan took action on the eighth day of the lunar month!

 What’s even more outrageous is, how did Geng Baoyuan fail?

 Liu Xun knows nothing.

He can't even convince himself, how can he convince the prince?

 For the prince to believe that Princess Ning'an could bring down Geng Baoyuan, it would be better to believe that Geng Baoyuan ran away with a huge gambling debt.

 Last time, Mr. Shan said that he hated others treating him as a fool.

 This should be the same for the prince.

 Liu Xun had no intention of fooling His Highness, but he just couldn't explain it clearly.

Giving up on himself, Liu Xun asked Qian Hu: "If I said that Geng Baoyuan's kidnapping was discovered by the princess and was dealt with by the princess, would you believe it?"

Qian Hu asked: "Have you packed it up?"

Liu Xun said with a wooden face: "Tie him up, kill him, and bury him. In short, he will never come back."

 What responded to him was Qian Hu's deep look, which was hard to describe.

 Sure enough…

 Liu Xun let out a long sigh.

 No one believes the truth!

 He has no evidence, but he thinks this is the truth.

"Then tell me," Liu Xun said slumped, "how should we report back to His Highness?"

 Qian Hu couldn't answer.

Ordinarily, on the eighth day of the Lunar New Year, Geng Baoyuan should have met that girl when he stepped out.

 Given Geng Baoyuan’s character, he always strikes first to gain the upper hand, but he...

 Qian Hu thought about it, and it seemed that only what Liu Xun said was feasible.

The princess intercepted Hu halfway, rescued the girl, and buried Geng Baoyuan.

 It is possible, but it does not mean it can be achieved.

Unless Princess Ning'an can fight and kill, and can knock Geng Baoyuan down...

What the hell!

Hasn't Qian Hu met the princess?

  She is a little girl, not even as tall as Geng Baoyuan’s chest, and her arms and legs are really thin.

Geng Baoyuan had to be useless before he could be captured by the princess?

Here, Qian Hu also sighed.

“Otherwise, it’s better to run away. Then Geng Baoyuan ran away due to gambling debts...” he said.

 Liu Xun curled his lips.

Let’s see.

At first I thought he was a fool, but in the end I could only come to this conclusion.

 The eldest brother does not talk about the second brother.

 His Highness, if you want to scold Geng Baoyuan, go scold him.

The Geng family's father was afraid of being chased for debts, so he would not report it to the official to avoid exposing the kidnapping incident again.

 The two of them have reached a tacit understanding.

In the east palace, after hearing what the two said, Li Shao kicked them out with a dark face.

Liu Xun did not dare to get into trouble again and returned home first.

 When I entered the study room and wanted to change my clothes, I realized that my shoulder was so painful that it was numb.

 He untied it and looked in the mirror.

 Purple red.

 A large bruise.

 His Highness is very aggressive!

   Thanks to the book friend Xu Bicheng’s official girlfriend and Wuxihuan 166 for the reward.



 (End of this chapter)

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