Yan Cigui

Chapter 248: There is fraud in it (two updates combined into one)

 Chapter 248 There is fraud (two updates in one)

 The moon is bright and bright.

Lin Yunyan stood in the corridor waiting.

Wan Yue heard that she was going to enter the palace, and was quite surprised: "After this hour, the palace doors will be closed."

 “Today’s thank you banquet,” Lin Yunyan explained, “will be later.”

Wan Yue nodded and helped Uncle Niu prepare the carriage.

Lin Yunyan glanced at the two of them, then turned her head to look at Chen Gui who was talking to Lin Xun in the other room.

 Chen Gui's hesitant reaction just now...

Lin Yunyan just wanted to turn around.

Her first attention was focused on the implication of what Xu Jian delivered.

When I figured it out, I really couldn’t help but laugh.

It is really difficult for Chen Dongjia to bring such "meaningful" words to Xu Jian.

 Not long after, the carriage left the Chengyi residence.

In Cining Palace, the Queen Mother was quite surprised by Lin Yunyan's arrival.

"Why are you here at this time?" She smiled and asked Lin Yunyan to sit down next to her.

 “I’m greedy.” Lin Yunyan said.

"What are you greedy for?" The Empress Dowager was happy when she heard this, "What does the Ai family have here that your uncle's house lacks? Tell it to the Ai family quickly, and the Ai family will send you more tomorrow. ”

Lin Yunyan pursed her lips and said in a low voice: "I'm greedy for the Guyue tribute wine."

The Empress Dowager was stunned.

 Begging for a drink?

 This was unexpected.

Yun Yan was begging for sweets and snacks, but this was her first time begging for wine.

 Sure enough, I have grown up and can drink a few sips of wine.

"You rewarded me last time, and I secretly gave half of it to the Duke of Fu." Lin Yunyan held the Empress Dowager's arm, "I just heard my father tell me that there is an important guest coming, and I have to let the guest know." Have a taste too...

 It’s gone, and the little bit left doesn’t even have a taste.

 I had no choice but to come to you for help. "

The Queen Mother couldn't help laughing when she heard this, and reached out to touch the tip of Lin Yunyan's nose.

 When you grow up, you really grow up.

 They will all think about good things to share with the people they like.

“It was the wine given to you by the Aijia, who should you share it with?” The Queen Mother deliberately teased her, “Just tell your father honestly, how can he still blame you for that sip of wine?”

Lin Yunyan buried her face in front of the Empress Dowager and said in a coquettish voice: "Oh, you clearly know that!"

The Queen Mother laughed so hard that tears came to her eyes, and she said "ouch, ouch" several times.

The little girl of this age is really cute.

I have a sweetheart, but I am still very thin-skinned.

It makes people want to tease her a few words.

The Queen Mother was so amused that she waved her hand: "The Ai family will ask someone to get it for you."

Beside, Grandma Wang smiled and said: "My dear, you have divided everything before, and there is nothing left in the treasury."

After saying this, the Queen Mother remembered it and saw Lin Yunyan looking at her with bright eyes. She said, "The Ai family will ask someone to tell the Holy One, and it will be delivered shortly."

“Eunuch Yu and I are going to get wine,” Lin Yunyan stood up and said, “If I stay here, you will make a fool of yourself!”

 After saying that, she turned around and ran away.

The Queen Mother looked at it and smiled again.

Until she left the main hall and stood under the window outside, Lin Yunyan could hear the laughter of the empress inside.

She took a deep breath, the smile in her eyes was still there, but the coquettish and shy look faded away.

 Either pretending or coaxing.

 She hopes that the Queen Mother will be happy.

 What makes the old man happy the most is naturally the happy and smooth marriage. She and Xu Jian agree with each other.

 Speaking of it, it is indeed quite satisfactory.

 There is a common past, and there is a common future that must be forged.

Having been a couple for many years, we communicate smoothly with each other and can understand each other in just one click.

  That’s right, it’s still not the same as the slimy, infatuated you and me that the Empress Dowager wants to see.

 The happiness that the Empress Dowager wanted should be the ones that Chen Gui had been thinking about.

Thinking of "thinking about it" and the uncomfortable Chen Gui, Lin Yunyan couldn't help but laugh again.

   Grandpa Yu was ordered and came over in a hurry.

At first sight of Lin Yunyan's smile, his heart started pounding.

 Oh, the princess must be thinking of assisting the Duke.

 With the emperor pointing out the marriage to the princess these days, what I'm happiest about the most is the marriage.

 After all, the princess likes it herself!

 If the princess likes it, the empress dowager also likes it.

"Princess," Eunuch Yu came forward, "the wine is stored in the warehouse and cellar. The road is not easy to walk at night. You will wait in the side hall while I go get it?"

"It doesn't matter," Lin Yunyan said, "my father-in-law, please lead the way."

 The younger father-in-law followed her and ordered another one to report to the Holy Emperor.

 Shang Shang was having wine with Li Shao.

 He was in good spirits with the wine in his stomach.

“The new top scholar’s ​​articles are really good. I read his articles on the Imperial Examination and the General Examination. He has great ideas and I am very optimistic about him.”

"There was an examinee from Shu. His performance in the examination was average, but he showed his performance in the palace examination. I heard that he arrived in Beijing ten days before the examination started, and he was a little acclimatized. It seems that the long journey has affected him a little."

“From this point of view, it is very important that the imperial court provided subsidies to candidates years ago.”

"This time it was finalized a little late. If the local officials had been notified early, many candidates would have less worries and come to Beijing in advance."

“At this point, I have to praise Xu Jian a few words. At that time, the Ministry of Rites and the Shuntian Mansion were following the procedures step by step, and each had their own reasons. It was Xu Jian who came into the imperial study room with the documents.”

"Shao'er, the rules are the rules, and you must be able to make decisions at critical times."

 Li Shao's sip of wine was stuck in his throat.

Tonight, he was having a drink with his father and talking about the imperial examination. He was only interested in it, but after all, he watched the government in the Ministry of Rites every day, so he could speak fluently.

 Even if asked for his views on several articles, Li Shao could answer them.

Although he doesn't like those formal scientific research articles, he can definitely understand them if he looks at the thoughts and stories.

 Hence, it can be said that they had a very happy conversation between father and son.

Unexpectedly, Xu Jian's name suddenly appeared again.

  Li Shao was very "convinced" that Xu Jian could make the decision.

Can you tie someone who dares not make a decision without saying a word?

 When he thought of being kidnapped that day, Li Shao couldn't swallow his drink.

Outside the palace, Eunuch Cao is guarding.

From a distance, he saw a young chamberlain running towards him, so he walked over to meet him.

When it was clear that the hand was from Cining Palace, Eunuch Cao asked, "What's the matter? Does the Queen Mother have something to explain?"

“The princess wants to ask for more Guyue tribute wine. There is nothing left in Cining Palace. The empress wants to ask the Holy One if she can go to the treasury to get some more.”

Eunuch Cao turned his head and looked inside the palace.

 The Holy Spirit and His Highness are drinking wine, which is a time when the mood is high.

The Empress Dowager wants some tribute wine, how can the Holy One not give it to her?

 Why bother going in and making trouble about this matter?

 He just makes up his mind. After receiving the reply, the young chamberlain hurried out of the warehouse and met Lin Yunyan and Eunuch Yu who were walking slowly.

 In the warehouse, the few eunuchs in charge who were left behind were also eating wine and having a lively fist fight.

Hearing about Eunuch Yu’s visit, he looked at the princess behind him...

Eunuch Mao, the great eunuch, quickly took out his handkerchief and wiped the grease from his mouth: "Princess, how can you stay in this shabby place? If you want wine, I will bring it to you."

Lin Yunyan looked at Eunuch Mao and said, "It doesn't matter. I haven't seen the wine cellar in the palace yet. I'm here now. Let me take a look."

The princess said so, and Eunuch Mao couldn't refuse.

With a roll of his eyes, he quickly called to another young **** beside him: "Zhuozi, why don't you introduce it to the princess in detail? Princess, let him talk to you, and I will get you some wine."

Grandpa Xiao helped Lin Yunyan down to the cellar.

 Eunuch Zhuo followed beside him.

“This shelf is all tribute wine sent from Shu. The big wine jar in the corner is from Yu Gong’s daughter red. It is quite old.”

Lin Yunyan looked left and right and asked, "Where is the one Gu Yue sent?"

Eunuch Zhuo pointed to the depths on the other side: "Have you seen those big wooden barrels? Those are the ones where they hold wine differently from us."

Lin Yunyan walked over and pretended to be surprised: "Such a big bucket?"

As she spoke, she tapped the bucket with her knuckles.

The sound is muffled, but the inside is still full.

“I heard there aren’t many left,” she said.

Eunuch Zhuo replied: "Less than three barrels."

Lin Yunyan nodded slightly.

Eunuch Mao came over with an empty wine jar and said, "Don't worry, they are all clean jars. I will fill a jar for you and seal it."

The jar was made of pottery. Lin Yunyan saw a lot of them piled on the ground not far away, so she asked: "Are those already pretended?"

Eunuch Zhuo did not doubt that he was there: "Yes, the Holy Spirit will reward the new scholars today."

"Then don't bother Eunuch Mao, I'll just take what's ready." As she said that, Lin Yunyan walked over, bent down and picked up a jar from the ground.

Seeing this, Eunuch Mao's face suddenly changed, and he said hurriedly: "The jar has not been wiped with dust. Princess, please don't dirty your clothes. Previously, Qiong Lin came to pick it up, but he left it behind after not loading it on a cart. They didn't have enough for a while." You have to come and get it after you drink it.”

The wine cellar is large, and it was only after they entered that they lit up the torches on the wall.

Under the bright firelight, no change in expression could be hidden from the eyes of others.

Eunuch Mao’s nervousness was written on his face.

Lin Yunyan saw this in her eyes and did not immediately expose him. She only said: "They have one more jar and one less jar when they eat wine? I asked for two jars, just this one and that one."

Eunuch Mao smiled coquettishly, his mind was spinning rapidly, and he winked at Eunuch Yu: "Hey, brother, please say a few good words for me. Those who guard this warehouse and wine cellar don't see a noble person on weekdays. . It’s rare for the princess to come here today. I want to please the princess so much that I can fill two jars of wine. The princess won’t give me this chance.”

Grandpa Yu is less than a child. He laughs, his smile is genuine, but not careless at all.

It’s not like he entered the palace on the first day. Just by looking at the comings and goings, he knew that “there was a fraud in it.”

Although I don’t know the exact method of the scam, there is always something wrong with the drink.

And as the father-in-law of Cining Palace, he is definitely not wrong in obeying and protecting the princess.

“Then you pretend,” said Yu Gonggongdao, “If you have an extra jar of wine, will your reward be reduced?”

 Eunuch Mao should be neither, nor should he be.

The jar that the princess held in her arms did not contain Guyue Gong Liquor at all.

If he fills another jar and compares the two jars of wine tomorrow, won't something go wrong?

Thinking like this, Eunuch Mao’s eyes fell on one of the barrels again.

 Or, pretend to be fake again?

 Fake ones are also good wine.

 They are the kind of people who would be reluctant to buy such good wine even if they spend their own money to buy wine.

The princess's little girl probably couldn't tell the difference, so she just passed it off.

As for the princess, she took it back and gave it to the rest of the Lin family to drink...

Even if the drink is different from last time, no one would be so shameless as to say "the drink is not right" to the emperor, right?

 with a clean up last night tonight, emptying out all the fake ones, and more or less acknowledging the damage, let's get over it...

Thinking about this, Eunuch Mao became very excited and walked towards the barrel containing the fake wine.

Open the bolt on the bucket, and the wine flows out along the pipe and falls into the jar below.

The aroma of wine spreads out, making people take a deep breath involuntarily.

 Eunuch Mao is also inhaling.

 It smells so good!

Such a good wine, I can definitely fool him!

 Eunuch Mao was thinking in his heart when he suddenly heard Eunuch Zhuo’s call.

“What are you doing, Princess?”

Eunuch Mao quickly turned his head and looked over.

When he saw that the princess was holding her golden hairpin to scratch the opening of the altar, Eunuch Mao's eyes suddenly widened.

“Give me the wine, I’ll open it and take a look.” Lin Yunyan said, and she pressed her hand again.

 The mouth of the altar was opened.

 The rich aroma of wine comes to your nose.

Eunuch Mao winked at Eunuch Zhuo.

The back of Eunuch Zhuo's neck was covered with sweat and he said, "Look, it's a jar full, no less, no less. Why don't you hand it to the younger one, who will seal it up for you?"

Lin Yunyan said: "Bring me a wine cup."

Eunuch Zhuo: "This..."

Without saying a word, Uncle Xiao saw a porcelain bowl upside down on the shelf next to him. He reached out to take it, wiped it carefully with a handkerchief, and handed it to Lin Yunyan.

Lin Yunyan poured a bowl.

She really couldn't tell the difference just by looking at the color and smell of the wine, but she trusted Xu Jian's judgment.

 The so-called tribute wine Xu Jian drank at the thank-you banquet was not the previous tribute wine.

 And the jar she took was the wine that had been stored in the warehouse for the thanksgiving feast.

Judging from the reactions of father-in-law Mao and Zhuo, there is also something wrong with this jar of wine.

Hand up the bowl, Lin Yunyan took a sip.

 It tasted soft and mellow, but it was different from what she drank with Xu Jian that day.

“It’s strange,” Lin Yunyan curled her lips deliberately, “Isn’t it the wrong wine? How come it’s not the same as what the empress rewarded me with last time?”

Eunuch Zhuo looked uncomfortable.

Eunuch Mao’s face turned pale.

Could it be that the princess really has the ability to distinguish wine? Does she really know how to drink?

"Look, what you said is wine coming from these big wooden barrels. How can it be different?" Eunuch Mao said with a dry smile, "If you think the taste is wrong, I'd better refill it for you."

Lin Yunyan handed the bowl to Eunuch Yu: "Eunuch, give it a try."

 At this time, is there anything else you don’t understand about your father-in-law?

 It turns out that this medicine is sold in the gourd.

The princess asked for a drink, which was false, but when she noticed something was wrong with the drink, she wanted to find out whether it was true.

To be fair, Mr. Yu is not happy to go through this muddy water.

Had he known it in advance, he would have given the princess a few words of advice, true or false, it would be a thankless task.

 The relationships in the palace are complicated, and who knows which party is behind the issue of tribute wine.

 The affairs of the previous dynasty were taken care of by the Holy Emperor, and the affairs of the harem were presided over by the imperial concubine. After all, it was not the Cining Palace that came forward to take care of such messy matters.

But now that he is here, it is impossible for him to dismantle the princess.

Took a sip and tasted the completely different taste. Father-in-law Yui became more confident: "It is indeed different from the taste that the empress rewarded."

   Thanks to book friends Xu Bicheng’s official girlfriend and Shi Gandangdang for the reward.



 (End of this chapter)

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