Yan Cigui

Chapter 260: A ray of light (two updates in one)

Chapter 260 A ray of light (two updates in one)

 In the flower hall, Liu Ping could not sit still.

 The flame of the oil lamp flickered, making the inside very bright and the outside very dark.

 Since she was a child, she has not come to Fuguogongfu very often, especially in recent years, and she hardly takes a step forward every year.

 But she has a good impression of this place.

 The Duke’s Mansion is the mother’s natal family and her maternal grandfather’s family.

Even if you are a stranger, you won’t feel panicked.

 Liu Ping knew that she did not have to worry anywhere in the house, she was safe.

 This sense of solidity is the same as when she is at home.

 But, until today, until that moment just now, Liu Ping suddenly realized that she was wrong.

 Her home is not safe.

Her brother, together with his new sister-in-law, planned to "sell" her.

 Fear arose in her heart, and the darkness outside was like a monster with its mouth wide open. If she walked out unprepared...

 Her bones and blood will be eaten clean.

 Subconsciously, Liu Ping turned to look at Xu Jian and murmured in a low voice: "Brother..."

 The only thing she can be sure of is that her eldest brother is on her side.

 The eldest brother is not close to her, but he will not harm her.

 Even yesterday, after the eldest brother noticed the prince's bad behavior, he drove her away with a sullen face.

 She was puzzled at the time, but now that she thinks about it, she feels quite emotional.

 There is a difference between king and minister. The eldest brother must also pay attention to propriety when facing the prince. It was not easy like yesterday.

 Xu Jian's eyes stayed on Liu Ping's face.

 Liu Ping was younger than him, even half a year younger than the princess.

Each family's situation is different, some people have the enlightenment early, and some people have it very late.

 Based on his understanding of Liu Ping, she belongs to the latter.

 Liu Ping didn't understand the relationship between men and women at all, and she liked admiration, so she was targeted by Liu Xun and wanted to use her to make a future.

 Calling down, Xu Jian said, "What do you think of the prince?"

Liu Ping was stunned by his question and subconsciously said: "Does this need to be said?"

The crown prince caused her elder brother to be injured and tried to take advantage of her insidiously. When she thought of the prince's face, she got goosebumps all over her body and wished she could be thousands of miles away from him.

"Liu Xun is confused, but he is not necessarily confused." Xu Jian pursed her lower lip with a gloomy expression, "You are his sister, you are different from the girl from the Jin family. He let the prince see you and beat him It’s not an idea to kidnap anyone.”

Liu Ping blinked and said in surprise: "Brother is speaking for him?"

"No," Xu Jian's eyes darkened a bit, "I just let you figure it out for yourself."

 When he told Xu Miao about those things, Xu Jian showed some restraint in his words and did not use too strong words. He did not want to irritate Xu Miao.

 But facing Liu Ping, Xu Jian went straight to the point.

 He must make clear Liu Ping's attitude.

"I know very well what Liu Xun is thinking," Xu Jian said, "He wants the prince to value you and take the initiative to accept you. You can't be the prince's concubine, but if you think about it, the road of concubine and Liang Di is still feasible. When the prince ascends the throne in the future, if you can give birth to a son, your mother will be more valuable than the son, and his brother will be more valuable than his sister. I just ask you, do you want to take this path? "

 Liu Ping was speechless for a long time.

She heard her teeth chattering.

I also heard my own voice.

"I don't want to," she thought, so she said so, "I don't want to enter the palace."

 Given her temperament, these words are not easy to say.

It’s just that the eldest brother came to rescue her today. It was rare for him to communicate honestly with her. If she was afraid of this, she would not dare to tell him the truth...

 Eldest brother will probably not care about her in the future.

Then what should she do?

The brother and sister-in-law have evil intentions, and their father's thoughts are unknown. With only their mother alone, they are isolated and helpless.

 Only the eldest brother.

Thinking of this, Liu Ping summoned up the courage to look Xu Jian in the eyes and repeated: "I don't want to."

After finishing speaking, Xu Jian’s tense attitude softened a little.

 It was tense and relaxed, not much changed. Liu Ping noticed it, but she was not sure that she really understood it.

 In fact, Xu Jian did calm down a bit.

 He doesn't want Xu Miao to go crazy, which requires more support from Liu Ping.

 But if Liu Ping is so ambitious that she cannot control it, then she is not a helper.

 “Stay with her more and understand her more.” Xu Jian said slowly.

Liu Ping nodded, thought for a while, and then asked: "Brother, what will happen to you and your father and brother? I mean, will you be like grandpa and not have any contact with each other, or..."

 She doesn’t understand court, but she understands mother.

If it was just "no contact", my mother wouldn't be so sad just now, there were clearly tears in her eyes.

 Xu Jian’s eyebrows twisted slightly.

He has good ears and a strong sense of his surroundings. He knows that Xu Miao has not returned yet.

“It’s not me, it’s the Holy One,” Xu Jian said. “If Liu Xunruo insists on hanging out with the misbehaving prince, the one who can’t spare him is the Holy One.”

 Liu Ping's heart sank.

She didn't know how to face Xu Jian, so she had to stand up, walk to the door, lean on the doorpost, and look outside.

 Punishment from the Holy Spirit?

There were only two things she could think of immediately.

The British government confiscated and beheaded; Su Ke of the Duke of Xu was exiled three thousand miles.

 To put it bluntly, it is "death".

The Liu family will also reach that outcome?

Liu Ping couldn't help but tremble when she thought of this. She squatted down and shrank into a small ball.

 Compared with that outcome, the plot that she feared was going to happen to her was nothing at all.

The pitch-black monster’s blood mouth is barely noticeable.

 She is just a little girl in a boudoir.

The difficulty she perceived was that her eldest brother refused to get closer to the family and that he had hidden so many things from her and her mother.

 In just one night, everything changed.

The heavy future was splashing in front of her, and there was nothing she could do except move forward with the flow.

 In the hall, Xu Jian looked at Liu Ping who was squatting and did not give her any comfort.

 Looking through and thinking through will bring pain.

Liu Ping had to survive on her own.

 Moreover, Liu Ping looks weak and has no independent opinions, but she has her resilience.

 In the past, Xu Miao was crazy, and Liu Ping had to deal with her husband's family, and also had to go back to her natal family to accompany her. She was in a state of confusion, but she managed to hold on.

 This time, she must bear it too.

 The next moment, Xu Jian saw Liu Ping standing up because Xu Miao was back.

Liu Ping stumbled and threw herself into Xu Miao's arms.

Liu Ping burst into tears as she hugged her mother.

 She is not completely powerless.

 There is one thing she can do, and only she can do it.

 Comfort mother.

 As the elder brother said, companionship and forgiveness.

They are mother and daughter. When blood relatives fight, they are the only two whose feelings are the same.

 Because everyone is their relative.

 Xu Miao held Liu Ping in one hand and wiped her tears with the other.

She said: "Did it scare you?"

"It's okay," Liu Ping choked, "I only know that you are protecting me, and my eldest brother is also protecting me."

Xu Miao wanted to say something to her daughter, but she saw the light and shadow changing in front of her.

The door that revealed the light in the hall was covered by something, and the corridor suddenly became dark. She couldn't help but look up and saw someone standing by the door.

 It is Ajian.

A Jian is tall and blocks almost all the light.

 He just stood there, watching them quietly.

 Xu Miao's eyes became wet again.

The late spring night wind blew on her body, but it was so cold that it made her shiver.

In her memory, there are not many warm scenes between her and Ah Jian, and there are almost no scenes like her holding Ah Ping.

 While her father was still alive, every time she came to visit A ​​Jian was not smooth.

In his father's words, Ajian is a man. In the future, if he wants to take charge of the entire government, he must be resolute and courageous, instead of just being greedy for his mother's care. Xu Miao couldn't compete with his father.

 Later, with the birth of Xun'er and A'ping, she was very busy.

 It was difficult to take care of these two children when they were young, especially Ah Ping, who cried constantly at night.

She was not sure to leave it to the wet nurse, and often did it herself, to the point where she was too tired to rest.

 When they grow up to be able to take off their hands, A Jian no longer needs "a mother" to take care of them all the time.

 She missed the years when he needed his mother the most.

  Until A-Jian was eight years old, her father was away in the capital training soldiers, and A-Jian suddenly fell seriously ill.

The Duke's mansion was so frightened that the steward came to look for her. She came quickly and stayed by the bedside day and night.

That was also the only chance she had to hold him and comfort him since A Jian left her.

As a mother, she owed Ah Jian a lot.

 Recalling the past events, Xu Miao took a deep breath.

If the mountain rain pours down, will she be willing to let A Jian go again?

 Liu Ping cried for a while before she calmed down.

 Xu Jian invited the two of them into the flower hall again and asked someone to fetch water.

 Aunt Xia came to cleanse their faces.

She had been sitting in the side hall, not knowing the situation here. Madam had gone to change clothes earlier, and she wanted to follow, but Madam did not let her go.

So much so that she was not sure what the discussion between the three people was like at this time.

 On the other hand, Fu Guogong was still calm and restrained.

“It’s getting late,” Xu Jian said, “I’ll take you back later.”

"It's close, just let the people below take you there. Don't bother with this trip," Xu Miao shook her head, "It's very humid outside, I think it's going to rain in the middle of the night."

 “It doesn’t matter.” Xu Jian said.

Xu Miao insisted: "My father's injuries make him uncomfortable every rainy day. You are still young, but you can bear it now. When you reach his age, you will know the pain. By then, you will not be able to stand up. Isn’t it the princess who is suffering?”

 Xu Jian lowered his eyes.

 It was rare for him to be speechless in front of Xu Miao.

Concerning this point, he thought that Xu Miao and Lin Yunyan should have something to say.

Xu Jian couldn't help laughing when she thought of Lin Yunyan's raised eyebrows.

 Xu Miao saw it.

 This was the only heartfelt smile she saw on Ah Jian tonight.

  She is someone who has been there, and she knows the state of mind when she likes someone, and that kind of joy cannot be hidden.

 It seems that Ah Jian really likes the princess.

 Similar to the friendship she saw in the princess that day.

  Two people are in love with each other.

 How wonderful.

Even her heavy mood for a long time was lit up with a ray of light.

 The road ahead is bleak, but it’s not all bad.

 Xu Jian sent the two of them onto the carriage.

It was late at night, and the wheels made a grunting sound as they ran over the bluestone floor tiles.

 He looked at it for a while, turned around and walked back.

 A few days ago, the young princess gave him a piece of news.

How to get through to Yue Niang, what news Yue Niang brought, and how she arranged for Yue Niang to talk to Xu Miao.

Lin Yunyan is right.

 Xu Miao’s weakness and support are both Liu Ping.

The only way to make her hold on is to make an issue out of Liu Ping.

They didn't care about anything, but Liu Xun couldn't wait.

It was precisely because of the little princess's reminder that he was able to see through Liu Xun's tricks and Li Shao's thoughts at a glance in the rites office yesterday.

 Tonight, he also knew Li Shao's whereabouts.

Even if Xu Miao didn't ask anyone to look for him, he would have rushed there after knowing that Li Shao had gone to Deyuelou.

Of course, Xu Miao's search for him made Xu Jian even more confident.

 This road can continue.

 Back to the flower hall, the tea on the table has not yet been cleared away.

 Xu Jian added a cup of tea.

 The tea has gone cold.

He held the tea cup, his fingertips pressed against the rim, and his eyes fell on the clear tea soup.

He didn't lie to Xu Miao before. This tea was indeed soothing and calming. Of course, there were some untruths.

 Tea does not come from Cining Palace.

Those carefully selected by the little princess are all kept in his study.

He suddenly invited someone back tonight, so the steward would not go to his study to look for tea. He would use whatever was available in the hall.

These teas somewhat calmed down Xu Miao's excited and flustered mood at that time, but Xu Jian felt a little restless while drinking it now.

 Throat rolled, another one.

When the teapot reached the bottom, Xu Jian clicked his tongue and pressed his eyebrows.

 He wanted to see her very much.

If it weren't for this injured leg, he would have climbed over the courtyard wall of Uncle Chengyi's Mansion.

At this moment in Deyuelou, the play has ended.

"Go back by yourself." Liu Xun said.

Zheng Liu was getting on the carriage. Hearing this, he turned around and looked at him: "What about you?"

"I'm going to Qianbu Corridor," Liu Xun said angrily, "I have to tell my father about the situation tonight."

Zheng Liu’s lips twitched.

Since you want to say it, why didn’t you go earlier?

  She was slanderous, but she didn't say it out loud.

At this moment, there are people around after watching the theater. If they get into an argument, it will attract attention.

 She got into the car and threw down the curtain.

 Liu Xun found another sedan and rushed outside the Yamen of Honglu Temple.

 The lamp is still burning inside.

Liu Jing came out of the Yamen after hearing the news: "It's late at night, why are you so anxious?"

 Liu Xun looked around.

Liu Jing understood the idea and took his son a few steps away: "Here it is."

 Liu Xun hurriedly explained all the situations.

"You mean, Xu Jian arrived suddenly? Did your mother and A-Ping leave first with him?" Liu Jing asked.

 Liu Xun swallowed.

 In the darkness, he could not clearly see his father's expression. He could only judge from his tone that his father was very serious.

“Did you scare the snake yesterday at the Ministry of Rites?” Liu Xun asked.

Liu Jing did not answer, but asked: "Your mother initially refused to let Ah Ping go, but then she insisted on going with him?"

Seeing Liu Xun's response, Liu Jing's tone became even colder: "Are you trying to scare a snake? The person who was shocked might be your mother."

"You mean my mother..." Liu Xun couldn't believe it. His mother was abnormal, but she could be suspicious of the prince for no reason?

 Having not seen Xu Miao himself, Liu Jing could only make a guess.

 But he has been busy at the Yamen recently, so he will not go back to his hometown specifically for this matter.

Especially, if he goes back, it may be counterproductive.

Just when the lady was doubtful, his overreaction was that there was no three hundred taels of silver here, which made the lady question even him.

"You don't need to worry about what Xu Jian said to her, you can just do everything as usual," Liu Jing said in a deep voice, "The prince will comfort you first, and I won't make any judgments until I'm busy with this period. Remember, these days Be careful and don't disturb your mother again."

 Liu Xun responded.

 After leaving the Thousand Steps Corridor, he stood on the street and hesitated for a while.

At this moment, when he returns home, if his mother asks, how will he answer?

There is also Zheng Liu, who might want to make some sarcastic remarks.

The prince probably got into trouble when he went to that house, and he might get kicked again.

 Though you think about it, there is always a place to go.

“Go to Narcissus Alley.” Liu Xun said to the bearer.

   Thanks to book friends Meimeida M, Xiaoyuan, Xu Bicheng’s official girlfriend, book friends 20181207220821030, and Wuxihuan 166 for their tips. Thanks to Xiaoxiang book friend Ye Xiaoye for their tips.



 (End of this chapter)

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