Yan Cigui

Chapter 247: It’s not tribute wine (two updates in one, please give me a monthly ticket)

 Shenghui Pavilion.

 Chen Gui stood in front of his shop with tears in his eyes.

 He was fumed by the smoke from the firecrackers that filled the alley.

It was so thick and foggy that it was impossible to see anything clearly, and it was extremely dazzling to the eyes.

 But I couldn’t hold back the joy in my heart, even my tears were tears of joy.

A moment ago, before the honor guard arrived at the alley, Liao Zi flew back like a shooting star to make some gestures.

“Zheng Yuanhe is Zheng Yuanhe! Everyone says he has the potential to be the number one scholar, and it’s really him!”

 “The poem on the wall of the shop will be embellished with gold in the future!”

“Tanhua Lang is also from the alley, Yuan Zhitang. When I was young, I heard people say that he should have been the second choice, but unfortunately he was really handsome, so I asked the emperor to select him as Tanhualang.”

 “Yu Pu also won, second and third.”

 “The little one is crowded in front and can’t even see it. I’ll come back to report to you immediately.”

"The firecrackers are all ready, take them out now and light them as soon as the ceremonial guards arrive."

Liao Zi has a lively mouth, and the firecrackers are certainly more lively than his mouth.

Chen Gui's heart was pounding, pounding with the crackling of firecrackers.

This scene is really exciting.

There was a list of apricots before, and he looked at it anxiously.

The familiar names gave him reassurance.

Of course it is impossible to nominate every candidate who lives in Lao Shi Lane, but there are still 20 to 30 percent.

Those who can go to the palace examination on the apricot list, as long as there is no serious situation, will be on the gold list.

 The difference lies in the ranking.

Some people performed better and eventually jumped to the middle or even the upper reaches; some people made a mistake and lost their current ranking, but the Jinshi and the same Jinshi background were all stable.

Taking the old rule of "10% success", Lao Shi Lane's record has more than doubled, or even more than doubled.

At that time, the whole capital’s attention was focused on Laoshi Alley.

When Chen Gui reported the news to the house, the old lady laughed so hard that she couldn't close her mouth.

Of course, everyone is waiting for the final gold list.

Zheng Yuanhe, who is at the top of the apricot list, can secure his top spot, or someone can come out and take away the top spot.

 The results are now out.

Zheng Yuanhe had the last laugh.

 Lao Shi Alley also had the last laugh.

The number one scholar, the top three, the second and third, and so many other Jinshis and fellow Jinshis...

 More than half a year ago, Chen Gui heard the princess envision such an exciting scene with him.

Of course he listened, and his blood boiled.

 Later, in order to open a literary shop, Chen Gui participated in so many poetry societies and got to know many candidates.

 He ​​is a businessman who doesn’t understand the article. Even if a layman looks at the excitement, he will be impressed by some of the candidates who are high-spirited.

Chen Gui hopes that they will all be on the list and get good rankings, and he is also waiting for the future that the princess and him envision to be realized. However, at the same time, Chen Gui and Jing Dadan have also made "bad plans."

As a businessman, you can’t only think about the good and the bad. It’s always good to make more preparations.

Of course, at this point, those bad plans are no longer needed.

The "harvest" scene described by the princess and him has all come true.

Chen Gui rubbed his eyes vigorously and watched the champion man in gorgeous clothes entering the alley.

Zheng Yuanhe was also choked by the smoke, but he was in a good mood, and the smile on his face never broke, and he returned greetings to everyone who came to congratulate him.

Chen Gui congratulated him first and then Tanhua Lang. He turned around to look for Yu Pu but couldn't find him, so he asked.

Someone on the side said: "He went to announce the good news to his family first."

When Chen Gui heard this, he nodded repeatedly.

Yu Pu has distant relatives in Beijing, and he used to live with them.

Now that I have a good rank in the exam, I will naturally share it with my family quickly.

 Beijing is bustling from morning to night.

 Until the evening of the next day, a Qionglin thank-you banquet was held in the palace, and everyone entered the palace.

 The Holy Spirit attaches great importance to this.

The court needs to recruit talents, which is why he opened Enke this time. When the new scholars grow up, they will be the pillars of the future.

The Holy Spirit not only attended the ceremony himself, but also invited the Prince to join him.

Xu Jian is not allowed to go.

“Father, it’s true,” Li Shao complained softly, “If he sits down there, how can any of these newcomers be able to let go? I’m afraid he’ll be so scared that he can’t even hold his chopsticks.”

Hearing this, Xu Jian glanced at Li Shao.

Li Shao noticed it, turned around and asked Xu Jian: "What? I said it wrong?"

“Your Highness is absolutely right.” Xu Jian replied.

Of course there is nothing wrong with what Li Shao said, it’s just his attitude...

Xu Jian vaguely noticed that Li Shao didn't like it, or that he didn't really want to attend the thank-you banquet.

 This is contrary to Li Shao's usual character.

Even if the Jinshi were drunk and wanted to drink, they would never compete with His Highness the Crown Prince. Li Shao was just a spectator, so he shouldn't avoid it according to common sense.

 It is a possibility if he had to go to the banquet and delayed Li Shao's time to find other fun.

Xu Jian speculated on Li Shao's thoughts and tried to ask: "After the toast, Your Highness suggests that the Holy One leave the table first?"

Li Shao hummed and said, "Okay, if my father refuses, help me persuade him."

 Xu Jian agreed.

When the time came, Xu Jian followed Li Shao to the thanksgiving banquet with the Holy Master.

Your Majesty was in a good mood, and after a few words with the three men, the banquet began.

Eunuch Cao brought the wine cup.

 The Holy Spirit raised his glass and toasted to all the Jinshi.

Li Shao took a sip of his own, and then glanced sideways at Xu Jian.

 Xu Jian glanced back at Li Shao.

 The meaning is quite straightforward.

  Just speak, and I will follow suit.

Seeing Xu Jian's response, Li Shao calmed down a little and said to the emperor: "Father, when you are here, why are they eating wine and vegetables openly? If you want to have wine, I will accompany you to have a few drinks."

When the Holy Spirit heard this, he couldn't help but laugh.

 He had no intention of staying long.

 He is not the kind of person who doesn’t know what to do.

"Shao'er is right," the Holy Sage patted Li Shao on the shoulder, "In that case, we, father and son, are going to have a drink."

 After saying this, Sheng looked at Xu Jian who was standing aside.

Xu Jian said hurriedly: "I respectfully see off Your Majesty and Your Highness. I and your Majesty have also left the palace and gone back."

 The Holy Spirit nodded slightly, stood up and left the table.

 Xu Jian respectfully saw him off, but Li Shao looked back several times.

"Let's go," Li Shao urged, "don't wait any longer. You don't want to hear what they say to scholars."

Xu Jian raised his eyebrows, did not answer the words, and followed Li Shao's intention and walked out.

Seeing that he walked out of the bustling place, Li Shao's shoulders gradually relaxed.

 There is something strange.

no doubt.

 Sheng Shang went to the royal study room, and Xu Jian went to the outside of the palace.

At the fork in the road, when Li Shao was no longer in sight, Xu Jian turned around and went back to the banquet.

 The thanksgiving banquet was more lively than before.

After the Holy Father left the banquet, the Jinshi who were still a little reserved gradually became more energetic and were toasting each other.

Xu Jian looked around and saw a cart coming not far away, almost full of wine jars.

"Dear nobles of the new family," the steward boy smiled, instructing several young chamberlains to share the wine, "The envoy from Guyue paid tribute with some good wine, and the Holy Spirit has given you the gift of not being drunk and never returning home." There was a voice of thanksgiving.

 The wine jar is opened, and the aroma overflows. In addition to thanking you, there are also a few praises.

 Xu Jian had a thought in his mind.

“Eunuch Tong,” he whispered, “I also want to have a taste.”

"The Duke is joking, you want this tribute wine, how could you not be able to drink it?" The waiter laughed, "Come on, come on, Zajia will give you a glass. I only have one glass tonight. If you want to drink it, , these wines are not enough.”

 “It’s just to relieve my addiction.” Xu Jian said.

 The waiter found a clean wine cup, filled it and brought it over.

 Xu Jian thanked him and took it.

 The wine in the cup is mellow in color and reflects the moonlight, giving it the feeling of being filled with glass.

 “It looks really good.” Xu Jian said.

 “The wine presented as tribute must be good.” The waiter said.

Xu Jian raised the glass and smelled it, took a small sip, and then drank it all in one mouthful. He tasted it in his mouth, his Adam's apple rolled, and then he swallowed it all.

 The waiter looked at him, his throat rolling involuntarily.

“Master, does it taste good?” he asked.

Xu Jian lowered his eyes, chuckled, and asked, "Has Eunuch Tong tasted this wine?"

“How can the Zajia family be so blessed?” The waiter waved his hand, “There are only nine barrels in total. The Holy Spirit rewarded the portions in various places before, and it seems that only half of them have been gone.

Today's thanksgiving banquet, almost more than one bucket was filled.

The few barrels that are still left, it seems that there are still some for the birthday banquet of the Queen Mother and the birthday of the Royal Concubine, and they are not drunk.

 Which is something that Zajia can taste? "

The servant boy looked at him, but when he saw that Duke Fuguo didn't say anything, he just looked at him as if he was teasing...

He was so embarrassed that he was laughed at. He rubbed his hands and begged for mercy in a low voice: "The Zajia are not greedy! Tell the truth to the Zajia. The Duke of Guo will definitely keep the Zajia secret!"

With so much wine today, there will be some leftover when the banquet is over, so the miscellaneous family will quietly scrape the bottom of the wine jar and taste one mouthful at a time.

 Like you said, have a good time! "

 Xu Jian was very happy after listening to it.

  Turning around, he brought back a wine jar from nearby, filled the wine cup himself, and handed it to the waiter.

“Father, if you have a taste,” he said, “it’s me who drank it all.”

 The waiter was really dumbfounded when he saw his actions.

"You're welcome, Zajia." He cupped his hand, took it, smelled it carefully, sipped it, and tasted it a little bit more, squinting his eyes with great enthusiasm.

At the end of the day, the waiter said: "My mouth is fragrant, my mouth is fragrant. The Zajia family is satisfied."

Xu Jian weighed the wine jar, took two more sips at the mouth of the jar, and asked, "Father, how many barrels are there in the cellar? I'm thinking about asking the Holy Father how many jars are suitable."

The waiter said: "The Zajia family just took people to get wine. I heard that there are less than three barrels left."

Xu Jian asked again: "Has it been installed in the cellar in advance?"

"Yes," the waiter said, "otherwise how could I get it back so quickly."

Xu Jian didn't ask any more questions, and handed the wine jar with a little bottom left to the waiter: "Father, please don't waste it."

 After saying that, he cupped his hands and walked out.

As they walked further, the smile on Xu Jian's face faded a bit.

That wine is indeed a good wine, mellow and fragrant, and the color is good.

 But that was not the tribute wine sent by Gu Yue.

It was completely different from what the little princess brought him that day.

 Looking at the expression and words of the servant, Xu Jian judged that this person should be "consistent with his words and deeds."

 Eunuch Tong has never tasted it before, so he has no way of telling whether there is something wrong with the drink.

So, these wines must have been tampered with in the cellar.

Thinking about this, and then thinking about Li Shao’s previous reaction...

 Xu Jian clicked his tongue.

 His Royal Highness the Crown Prince is really good at giving surprises.

He and the little princess never thought that such a sudden incident would happen again.

 The other side.

 Happiness and laughter are also heard in Uncle Chengyi’s Mansion and Zaishou Courtyard.

Lin Yunyan sat next to Xiao Duan, spreading her hand towards her: "Do you think my words are good? The top picks are all found in Laoshi Lane, and there are 20 to 30% of them on the list. What is it if it is not a Feng Shui treasure? This money is not It’s hard to make money!”

Little Mrs. Duan couldn’t stop laughing: “You are awesome, you are the best! We Yun Yan can turn stone into gold and make big money wherever we click!”

"I think the eldest sister's ankle is almost healed. It's time to go back and say thank you and congratulations to Yu Pu," Lin Yunyan said, "these etiquette things..."

 Xiao Duan was convinced.

 After Yu Pu lived in Lao Shi Lane, she heard Chen Gui mention it several times.

This young man is really very down-to-earth.

As he was talking, news came from outside that Chen Gui was here.

Chen Gui greeted him respectfully and asked Lin Yunyan to take a step to speak.

Lin Yunyan stood up and followed Chen Gui out of the house.

Standing in the corridor, she asked: "What message did the Duke of the country send?"

Chen Gui nodded, but looked a little embarrassed.

Lin Yunyan looked at it and couldn't help but become curious.

Chen Gui often sends messages to each other for her and Xu Jian, and has long been accustomed to it. Why do you look like this today?

 What message did Xu Jian send?

Chen Gui scratched his head: "The Duke said that there was a banquet in the palace tonight, and the Holy One gave Guyue tribute wine to the Jinshi. He left very late and drank two glasses..."

 Everything was normal here, but Chen Gui paused.

 Then, Lin Yunyan saw Dong Chen looking around, especially at the hanging curtain of the main room.

 After making sure that no one was listening, he lowered his voice and said, "It's not as good as the good taste you gave him that day."

Hearing this, Lin Yunyan blinked and was stunned for a moment.

After Chen Gui finished passing on the message, he quickly took two steps away and kept his head silent.

With the light behind him, no one saw him, and his face turned red.

 The Duke of the State is so true!

That is tribute wine, how can the taste be any different?

 In the final analysis, it’s the people who give it away and the people who drink it together are different!

Such a thing, you can talk to the princess yourself next time you see her in front of her!

As for letting him, Chen Gui, deliver such heartfelt words in the middle?

I'm sorry, I'm really sorry!

 He is not a heartless person, he is also married and has a daughter-in-law!

He has the audacity to call the princess "niece" and say this on behalf of his niece, niece, and son-in-law. Ouch!

 He didn’t even dare to say it in front of the old lady!

Chen Gui was thinking "Oh, it's long, it's short" in his mind, when he suddenly heard a burst of laughter.

 He looked up and saw the princess smiling with her eyes bent.

While laughing, the princess asked him: "Did he really say that?"

Chen Gui sighed secretly, "These two young people!" and said, "That's what I said."

Lin Yunyan smiled again: "Tell the concierge for me to prepare the carriage, I want to go out."

When Chen Gui heard this, he subconsciously asked: "Princess, are you going to Taohe Zhai?"

 “No,” Lin Yunyan said, “I’m going to Cining Palace.”

 Chen Gui said "Huh?"

 He doesn't understand.

The Duke of Guo first told me that it was normal for the princess to go to Taohe Zhai.

 What is the reason for going to Cining Palace?

Is the Queen Mother just willing to listen to the clinging between their young people?

 This hobby is not something Chen Gui cannot understand.

As long as he doesn't act as the messenger, he also likes to hear this.

 But it seems there is no need to be in such a hurry.

Thanks to the book friend Xiaoyuan and Xu Bicheng’s official girlfriend for the reward.

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