Yan Cigui

Chapter 238: What are you planning again?

Seeing this, Lin Yunyan simply brought a handful of spoons over and took Granny He to sit down with her.

"From the look on my mother's face, I think it's not something I want to talk to the Duke of." Lin Yunyan said, "Then you might as well tell me. If it's really not easy for him to know, I'll make up an excuse to get back to him."

 When Grandma He heard this, she didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.

Seeing that the princess was asking for answers, she had no choice but to say: "How can I ask the princess to lie for me? The truth is, I don't know how to talk to the Duke."

Lin Yunyan did not rush.

 After waiting for a while, Aunt He’s family said, “I went to Guangde Temple in the morning and met Miss Miao.”

Lin Yunyan was surprised: "Mom, you mean, the Duke of Guo is his mother?"

 Grandma He nodded.

At that time, under the guidance of the old man, she married into the He family and opened this shop with her husband.

She always remembers this kindness in her heart.

Since the old Duke Guo has no intention of letting her have contact with him or Miss Miao anymore, how can Aunt He family show up rashly again?

 When Miss Lian Miao got married, she always mingled with the crowd watching the excitement and looked at her from a distance.

 Concerned, but dare not advance.

If the old man hadn't been seriously ill and missed her cooking skills, no one would have come to Taohe Zhai to look for her.

"The princess also knows that since then, the Duke of Guo has come to my place to eat when he has free time," said Aunt He. "I know that there is some gap between their grandson and Miss Miao. This is not something I can say at will. thing."

 She is from the Xu family.

 She must do things in line with the wishes of the old prince and the prince.

She will not rely on the kindness she had in the past to ask the Duke to do whatever she wants, let alone talk to Miss Miao about this and that.

But Nanny He didn't expect that in such a huge capital city, they would meet an unrelated official's wife and an old woman who owned a shop after so many years.

“Miss Miao was very surprised,” Sister He sighed. “Yes, she always seemed to think that I went back to my hometown when I left the house, and didn’t even know that I was still living in Beijing.

 She asked me how I am doing now? Where to stay?

 I don’t even know how to answer her.

Let her know the place. If she wants to come here, I will be fine, but the Duke may be in trouble.

Miss Miao probably saw that I didn't want to tell her, so she said that she would be at Guangde Temple on the first and fifteenth day of the lunar month. If I wanted to find her, I could go directly to Liu's house. "

 Aunt He's wife sighed long and short as she spoke.

She took care of Xu Miao for several years, and even though she left later, she still had many feelings for Xu Miao.

The three generations of the grandparents of the Xu family. For more than 20 years in the middle, the He family is "hearing theory", and they are all unknown.

 She just stood by the Xu family and occasionally felt sorry for Xu Miao.

If you know it, your father and daughter, mother and child friendship are faint. The only thing that can be comforted is that Liu Jing is not good or bad. It is good to wait for Xu Yan to return.

I didn't see each other, and occasionally thinking about it, it passed.

Suddenly meeting him, memories and emotions all came flooding back.

So much so that Xu Jian got a clue.

“Has mom ever gone to Guangde Temple before?” Lin Yunyan asked.

Grandma He's family looked at Lin Yunyan in surprise.

She thought the princess would ask about Miss Miao, but she didn't expect that the first question was about this.

"Speaking of which, Guangde Temple is right in the city, not too far away. I don't think I ever thought of going in to pay my respects." Aunt He's family smiled shyly. "I went there this morning. I don’t know what happened, but I suddenly thought about it and walked in. Now that I think about it, maybe the Bodhisattva wanted me to meet Miss Miao.”

After listening to this, Lin Yunyan thought that she might know the answer.

 In the past, Wang was not arrested for six years, and the monk Daoheng who knew Wang's whereabouts for six years was in Guangde Temple.

Grandma of the He family entered the temple and met Xu Miao.

 The two of them were concerned about surprise and the other was hesitant and reserved. It was nothing, but it fell into the eyes of others.

 Maybe it was Dao Heng, or it might be Wang who came to look for Dao Heng. In the sixth year, the two met.

They recognized that Nanny He had worked as a servant in the imperial kitchen, and mistakenly thought that Nanny's uncomfortable state meant they recognized them, so...

However, you don’t have to worry about that now.

Wang was captured by Xu Jian in the sixth year of his reign. Dao Heng escaped quickly and is still missing. It is impossible for him to sneak back to Guangde Temple.

Lin Yunyan then turned the topic back to Xu Miao: "Mom didn't tell Mrs. Xu anything, right?"

"No," Nanny He said, she hesitated again and again, and asked Lin Yunyan in a lowered voice, "Princess, do you know what's going on between the Duke and Miss Miao? I'm going to say a few things that I shouldn't say, If she doesn’t treat the Duke well, I won’t feel so awkward.”

Lin Yunyan smiled softly.

 She understood what Aunt He meant.

If Mrs. Xu is the same as Liu Jing, then even if there is old friendship, Aunt He will not want to mention her anymore.

But if mother and son have never lived together, and there is unfamiliarity and estrangement caused by various reasons, and both of them are people that grandma cares about, naturally she can't do anything, and she can't do it randomly, but watching in the middle, she will Very uncomfortable.

Human nature.

Lin Yunyan thought for a while and said: "These days, I haven't talked carefully about Mrs. Xu with the Duke of Guo, so I can't be sure. I'll find a suitable time to test his tone."

 Grandma He’s family thanked her profusely.

 I thanked you, but I couldn’t help but give you a few words of advice.

"Princess, if you don't have a chance, you can just not mention it. Don't make yourself unhappy with the Duke of the country because of this matter."

 Lin Yunyan agreed.

 Back in the study, she looked at the chessboard.

The black and white twins are still fighting hard to separate each other.

Lin Yunyan sat down and roughly told Xu Jian what Grandma He said and her own inferences.

 After thinking about it, I added another sentence.

"Madam went to Guangde Temple early this morning. It seems that she most likely didn't know that Liu Xun was injured."

Otherwise, given Xu Miao's concern for Liu Xun, she would stay in front of the couch without saying anything, and would not go out to worship Buddha.

 Xu Jian reached for a chess piece and said calmly: "If I were Liu Xun, I wouldn't tell her either."

 Because I can’t explain it.

Lin Yunyan chuckled, thought about it, and stopped talking, without continuing to expand on the topic.

 Same in the past.

  Xu Jian rarely talked to her about her "conflict" with the Liu family.

  It’s not that Tete is hiding it, but that he, Liu Jing and Liu Xun, father and son, have different stances and decisions.

As for the nitpicking and fussing that evolved from these things, even an argument in the Liu family's study would be just trivial and useless, let alone analysis and judgment.

Liu Jing’s most worthy of judgment are actually his actions in Qianbu Corridor.

 As for Mrs. Xu...

Lin Yunyan looked at Xu Jian and speculated.


Xu Jian’s thoughts on her biological mother are difficult to summarize simply, but contain a variety of emotions.

Gently, Xu Jian threw the chess piece back into the chess basket, leaned back on the chair and said, "What are you planning again? You might as well just tell me."

I just discovered that the chapter number of the previous chapter was wrong, so I quickly corrected it.

Thanks to book friend Xu Bicheng’s official girlfriend and the reward for not getting fat if I eat in my life.

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