Yan Cigui

Chapter 237: pity

  Taohe Zhai.

 Xu Jian is in the study.

 The chessboard is placed on the table, with a chess basket on the left and right, and it is still playing chess against oneself.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, Xu Jian raised his eyes and looked at the person who came in through the door.

 This person is Lin Yunyan.

As she opened and closed the door, the cold wind wrapped in a thin layer of snow leaked in.

Lin Yunyan took off her snow coat, took a moment to get rid of the coldness on her body, and then sat down at the table.

Looking at the chessboard hastily, Lin Yunyan could only think of one word: densely packed.

Black and white interlaced vertically and horizontally.

Unless she can be given a quarter of an hour to analyze it carefully, she may not even be able to figure out who has the upper hand.

Xu Jian held the chess pieces and talked about things while placing the pieces.

"Geng Baoyuan has been buried. That Cheshazi has been in Beijing for more than half a year. He was Geng Baoyuan's gambling friend. He is a bachelor with no wife and children. If he is missing, no one will report him to the official."

“If you don’t know anything about it, you owe Geng Baoyuan money, so you can do whatever you are told. He is imprisoned in the mountain, and he will not be able to escape even if he is hungry, so he can keep it for now.”

"Li Shao probably didn't know about it. I heard that there was a big fire in the East Palace, and both Qian Hu and Liu Xun were kicked several times."

Lin Yunyan was listening and suddenly raised her eyes when she heard the words: "Do you even know about the East Palace?"

Xu Jian clicked the word, lowered her eyes, and said calmly: "You have an informant in Cining Palace, why can't I arrange it in the East Palace?"

Lin Yunyan stared at him.

 These are two different things.

 Xu Jian clearly avoids the important and favors the light.

 On second thought, with Xu Jian's caution and habits, it is reasonable to go to the East Palace to make arrangements in advance since he wants to go against Li Shao.

Those "loyal" ones can't move, and even if they show the slightest clue, they can easily be defeated.

However, the inconspicuous little chambermaids, little maids, and old ladies are quite useful.

 The hidden child is buried first.

How effective can it be?

 Its position on the chessboard, the movement of other chess pieces next to it...

 A big game of chess all starts with a humble and inconspicuous move.

Lin Yunyan did not ask who the informant was, but said: "Liu Xun was kicked too? Li Shao is like that now, can he be kicked hard enough?"

 There are many changes in stature between Li Shao now and Li Shao in the future.

As he grew older, he grew faster and faster. He was half a head taller than his uncles from the Xia family in Enrongbo Mansion before he even reached the weak crown. He looked like he would soon catch up with the tall Holy Emperor.

 It is true, the growth is gratifying.

If Li Shao was given a kick like that, he would definitely be more powerful than he is now.

Judging from Liu Xun's scholarly body, two of his bones may be broken.

"It's a pity that he was kicked a few years too early," Lin Yunyan muttered, and finally said, "Forget it, after a few years, Li Shao may have to continue to kick him."

 There is no chance, she just creates opportunities.

Xu Jian was very amused.

 He has not grown up yet, so he cares about whether others are growing up quickly.

“It’s not bad,” Xu Jian said. “Liu Xun invited a doctor.”

Lin Yunyan raised her eyebrows and smiled in her eyes.

Needless to say, the Liu family had to be careful when hiring a doctor this time.

Not only can't he be like before, but he can't wait to walk from Qianbu Corridor to the gate of the capital. Everyone knows that Liu Xun is seriously ill, and even the other way around, he has to keep his mouth shut tightly.

 Dare you say that he was kicked by Li Shao?

 Dare you say why he was kicked by Li Shao?

 Liu Xun did not dare to say a word, so he could only eat Coptis chinensis while being mute.

 Xu Jian kept turning over the chess pieces in his hand.

The little princess was in a good mood, and it was not in vain that he suppressed those few teasing words.

"Liu Xun and Qian Hu went to Fa'an Temple, but they didn't get much. They could only report to Li Shao that Geng Baoyuan ran away due to gambling debts."

“Qian Hu went to live with the Geng family.”

“Think about it, after the seal is opened, Master Shan will not receive a report, leaving him to search for people all over the mountain.”

Lin Yunyan knew what was going on. The subsequent ending was also within her expectation.

They will definitely send someone to Fa'an Temple that day. She and Jin Shu walked around the temple in the afternoon and went down the mountain together, which was the best ending.

Even if someone is suspicious, there is nothing they can do to her.

 After all, she is powerless.


Lin Yunyan can also smooth things over, it’s just a little more troublesome.

What could be more troublesome than their step-by-step plotting against Li Shao?

“My aunt sent people to the house and told her that Sister Ashu was in good spirits.”

“The Jin family chose not to publicize it, which was a wise choice.”

“Grandma and father also knew about this and were very angry and disappointed with Li Shao.”

“They thought Geng Baoyuan was killed by Shen Chen.”

This time, it was Xu Jian's turn to laugh.


  No matter how capable and strategizing the little princess was, she did not dare to let her grandmother and father know that it was her handiwork that sealed the throat with an arrow.

 He should help the little princess clean up and deal with it.

 Even more, he can be praised for his quick actions and accurate timing, and he can be praised for being timely and complete.

 Teach the little princess how to use hidden weapons...

 It is indeed a self-defense technique, and they can distinguish the good from the bad, but it is a bit scary.

 Smiling, Xu Jian said again: "Geng Baoyuan, what a pity."

Geng Baoyuan is a **** and has a grudge against both of them.

 But he could have been a useful chess piece.

 Having such a **** around will further arouse the evil in Li Shao's heart.

 Only when there is a wolf and a misfortune can one commit adultery.

 Get rid of all the **** around Li Shao who are making trouble and causing trouble, so that he will not have a right and left hand to do evil, and this person will not be able to straighten up.

 Li Shao is beyond saving.

Lin Yunyan understood the meaning of Xu Jian's words.

They had already met him that day and the situation was critical, so she had no choice but to kill Geng Baoyuan.

 This matter is certainly correct.

 That is, it is indeed a pity.

After thinking for a while, she said: "That kick shouldn't have kicked Liu Xun away, right?"

 Without Geng Baoyuan, we cannot lose another chess piece.

 Otherwise, the losses will be considerable.

 Xu Jian chuckled and said calmly: "It's hard to say Liu Xun, but don't underestimate Liu Jing."

 A shortcut is right in front of you.

Liu Jing will not give up unless the road is completely blocked and there is no hope at all.

Of course Liu Jing would not push Liu Xun to death without thinking, but there is no absolute between father and son.

 What the final result will be is beyond Liu Jing’s control.

 After talking about the important things, Xu Jian and Lin Yunyan talked about other things.

"I saw that Aunt He's mother seemed to have something on her mind this morning," Xu Jian said. "I asked her, but she looked at her as if she were careless."

 Lin Yunyan understands.

Although it is said that everyone has something on their mind, Xu Jian would probably not ask more questions when seeing that the other party was unwilling to talk about it, but this was the time.

 In the past, why did Grandma He’s family “die” of illness? What happened in the past...

Lin Yunyan got up and went to the kitchen.

Grandma He's family was sitting in front of the stove, watching the heat.

Seeing Lin Yunyan coming, she stood up quickly and said, "The princess and the Duke have orders, why don't you let Shen Chen come over?"

"I'm here to find Nanny," Lin Yunyan smiled. She didn't beat around the bush and got straight to the point. "The Duke is very worried about Nanny."

Aunt He’s smile froze on her lips and she rubbed her hands nervously.

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