Yan Cigui

Chapter 241: Xun'er is lying to her

Looking at Mrs. Xu’s worried look, Lin Yunyan knew that the other party must be very concerned about Liu Xun’s injury.

 Hence, she stopped saying anything else, ended the topic naturally, and stood up to leave.

Xu Miao saw Lin Yunyan away, turned around and said to Aunt Xia, "The princess is really considerate."

Xu Miao felt comfortable talking to the princess.

Obviously it was the first time that I sat down to talk about household matters, but it didn’t feel out of the ordinary at all.

There are also some topics that I thought would be difficult to discuss, but when I actually pushed them forward, I didn’t encounter many difficulties.

 Let’s be sincere.

The princess is sincere and knows how to advance and retreat.

Knowing what she was worried about and what she was anxious about, the princess saw it in her eyes and didn't point it out, so she made arrangements for each other as if it were a matter of course.

 As expected, she was a girl who grew up beside the Empress Dowager and was good at observing words and emotions.

 This is a strength.

Mother Xia heard Xu Miao's emotion and joy and said: "The Duke has such a caring wife, and he will definitely be harmonious in the future."

“It’s so funny to say it,” Xu Miao said. “When I first talked to her, I always had the feeling that she was a member of the family when she sat down like this before. It seemed like this fate had been accumulated in my previous life.”

Mother Xia quickly packed up the things in the guest room and said, "Otherwise, how could we say we felt like old friends at first sight?"

 While speaking, everything was put in order.

 After thanking the monk, Grandma Xia helped Xu Miao get into the carriage.

 After entering the Liu Mansion, Xu Miao did not mention Xu Jian again, let alone the princess.

Mother Xia also knows the rules and will never say who she met in the temple today or what she said.

The princess had given them news, especially the news from the East Palace, so how could she betray her indiscriminately?

 Xu Miao went directly to Liu Xun's study.

Liu Xun was lying on the couch in disarray. When he heard that his mother was coming, he immediately rushed behind the desk, sat up straight, and held the book in his hand.

 When Xu Miao walked out from behind the screen, he put down the book and stood up: "Why are you here? If you want to find me, just ask someone to call me over."

"I just came back from outside and came to see you," Xu Miao said with a smile, "Did mother disturb you from studying?"

Liu Xun asked: "Where have you been? Are you tired?"

"Why should I be tired?" Xu Miao walked up behind Liu Xun, suddenly stretched out her hand and pressed on his shoulder.

Liu Xun had no defense and screamed out in pain.

Xu Miao's face turned pale.

How much strength can she have in her hands?

She also thought that Xun'er was probably injured and couldn't exert any strength.

Just one moment, it can hurt like this...

Seeing Liu Xun shrinking and shivering in pain, Xu Miao pulled his collar without saying a word.

Liu Xun wanted to block it, but was unable to do so because of the pain in his head. Xu Miao noticed all the bruises on his shoulders.

 Xu Miao's eyes were red.

The princess said earlier that Xun'er was kicked by the prince, and she was so anxious and heartbroken that she didn't even react.

 This is not a leg, it is a shoulder!

 What kind of posture is required to kick someone to the shoulder?

His Royal Highness the Crown Prince is standing and Xun'er is kneeling.

 It is of course natural to kneel before a saint and to kneel before a prince.

 The prince took out his anger on Xun'er, and even their ministers did not dare to hide.

But how big a mistake could Xun'er make to enjoy such "treatment" in the East Palace!

 Such a deep bruise, how painful it is!

"How did you get injured?" Xu Miao asked, "When did you get injured? Why didn't you tell me? Has the doctor seen it? What kind of medicine was used? Is there any dressing for bruises?"

Liu Xun was hit with a series of questions, and he could only scream twice.

Xu Miao felt distressed when she heard it, so she calmed down first. She really asked in a hurry. She had to let Xun'er catch his breath, otherwise it would be so painful that it would be difficult to speak.

"I still have some medicated oil over there, go and get it," Xu Miao told Aunt Xia, and then told Liu Xun, "You can try the medicated oil passed down from home to treat bruises."

 This "home", of course, refers to the Xu family.

 Liu Xun doesn't like it, but he can distinguish between good and bad things.

It can make the injury heal faster, so what does it matter whether you like it or not?

"I accidentally injured it a few days ago," Liu Xun said. "That day when the poetry meeting was over, I drank too much and commented too much on others. That person also drank too much and felt that what I said was wrong. He kept going back and forth, and his hands were careless. ,At once…

I hit him too and we both apologized to each other.

Don't think about reporting to the official, asking for explanations, or anything like that. Even if you drink and get drunk, people will still blame you. Don't ruin your future.

The doctor looked at it and applied medicine. In a few days, the bruises will disappear and it will be fine. It’s no big deal. "

 Xu Miao pursed her lips.

This statement is completely different from that of the princess.

 She was sure that Xun'er was lying to her.

Whether it was a beating or a kick, could she tell?

Xun'er didn't say anything. She was chasing after Prince Ti. If she was asked, "Which one is stirring up trouble with you?", wouldn't she be even more unable to answer?

Xu Miao lowered her eyes: "Does your father know that you are injured?"

 Liu Xun smiled dryly.

 In my heart, I felt a little proud.

Those words were certainly taught to him by his father.

 In case his mother finds out about his injury, this is the answer to her.

Sure enough, my mother was deceived!

Also, my father understands my mother’s temperament best, so the words he prepared are of course the right medicine.

“I don’t want you to worry.” Liu Xun tried to please him.

Xu Miao sighed: "I'm really worried about you. Reading can still hurt you..."

Grandma Xia is back from getting medicinal oil.

 Xu Miao asked Liu Xun to take off half of his clothes, while she washed her hands, poured medicated oil into her palms to warm them up, and then pressed it on her son's bruises.

“You have to rub it out, you have to hold on,” she said.

Liu Xun could not hold on, he was so painful that he burst into tears.

This medicinal oil is really good. It has a strong smell and hurts when rubbed. If he didn't know it was a good thing, he wouldn't touch it.

Liu Xun pressed and asked several times before Xu Miao stopped.

After putting clothes on her son, she muttered: "I need to rub him again before going to bed. It will heal quickly."

Liu Xun gasped for air, sweat dripping from his head, and responded vaguely.

 Xu Miao went back to the backyard first.

Grandma Xia sighed: "Fortunately, no bones were injured. The young master cried out in pain, and the servant felt very uncomfortable when he heard it."

 Xu Miao did not speak.

 The north wind blew in her face, and her eyes became even redder.

A Jian has been practicing martial arts since he was a child. He must have been injured due to a bump or bump, but she had never applied any medicinal oil on him.

 Xun'er is such an adult, but he still keeps crying out in pain.

Has Jian ever cried out in pain when she was a child?

 I definitely won’t shout now.

 She remembered that she went back to the Duke’s mansion to see Ajian.

A Jian really broke a bone and had a long scar on his leg.

She was extremely distressed, but Ah Jian said "it's not broken" and "it'll be fine after a while". She didn't mention a single word about the pain.

Back in the house, Xu Miao whispered to Aunt Xia: "Mom, if Xun'er doesn't tell me the truth, I don't want me to worry about whether I have anything or not. Go and ask outside to see if Xun'er has anything else." Hidden from me."

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