Yan Cigui

Chapter 251: Different roads lead to the same destination (two updates combined into one)

Chapter 251 Different paths lead to the same destination (two updates in one)

Your Majesty is indeed on fire.

 One is one, two is two, things cannot be mixed together.

  Otherwise, if A says that C is wrong, and B says that D is more wrong than C, several parties will try to decide who is more outrageous...

Then it’s really endless.

Just like now, he was talking to Xu Jian about how to deal with things, and Xu Jian was settling an old score with Shao'er with him. Can this make things clear?

 There are so many people who don’t understand.

When encountering someone who can't carry it clearly, the Holy Father will usually "suggest" to cool off outside and wake up.

 After all, his own temper was not exactly gentle.

 When I was young, I was more angry. Although I have developed some temperament over the years, I am still afraid of making some irreversible decisions in anger.

 In this case, it is better for everyone to wake up first.

 However, in the eyes of the Holy Master, Xu Jian was not the kind of person who could not understand.

Xu Jian is young and has experienced some ups and downs in life.

Looking at the fun is just looking at the fun, but the heart is like a bright mirror.

A bright mirror cannot reflect a bright image. It is just a matter of smearing the mud on one's own and bringing out the messiness of the quarrels between the censors and elders. In the end, they just add fuel and vinegar, and add all kinds of mixed feelings.

 This is not a serious attempt to solve the problem!

"Shao'er's boss, I've been touched by you every time!" The Holy Master's tone was extremely displeased, and he wanted to say something harsh. Seeing Xu Jian's young appearance, he took a deep breath and said hard He calmed down his temper again.

 Speaking of it, he is a well-known figure in the court, with the title of Duke, but to be honest, he is only one year older than Shao'er.

 Based on the court, the Holy Father would not regard all the younger descendants as "sons", but thinking about the old man who died of illness and Xu Jian's injury, he still had more patience with Xu Jian.

The Holy Master coughed twice and signaled Eunuch Cao to change the tea.

Eunuch Cao secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

If your Majesty is willing to suppress his temper, things won't be too bad.

 The old tea was poured out, the new tea came out of the soup, and the fragrance of tea overflowed. This little time before and after also allowed the Holy Spirit to digest some of the anger.

Taking a sip of tea, he relaxed the wrinkles between his brows and said, "Tell me, besides leaving the seclusion privately, Shao'er went out more than once of course, and he just changed the wine in the warehouse. What else did he do? What did you do to reveal the truth?”

Xu Jian lowered his eyes, emotions flashing through his eyes.

Li Shao's trivial matter, if he really wanted to talk about it, he could talk about it until dawn.

 It’s just that it’s impossible to say it right now.

Of course, the Holy Spirit could not guess what Xu Jian was really thinking. Seeing his silence, he just assumed that he was also reflecting on how he should not have mixed things up before.

However, I am in a hurry. Now that I have reached this point, the Holy Spirit has a lot of patience in my heart and wants to explain everything clearly to Xu Jian.

“The warehouse, especially the two chamberlains, will deal with it more severely in the future.”

"Shao'er wanted to change the wine. Although they were obeying orders, they still deserved the punishment. The harsher punishment was not because of the change of wine, but because after Ning An found out, they dared to make random mistakes in order to get away with it, and pushed it to Gu Yue. There's something wrong with the wine. Even if you want to scare Ning An, you can't say that."

"Shao'er also needs to be punished. As a prince, especially a prince, some of his ideas are too naive and he needs to grow up."

“So, there will be three orphans around him, and I will ask you to accompany him to observe the government, and let the various yamen teach him. He will not only teach the government affairs of the court, but also how to be a king.”

"Last year, you told me that you didn't want to walk in front of Shao'er. Doing so would silently remind Shao'er that he did something very wrong at Yumen Pass. Shao'er can easily think too much about these things. Careful, you will offend him."

“But in the past half year or so, what I have seen is that you are even more unable to let go than Shaoer.”

“The leg injury has had a profound impact on you, and it has forced you to change the direction of your ambitions. I understand very well. Even if you resent Shaoer for this, it is something he brought back.”

"Shao'er didn't think about your injury. You were filled with resentment and you took the opportunity to expose him. If you want to expose him, come to me directly. You shouldn't let Ning An block the warehouse."

“I ask you to follow him and provide guidance on politics, not that you have to go against him in everything.”

 The Holy Father spoke very slowly, with a deep tone in every sentence.

When it fell into Eunuch Cao's ears, he felt that his words were serious and sincere.

 He thought that the Holy Emperor was going to get angry, but unexpectedly he took them all back again.

 Speaking of which, there are only a few people who can get this kind of "patient treatment" in front of the emperor.

Eunuch Cao glanced at Xu Jian quietly.

 The Duke of Fuguo is not confused, so he is supposed to be able to listen.

 Just listen to it.

Twisted with Holy His Royal Highness, and at the end, he must be the Grandpa herself.

There is no reason to go all the way to the end.

Xu Jian still lowered his head. It had to be said that he was a little surprised.

I thought that if the sparks were thrown in, the Holy Spirit would be "furious" no matter what he said, but I didn't expect that in the end it would be "peace and gentle rain".

  Not quite as expected.

It is obviously a stupid way to throw fire again at this time. We must use another way of saying it. Anyway, we have different approaches to the same goal.

"Your Majesty..." Xu Jian's lips moved, as if he was deeply moved, but too moved to say anything. After thinking about it for a long time, he continued, "Listen to what you said, Your Majesty, I thought. A lot of things.”

“You can say whatever comes to your mind,” the Holy Master said. “You can also say something that doesn’t suit your ears. I won’t punish you today.”

"I also said before that it is only right for me to protect His Highness. Let alone a leg injury, even if I die, I will not resent His Highness because of a leg injury." Xu Jian paused here and thought about it. He added, "I am indeed a little uncomfortable when facing His Highness. I couldn't figure out my thoughts before, but what you just said made me suddenly enlightened.

I am not trying to expose His Highness when I get the chance, but I still don't know whether something will go wrong with His Highness.

I am really frightened by His Highness. From time to time, I think about what would have happened if I hadn’t noticed that His Highness had left the seclusion that day, or if I had chased him out and not found His Highness, or if he had been in the middle of a chaotic battle, but I hadn’t noticed him, and he might have been injured or even injured. …

I am afraid that if I am not careful, my Highness will be put in danger.

It was better when I wasn't walking beside His Highness, but now I am very nervous when I accompany His Highness in the Yamen to watch the government every day. "

Your Majesty, please listen carefully to what Xu Jian said.

Hearing this in his heart, he stroked his beard and felt a lot of ups and downs in his mood.

 He can understand the "tension" that Xu Jian mentioned.

Once bitten, twice shy.

Just like himself, from time to time, he would also think, if he had not vented his anger with Queen Xia that day, if he had not brought all the guards and monks down the mountain that day...

 He can only think about those things, because the result has been determined and he cannot undo it.

  But what if it were another situation?

The fire was saved, Xia is still there, everything is "stable", can he really be safe?

  After dreaming about it at midnight, he had to have several nightmares of "cannot be saved"!

At the same time, he would also be nervous, so nervous that Xia was always surrounded by countless palace maids, maids, guards, and chamberlains, and there was no room for any mistakes.

 This is the human heart.

 Be afraid after meeting and look forward and backward.

It is precisely because Shao'er once put Xu Jian into trouble that "his life was at risk" that Xu Jian was so nervous.

“You have to relax,” the Holy Sage breathed a sigh of relief, smiled, and advised, “This is the capital, right under my nose.

When Shaoer was in trouble, he would just change his drink. It was impossible for him to rush out of the gate and risk his life like he did in Yumen.

 You are a minister, and you watch the government with him. Isn’t it enough that you go to the Yamen and go to the Yamen?

It is impossible and unnecessary for you to keep an eye on him for twelve hours. He is surrounded by internal guards. That is their job.

You are so afraid of Shaoer's business trip that I will transfer you to the East Palace to keep an eye on him. He will be fine and you will worry yourself to death.

You listen to me, if Shaoer did something wrong or didn't listen to advice, you can tell me directly, don't make it so complicated and make the Queen Mother worry.

Since the office has been dismissed, don't worry about Shao'er all the time. Find someone you can get along with, go have a drink with Qing Lue or the others, or talk to Ning'an. "

 Xu Jian responded one by one.

 The reason made sense, and the Holy Emperor was much relieved, and Xu Jian was no longer left behind. When Eunuch Cao sent Xu Jian back, the Holy Master sighed: "I think he is too idle now."

Xu Jian has been working hard since he was a child.

He had to study and practice martial arts. When he was thirteen or fourteen years old, Xu Mang could take him into battle to kill the enemy, which shows how much hard work he put in.

 All the hard work is accumulated over time.

  Every day, apart from eating and sleeping, there is also studying and practicing martial arts, which is very crowded.

That was the life that Xu Jian was familiar with and accustomed to. One day everything would change, and he would have to be idle.

 Not idle?

 If you are not idle, you will not have fun.

"You cherish your talents," Cao Gong said. "Although you can't fight on the border, you believe that Duke Fu can also do something in the court, so you don't want to let him really idle.

 Thousand-step corridor to observe politics, when His Highness the Crown Prince is learning and comprehending, you are also giving the Duke of Fu an opportunity so that he can have a complete contact with government affairs, so that he can take up the important posts in the future.

With the wisdom of the Duke, I will definitely be able to understand your intention. "

 The Holy Spirit nodded.

Eunuch Cao spoke from the bottom of his heart.

Ming Xu Jian had never had much contact with civil servants during his upbringing, and Xu Mang arranged for him to lead troops in battles and follow the path of a military general.

 However, I can’t explain why, but the emperor had a feeling that the road of becoming a border general was not going to work, but Xu Jian had the ability to walk the way of assisting the government.

 In the imperial court, from the imperial court to the local government, officials each performed their duties.

 Many positions do not necessarily require a specific person. It can be filled by changing someone and practicing for a while.

Of course, the imperial court cannot lack those tens of thousands of ordinary officials, but at the same time, it is indeed more rare for him to have hands that can manage the overall situation.

That is the real pillar of talent.

Eunuch Cao looked at His Majesty's expression, guessed what he was thinking, and said: "You said that I am too busy now. I think I won't be free for long. There is nothing important in the lower office now. When he gets married to the princess, I will go there." Then I got the younger prince, and my wife and children were all taken up by me."

 The Holy Spirit deeply agrees.

  Concentrate your mind on the court during the day, and at home at night.

 When the two sides are balanced, they will naturally complement each other, relax and achieve twice the result with half the effort.

“In that case,” a smile flashed in His Majesty’s eyes, he said, “He and Ning An get along well. I have to mention it to the Empress Dowager to arrange for the marriage as soon as possible.”

In the other room, Xu Jian walked along the palace road towards the South Palace Gate.

Shen Chen was waiting for him outside the palace gate.

 Xu Jian got on the carriage and did not say anything about going back home. He only said that he would go around to the gate of the West Palace.

Shen Chen understood. As soon as he arrived at the West Square, he looked around and said: "The princess's car is parked in front. It seems that she is planning to leave the palace."

 Xu Jian responded in a low voice and closed his eyes to rest.

 After waiting for about a quarter of an hour, Shen Chen saw Lin Yunyan appearing with Wan Yue and hurriedly stepped forward to say hello to her.

Lin Yunyan raised her eyebrows in surprise.

She guessed that Xu Jian would probably be called into the palace by the Holy Emperor, but she didn't guess that Xu Jian would be waiting for him here.

As she walked towards Xu Jian's car, Lin Yunyan asked Shen Chen in a low voice, "Is your Majesty angry?"

Shen Chen told the truth: "I can't see through the look on my face."

Lin Yunyan smiled.

Stepping onto the car, Lin Yunyan sat down on the other side and looked Xu Jian up and down.

 Especially, she carefully observed the hem of Xu Jian's clothes.

 There are no wrinkles visible.

From this point of view, he must not have been kneeling for a long time.

Lin Yunyan asked curiously: "Is it possible that the Holy One is not angry?"

Xu Jian laughed. A smile flashed across her eyes, but the rest was as calm as ever.

His answer was very straightforward, without any hint of eccentricity: "The Holy One looked like he was going to get angry but then held back. To be honest, I was also very surprised."

After hearing what Xu Jian had said, Lin Yunyan sighed softly.

 It is not easy for the Holy Spirit either.

Xu Jian deliberately set the fire to that point. The Holy Father not only calmed down the matter, but also said a lot of truths.

 She heard the Empress Dowager talk about some things in the past, and understood that the Holy Sage had always wanted to be "lenient to others", and it was this lenience that slowly turned into the final outcome.

  After all, he is the son he values ​​the most.

 When the Holy Spirit is lenient to others, he can't help but be more lenient to Li Shao...

However, having said that, Xu Jian's response was appropriate.

  When one road is dead, you immediately change your tone and direction. In the end, the final goal is achieved.

The Holy Father himself said, "There is no need to keep an eye on him for 12 hours" and "Just do your own thing after the Yamen are dismissed." After that, any problems that arise when Li Shao is in the Yamen have nothing to do with Xu Jian.

 For Li Shao, he was pressed hard during the day and even more unbearable at night.

This time he escaped completely, and also fed Li Shao two mouthfuls of leopard bile. After he absorbed it, he became lively.

“I can imagine how proud he is now,” Lin Yunyan said and smiled again, “It’s good to be proud, and you will get carried away when you are proud.”

  Chagong wine tonight was not part of the plan.

 Xu Jian and she seized the opportunity that suddenly appeared and used it to their advantage. It was enough to achieve such results.

 The carriage stopped outside Chengyi's residence.

Lin Yunyan stepped down and stood next to the car.

After thinking for a while, she said across the carriage board: "Aren't you afraid that I won't understand if you let Chen Gui take the lead?"

Xu Jian lifted the side curtain and said slowly: "The princess is smart, how can she not understand the meaning behind her words?"

Lin Yunyan glanced at him.

"That's right. If it weren't for Chen Dongjia's intervention, I'm afraid I wouldn't have had the chance to hear those kind words." After saying that, Lin Yunyan laughed first, "but it shocked Chen Dongjia and made her wish she could hide away." Far."

 Xu Jian looked down at her.

The water-like moonlight fell, and Lin Yunyan's hair was covered with a layer of faint light, which made her entire profile look cold.

 And she seemed to recall Chen Gui's situation at that time, a smile appeared on her brows and eyes, which drove away most of the coldness.

 Xu Jian called out in a low voice: "Ayan."

Lin Yunyan raised her head subconsciously, and before she could say anything, she was lightly tapped twice on her forehead.

The hand that stretched out from the car window tapped her twice more before taking it back.

Lin Yunyan pursed her lips.

 Based on her understanding of Xu Jian...


She would like to hear what yin and yang words this person will say in the future.

 Xu Jian pressed the corners of his lips and said, "A wise man will always tell you what he wants to hear."

Lin Yunyan:…

   Thanks to book friend 20230803021229171 and Xu Bicheng’s official girlfriend for the reward, and thanks to Bookstore book friend celestial Li for the reward.

  (End of this chapter)

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