Yan Cigui

Chapter 250: The homework that needs to be handed in must be handed in (two updates in one)

 After saying this, Li Shao said nothing and did not dare to raise his head to look at the expression of the Holy Master.

The hall was very quiet, except for the sound of breathing, there was no movement.

Li Shao felt guilty, but he gradually calmed down.

Based on his understanding of his father, that rhetoric can calm most of his father's anger.

As for how to generate the rest of the fire, he was still a little unsure.

  It can be big or small.

The Holy Spirit looked at Li Shao for a long time, and then he let out a long sigh.

  Yes, Shaoer has been like this since he was a child.

  Obviously I am so rich and well-fed, but whenever I have something good to eat or drink, I will think of him.

 An emperor, a prince, what delicacies from mountains and seas have you not seen?

 But the Holy Father would still be moved by his son's filial piety from time to time.

Shaoer learned to ride and shoot. The first rabbit he hunted in the paddock was roasted by his own hands with the help of the chamberlain and brought to him...

 The Holy Father himself was a prince and had many brothers and sisters. He now has other sons and daughters.

 Somewhat filial, with the intention of pleasing and "guiding" behind it.

 Some others are simply the admiration of children.

Shao'er doesn't need to please him, and Shao'er doesn't have his mother and concubine to teach him behind his back. His only concern is care.

I miss him, the empress dowager, and the imperial concubine.

Thinking of this, the gloom on the saint's face dissipated a little, and he asked: "Where did you get all that wine?"

Li Shao replied: "My son has asked someone to transport him out of the palace."

 He wanted the wine, not to waste it.

  Gu Yue sent nine large barrels. After the Holy Spirit divided a small half of them at first, the empty barrels were left idle waiting to be thrown away.

Later, he got all the empty barrels in his hands and drank back the wine he had secretly filled.

Even if you put it in barrels and find a place to store it, you can avoid it from being damaged due to poor storage.

 When you want to drink it, just open the stopper and fill it with some.

"You care about me. As a son, your filial piety touched my father very much." The Holy Emperor paused and then said, "But you are not only my son, you are the crown prince. You go use the wine in the warehouse to honor me. well…"

"I did something wrong," Li Shao lowered his head. "I will have the wine brought back later. I will report my mistake to myself tomorrow morning."

"What are you talking about? You said you changed the wine at the thank-you banquet just to make me drink more?" The Holy Emperor shook his head and hummed, "I don't even know how to scold you, so don't embarrass the censors. Go. Cining Palace, please apologize to the Empress Dowager and Ning An first."

 At this moment, of course it is whatever the Holy Spirit says.

Li Shao responded happily and immediately got up from the ground and retreated.

Eunuch Cao went to see him off silently.

 The two of them were standing on the porch.

With the night wind blowing in his face, Li Shao rubbed his knees and whispered: "Eunuch Cao, I am not doing this right. Father, I would like to ask you to speak kindly to me."

Eunuch Cao responded softly.

Say good things if you can. As for adding fuel to the fire, he is not a lunatic. He cannot find pleasure in the presence of the Holy One.

 He just hasn't seen clearly yet what Princess Ning'an thinks.

Thinking like this, Eunuch Cao turned his head and glanced in the direction of the inner hall.

He can figure out these things at night, how can the Holy Spirit not understand?

Your Majesty asked the Crown Prince to go to Cining Palace to apologize. I am afraid that it has another meaning.

"Let's go," Cao Gonggong said, "the other family members will go together."

On the other side, in the Cining Palace, the Queen Mother held Lin Yunyan's hand and looked at her angrily: "You brought in the reinforcements, and you said you had a sprained foot. You are trying to scare the Ai family."

Lin Yunyan deserved it very well: "It's my fault. I didn't think carefully and made you worry."

 The Empress Dowager gave her another angry look.

With such a good attitude, who would be willing to say a few harsh words?

 But if she didn’t elaborate on this matter a few words, she would feel really unhappy.

"If you know how to mobilize reinforcements, you are not a blind person at least," the Queen Mother said, "The Ai family is not afraid of anything else but a blind person."

There are too many "weird things" in the palace. If you want to gain a foothold, you need to identify yourself.

Yun Yan does not have to make a living in the harem, but it does not have anything to do with the harem of the previous dynasty.

If she is short-sighted and cannot tell the good from the good, even if she is the empress dowager, she may not be able to protect everyone no matter how much effort she exerts on the side.

  If it was not done well, she would have to pay for most of it herself.

"But you said you're not lacking in foresight, why did you go to the warehouse?" The Queen Mother said, and hit Lin Yunyan twice on the back of her hand, but she was reluctant to hit her harder, "If you guard against the east, guard against the west, you must guard against the Ai family. ? Can the Ai family harm you? Hurry up and give the Ai family a clear answer. Who are you trying to break? "

 At this moment, Lin Yunyan would not hide it from the Empress Dowager and said bluntly: "Prince."

The Empress Dowager's face changed slightly, and she raised her hand and hit her twice more: "He's dizzy! He's dizzy, and so are you!"

 No wonder he refused to tell her in advance.

I just know that once I say it, she will definitely stop it.

"The prince changed the wine, and you shouted so that everyone in the world knew about it. He only received a few scoldings, and at most he was punished. It was not painful or itchy," the empress dowager said. "That is the most valued son of the emperor. He is a father and son." A pocket, where the drink is, it won’t hinder anyone else.

He will still be the prince from now on, and he will still go to the Jinluan Palace in the future. You have offended him for no reason.

If he doesn't hold grudges, it doesn't matter, he just treats it as a small fight.

If he really holds a grudge in the future, he will be less than twenty, but Aijia is this age!

Aijia will definitely go ahead of him. When that happens, he will cause trouble for you. Where will you find reinforcements? "

As soon as she finished speaking, the Queen Mother saw that Lin Yunyan's eyes were all red.

Glittering teardrops were in her eyes, and they were about to fall down in the blink of an eye.

 The Empress Dowager's heart ached.

The words are not serious, so why are you crying?

 It seems that she, an old woman, is bullying a child.

Lin Yunyan was indeed panicked.

Every word the empress said was not to blame her, but full of concern.

   Not harsh words, but they are true words.

The mother -in -law walked ahead, and the rescue soldiers had nowhere to move. Lin Yunyan really experienced it.

 Just because she didn’t want that ending, she had to offend Li Shao today.

 It was just the "past" that she could not explain to the Queen Mother.

Seeing whether she wanted to cry or not, the Queen Mother thought about it and decided not to say anything more. She just asked Grandma Wang to fetch water so that Lin Yunyan could cleanse her face.

As soon as I finished packing and put on some perfume, I heard a report from outside that His Royal Highness the Crown Prince and Eunuch Cao were here.

 Li Shao walked in the front.

After bowing to each other first, he said: "I exchanged the tribute wine in the warehouse."

The Queen Mother looked surprised and said deliberately: "What did you do in exchange for that wine?"

Li Shao told the story again.

"You child, it is good to be filial, but you must also pay attention to the method," the Queen Mother shook her head and said, "You obviously meant well, but in the end it ended up like this. Fortunately, the matter was not publicized, and everyone in my family Make it clear."

Li Shao quickly apologized and said to Lin Yunyan: "Ning'an wants that wine, I'll have it delivered to you."

Lin Yunyan pursed her lips and nodded her head twice.

 When Li Shao and Eunuch Cao left, the Queen Mother raised her hand and pressed her eyebrows. The Holy One asked Eunuch Cao to accompany him, and she made it clear that she didn't want to make a big fuss or spread the news. Of course, she just went with the flow, so as not to compete with the Holy One for this.


The Queen Mother asked Lin Yunyan softly: "Are you satisfied with this result?"

 Lin Yunyan was not dissatisfied at all.

 Just a few barrels of tribute wine to make Li Shao fall into a big fall?

Neither she nor Xu Jian is that naive.

That is the son of the Holy Emperor. Even if he wears the high hat of "not paying attention to the new Jinshi", it is just the same thing.

 It cannot hurt the tendons or bones.

It’s just that any big banquet must have a charter. No matter how hot and expensive the main course is, the appetizers must be served first.

 Furthermore, Xu Jian also needs to "get out".

Xu Jian, who was asked by the Holy Master to follow and advise the prince every day, couldn't be ignorant of everything, right?

 Especially those big things that can’t be seen in the light.

 So, you have to pay the homework that you should pay, and you have to take the benefits that should be taken.

 The night wind became stronger.

Li Shao stood in the imperial garden. When Eunuch Cao could no longer be seen, he raised his eyebrows and laughed.

 It’s so refreshing.

 When he first heard that there was a situation in the warehouse, Li Shao was panicked.

I blame myself for my bad luck, and also blame Ning An for having too many things to do. When I look at my father again, it feels like there is a sword hanging over his head, and I don’t know when it will fall...

 When Eunuch Cao finished his investigation and was questioned by his father, his fear reached its peak.

 My fingertips are trembling!

 But what happens next?

 His few words immediately saved the situation!

Father was annoyed, but not too annoyed, so he just settled the matter and made peace.

There won't be any objections in Cining Palace. No matter how bad Ning An is, she has already given her the wine, so what else can she do?

 It is really exciting to do things behind your father's back and manage it smoothly. This kind of going from panic to wanton, blood coagulation to rushing and shouting!

Have tasted this once...

Li Shao licked his lips and wanted to try again.

Who made him the crown prince?

Who made the Holy Spirit his father?

 He just can do whatever he wants.

 Not long after, Eunuch Cao returned to the imperial court.

 The Holy Father leaned back on his chair, closed his eyes and meditated.

Hearing Eunuch Cao's voice, he didn't even raise his eyelids and asked, "What did the Queen Mother say?"

"Your Majesty said, it would be good if you explain your family's affairs clearly," Eunuch Cao said, thought for a while, and said, "The princess's eyes were red and she seemed to have cried. She probably asked the Queen Mother to talk about it." A few words.”

After hearing this, the Holy Emperor slowly opened his eyes and chuckled: "Ning'an is also a child. The Empress Dowager always dotes on her. She doesn't hear a few harsh words in a year. If you hear it occasionally, don't you cry." ”

This answer also solved a doubt in the Holy Spirit.

With the Queen Mother's temperament, she knew that the warehouse had been tampered with, and she had even guessed that Shao'er was involved. She would definitely not wade into this muddy water, let alone involve Ning An.

 Inquiring into the warehouse was just Ning'an's arbitrary move.

The Empress Dowager realized later, so she had to blame Ning'an for a few words.

The Holy Spirit asked Eunuch Cao again: "Shao'er went to touch the wine. What do you think?"

Eunuch Cao thought about it for a while and said, "To tell you the truth, I had thought about it when I was asking about it just now. I already had the ability to reach into the warehouse, so why did I only touch the wine?

Now that I think about it, I can understand it.

  Others use the warehouse for profit and gain, but His Highness the Crown Prince does not need that.

Precisely because he lacked nothing, he only touched what he wanted and didn't care about the rest. "

“You have to deal with what needs to be dealt with,” the Holy Sage told Eunuch Cao, and finally said, “Go and ask Xu Jian to come see me.”

When Eunuch Cao heard this, he was slightly startled. After thinking about it for a while, he also wanted to turn around and do what the Holy Father said.

 After waiting for about three quarters of an hour, he saw Xu Jian appearing in his field of vision, and hurried forward.

As soon as the two cars met, Eunuch Cao took a closer look.

 There was no confusion or anxiety on Duke Fu's face about being suddenly summoned in the middle of the night. Instead, he looked calm.

 Looking at this posture, you can tell: This person knows it well.

Eunuch Cao took a deep breath and asked in a low voice with a dull face: "Mr. Guo, what did you do to do this..."

 “Thank you for your hard work, Eunuch Cao.” Xu Jian said.

Eunuch Cao:…

have to!

 The same reaction as Princess Ning'an.

Is it hard work that Eunuch Cao is afraid of?

 What he is afraid of is the anger of the Holy Spirit.

 How can those who serve in front of the emperor feel comfortable if the auxiliary Duke cannot get any favor?

The Holy Spirit will not express his anger, but when the Holy Spirit is unhappy, everyone will feel fearful!

For a moment, Eunuch Cao wanted to ask Xu Jian what he was trying to do by exposing the prince, but he still swallowed his words.

 Not too troublesome, not too troublesome!

 When Xu Jian went in to face the saint, Eunuch Cao stood aside after serving tea, looking at his nose with his eyes and his heart with his nose.

 The Holy Emperor tapped the table and said, "I can see that you and Ning'an get along well."

 “The princess is interesting.” Xu Jian is still an old saying.

The Holy Emperor was so angry that he glared at him: "Ning'an is interesting, so you let her go to the warehouse to work around? It means that the Queen Mother doesn't know that you are giving advice behind her back, otherwise you will suffer."

After hearing this, Xu Jian did not excuse herself. She just responded: "Thank you, Your Majesty, for not letting the Empress Dowager know."

The Holy Spirit chuckled.

 My attitude is very good, but this is what caused me to have a severe headache.

Ning'an mentioned the thank-you banquet, and the thank-you banquet had not ended yet. He knew what the tribute wine tasted like and what the wine at the banquet tasted like. Counting them, the number of people was limited.

 In addition, Ning'an came into the palace late at night, and Xu Jian was the only one who could make decisions behind his back.

 The Holy Spirit can figure it out as soon as he thinks about it.

 But he sat here and thought about it for so long, but there was still something he couldn't figure out.

"Shao'er must have done something wrong by changing the wine," the Holy Master said. "You can persuade him, or you can complain to me directly. Why do you want Ning'an to make such a fuss?"

Xu Jian said: "Every time I lift your Highness's bottom, I feel embarrassed."

Beside him, Eunuch Cao's breath was stagnant. He glanced at him in astonishment and then quickly looked away.

 Did Duke Fuguo drink too much?

  Doesn't he say what he should say, or blurt out what he shouldn't say?

The Holy Spirit is not an unreasonable person. He knows who is right and who is wrong.

At this time, even if Duke Fuguo shut up and pretended to be dead, as long as he honestly received a few words of reprimand, it would be over after the reprimand. There was no need to add fuel to the fire.

 In the past, with the temperament of Duke Yifu, he would not have said this more...

This is fine, the Holy Emperor must have been angry.

Thanks to book friend Xu Bicheng’s official girlfriend for the reward.

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