Yan Cigui

Chapter 246: Relaxation and imbalance (two updates in one)

After a moment's delay, Xu Jian bowed with several adults.

 Then, he seemed to look around and asked, "I wonder where your highness has gone?"

 Several adults also didn’t know.

  Since we were busy talking about things, no one really paid attention to the prince all the time.

 A minor official came to report hurriedly: "Eunuch Hu asked me to bring a message to the Duke of Guo. His Highness has something to do and needs to leave first."

As soon as he finished speaking, Xu Jian pursed his lips and looked worried. An official said hurriedly: "How can such a big man like Your Highness get lost? Besides, Eunuch Hu is following me. Duke Guo doesn't need it either." So worried."

"The Holy One asked..." Xu Jian hesitated and sighed, "His Highness left by himself. I think there is something important. He will tell the Holy One later."

After a few more polite words, Xu Jian came out of Gongyuan.

 Haven’t you watched Li Shao?

of course not.

 He deliberately "let go" Li Shao.

Shen Chen came forward and reported in a low voice: "Your Highness met Mr. Liu."

 Xu Jian raised his eyebrows.

 Liu Xun has also been having a hard time lately.

 In order to ease Xu Miao's mind, she spent most of her time in the study.

Today, I also came out of the house to feel the atmosphere of the exam that was about to begin.

 It just happened that he collided with Li Shao.

 Nothing good can come out of this pair of bad friends.

 General Square.

In the private room, Liu Xun tentatively asked a few questions about watching the government, and Li Shao got a few complaints.

Liu Xun suddenly felt reassured.

 Father is right.

Your Highness is bothering Xu Jian.

 The more he observes politics, the more His Highness dislikes Xu Jian.

Liu Xun sighed and said pitifully: "Your Highness doesn't know something. I suffered a lot from it when I was a child."

Li Shao raised his eyebrows, while looking at the flying **** below, he motioned for Liu Xun to continue speaking.

“When I was in elementary school, my husband praised me for my good study. My father praised me a few words and said, ‘I heard that Ajian has memorized dozens of poems.’”

“I wrote an article, and I was so excited during the Chinese New Year that I wanted to show it to my grandfather. He said, ‘You have thin arms and thin legs. Didn’t your family give you enough to eat?’”

“No matter what I do, I will be compared with Xu Jian. In short, I am inferior in everything.”

"There is a year difference between me and him, but Your Highness, there is a huge difference between one year when I was a child and one year when I am an adult."

“Xu Jian is good at everything, but I am not as good at everything. It’s so annoying.”

Li Shao looked Liu Xun up and down.

 Liu Xun looked bitter.

Most of these "bitterness" are fake.

 Lao Guo Gongye would dislike him a few words, but his parents did not compare him with Xu Jian.

 They are all just prepared words.

Of course, Liu Xun also knew very well that His Highness the Prince would not have such personal experience.

Your Highness has no brothers of similar age, so he is the first in His Majesty’s heart.

As for Xu Jian’s views on politics, His Majesty will not use them to compare with His Highness’s views.

 A son and a minister, how can they be compared together?

 Is Xu Jian worthy?

 But there is one thing that both His Highness and Liu Xun understand deeply - Xu Jian is annoying.

 After something went wrong in the previous time, Liu Xunzheng needed to make more efforts and clear the way for Li Shao, and "Xu Jian" was his shortcut.

 There is a person we hate in common, and if we curse a few times, the relationship will naturally become closer.

As expected, Li Shao felt much better after listening to Liu Xun's complaints and commented: "It's not easy for you either."

Liu Xun apologized and said with a smile: "He only talks a few nonsense words when he is on duty. It's just a waste of time. Whatever your Highness wants to do, you don't need to pay attention to him."

 Li Shao snorted.

As long as Xu Jian refused to send him into the palace gate without turning around, what else could he do?

Liu Xun added: "Sometimes I get bored, so I quietly go to Yue Niang to talk..."

Li Shao turned his head and took a deep look at Liu Xun: "You raise people, but I don't. You should pay more attention to what you say, and your ramblings will be listened to by those dumb-headed people, so you won't cause anything else." It’s not possible to kidnap someone.”

Liu Xun hurriedly responded and muttered: "It is indeed wrong to tie people up. How can we use tied people? It's pointless to do it unwillingly."

 “Do you like me?” Li Shao continued smoothly, “I don’t know how many people I have served.”

Liu Xun hurriedly whispered a few words to him: "I've heard recently that... it's all new... I don't know..."

 Li Shao was noncommittal.

Liu Xun was not sure, so he waited for a while.

The winner of the cockfight was decided, and Li Shaocai said calmly: "In that case, you go and explore the way."

 Liu Xun was overjoyed: "Don't worry."

 The next day.

 Xu Jian obviously felt that Li Shao was in a good mood, but this good mood soon turned into uneasiness after he faced those heavy documents again.

  Not unusual at all.

How can these things be as fun as Jiangjunfang?

 Before, he deliberately pressed harder and asked Li Shao to tighten the string.

Now it is loosened and tightened for a while. In contrast, Li Shao will become more and more disgusted.

 To use what my grandfather said before, if you are ambitious, you cannot take it back.

 In the next half month, Li Shao's situation had many ups and downs.

Enke's examination started, and the Ministry of Rites transferred many officials to Gongyuan. Xu Jian also suggested that Li Shao go there.

 Li Shao listened very well.

Soon, the envoy Gu Yue came to visit, and Li Shao went to greet him as a matter of course. He listened to Gu Yue's greetings with the emperor, and had less time to sit in front of the writing desk.

The skin loosened and the whole person felt relaxed.

 Especially drinking the wine that Gu Yue paid tribute to, I was overjoyed.

“It tastes really good. The wine they make is different from ours.” Li Shao squinted his eyes and said to Liu Xun.

Liu Xun sat with him and said, "If you say that, I'm too greedy."

"A total of nine barrels were sent, and they are all stored in the cellar," Li Shao said. "I gave some to the ladies in the harem, and also filled two jars to the empress dowager. She drinks little, so she will probably give half of them to her." Ning'an.

I also want to send some to Prince Ping’s Mansion, as well as to my uncles, uncles, aunts, and grandmother.

 Divided in this way, less than half of the nine barrels have been lost. "

“It sounds like they all deserve their share,” Liu Xun licked his lips, “The things from Yu Gong are precious and precious. Your Highness said it made my heart itch, but it’s a pity that I can’t taste it.

At this time, you have to envy Xu Jian. If you follow His Highness to observe the government and get a high look from the Holy One, you will definitely get a share of it.

 Besides, if the princess has it, she will leave it to him if necessary. "

Li Shao couldn't help laughing when he heard his sour expression.

After laughing, he snorted again: "The emperor's list will be released the day after tomorrow. I heard that my father meant that at the Qionglin Gratitude Banquet, the new scholars should also have a taste. Tsk! They can understand what they taste!"

As he was talking, there was a whistle from outside.

Several young dancers came in, their eyebrows were flying, and they had a rather exotic flavor.

 “It’s interesting,” Li Shao said, “This informant is quite knowledgeable.”

 He came back for the second time.

The last time I sent them were all Yangzhou thin horses. In recent days, the wind of the ancient moon in Beijing has been prevalent, so today they have all been replaced.

When outsiders came, Liu Xun no longer said "His Royal Highness is elder than His Majesty is short", but changed his name to "Gongzi".

Both of them wore masks, and no one knew their identities. Li Shao drank two more glasses of wine, and then he thought: "Since you are greedy for that wine, I'm thinking of an idea. I might as well reward you with a jar to take advantage of those ignorant people."

Liu Xun said: "Then I would like to thank you, Master."

 The spring night in Beijing has become much warmer.

In the backyard of Taohe Zhai, Lin Yunyan took a sip of wine: "Speaking of which, this is my first time drinking."

At this time in the past, both my grandmother and Yunfang were ill, and she never went to the palace to see the empress dowager.

The empress must also be ill. I didn’t want her to know, and I didn’t come to take care of her.

 As for the reason why the Empress Dowager was ill at that time...

 After the envoy Gu Yue arrived, Lin Yunyan gradually got a taste of it.

 The envoy paid a lot of tribute, but Gu Yue did not have nothing to ask for from the court.

The request put forward by Pian Guyue was neither too high nor too low. The Holy Emperor was hesitant about this, but the Queen Mother was very reluctant. As time went by, the Empress had a little cough and discomfort after the new year, which made her condition worse, and she did not recover until late spring.

Xu Jian also took a sip: "The house Li Shao and the others went to was not easy to handle."

Lin Yunyan was very curious when she heard this.

 In the past, Xuan Su followed Li Shao, whether it was a theater or a general's square, even if he couldn't follow him, he always knew what the place was doing and what the general situation was like.

 It’s different now.

The last time Li Shao and Liu Xun met, Xuan Su had to give up in the end.

I heard that the house is not big, but it has a lot of people to look after it.

There are bungalows all around, and it is impossible to even find a high place to look around.

Moreover, there are tall trees inside. Even if they are not lush enough in early spring, they all block the view. I don’t know how many twists and turns there are underneath.

Even Xuan Su did not dare to assert that Li Shao and Liu Xun were in the house.

Maybe it went around and went somewhere else.

Such caution and thoughtfulness reminded Lin Yunyan of Li Shao's past embarrassing things that were difficult to catch.

 Xu Jian wanted to start with the owner of the house.

 But he couldn't alert the snake. If he didn't alert Li Shao, it wouldn't be a wise choice if he alerted Shan Shen.

 When he really wanted to attack that house in the future, a shrewd person like Mr. Shan would realize that he had already been interested in that place, and he would have to waste a lot of time to get around it.

Who makes Shan Shen a smart person?

 Those who treat Mr. Shan as a fool will have no good consequences.

 As for Li Shao.

 People with an unstable mind are most afraid of being unbalanced.

  The pressure was tight before, but recently it has been relaxed enough to allow one to do whatever one wants. Later, when it is tightened again, the thoughts of rejection and resistance are even heavier.

That energy burst out, naturally...

 “He should be able to give you a lot of surprises.” Xu Jian said.

 Even some surprises that were not what they expected.

Lin Yunyan couldn’t help laughing.

 Thinking about what should happen next, she smiled and nodded: "There should be a lot of good things."

 The imperial list will be released soon.

 At the time of the Xingbang, Laoshi Alley had already attracted a lot of discussion in the capital, and everyone said that this year's number one scholar would probably come from here.

 She has great confidence in Lao Shi Xiang’s “Qian Cheng”.

 She was also curious about what ranking Yu Pu would achieve in the end.

 The oil lamp was shining on her, and the smell of alcohol was slightly on her face, which made her look white and rosy, which made her whole person more lively.

 Xu Jian glanced at her twice.

 When she came in just now, he noticed at a glance that the little princess seemed to be taller than a year ago.

Although, if it grows long, I’m afraid there won’t even be a single knuckle.

Taking the wine pot, Xu Jian refilled the wine for himself, but did not give it to Lin Yunyan.

Lin Yunyan looked at the empty wine cup in front of her, looked at Xu Jian, and asked with her eyes.

“This wine is very strong,” Xu Jian said without changing her expression. “With your ability to drink, you will go crazy after just one more drink.”

Lin Yunyan:…

 The fourth update is approaching.

 The man sleeping on the bed opened his eyes and coughed twice.

Soon, someone lit a lamp and brought a cup of warm water.

Moisturizing his throat, the man asked: "Is Dao Heng back?"

"I'm back. I've been waiting in the wing, waiting to report back to you."

"Let him come over." After saying this, he took a coat from the shelf beside the bed and put it on. The exquisite gold and silver embroidery thread was dazzling by the oil lamp, and he looked extremely rich.

Soon, Monk Dao Heng came in to say hello.

 He was still wearing plain clothes and a hat on his head.

 It has been half a year since he left Guangde Temple. He has also adapted to this kind of hat, and he no longer has to adjust it as often as before.

 “What did Su Yi say?” Jin Guiren asked.

Su Yi is the Chinese name of the ancient envoy.

Monk Dao Heng replied: "In the past few years, Gu Yue has had a lot of contacts with the imperial court, but the Xiliang people have put a lot of pressure on them. They came to Beijing this time also to deepen cooperation."

Jin Guiren laughed when he heard this: "In the end, the Holy Father is not easy to fool. He gives a little but refuses to give more? You want us to give him some advice?"

 “You are right.”

“A few months earlier, I would have suggested that he ‘make peace’ and ask the Holy Father to discuss peace with the Empress Dowager privately,” Jin Guiren said.

With Ning'an and his pro -pro, he hesitated, and the queen queen agreed.

The Holy Emperor was reluctant at first, but if the Empress Dowager persisted, she would naturally reject Gu Yue.

This idea was originally intended to be rejected by the Holy Spirit.

 If you reject this point, the rest of the conditions will be easy to negotiate.

 The Holy Emperor and the Empress Dowager are not biological mother and son, so there will be some resentment.

 As for what this feud will eventually look like...

Who knows.

 It’s always a good show.

"It's so much easier for Xu Jian to marry Ning'an," he commented, and then asked, "Is Xu Jian still overpowering the prince?"

Dao Heng said: "The prince and Liu Xun are in the garden."

"Young and energetic, there are so many interesting things in the world, but he likes women's nests." Jin Guiren shook his head, "Xu Jian is also too young, and he has to pay attention to methods to guide the prince. His strictness will only be counterproductive.

 Look, the prince won’t listen to him now, right?

 Liu Xun became the favorite.

These two brothers had a fight over who the prince would listen to.

 Speaking of which, Xu Jian was at a disadvantage from the beginning. Who told him to dare to tie the prince? I don't even dare. "

On the side, the man who had been serving the tea pursed his lips and smiled: "They all rely on their own abilities, but they don't know that everything is under your control. Liu Xun thought that his fortune had turned around and he had found a good place. And Xu Jian , His methods were indeed in line with His Majesty’s wishes, but he did not expect that His Highness the Prince would not like them.”

Jin Guiren glanced sideways at the man.

 If the chess pieces are not used, they are all a waste.

 Don't be in a hurry, just watch each play, the capital is getting lively.

 March 18th.

 The imperial list was released in the capital.

The umbrella-covered ceremony guard sent the newly crowned scholar to his final destination in the middle of the capital, and the sound of firecrackers shook the sky. It was Laoshi Alley.

  Thanks to book friends Tongtong 1609, Meimeida M, and Xu Bicheng’s official girlfriend for the tips, and thanks to Bookstore book friend HY_RC for the tips.

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