Yan Cigui

Chapter 239: Sooner or later you will go crazy

Lin Yunyan’s eyelashes blinked.

These words sound familiar.

 But the situation is actually completely different.

Grandma always wanted to say something, but she was used to laying the groundwork first instead of getting straight to the point.

Lin Yunyan actually didn’t have any thoughts at the moment.

 I didn’t make any plans, nor did I want to set the stage.

 She said “that’s it” because there is no need to say anything more.

However, Xu Jian's simple and clear reaction also showed his current mood.

 He was unwilling to delve into the subject.

 Behind "It's better not to say it" means that it's better not to say it.

 For Xu Jian, he will express a clear attitude when talking about Liu Jing.

Liu Jing is not good here, and he is not right there. How can we seize his problems and counterattack, and expand our advantages little by little...

 Liu Jing was a complete "outsider" to Xu Jian.

 But Mrs. Xu is different.

 Hence, Lin Yunyan summed it up with the word "complex".

If Xu Jian really didn't care about Mrs. Xu and treated her as an outsider, he wouldn't react like this now.

Having Lin Yunyan look at her like this twice, Xu Jian realized that the little princess had not made up her mind before.

He raised his hand and pressed his eyebrows, and chuckled softly.

A game of chess was all-consuming, and because it was Lin Yunyan who told him this, he was so distracted that he didn't pay attention to it.

 Normally, he would not make a misjudgment.

This mistake...

Xu Jian is not afraid of Lin Yunyan's anger.

With these two sentences, the little princess is not so stingy.

 It’s just that she is too keen.

 Many "past events" are like a picture scroll, rushing through Xu Jian's mind.

To be fair, it’s not a comfortable scene.

Xu Jian calmed down, raised her eyes, and landed on Lin Yunyan.

Those beautiful eyes reflected his figure with deep concern.

 Xu Jian collected her thoughts and said, "She must have some support for her temperament."

Lin Yunyan nodded slightly.

 Her contacts with Mrs. Xu are not very close.

 In her impression, Mrs. Xu likes peace, without ups and downs. Even if there is turbulence below, the water should be calm.

 She has been trying to ease the estrangement between the old Mr. Guo and Liu Jing, and between Liu Jing and Xu Jian.

 The former naturally failed.

 When she realized that this was not a relationship that she could handle, she stopped meddling randomly to avoid adding fuel to the fire.

 The latter, she will work hard in the next few years.

When she realized again that she couldn't deal with it, she had no choice but to let it go.

 She got used to the calmness.

 Once the turmoil starts…

 When Liu Jing's words and deeds threatened Xu Jian with a kind of malice, Lin Yunyan remembered clearly that Mrs. Xu had a big quarrel with Liu Jing, which caused Liu Ping to ask her for help in a panic.

 After the quarrel, Mrs. Xu's health became better and worse.

 When the Duke Fu's palace was confiscated and Xu Jian was in dire straits, Mrs. Xu's condition was also extremely poor.

 As Xu Jian said, she needs "support".

 Once her support collapsed, her mind could not bear it.

"Father and son are quarreling. She couldn't stand her father raising his sword before, and she won't be able to see his son wielding his sword in the future," Lin Yunyan said.

Hearing this, Xu Jian laughed again, with a bit of ridicule.

It's not directed at Lin Yunyan, it's more like mocking this muddy situation that is difficult to resolve in a drastic way.

"I'm afraid she's crazy again," Xu Jian sighed, "She's been crazy before."

Lin Yunyan pursed her lips. Before leaving Beijing at that time, Liu Ping asked her to secretly stuff some jewelry into them.

She didn't have much cash on hand. Xu Jian and Lin Yunyan were in such a situation that it was difficult to use banknotes outside. On the contrary, jewelry was easy to pawn.

The grandma mentioned that Mrs. Xu was mentally and physically exhausted, and sometimes she felt as if she was crazy. She also said that Liu Ping’s mother-in-law’s family was running in both directions, and she might not be able to hold on for a long time.

Xu Jian added: "Sooner or later she will go crazy."

 On this point, Lin Yunyan and Xu Jian have the same view.

Mrs. Xu cares about Liu Jing and Liu Xun, and she also cares about Xu Jian and the Fuguo Palace, so she feels uncomfortable.

If she could really give up either side, she wouldn't go crazy.

Then again, if Mrs. Xu could happily let go of Xu Jian and Fu Guo Gongfu, then Xu Jian would not have such a "complicated" mood towards her now, but would be treated as an "outsider" .

Lin Yunyan thought for a while and said: "I know what you think.

Sooner or later you are going to go crazy, it is better to be ruthless than to use a blunt knife to cut the flesh from the beginning, and you will die of pain and exhaustion and you will still be crazy in the end.

Whether you try to win over someone or pierce them bit by bit, it's all a dull knife.

I just thought of something, how about giving Mrs. Xu some support? "

Xu Jian said: "The airs must be set very high."

Lin Yunyan said very calmly: "On one side are the husband and the second son, on the other side are the natal family and the eldest son. If anything else is of equal weight, it is only Liu Ping."

Xu Jian was slightly startled and wanted to say something, but heard Lin Yunyan speak again.

"It may not be effective. Maybe when Liu Ping has ups and downs, Mrs. Xu can't hold on."

Xu Jian said: "But maybe, her tone has stopped."

 It’s all gambling.

 Use that little bit of head start to gamble on other uncertain paths.

 Winning and losing bets are common.

 Have a try.

 Perhaps this time is different.

Once you have made a decision in your mind, it will be much easier to move forward with things later.

 The two discussed the general situation, and Lin Yunyan left Taohe Zhai.

Mammy He's family was worried and asked Shen Chen: "Why did the princess leave without lunch? Didn't she have a dispute with me?"

If the princess and the master are unhappy because of her few words, then...

Shen Chen said: "I see that I am still playing chess and in a good mood. Besides, when the princess just left, she greeted her mother with a smile."

Hearing this, Grandma He felt a little relieved.

Lin Yunyan did not return to Uncle Chengyi’s Mansion, but went directly to Guangde Temple.

 At noon, there were many pilgrims in the temple.

Walking to the guest room at the back of the temple, Wan Yue took her belt and asked the monk: "I heard that the wife of Mr. Liu, the minister of Honglu Temple, was worshiping Buddha in the temple in the morning. I wonder if she is still there at this moment? Our princess wants to ask my wife. Good luck.”

If ordinary people come to inquire about information, the monks will not answer.

But this is the residence of Uncle Chengyi, and he is the princess. He has a reputation for knowing etiquette and duty, and he will never cause trouble randomly.

The monk then said, "Madam has not left yet. The donor will wait a moment while the young monk goes to ask Madam if she is free."

 In the guest room, Xu Miao was talking to the nanny beside him.

This morning, all their topics were about Grandma He.

  Xu Miao recalled what happened in the past, and the more she talked about it, the more emotional she became.

Hearing that someone was looking for her, Xu Miao hurriedly asked: "Is she an old woman?"

The monk replied: "She is Princess Ning'an."

 Xu Miao was stunned for a moment.

 Princess Ning'an?

That, that’s not...

 She quickly sat down at the table.

 The bronze mirror in the guest room was not as clear as the one used at home. She looked left and right without knowing it.

“Mom, please help me sort it out,” Xu Miao urged. “That’s Ah Jian’s fiancée. I can’t neglect her.”

 There are so many things to do on weekends, so the second update will be a little late, so I will cover my face and run away...

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