Yan Cigui

Chapter 261: You are so cruel (two updates combined into one, please vote for me)

 Half of the third update.

 Liu Xun stood outside the small courtyard, patting the door panel.

 There was no response inside.

 “Tsk!” He intensified his movements impatiently.

 In the past, he rarely came here at this hour, so he never expected that Yue Niang and Nanny were sleeping so deeply.

Forget it Yue Niang, the bedroom in the main house is far from the door.

That grandma usually rests in a side room, so she shouldn't be unable to hear her.

 Liu Xun took several more shots in succession.

His behavior was quite disturbing in the dead of night.

The yard in front of me was quiet, but someone in the neighbors had already been woken up.

There were candles lit in someone's house, and several yellow dogs were whining, which woke up a young child and started crying loudly.

The child was crying at night and the family seemed to be angry. They cursed loudly, "Where did a wild ghost knock on the door in the middle of the night?"

 Liu Xun couldn't help but shrink his hands.

 He had been holding back the fire all night, and it should have been burning at one o'clock now.

  But today was really unlucky. Liu Xun secretly thought that he didn't look at the almanac when he went out, and his momentum was too low. If he had any conflicts with others, he would not get anything good, so he could only suppress his anger secretly.

 He raised his head and glanced at the courtyard wall.

 He has never learned Kung Fu.

 Speaking of which, it’s also strange that my grandfather refused to teach him.

There were already ready-made martial arts enlightenment masters in the Duke's palace to teach Xu Jian and those around him, but he was not allowed to practice even a little bit.

As long as he has learned some skills and can climb over the wall, why does he need to knock on the door?

 Thinking of Xu Jian, Liu Xun felt very uncomfortable.

 After thinking about it again, yes, Xu Jian injured his leg, and all his hard work was useless.

He can't climb over the wall, Xu Jian can't, it's only half a dozen.


 The night wind blew, making Liu Xun feel much better.

He turned around and left, not blaming the two people in the yard who were so sleepy that they couldn't wake up.

  Back to Liu Mansion, the concierge opened the door for him.

Liu Xun asked a few simple questions and knew that the others had come back early, so he swaggered into the house.

Zheng Liu has already fallen asleep.

She was not a light sleeper, but she couldn't help but Liu Xun had no intention of restraining himself. He wiped his face and took off his clothes, making a big noise, and woke her up immediately.

A burst of anger came out of her heart. She sat up and said coldly: "What about the war?"

 Liu Xun turned his head and glanced at her.

Zheng Liu became even more angry: "What scripture did you get from your father?

I can tell you that my mother and I arrived at the same time. I went up to talk to her, but the other side was cold and indifferent.

 Look, I'm afraid Xu Jian said a lot of bad things about you.

Your mother has raised you for more than ten years without taking care of him. You should be careful that he takes the initiative and coaxes your mother into a coma. She will not listen to you but listen to him! "

Liu Xun snorted: "Xu Jian is just a cripple."

"You are no better than a disabled person." Zheng Liu dropped these words, turned around and lay down, closing his eyes to continue sleeping.

 Unexpectedly, the harsh words really irritated Liu Xun.

Liu Xun kicked off his shoes and got on the bed. He rushed over to Zheng Liu and went straight into battle without giving Zheng Liu any time to react.

 The anger that had been suppressed all night found an exit.

Liu Xun was so angry that he refused to hold on, and the bed frame made a groaning sound.

"I can't beat him?" Liu Xun scolded him while doing it, "He's a loser. He can't even walk with a limp. How can he seduce women? He's useless! That means the princess doesn't know what it's like. Just take a look and wait. After seven or eight years, she will have to dislike Xu Jian!"

Zheng Liu was stunned for a while. When he came to his senses, he raised his hand and hit Liu Xun: "Why are you so crazy with me?"

 Liu Xun held down her wrist.

Zheng Liu tried his best but couldn't.

Even though Liu Xun is a scholar, there are differences between men and women, and Zheng Liuzhen has no ability to resist at all.

  At first I could still curse, but later I lost the energy to even curse.

 Liu Xun felt relaxed now.

 No matter how much trouble Xu Jian caused, even His Highness the Crown Prince would not look down upon him, but a disability was a disability. Liu Xun was extremely confident in this regard.

But this confidence was suddenly shattered when I saw people going to the empty Shuixian Hutong courtyard after dawn.

 It was broad daylight, and Liu Xun knocked on the door without paying attention, but there was no response after banging on the door, so she had to ask the servant to ask the neighbor to borrow a ladder.

 When the boy climbed in and opened the door, Liu Xun walked inside...

 There are many things in the bedroom.

 At first glance, there is not much difference from before.

 It’s just that the jewelry on the dressing table is missing, and when I open the cabinet, I see there are also missing clothes inside.

Liu Xun was stunned for a while, until he saw the letter left by Yue Niang on the table, and turned into a raging rage.

 A long letter, two pages long.

The familiar handwriting was clear and clean, speaking of her deep admiration for Liu Xun these days, as well as the reluctance and pain of leaving, but she could no longer follow Liu Xun like this.

She wanted to go back to Hengshui and live a quiet life from now on.

 Liu Xun almost tore up the letter.

He didn’t believe a word of the content above!

 Back to Hengshui?

 Having seen the prosperity of the capital city, how could we return to such a small place?

 Live a pure life?

I'm afraid I'm going to live a lavish life with that rich young man!

 The paper was stained with water and the ink was smeared, as if a few tears had fallen.


Liu Xun was so angry that he was shaking all over.

Yue Niang actually dared to leave him!

 He is going to report to the official, and he is going to kidnap this senseless woman back!

Liu Xun walked out aggressively, but before he left the yard, he was stopped by the sudden rain.

The rain was loud, accompanied by thunder in the distance, which made Liu Xun less angry.

Father said yesterday, let him be more stable...

Reporting to the official is not a safe move.

 But if he has to swallow this breath, he will definitely not be able to swallow it!

 Suppressing his temper, Liu Xun sat in the yard until the rain stopped, then returned to the Liu Mansion with a dark face, and went all the way to the backyard where he met Xu Miao.

 Xu Miao saw him and didn't know what to say for a moment.

Looking up, she saw that the corner of his clothes was wet, and her concern naturally arose. She said, "Why don't you change your clothes? Be careful of catching a cold."

 Liu Xun responded vaguely twice.

"Did you go out early in the morning? What did you do?" Xu Miao asked.

Perhaps there was something wrong in his heart. Liu Xun felt that there was something in his mother's question, so he couldn't help but avoid it. He held it in for a long time and said: "It's nothing. I just went outside for a walk."

 Xu Miao saw it, and the concern turned into heartache.

 She could no longer tell what was true and what was false in Xun'er's words.

 But she couldn't help but ask a few more questions.

"I didn't bother to ask you yesterday, why did the prince come to Deyuelou too?"

Liu Xun was afraid of her, so he said bravely: "What a coincidence, why is Xu Jian here too?"

"I called him here. I just thought that we would all go to the theater. We are all family members. I asked him to give it a try and maybe he would come," Xu Miao said bluntly, "But I was still very happy to see him come. , very pleasantly surprised.”

 Liu Xun was speechless.

 Is this a warning?

As he was thinking about it, he heard Xu Miao continue to ask him: "I saw yesterday that the relationship between A Jian and the prince seemed to be a little tense? How come it seems like they have a grudge against each other when they are obviously accompanying the prince to watch the government?"

"I'm not sure." Xu Miao asked, "I think you have a good relationship with the prince. What did you do when you were with the prince?"

Liu Xun was a little annoyed by the question, but he didn't dare to talk nonsense to Xu Miao: "It's nothing, just watching a cockfight in the general's square."

 Xu Miao stopped asking.

 She engraved all Liu Xun's reactions in her heart.

I didn’t know that Xun’er was doing random things before, so I just believed whatever he said.

Nowadays, as long as he talks a lot of nonsense and Xu Miao listens with a questioning mind, many conjectures will arise.

A Jian said that Xun'er was misbehaving with the prince, and if something happened in the future, it would be a big trouble.

Watching cockfights is a pastime for the dandy, but for the crown prince, it is obviously not something that satisfies the emperor.

 And what is on the lips must be the lightest.

 What could be more serious than cockfighting?

Having even robbed people, I’m afraid...

 Xu Miao's heartbeat was pounding.

 One did not dare to ask deeply, and the other did not dare to answer deeply. The mother and son exchanged a few words with each other and hurriedly dispersed.

Mother Xia looked at Xu Miao worriedly, feeling anxious.

 Liu Xun came out of the main room and happened to meet Liu Ping coming towards him.

The brother and sister looked at each other, both of them looking unhappy.

“What did Xu Jian tell you and your mother yesterday?” Liu Xun asked.

"I didn't say anything." Liu Ping pursed her lower lip. She originally wanted to pass over Liu Xun and ignore him. When the two of them put their arms around each other, she finally stopped and looked directly into Liu Xun's eyes. " His Royal Highness looked at me strangely, did you tell him something?"

Liu Xun was stunned for a moment and said subconsciously: "What can I say?"

"Can I be Liang Di? Be a side concubine?" Liu Ping asked again.

Liu Xun’s head buzzed: “Do you want to be one?”

 Liu Ping said deliberately: "I can't do it?"

“You told me earlier!” Liu Xun cursed in a low voice.

 Liu Ping is his biological sister.

Isn’t it normal for the Liu family to be a little ambitious?

 Why didn’t he think of it before?

Then the brothers and sisters were open and honest and made good arrangements, so why did they end up in the embarrassing situation yesterday?

“You could have just said no earlier!” Liu Xun said.

Liu Ping clenched the handkerchief tightly and gritted her teeth.

After a long time, she raised her eyes again, her voice trembling slightly: "So, you really want to sell me."

The tone of these words was not quite right. Liu Xun heard it: "You..."

"I can," Liu Ping paused, and then said, "But I don't want to! You even want to sell your own sister, how cruel you are!"

  With these words, Liu Ping strode into Xu Miao's yard.

 Liu Xun was left where he was, looking at his sister in shock.

 He was tricked by Liu Ping?

Liu Pingyuan was still unsure, but just now he tried it out?

  Liu Ping knew it, which meant that her mother knew it.

This time, he didn’t just scare the snake away, he pulled out all the grass.

 He saw the snake, and the snake saw him.

   With big eyes and small eyes, a snake can bite him to death!

 Subconsciously, Liu Xun raised his hand and wiped the back of his neck. He could even feel the cold shuddering smell of Snake Xinzi passing over his skin.

 I really can’t stay in this house any longer!

 He did not dare to face his mother and sister, and he was too lazy to go crazy with Zheng Liu.

That's right, Zheng Liu was going crazy. When she woke up early in the morning, let alone pillows and quilts, anything she could get her hands on would go to Liu Xun.

 Otherwise, Liu Xun would not have gone to Shuixian Hutong so early.

There are three women in the backyard, and now he can't handle any of them.

 He was even more undecided about reading in Qiantou Academy.

He could still go to Yue Niang before, but now, thinking of Yue Niang, he felt angry.

 Wandering in circles, Liu Xun thought about it, but he had nowhere to go!

 No, there is still somewhere else he can go!

That house!

There is a lot of excitement there at night, and they are not allowed to enter during the day.

During the day, it is of course impossible for His Highness the Crown Prince to accompany him. Liu Xun had just annoyed the Crown Prince yesterday and did not want to get involved.

 Fortunately, the house couldn't tell their identities at first. The prince spent a lot of money, so he didn't want to offend Liu Xun, who had "come to the same place".

 Liu Xun swaggered in.

 Outside the house, Xuan Su watched the door close expressionlessly.

The prince was at the Yamen during the day, right under their father's nose, and there was no need for him to follow him, so he came to follow Liu Xun today.

 In their words, Liu Xun will be the most restless these days.

Xuan Su thinks about it too.

They suffered a loss from their master and were even tricked by the princess.

 He saw with his own eyes Liu Xun's boy climbing a ladder in Shuixian Alley.

 This house looks a little different during the day than it does at night.

Xuansu checked the land deeds but found no clues. In the past few days, he continued to sort out the conditions of the residences on the left and right to see if he could find anything from them.

Just as I was thinking about it, I heard footsteps coming from inside the door.

 Xuansu hurriedly hid his figure.

Soon, the door opened, and two people came out, one walking to the left and the other to the right, and disappeared at both ends.

 The one to the left happened to be facing the place where Xuan Su was hiding, allowing him to see his appearance clearly.

 In his mind, he had seen such a face not long ago.

Xuan Su thought about it for a while and finally remembered it.

That was a businessman from Gu Yue who arrived in Beijing with the visiting envoys.

The one on the right was walking away with his back turned. Xuan Su did not see his appearance, but judging from the way he walked, there was no doubt that he was a chamberlain.

 Looking deeply at the closed door, his expression became solemn.

  Where did Liu Xun bring the prince to?

 Why are there Guyue people and chamberlains?

 This time, Liu Xun played in the house for three days.

 The spring rain is coming, and summer is approaching.

 Under the long corridor, a middle-aged man in luxurious clothes sat on the floor, throwing his books aside. He quietly looked at the water threads hanging from the eaves.

Not long after, a man came to him and bowed respectfully.

"The investigation at Fu Guogong's place is very tight," the visitor lowered his head and said, "He has not alerted Shuntian Mansion yet. I am thinking that if I ask him to grab some clues, he will ask Shuntian Mansion to check some old files. The origin of that place may require him to uncover it.”

 Jin Guiren remained silent.

“He seemed to be reading the documents of Gu Yue’s visit this morning.”

“The reception of envoys is hosted by Honglu Temple and organized by the Ministry of Rites. It is reasonable for him to observe government affairs in the Ministry of Rites and read documents, but he just doesn’t read them in the morning and doesn’t read them in the evening..."

"Xu Jian has a really good nose," Jin Guiren clicked his tongue, "He is such a capable person. Whenever he does something, he can always get some results. That place is no longer needed. It should be dealt with and fed to Xu Jian. Let him take advantage of it."

 You have to find something for Xu Jian to do.

 Otherwise, if he is allowed to dig as he pleases, he may cause trouble.

 But after all, they have been investigating for a while, and Xu Jian is afraid that he will not stop without giving him any sweetness.

“Prince, have you been visiting frequently these days?” Jin Guiren asked.


Jin Guiren glanced at the sky again and said, "Go and ask Dao Heng to come over."

 Please give me a monthly ticket~~~

  Thanks to book friends 20230803021229171, Xiaoyuan, and Xu Bicheng’s official girlfriend for the tips, and thanks to Bookstore book friend Linda163 for the tips.

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