Yan Cigui

Chapter 259: Mountain rain is coming (five thousand major

Hearing this, Liu Ping's long eyelashes trembled.

Too strange.

Tonight, everything was strange and made her feel confused.

  When we discussed at home whether to listen to the opera or not, the attitude of my mother, brother and sister-in-law was already very strange.

When Deyuelou really comes, let alone His Royal Highness, why will the eldest brother come?

If you meet him by chance, you should come and say hello...

 Others may value these rules and etiquette, but the eldest brother has never been so meticulous with his mother.

Unless there is a head-on collision and there is no way to avoid it, Liu Ping's understanding of Xu Jian would mean that her eldest brother would not be so extravagant.

Now, the eldest brother is not only here, but also invited mother to go back to the Duke's Mansion.

 There must be a reason for this that she doesn't know clearly.

While thinking, Liu Ping looked at Zheng Liu.

If they all leave, wouldn't it mean that only the brother and sister-in-law are left?

Looking at Zheng Liu's gloomy expression, I'm afraid they might have a quarrel later.

 Stay here to make peace?

 Liu Ping is really not that naive.

Grandma has taught her that if a young couple quarrels at the end of the bed, it's not good-looking if the other person talks too much, so she should stay away when her brother and sister-in-law are vindictive.

Lest we fail to persuade them to make peace and only add fuel to the fire.

 Besides, she would almost never disobey anything her mother asked her to do.

“I’ll go with you.” Liu Ping said.

 Xu Miao nodded and told Zheng Liu, "You and Xun'er will watch slowly." Then he took his daughter's hand and followed Xu Jian out of the private room.

Zheng Liu was left alone, almost breaking his silver teeth.

 The stage below was singing lively, and there were no people in the corridor and stairs.

  When a few people went down, they happened to meet Liu Xun coming up.

They met each other. Liu Xun ignored Xu Jian and asked, "Mother, what are you and A-Ping..."

"I'm a little tired from listening," Xu Miao looked at her son, feeling sad but not showing it on her face, "You and your wife will listen for a while longer, don't worry about us two, Ajian will see us off."

 Liu Xun took a step back and gave way to the stairs.

 The prince has left, and there is nothing to stop him now.

After watching those people leave, Liu Xun returned to the private room holding back his anger and glanced at the gloomy Zheng Liu.

Zheng Liu couldn't hold his breath and asked directly: "Why did Duke Fu come?"

"How do I know!" Liu Xun complained in great frustration, "I told you to be on guard against Xu Jian. You must not believe it. I asked A-Ping to go to the Ministry of Rites yesterday to arouse the suspicion, right?"

"Are you blaming me?" Zheng Liuke couldn't hear such words, and his voice couldn't help but become sharp, "It's you, Liu Xun, who followed you to the Ministry of Etiquette. Don't you know how to adapt to changes? Are you good at adapting to the wind? Are you good at making jokes? ? You confused Xu Jian, do you think he is still surprised?"

 Liu Xun already had a headache, but when Zheng Liu questioned him like this, his head was buzzing.

 Adapt to changing circumstances?

 Change to the wind?

 What does these two words have to do with Liu Xun?

As long as he has that level of whitewashing, how can he be married to Zheng Liu today?

 He was obviously going for Princess Ning'an!

It is true that the princess is not easy to get along with. He suffered big losses at the hands of the princess several times, but Zheng Liu...

 A fellow traveler is a fellow traveler, but he is stupid and doesn’t realize it.

He was unlucky, and gave up to Zheng Liu.

But Zheng Liu thought that she stood up to him, yelled and shouted, her eyes were not eyes, and her nose was not a nose.

Liu Xun was too lazy to argue with Zheng Liu and took a deep breath: "What did they say next?"

 “The Duke of Fu said that his mother should go to the Duke’s mansion to see a few things.” Zheng Liu said.

Liu Xun was speechless after hearing this.

  Can Xu Jian still have such good intentions?

"He will definitely make a lot of arrangements!" Liu Xun scolded, "If mother listened to him..."

Zheng Liu rolled his eyes sarcastically.

 Mrs. Xu is also acting strangely today.

 Whether you listen or not, I’m afraid there won’t be much difference.

As he was cursing, Zheng Liu saw Liu Xun sit down on the big chair and even grabbed a handful of melon seeds in his hand.

"You..." She couldn't help being shocked and murmured, "You want to continue listening?"

 “Listen, why don’t you listen?” Liu Xun said.

 The bad luck has come, money cannot be wasted!

 He pointed to Zheng Liu again and said, "Sit down too."

Zheng Liu couldn't believe it. Seeing that Liu Xun really had no intention of leaving, she simply didn't care and sat down on the chair.

In the other compartment, the carriage slowly entered the Duke Fuguo's mansion.

 The curtain opened and Xu Bai was surprised to see Xu Miao and her daughter getting out of the car.

Xu Bai was in a dilemma when Manager Tao came to deliver the message.

As an old man in the mansion, he naturally has a master-servant relationship with Mrs. Xu, but he also knows that the Duke of Guo is quite alienated from Mrs. Xu.

 Mrs. Xu returns to her natal home on weekdays, and the Duke of the State does not stop her.

 But Mrs. Xu asked Mr. Guo to go somewhere, but Mr. Guo had never been there anyway.

  It is said that Mrs. Xu is well aware of this and will tell her in person during holidays, but she would not say this in ordinary times.

Today was indeed an abnormal day, and Manager Tao was very insistent, so Xu Bai did not refuse and went to talk to the Duke.

Xu Bai was prepared to be rejected by the Duke, but he didn't expect that after hearing this, the Duke called Manager Tao to ask him carefully. After asking, he went out and now brought Mrs. Xu and Miss Ping back. .

 Is this the relationship between mother and son or brother and sister that needs to be eased?

 Xu Bai sighed with emotion, followed Xu Jian's instructions, and led everyone to the flower hall first.

 Hot tea is served.

Xu Miao took a sip. Perhaps her body felt warm. Perhaps her heart dropped completely when she arrived at her parents' home.

 Raising her head, she looked at Xu Jian.

 She had a lot to say, but she didn’t know where to start.

All kinds of thoughts have been mixed in my mind along the way, making it a mess.

Xu Jian saw this and asked: "Should I say it here, or..."

Xu Miao bit her lip, her eyes fell on Liu Ping, and then nodded towards Xu Jian.

 A-Ping should know.

If things are really as she thinks, then she and A-Ping will have to work together.

“Ajian,” Xu Miao took a deep breath and forced a smile, “Thank you for coming here today.”

Xu Jian looked at her for a while and said, "You asked someone to send a message over. You realized what was going to happen, right?"

 Xu Miao's eyes darkened: "I just..."

"You just want to see it with your own eyes," Xu Jian took over Xu Miao's difficult words and said, "You realize it, but you don't believe it, so you want to see it with your own eyes, but you are afraid of something big going wrong, so you asked me .

 There is nothing wrong with this.

 Liu Xun is your son. As a mother, she will naturally trust her children.

 When disagreements arise, you should see them with your own eyes, as this is human nature.

 It's just that he betrayed your trust.

 And I am the most trustworthy person you can think of right now. "

 Xu Miao opened her mouth and had mixed feelings for a while.

What Xu Jian said makes sense. If it were another person to say this, there would be no problem with every word.

 But unfortunately, it was Ah Jian, her other son.

As a mother, she will of course miss her son who is no longer with her. At the same time, she thinks she really prefers Xun'er and A-Ping who are by her side.

Such is the case with human emotions.

I didn't dare to say that a bowl of water was flat, not to mention that Ajan was not with her.

If we talk about the biggest emotional difference, it is that when facing A Jian, Xu Miao felt guilty in her heart, which she did not feel when facing the other two children.

Once he feels guilty, he wants to make amends, but Ajian has been indifferent and indifferent for so many years. Xu Miao has no place to use her energy. She is even more afraid that going too far is not enough, so she can only guess the measure.

 With guilt, there is no thought of asking for or repaying.

But she never expected that at the most critical moment, she would go to A Jian for help with this guilt.

 This made her feel even more upset - I felt sorry for Ah Jian.

 Then, Xu Jian's words made Xu Miao's eyes turn red.

"Don't think too much. I don't mean to blame you at all. I'm just telling the facts. Rather than you hesitating to face it alone, I hope you can come to me when you can't make up your mind. powerful."

 "Ajian..." Xu Miao choked.

 “It’s still the same question,” Xu Jian’s face showed no emotion, “What did you realize?”

 Xu Miao took a deep breath.

Liu Ping half understood and half didn't understand, and couldn't get a word in. She subconsciously held her mother's hand, hoping to give her some strength.

Mother and daughter held their palms together, and Xu Miao took a long breath. She did not hide what Yue Niang said, but said everything she had been thinking in the past few days.

As she talked, her thoughts became clearer and her feelings became clearer, as did the pain in her hands.

A-Ping unconsciously tightened her fingers, which made her hand hurt.

 No matter how painful it was, it couldn't compare to her heart.

 “My heart is cut by a knife because I doubt Xun’er!” Xu Miao sighed, “I am really disappointed to see the prince appear in Deyue Tower with my own eyes. Not only Xun’er, but also his wife obviously knows it well.

I used to think that Xun'er was kicked because he wanted to save Yue Niang, but now it seems that I may have thought too well.

Xun'er doesn't even care about A'Ping, does he really care about Yue Niang? That kick may have other reasons.

Ajian, do you know the inside story? "

Xu Jian looked at Xu Miao solemnly and said, "I know it's about the official girl who is similar to Yue Niang. Liu Xun signaled the prince's guards to rob someone, but they failed when they tried. The prince kicked Liu Xun angrily. This Even if you and A-Ping have heard about it, there is no need to confirm the inside story with Liu Xun, so as not to implicate that girl."

Xu Miao felt her heart bleed when she heard this.

are you crazy?

 I failed to rob another girl in the past, will I be robbed by A-Ping in the future?

If something happens to Ah Ping, she is the one who will really go crazy!

"Xun'er..." Xu Miao's voice trembled violently, "How could he become like this..."

Seeing that she was absent-minded, Xu Jian picked up the teapot and refilled her cup of tea: "To calm your mind, please drink some more."

Xu Miao took it with her free hand, but she was uneasy and did not drink it immediately.

"This is the tea from Cining Palace," Xu Jian continued, "I went back to see the Queen Mother last time. She had a lot of tea hidden there. The princess chose several kinds for me to bring back."

Hearing the name of the princess, Xu Miao suddenly came back to her senses.

 She needs to drink more.

 Otherwise, if you fail the princess’s tea, you will also break A Jian’s heart.

Xu Miao drank it quickly and took another refill, saying, "I like this taste very much."

Seeing that she had cheered up a lot, Xu Jian brought the topic back: "The prince has a lot of problems, but he is the prince after all, so he can't be easily hindered. But Liu Xun is just a son of an official family. He wants to follow the prince and cause mischief. What really happened? No one can save him."

 Xu Miao whispered and quickly wanted to ask, "What's wrong?" When the words came to her lips, she figured it out.

 Having already thought about robbing people, what other "good problems" can there be?

 It’s nothing more than those dirty things.

"We can't let Xun'er continue like this," Xu Miao murmured, "I have to talk to the master..."

Xu Jian’s eyebrows were furrowed.

He wanted to ask Xu Miao, "Do you really think Liu Jing didn't know anything about it?" But he didn't dare to ask.

 He knew Xu Miao would go crazy.

 Xu Jian looked at Liu Ping.

Liu Ping was shocked by the news and sat there blankly, lost in thought.

 He looked at Xu Miao again.

 The little princess is absolutely right.

The only one who could make Xu Miao muster up the courage to break out of the fog was Liu Ping.

"I don't believe him." After careful consideration, Xu Jian chose the least irritating statement. "It may not be useful if you tell him these things."

Xu Miao wanted to say a few words for Liu Jing, but she held it back.

The estrangement and conflict between A Jian and the master is not something she can just mediate here with a few words.

Her insistence on persuading Ah Jian will only be counterproductive.

A Jian was finally willing to sit down and talk to her so much, but she couldn't speak carelessly and break A Jian's heart again.

 Furthermore, the princess said before that when the master expressed his concern for A-Jian outside, his wording was not careful enough, and he was doing bad things with good intentions.

 No wonder Ajian became more and more annoyed with him.

  But since I have good intentions…

Suddenly, a thought flashed through her, as cold as snow in the twelfth lunar month, making her whole body shiver.

Ah Jian didn’t treat them warmly, but he knew who was good and who was good.

In the limited time she had with Ah Jian, she couldn't cover everything, and sometimes she said the wrong things, but Ah Jian never said he didn't believe her or blamed her.

 Because she means well.

What about the master?

  If you do bad things with good intentions, if the good intentions are there, Ah Jian will not be determined to "disbelieve".

 Unless the master showed malice in front of Jian.

 Thinking about this, Xu Miao's expression changed again and again.

She thought that she must have thought about too many things these past few days, doubting this and that, making her more suspicious than ever.

However, tonight's events proved that her suspicion was not unreasonable.

Could it be that…

 Picking up the teacup, Xu Miao drank another one.

Even if there is no nurturing love for a biological child, why would there be any ill will?

 Is it just because Ajian was raised by his father?

  Yes, the relationship between the master and his father and son-in-law is estranged, but no matter what, these are their adult matters and should not affect the children.

If the master really has "bad intentions and does bad things", then that's not right.

Almost instantly, Xu Miao thought of her nightmares and the question she asked Aunt Xia.

“If one day, Master and Xun’er, they and Ah Jian have a conflict, what should I do?”

 Suppressing the fluctuation in her heart, Xu Miao looked at Xu Jian's clothes.

His injured right leg was covered by the hem of his clothes, but Xu Miao knew in her heart that if it was injured, it was injured.

  At Deyue Tower before, Ah Jian’s steps were very slow when going down the stairs.

Those who are not careful cannot see it.

She looked at it for a moment, and she could clearly see clearly that A Jian's body was tilted to the left side, and he was very taboo about putting any strain on his right leg.

 The nightmare trapped her, but she wanted to free herself from the inner demons.

Xu Miao asked softly: "How did you hurt your leg? If it was really injured in a battle, why is there no specific explanation?"

She has asked this question several times, but Ajian has not answered it, and he is probably not willing to give an accurate answer today.

 But no matter what, she insisted on asking...

“The prince sneaked out of prison, and I rescued him from the sword of the Xiliang people.”

 Xu Miao raised her head in shock.

 She did not expect that A Jian would answer so cheerfully.

  I never expected that it would be such an answer.

As a minister, it is appropriate to serve the king and the court, and to die on the battlefield, and to be shrouded in horse leather is also an honor.

 This is what his father once told Xu Miao.

My mother also said this, asking her not to cry because her father went to war.

 She listened and remembered it all.

A Jian should save the prince, but why did the prince "sneak out"?


 How irresponsible is this?

This is because you don’t take the lives of the border soldiers at heart!

The matter was resolved. Ajian injured a leg and lost all his skills. But what about the prince?

So, this is what A Jian said: "The prince has many problems" and "it doesn't bother him"?

His vision was blurred, Xu Miao couldn't help but burst into tears, and forced herself to ask: "Master, does he know this?"

 After being silent for a long time, Xu Jian said: "He should know."

 Xu Miao was speechless for a long time.

 She no longer has the strength to distinguish between good intentions and bad intentions.

 She only knew that the master had never stopped Xun'er from interacting with the prince.

I may not be aware of the prince's other problems, but I know that the prince caused A Jian to hurt his leg.

His Royal Highness is such an unreliable prince. What good results can Xun'er have from interacting with him?

 Ajian lost a leg!

 Is Xun'er going to lose his life?

   Master shouldn’t be such a confused person!

Seeing Xu Miao's mood swings, Liu Ping worriedly held her hand again: "Mother..."

Xu Miao felt that her teeth were chattering and fighting. She looked at Xu Jian stubbornly, even though she was in tears, she could only see an outline: "You mean, I don't have to discuss Xun'er's matter with the master? They father and son want to It’s not the same path as you think?”

"Yes," Xu Jian finished saying this word, and seeing Xu Miao's shoulders sinking, he added, "When something happens, please think more about A-Ping."

 Xu Miao lowered her eyes.

After sitting in silence for a while, she said softly: "I'm going to change clothes."

With that said, Xu Miao got up and walked out.

Liu Ping hurriedly stood up and said, "I'll go with you."

"No need," Xu Miao tried her best to smile at her daughter, "Just sit down for a while."

Liu Ping still wanted to persist, but when Xu Jian shook his head at her, she agreed.

 Xu Miao walked out of the flower hall.

 Here, she was familiar with the roads, even the drafts.

Standing in the courtyard, looking at the courtyard wall shrouded in the dark night, Xu Miao seemed to have returned to her childhood.

My mother died of illness and my father is far away in the border area.

 She was so anxious and uneasy.

 So good, I don’t know tomorrow.

She has spent her life in the boudoir worried and hesitant, and now she has to go on living with anxiety in her heart.

A Jian’s unfinished words actually gave her the answer.

It was not just her nightmare.

 Sooner or later, her worries will come true.

 The rain is coming.

 Today is 5,000 words. The authors who have difficulty coding have discussed it. Let’s count it as half a chapter and add an update.

 Continue to shout for monthly votes.

 Thanks to the book friend Xu Bicheng’s official girlfriend for the reward, and to the bookstore friend Yusheng Anhao_ea for the reward.

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