Yan Cigui

Chapter 242: They kept it secret from me

It doesn’t matter if you don’t ask.

As soon as she went out to inquire, Aunt Xia felt a thud in her head, and then another thud, as if the bells and drums of so many temples and nunneries in the capital were all in her ears.

The young master kept an outhouse and lived in Narcissus Alley.

 The young master was exposed at the academy and was taken to Shuntian Mansion for questioning. Only after questioning did he find out that he had let an outside room steal the questions.

It’s not unusual for the young master and Miss Zheng Liu to fall into the water, but the young master is chasing the princess, so what’s the matter?

Why didn’t the princess tell her about this in the temple?


  Is it ridiculous to be chased by a younger brother when you are clearly discussing marriage with your older brother?

The Princess Princess’s little girl’s family must be so embarrassed that they can’t speak!

 What a shame!

 What bad luck!

Who wants her, Aunt Xia, to have such an embarrassing thing happen to her girl? She can go out of her way to yell at her.

 In this way, Uncle Zhenyi is really humble and decent, and the princess is also kind and obedient. When encountering such an unfortunate incident, they try to make it as small as possible and leave each other with steps.

 But how was she going to tell Madam?

 Mother Xia is too sad.

 If you don’t mention it in half a sentence, it would definitely be inappropriate.

  What are the things that the young master is doing!

            Madam, why are you still so angry?

 Raising an outdoor room?

 Stealing the question?

This is something that a serious gentleman can do? !

There was also the part about chasing the princess. Although the young master probably didn’t know about it at the time, it was so embarrassing after all.

It’s no wonder that on New Year’s Eve, Duke Guo would rather stay alone in the Duke’s mansion than show his face to the Liu family.

 Along West Street, Grandma Xia walked back slowly.

 On the left and right sides, there are lanterns and colorful decorations in preparation for the Lantern Festival.

 Yes, the talent after tomorrow is Shangyuan.

 This is not even the end of the New Year.

Really, it’s Chinese New Year, how can you tell your wife such bad things?

 I don’t want to say it, I don’t want to say it, but I really dare not not say it.

 Mother Xia sent the others away to talk to Xu Miao alone.

 Carefully, start with the “lightest” ones.

“There is an outer room, and I followed him back to the capital from the academy...”

Hearing this, Xu Miao's face turned red and white, and she asked in a trembling voice: "Mom, are you sure you're not mistaken? Does Xun'er, he, he has a little one outside?"

Mother Xia nodded: "That's right."

Xu Miao's eyes were filled with stars, and she held Nanny Xia's hand: "Does Uncle Yunyang's Mansion know?"

The two families have agreed to get married, but the uncle is raising a foreign wife. Where does this leave the Yunyang uncle's house and Miss Zheng?

 Isn’t this a slap in the face?

Even if the relationship between the couple is not harmonious in the future, it is still wrong to have an extramarital affair.

What’s more, Miss Zheng hasn’t even come in yet!

Grandma Xia made a bitter face and said: "You know, everyone outside knows it, because of her, the young master asked her to steal the questions, and they all made trouble in the Yamen."

 Xu Miao covered her chest.

She could hear every word in these words clearly, but when they were put together, why did she hear them so confusedly?

 When Aunt Xia explained everything clearly from beginning to end, Xu Miao sat blankly for a long time, unable to say a word.

 That's her son?

 What would Xun'er be like?

 It was too strange, so strange that she could not face her own son.

Tears fell down, making the clothes wet.

"I don't know at all," she murmured for a long time, her voice soft and inaudible, "I don't know at all."

Mama Xia felt sour and cautiously leaned forward to listen.

"Xun'er didn't dare to tell me, and the master didn't tell me either. They kept it secret from me."

"Since Xun'er returned to Beijing, I have been absent-minded and preoccupied several times. It turns out that this is the case."

“It will be difficult for me to deal with these scandals in front of the emperor and among my colleagues.”

"I have to clean up Xun'er's mess, and I have to do my best to hide it from me. He is very worried."

"Why are you hiding it from me? Xun'er is his son and also my son. If the son does something wrong, the parents must teach him together. Am I the kind of mother who protects the calf and refuses to control or teach? ” ˆ ˆ “Because during those years in the academy, my master and I were not around, so Xun’er went wild.”

“It’s not too late to make amends, Xun’er still has time to discipline him.”

Seeing her like this, Grandma Xia comforted her with kind words: "Don't be impatient for now. Let's discuss it together when the master comes back and listen to what he wants."

Let’s not mention the part about the princess for now.

It would be really bad if my wife got angry and sick.

 Later, Liu Jing returned home after socializing with his colleagues.

 As soon as he entered the door, he was invited to the study by Liu Xun.

"My mother found out that I was hurt, so I did what you taught me, and she believed me."

Liu Jing’s eyebrows tightened: “How could she find out? Did you go to him?”

"No way! I was staying in the study by myself, and she came back from outside and came to the study to talk to me, but..." Liu Xun curled his lips.

 Liu Jing sighed.

Madam is not good at thinking about anything else. People around her are sick and in pain, and it really can’t be hidden from her eyes.

 Xun'er's actions will be seen if there is any unnaturalness in his movements.

 Thanks to having been taught rhetoric beforehand.

That set is enough to deal with my wife.

 Liu Jing went to the backyard.

 The main room is brightly lit.

 Aunt Xia withdrew knowingly, leaving the couple alone to talk.

"Xun'er is injured. Master shouldn't hide it from me." Xu Miao said.

 Liu Jing apologized and said, "I just don't want my wife to worry about it."

“It’s only natural to worry about your children,” Xu Miao insisted, “I only know now what wrong things Xun’er has done outside!”

 Liu Jing's breath froze slightly.

 Xun'er, the one who doesn't live up to expectations!

 Said "mother believed it", but his mother didn't seem to believe it at all!

"What have you heard, madam?" Liu Jing held Xu Miao's hand and asked softly.

Xu Miao said it one by one.

Liu Jing let out a long sigh, and fatigue suddenly appeared in his eyes.

“Raising children is really a difficult problem,” he smiled wryly and shook his head repeatedly, “Ajian followed his grandfather, and we didn’t even worry about it.

A-Ping is a girl, her upbringing is different from that of boys, and she is usually more attentive as a wife.

I taught Xun'er a lot, and my wife assisted me. He was a good kid when he was young. Who would have thought that after not seeing him for a few years, he would...

Alas, madam, teaching children is much more difficult than studying for exams myself! "

 Xu Miao lowered her eyes.

  Isn’t it difficult!

  How many parents have turned their hair gray worrying about raising their children!

"Master, you shouldn't hide it from me," Xu Miao said. "You are busy with official duties in the court, and there are always times when you can't take care of it. You have to let me share more of the burden."

Liu Jing said: "My wife has taken care of my family and A-Ping. It has allowed me to have no worries for so many years and to be able to fulfill my ambitions in the court. I am extremely grateful.

 Xun'er's problem is that I didn't handle it well and ignored the role of a mother in teaching her son.

Madam is right, let’s put more thought into it together and put Xun’er right.

 Today is too late. Call Xun'er tomorrow, and the three of us will sit down and have a serious talk first. "

 Xu Miao nodded.

Liu Jing went to the inner room to freshen up, wiped his face, and frowned.

I have to give Xun'er a good warning tomorrow, it's really unreliable!

 Outside, Xu Miao closed her eyes and rested.

 She communicated smoothly with Liu Jing and reached an agreement.

 But why did she still feel uneasy in her heart?

 There can be no rush, she has to think about it again, think about it carefully...

 Thanks to book friends Yun Guihai and Xu Bicheng’s official girlfriend for the reward.

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