Yan Cigui

Chapter 243: Her inner demon (two updates in one, please vote for me)

Chapter 243: Her inner demons (two updates in one, please vote for me)

 The night was as thick as fog.

 Xu Miao was lying on the bed.

Beside her, Liu Jing had fallen asleep, his breathing steady and long.

Xu Miao listened for a while and sighed secretly.

 She tossed and turned about Xun'er's affairs, but the master was able to fall asleep.

 At this point, the master is much better than her.

   That is also the case.

Over the years, she has been shielded from the wind and rain outside. She has not experienced anything, and she is really not responsible for it.

  Master has blocked too many things for her...

His heart trembled, Xu Miao bit her lip subconsciously.

Xia Yan came back and said, the outside room, the fraud, or the outside, the outside was full of passing.

It is true that she does not like to go out. Even if she does go out, it is just to worship in the temple. She has few contacts, so naturally a lot of news cannot reach her.

 But what about the other people in the house?

How could they not know about the maids and women who were in charge of affairs, purchasing, and coming in and out?

It was all arranged by the master, and they were not allowed to let her hear a word.

 Hide it from her, and also from A Ping.

   Master has good intentions.

The princess also said today that the master has good intentions and does bad things.

 But what about other than these? What else did the master let his subordinates hide from her?

In this family, it seems that the only ones who can explain all the big and small things clearly are the personal maids, A-Ping and the people around her, right?

 Sleep is sweeping over me.

 Drowning in a daze, thinking about this and that.

Xu Miao's thoughts gradually became chaotic, and her breathing calmed down.

 She had a dream.

 Dreams about her childhood.

Her father went off to war, and her mother carried her little girl until she could not go any farther.

 When her mother died of illness, her father held her and sat in the mourning hall all night long. She fell asleep and woke up, and when she looked up, she saw her father's stubble-covered chin.

 Her father went to the border again, so she stayed alone in the house and often went to the kitchen in order to learn from the cook how to cook her late mother's favorite dishes. This was her way of missing her parents.

 Another year, the cook resigned and returned to her hometown.

 Later, she grew up, got married, gave birth to Ajian, and reluctantly sent her to her father a hundred days later.


The dream was still clear and coherent, but after that, it suddenly became chaotic.

 She shouted hysterically with Liu Jing.

A-Jian sat in a wheelchair and spoke to her in a cold voice.

She held up the scissors ferociously and stabbed Liu Jing fiercely, but was pushed to the ground by Liu Jing.

 This is a dream, this is a nightmare!

 Xu Miao knew very well that she was going to wake up from this unrealistic dream, but the next moment, her dream changed again.

 She is younger again.

 Her facial features are younger than the one who just went crazy, but her hair is all white.

She lay on Ah Jian’s back and was carried forward step by step.

Several people rushed out sideways. A Jian was unable to protect her, and a long knife struck his leg, causing blood to drip from his legs.

 Her vision was also bright red.

 She saw Xun'er beyond the light and shadow of swords.

 Xun'er's eyes seemed to have a trace of unbearability, but in the end he turned his head away and did not save her and A Jian.

 Another moment, Xu Miao's dream was different again.

Only her temples are white, and the rest is still black hair.

 She fell down in the ancestral hall, holding the tablets of her parents in her hands.

 She couldn't breathe, and it seemed like she had her last breath left.

 She saw a man walking towards her, limping on crutches.

The man squatted down in front of her, it was Ah Jian.

A Jian's face showed no emotion, but there were tears in his eyes.

 Almost instantly, all kinds of emotions including sadness, pain, madness, and shock came like a stormy sea.

Xu Miao woke up from her dream, her eyes widened, but there was only darkness.

 Her body was wet and she was sweating profusely.

Covering her mouth, Xu Miao didn't let her heavy breathing disturb the people around her. She calmed down bit by bit and sorted out her dream bit by bit.

Those are all her, and those are not her.

 That’s what dreams are like, all kinds of weird things happen.


 No matter which Ajian it is in the dream, her legs are injured.

 Sit in a wheelchair, get a knife, or use a cane.

 This must be her inner demon.

 After hearing that A Jian injured her leg, wasn't it these scenes that she feared the most?

 Fortunately, Ah Jian can now walk on his own, with only a slight limp. Please rest more, keep warm, and don't freeze.

 But why is she "crazy" no matter which dream she appears in?

Stab someone with scissors?

 How could she do such a crazy thing?

Let alone stabbing Liu Jing!

 A head full of white hair?

What happened to her that made her hair turn gray at that age?

 She seemed unable to move her hands and feet. A Jian couldn't protect her even if he wanted to.

How could she collapse in the ancestral hall holding her parents’ memorial tablets?

 It’s too chaotic.

It was difficult for Xu Miao to quickly sort out such a complicated and bizarre dream.

What’s more, it’s a chaotic dream.

 Closing his eyes, opening them again, and closing them again, over and over again, what was engraved in Xu Miao's mind were two pairs of eyes.

 Xun'er's eyes showed a trace of reluctance but giving up.

A Jian’s eyes were restrained but filled with tears.

Dreams are fake and cannot represent anything, but how can such a thrilling dream keep people's hearts from rising and falling?

 It’s not strange for her to be crazy if she has such a dream...

 After a long time, Xu Miao fell asleep again.

 In the second half of the night, I still slept uneasily.

 When she woke up the next day, she was feeling depressed and had a dull pain in her temples.

Liu Jing called Liu Xun over and scolded him in a deep voice in front of Xu Miao.

"Look, your mother didn't sleep well all night because of all the troubles you did!" Liu Jing said, "Are you worthy of her?"

 Liu Xun shrank his neck.

Father just told him that this scolding would definitely be inevitable.

He was just confused. He had clearly deceived his mother, but who was stirring up trouble?

“Mother,” Liu Xun whispered, “I did something wrong, and I already know it was wrong.

I didn’t study well outside, and I wasn’t very good at school, so I went to work with Yue Niang.

  After returning to Beijing, I want to have a reputation as a good reader, so that I will make mistakes again and again. I will steal the chicken but lose the rice. Not only will I not get a literary name, but also..."

Xu Miao looked at him and asked, "How do you plan to settle that Yue Niang?"

"She treats me wholeheartedly, I..." Liu Xun hesitated.

"She is wrong, and you are even more wrong!" Xu Miao said, "I can only rely on you for the rest of my life. There is no reason to let it go casually. Since the Yunyang uncle's house also knows about it, wait until your wife comes in." Afterwards, you have a good discussion with her.

Either bring him into the house, or raise a large sum of money and make good arrangements to live there, or he may still live outside.

 After all, everyone has to nod and don’t let any other troubles happen again.

 Especially, your father and I cannot become grandparents out of nowhere! ”    Liu Xun nodded hurriedly.

Liu Jing snorted when he saw that he was acting like a chicken, and said to Xu Miao: "He still has to study.

It would be a shame to enter the Imperial College with such ability. It is already rare to be able to reform and be accepted by an academy.

A year later, I will hire a good teacher and teach him carefully for a year and a half. When I have some ink in my stomach, I will take the college entrance examination. "

 Liu Xun rolled his eyes.

 Which entrance exam is easier to take?

Even if he passed the exam, the reputation of cheating was stuck on his head, and no serious academy wanted to admit him.

  But these were the words of his father to comfort his mother. Liu Xun could not break up the trouble, so he just nodded his head.

"I will study hard." Liu Xun said, raising his hands as if he was going to swear to the sky.

But before the oath could be uttered, his shoulder was injured first. He bared his teeth and gasped.

Seeing this, Xu Miao hurriedly asked: "Have you brought the medicinal oil? Apply the medicinal oil first."

 Liu Xun honestly took off half of his clothes.

 Xu Miaozi applied medicine to him carefully.

Liu Jing sat aside and frowned: "Look at you, you are such an adult and your mother has to worry about even this little thing.

 Your body, hair and skin are all affected by your parents. If you get a little bruise, your mother will be very distressed!

Be careful with your words and actions in the future, and don’t get into trouble with others after eating too much and drinking too much.

  If you lose the fight and you are injured, even if you win the fight and they complain to the yamen, will your face be bright or not? "

 Liu Xun remained silent.

 After all, he came here to be scolded this morning.

The father scolds the mother and it’s all the same.

 Moreover, didn’t he come prepared?

  If my father is just pretending, my mother will feel really distressed. The injury on his shoulder has not healed, which is the biggest magic weapon.


 No wonder Xu Jian took advantage of his leg injury!

 When nothing happens, he walks smoothly. When something happens, he feels pain, feels cold, and feels uncomfortable.

Because of that wound, even the prince was weakened.

 Tsk tsk!

Liu Jing trained for a long time, and then said to Xu Miao: "Madam, I have also made an appointment with two young ministers to discuss something, so I have to go first."

 Xu Miao nodded.

She heard Liu Jing mention a few words a few years ago.

It is said that in February, Gu Yue’s envoy will arrive in Beijing.

 Guyue is located outside the customs and is the only way for a large number of business travelers to travel westward.

The imperial court valued its relationship with Gu Yue, not only for business purposes, but also because they did not want Gu Yue to fall to Xiliang.

In order to receive the envoys, Honglu Temple has been preparing since the beginning of the year. Although they do not go to the Yamen during the New Year Festival, the officials are not idle either. They are almost done visiting relatives and friends. They have to pick up serious things to avoid opening up After printing, I was in a hurry.

"Official business is important," Xu Miao said, "Don't ask the two young ministers to wait."

Liu Jing recited a few more words from Liu Xun and then hurried out.

 The affairs of Gu Yue are the top priority. Reception, banquet, receiving gifts, and returning gifts must not be careless at all.

 Originally, the Ministry of Rites was also responsible for sharing this matter, but the focus of the Ministry of Rites at the moment was on Enke. Liu Jing proposed to the Ministry of Rites a few years ago that while each of them performs his or her own duties, Honglu Temple would provide more effort and the Ministry of Rites would assist.

 Since you have taken on the burden, you cannot go on a business trip.

The better things are done, the greater his credit will be. If the court wants to go further, it depends on these large and small merits and hard work.

Speaking of which, although the old Mr. Guo did not clear the way for him in the officialdom, Xu Miao was a considerate person.

She was neither noisy nor fussy, and she would not give up because her husband was too busy at the Yamen to even go home to eat and sleep. On the contrary, she admired his diligence and hard work, so that he had no worries at all.

 Mrs. is a good wife.

It's Xun'er, let him cause trouble!

 Things are going wrong outside, and my wife has been alarmed.

Liu Jing is good at everything by studying and using his brain to climb up the ladder, but why is it that Xun'er is not as capable as him?

 On the contrary, it was Xu Jian who was raised by the old man and was called "a poor man".

 In the house, Xu Miao was playing acacia and washing the medicinal oil on her hands.

“Xun’er,” she called out, “what your father and I are talking about is all for your own good, so you have to listen.”

 Liu Xun nodded naturally.

Xu Miao said again: "You don't have anything else to hide from me anymore, do you?"

Liu Xun was stunned for a moment. Seeing his mother's gloomy look, he subconsciously avoided it, and then he stiffened his neck and said, "No more, really no more."

Xu Miao saw his reaction in her eyes and did not ask any more questions: "Go back to the room and read a book. I didn't sleep well last night. I will go back to bed later."

These words fell into Liu Xun's ears, and they were really touching.

 He didn’t want to be asked any more questions by his mother.

If he says something wrong again, how will he explain it to his father?

"Then you have a good rest, I'll go back first." After Liu Xun finished speaking, he ran away in a hurry.

Xu Miao looked at the swaying curtain for a long time before looking away and looking at the basin in front of her.

The water inside was murky and could not reflect her appearance, but it reminded her of the eyes in her dream.

 Xun'er couldn't bear to give up again.

 Xun'er just avoided her sight.

The movements of the side of the head are exactly the same.

"Mom," Xu Miao called Aunt Xia, "He said he had nothing to hide from me..."

Mama Xia’s heart was in pain.

She and her wife both knew that the prince's kick was the result of the young master's injury, and it was not caused by a fight with a candidate who had eaten too much and drank too much.

The lady tried to reason with the young master so earnestly, but the young master still kept it secret.

"Mom," Xu Miao said again, "I thought a lot in the middle of the night, but you didn't know. What about Aunt Yu? What about those maids? Did they not know, or did they just listen to the master and hide it from us?"

Mother Xia: "This..."

Xu Miao said: "Mom, you have nothing else to hide from me, right?"

 It’s not questioning or blaming.

Even, Aunt Xia heard some prayers from it.

 Being hidden from everyone around her, even if she has good intentions, the wife will feel sad, unsure, and want others to affirm her.

Thinking of this, Grandma Xia’s eyes turned red.

"There is one more thing," she choked, "I also heard this from outside yesterday. I was afraid that you would not be able to listen to so many worries, so I didn't tell you immediately. The young master and the girl from the Zheng family fell into the water. The master once said..."

 Xu Miao didn't move at all.

His hands were firmly pressed into the basin. Thanks to the stability of the stand, it didn't fall over.

"I thought that the marriage had not yet been granted at that time, and the master must not have known that the Duke and the princess were planning to get married. Unexpectedly, the flood washed away the Dragon King Temple, and finally we became a family," said Aunt Xia, " The Duke is probably..."

 Xu Miao shook her head.

She knew that the marriage had not yet been granted at that time, but she just didn't understand. Why did the master find such excuses for Xun'er?

It was for no reason that the princess was involved!

  Still, what the master said is the truth, Xun'er seriously treats the princess...

The princess is really good looking.

Such an outstanding girl, it is normal for someone to like her.

As long as you don’t say it out loud, there shouldn’t be the slightest bit of cross-border in your behavior and tone when meeting in the future, and if you keep it secret in your heart, no one will be embarrassed.

He just shouted out.

Unexpectedly, the Holy Father also recommended the marriage between the princess and A Jian.

Xu Miao's heart was pricked when she thought of how she told the princess yesterday to "sit down and have a reunion dinner together."

 Thanks to the princess's kind-hearted and decent temperament.

 Otherwise, it would be reasonable for him to fall out and leave.

   Thanks to book friend Xu Bicheng’s official girlfriend for the reward.

  (End of this chapter)

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