Yan Cigui

Chapter 240: Good intentions do bad things

Hearing this, Aunt Xia walked behind Xu Miao and carefully arranged her hair.

"I heard that the princess has a good temperament, and you are so kind, madam. I think you and the princess will get along well."

 “Don’t worry, Madam, I won’t be careless at all.”

"It's better to invite the princess over quickly, don't keep her waiting for a long time."

Xu Miao laughed: "You're right, I really don't care about what's ahead and what's behind when I'm happy."

The monk went to bring Lin Yunyan over.

 Xu Miao stood up and made final arrangements.

"Speaking of which, many years ago, when I went to Cining Palace, I spoke to the princess's mother several times. I didn't expect that she would..." she said. "It seemed that the princess had only met her from a distance, not even in person." See clearly."

Mother Xia said: "Then you can take a good look at it later. I'm sure you will like it more and more."

“That’s for sure.” Xu Miao nodded slightly.

The girl Ah Jian likes must be lovable.

 When Lin Yunyan came over from the corridor, Xu Miao's eyes suddenly lit up.

The princess is really good-looking.

Everyone says that the Xu family has a good foundation, and Xu Miao herself has the good looks of her parents. Although she is not harsh when looking at other people's facial features, her vision is indeed a bit higher.

 But when she saw Lin Yunyan, she felt a "close eye" in her heart.

  How comfortable it is to look at it.

Lin Yunyan came forward and greeted Xu Miao with a smile: "I heard that Madam was in the temple, so I had the nerve to come and disturb her."

Xu Miao said: "Don't bother, don't bother. I heard that the princess is here. I can't even be happy."

 The two of them went into the guest room and sat down.

 The only things provided in the temple are simple tea and snacks, but fortunately no one minded.

Since the Spring Festival has not yet passed, it is rare to say some New Year's greetings.

Xu Miao looked a little uneasy: "Normally, the elders should do the New Year's ceremony. Ah Jian didn't ask me to intervene. He prepared it all by himself."

Lin Yunyan smiled and said: "The Duke of the country has rules and regulations for doing things, and there are capable people in the house to manage things. Everything is ready for the New Year's gifts, so Madam can rest assured."

 Xu Miao breathed a sigh of relief.

Generally speaking, if two people who are not familiar with each other want to get closer, it is most appropriate to start the topic with people they know and have a relationship with.

 The situation of our own family is different from that of other families.

She kept talking about Ah Jian, but Ah Jian might not be willing to do it.

  But if we don’t say A Jian, what else can we say?

 Fortunately, Lin Yunyan is a talkative person.

 She has experience in getting along with Xu Miao, and she comes prepared...

 “To tell the truth, I am also very uneasy and can’t make a decision.”

“I have made an engagement with the Duke of Guo, but I’m not that familiar with him, and I’m not sure how he gets along with Mr. Liu and Madam you.”

"I was hesitant just now, but after thinking about it, my wife is the elder and I am the junior. We met by chance in the temple. It is polite and reasonable for me to come to greet my wife."

“I was thinking that although I won’t live with my wife in the future, I can still get closer to her.”


Xu Miao's heart felt hot after hearing this.

How is this cautious and harmonious state of mind similar to hers?

 Furthermore, it was clearly the Xu and Liu families who were at odds with each other. It was really difficult for the princess's daughter-in-law, who had not yet married, to be in such a difficult situation...

Xu Miao sighed: "Let the princess worry.

The master and I did not do a good job in this matter. My father has a stubborn temper and will not look back on things he has decided to do.

 The master and my father didn't get along well, and I didn't adjust well either. In the end, it affected A Jian.

I want to be more relaxed with Ah Jian. Not to mention how close we are, he is a grown man who is about to get married. It would be inappropriate for him to be really close to me. He has always been independent, but he should not be so distant.

 Master should think so too. We owe Ah Jian, we should work harder. "

As Xu Miao spoke, she suddenly noticed that Lin Yunyan was hesitant, as if she was about to speak but hesitated. She couldn't help but stop, thinking about whether there was something inappropriate she said.

Lin Yunyan did it on purpose. Seeing Mrs. Xu concentrating on thinking, she became more and more hesitant, as if she wanted to say something but was embarrassed to say it.

 Xu Miao thought about it for a long time, but could not figure out the reason.

If it was someone else's business, she might just smile slightly and pass this "tactful" situation.

The other party doesn’t want to say anything, so why should she ask?

 How can anyone be so incompetent about winking?

  It can be said that it is related to Ah Jian.

"Princess," Xu Miao rarely tried to force others, and she was not used to it herself, but her tone was extremely sincere, "I am Ah Jian's biological mother, but we don't get along very well with him, and I actually don't know him that well.

 You are his unmarried wife, and you are also trying to get to know him better.

 I think, whether you or I, both of us hope that Ajian will be happy and peaceful, and there is absolutely no difference in this.

 I know I'm a bit pushy, but if you think of anything, you might as well tell me.

I dare not say how many ideas we can come up with, but the three cobblers may be able to share their ideas. "

Lin Yunyan held Xu Miao's hand and sighed: "Madam is right, we all hope that the Duke will be well. But we don't know him that well, and we don't know where to use our energy. If we are not careful, it will backfire.

 You just said that Mr. Liu thinks so too.

I just remembered what my father said before. He said that on the first day of the Lunar New Year, after the courtiers met with the Holy Father, Mr. Liu asked the Duke to speak to him..."

 Xu Miao was startled.

Lin Yunyan’s voice is soft and gentle.

She was not complaining or exposing him, she just suggested that Liu Jing should think carefully before speaking.

Obviously, Xu Jian returned to the Liu family for a reunion meal. Obviously, Xu Jianmo wanted to eat soft nails for His Royal Highness.

Obviously the concern and good intentions are "real", but the tone and timing are not appropriate enough.

 This is clearly a case of doing bad things with good intentions.

Mr. Liu sighed. She, Lin Yunyan, became anxious after her father mentioned it!

“I heard from you that the old Duke of Guo has a very upright temperament. I think he is also a bit upright when he follows him.”

"Normally, younger people shouldn't worry so much with their parents and elders. Although they are not cautious enough, the elders have good intentions."

“But sometimes I also think that I am also a junior. If my elder talks to me like this, I dare not blame him, but I feel very uncomfortable.”

“There are so many courtiers and officials in the court again. It is not easy for the Duke of Guo to stand firm among these old people at his age. There are still so many discussions..."

Xu Miao felt sour and astringent in her heart as she listened.

“Sir, why are you putting on airs with A Jian?”

“The princess is right, she has good intentions but does bad things. I am Ah Jian and I have to bother with his words.”

 “I have to discuss it with the master.”

Lin Yunyan shook her head hesitantly and said softly: "Will you propose it later? Otherwise, Mr. Liu will think that I am stirring up trouble..."

Xu Miao comforted her and patted her hand: "We are united. I will look for opportunities to talk to the master in the future, and the princess will also try to persuade A Jian if she has the chance.

But don't be too hasty, if this puts you at odds with Ah Jian, that won't work.

There are also Xun'er and A'Ping. Think of more ways and take your time. Maybe we can sit down and have a reunion dinner together in the future. "

“Speaking of Mr. Liu Xun,” Lin Yunyan lowered her voice and asked, “Is his injury okay?”

Xu Miao's eyes widened: "What injury?"

"I heard that on the tenth day of the Lunar New Year, His Highness the Crown Prince lost his temper in the East Palace, and even called Mr. Liu. He not only scolded him, but also started to fight. Mr. Liu was kicked by His Highness, it seemed to be on the shoulder," Lin Yunyan He said, "I don't know why His Highness is angry, and I don't dare to ask more..."

 Xu Miao's face turned paler.

 Xun'er was kicked by the prince, why didn't he tell her?

She is not a fool, and she will not be so impulsive as to go and ask the prince for an explanation, but as a mother, she must know that her son is injured, right?

Xun'er didn't walk around the court, nor did he do things with the prince. How did he provoke the prince?

 No, she must go back and ask Xun'er what's going on!

 The weekend is really tiring, everyone is exhausted...

 Thanks to book friends Xu Bicheng’s Official Girlfriend, 166, Little Yard, Yun Guihai, and Meimei Da M for their tips.

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