Yan Cigui

Chapter 266: One head and two big ones

Chapter 266: One head and two big ones

 Today is the great court meeting.

As soon as the palace door opened, the courtiers entered the court room.

 It was still raining outside, making everyone look a little embarrassed.

 Fortunately, everyone has experience, so take the time to tidy up your appearance.

Xu Jian stood by the door, looking gloomy, as if he hadn't rested all night.

Liu Jing came in and frowned when he saw his complexion.

Subconsciously, following his past habits, he murmured in a low voice: "Why are you so sleepy? You don't have any extra official duties after you leave the office, so what did you do at night?"

Xu Jian didn't even raise his eyes and said calmly: "Don't worry, Mr. Liu, I didn't become a thief anyway."

Liu Jing was stunned when he heard this.

 He knew that when Xu Jian was not in a good mood, it was difficult to talk.

 One or two unpleasant words can make people angry.

 Appears to be extremely inhumane.

 Especially under his "well-intentioned concern", the contrast is strong.

I don’t know why, but the sentence Xu Jian just spoke was so satisfactory.

In this moment of hesitation, Xu Jian continued: "With my legs, I can't even be a thief."

Liu Jing pursed his lips and was about to say something else when he saw Shan Shen step in and look at him deeply.

This glance gave Liu Jing a bad premonition.

 I always feel like something is going to happen.

Shan Shencai really didn't sleep a wink all night, his eyes were rich in blue, and his whole body was filled with a chill that didn't belong to this season.

Beside, a well-informed person greeted Shan Shen: "I heard that Shuntian Mansion was busy all night? What big case makes Master Shan so concerned about it?"

Shan Shen said: "They are all doing things for the imperial court, and they have to pay attention to every case, big or small."

 To respond in this way means that I don’t want to go into details.

 When the people on the side saw this, they just thought that the case was not easy to talk about and stopped asking any more questions.

Shan Shen calmed down and turned his attention to Liu Jing again.

The case concerns His Highness the Crown Prince, and the case has not been clarified. Shan Shen does not want to throw such a bag of explosives down at the court meeting.

 It is hard to say what the casualties of other people were.

 His Shan Shen's head probably hurt a little.

In his opinion, he would go directly to the imperial study after the court, hand the case file to the Holy One, explain it clearly, and then follow the Holy One's instructions to check it as he pleases.

It would be better to scold the prince directly in front of the Holy Emperor in the Jinluan Palace for his nonsense.

 But Shan Shen has no say in this matter.

Wantang can carry things clearly, so he won't think of him as a standout, but he can't resist the fact that there is a hand behind his back, which is aimed at the prince.

 Besides, Shuntian Mansion was so busy yesterday, who knows if any news leaked out?

The imperial censors want to directly scold them, so as not to appear that they are being protected by Shuntian Prefecture?

Hence, there was a 50-50 chance of a commotion in the morning, so Shan Shen thought of giving Liu Jing a break.

 As an official in the same dynasty, he had some opinions on Liu Jing in private life, but he still admired Liu Jing in public affairs.

Shan Shen himself sometimes cannot achieve the level of seriousness and diligence he has been working on for twenty years.

“Mr. Liu,” Shan Shen walked over, “can I lend you a step to speak?”

Liu Jing's heart skipped a beat.

The two of them walked out of the court room and stood on the porch. The wind and rain blew over, making it cool.

 Liu Jing's uneasiness became more and more intense.

“Sir Shan, has something happened?” Liu Jing asked.

Shan Shen lowered his voice and said, "I wanted to catch a key criminal last night, but I didn't. Instead, I caught His Royal Highness the Crown Prince and his son."

Liu Jing's breath froze: "Quinzi? Xun'er?"

"Yes, they were disheveled and drunk, and there were seven or eight dancers. They were transported back to Shuntian Mansion and they didn't even wake up." Shan Shen did not elaborate on the situation at the scene, but only gave Liu Jing a "you know" look, "Your Majesty is still in Shuntian Mansion, His Royal Highness has left first."

Liu Jing did understand. His handsome face was red and ashamed: "I'm really, really dizzy!"

He himself doesn't do that kind of mess, but he didn't expect Liu Xun to play so crazy.

With the prince, there are so many dancing girls...

 You can imagine how hurtful the scene is.

If this news gets out, not only will Xun'er's reputation be ruined, but he, the father, will also be implicated.

Thinking of Shan Shen's cautious move, Liu Jing hurriedly said: "Master Shan is laughing at the joke. I will go to Shuntian Mansion to pick him up after the next court. About this, not only the dog, but also His Highness..."

 Hands of both hands face down, making a smoothing motion.

 Liu Jing thought that Shan Shen should understand the importance, so he talked to him privately.

Unexpectedly, Shan Shen shook his head: "It's not that I don't give Mr. Liu face, it's just that the matter is serious and the culprits involved are too deep. If I don't report everything, I will be finished."

 Liu Jing was stunned.

What crime could be more serious than His Royal Highness’s mischief?

Mr. Shan has been an official for many years. Do you want to get into trouble with the Holy Spirit?

 “What are you committing?” Liu Jing asked in a deep voice.

"Daoheng," Shan Shen didn't hide anything from him, "it's about the monk who has been with Wang for six years. It's related to the deposed prince. Mr. Liu, tell me, is this matter difficult to handle?"

Liu Jing’s head was buzzing.

By coincidence, a bolt of lightning suddenly fell and lit up half of the sky. He was so startled that he almost jumped up.

 What did he hear?


Shuntian Prefecture arrested Dao Heng, but why did they capture the prince and Xun'er?

For a moment, Liu Jing couldn't understand the level involved, and the thunder came with lightning, and a rumble seemed to hit his ears.

  It was too heavy, so heavy that he couldn't stand it.

Shan Shen seemed to have said something else, but Liu Jing didn't hear it clearly. His ears seemed to be deaf at this moment.

 All he knew was that something big was going on.

 I originally thought that Shan Shen had no intention of hiding anything, so he would explain it to the Holy Master in private.

After all, the prince is implicated, so he won't get dizzy and roar to the whole court.

Liu Xun followed His Highness the Crown Prince and caused such a scandal. He turned around and went to kowtow in front of the emperor to apologize. He would be scolded and punished honestly, and he would spend this period of time hanging back.

 But now, Liu Jing realized that this road might not work.

It’s about Li Mi, so it’s not surprising that it’s so serious.

Shan Shengang told Liu Jing that "Liu Xun will take the lead", and when he saw Liu Jing was stunned, he thought he had heard it, so he said nothing more.

It happened to be almost time, and the courtiers came out of the court one after another, preparing to line up to go to court. Shan Shen patted Liu Jing on the shoulder to express comfort.

 Wantang is right.

 After today, I am not sure whether there is still the Minister of Honglu Temple.

Shan Shen saw Xu Jian in the crowd.

 The Duke of Fu was in good spirits and still stood upright.

Shan Shen's eyes flashed with worry.

 The Duke of Fuguo accompanies the prince to observe the government, hoping that this mess will not involve him.

 After entering the Jinluan Hall and standing still, Xu Jian tidied up his appearance again.

Following the movements of his hands, his eyes slanted back, passing over Liu Jing's body, and then he looked back quietly.

Liu Jing stood there, three souls and seven souls were lost.

 At the court meeting, there were already many courtiers, and because it was raining outside, everyone moved forward as much as possible. The hall was full of people, and there were even many seats left under the corridor outside the hall.

 Xu Jian, as the Duke of the country, stood at the forefront.

 Further forward, there was no sign of Prince Li Shao.

What happened last night was a shock to Shuntian Mansion and the garrison Yamen, but not to Xu Jian.

 He knew about Chenmi Hutong early on.

Although Xuan Su has never entered that house, there is probably some kind of "fun" in it, as Xu Jian knows.

In recent days, he has been investigating the details of the house very carefully. Except for not going to Shuntian Mansion to check any documents and files, he has used a lot of methods.

 This is also a kind of intimidation and stimulation to the person behind it.

As expected, Lin Yunyan delivered the news, saying that Dao Heng had appeared. And Li Shao suddenly became "honest" and did not go to Chenmi Hutong for several days.

 This method is indeed, as the little princess said, quite familiar.

 The time should be sooner rather than later.

As expected, Dao Heng was doing tail docking. The Yamen servant in Shuntian Prefecture who was checking the water accumulation heard some rumors. Xu Jian estimated the speed of the operation. Yesterday, Li Shao's temper was aroused by the Yamen.

 In the end, it’s natural to catch the turtle in the urn.

Xuansu gained insights from his observation of Chenmi Hutong. He found a position where he could see the situation clearly without being discovered. He watched Shan Shen invite the guards to guard the Hutong and watched the carriage transport everyone away.

 Then, outside the Yamen, I saw Li Shao riding away.

 Li Shao went to the Prince of Jin's Mansion.


Li Shao did not show up, but Jin Wang Li Du was in the front row with a rather serious expression.

 Xu Jian withdrew his gaze.

 The Holy Spirit entered the Jinluan Hall, the ceremonial guards were in order, and the courtiers saluted one after another.

The rain these days has made the Holy Spirit feel less happy, and his steps are much heavier than usual.

 He kept walking forward, and when he reached the place where Li Shao was supposed to stand, he paused.

 The Holy Spirit asked: “Where are the others?”

 No one answered.

 Most of them are ignorant and unable to answer.

 The few who knew the situation kept their mouths shut and did not make a sound.

Eunuch Cao said, "I'm going to send someone to the East Palace to have a look."

 The Holy Spirit nodded slightly.

It is impossible for him to delay the morning court meeting just because the prince is not here.

However, when he sat on the dragon chair and looked at the foggy sky outside the palace, which was weighed down by rain clouds, he couldn't help but feel worried.

 Perhaps you are sick?

 In the court, all kinds of government affairs, big and small, are presented.

 Liu Jing had something on his mind, and it was rare that he didn't focus on business.

Suddenly, the courtier standing behind him poked his back with a wat board, and Liu Jing suddenly came to his senses.

 Then, he discovered that not only the Holy One, but everyone's eyes were on him.

 Liu Jing suddenly became nervous.

 Could it be that someone exposed Xun'er's story?

 Should he just kneel down and apologize?

 Fortunately, someone reminded him.

 “Ask the envoy about his return journey.”

Liu Jing heard it, took a step quickly, stood in the middle, and concentrated on answering.

Honglu Temple has been busy with this these days. Not only Liu Jing, but also many people have not been home for some time.

So, Liu Jing thought, Xun'er made such a big fuss!

Thinking about it, there is nothing wrong with what I said. All matters are appropriate, comprehensive, and meticulously organized.

The Holy Father listened and nodded from time to time.

 He saw that Liu Jing was distracted just now, and he also saw others reminding him, but these were not important matters.

 Liu Jing answered successfully after all.

 It should be because I have been too hard recently.

After Liu Jing finished speaking, he received two compliments and then returned to the queue without any hint of joy.

 Because there is a sword hanging on his head.

As long as this sword falls...

 Fortunately, based on his observation, the informed Shuntian Mansion and the garrison Yamen did not intend to talk about the matter in court, which made him feel a little relieved.

Unexpectedly, just as the breath fell, it was lifted up again the next moment, all the way to the throat.

After finishing talking about government affairs, An Yibo, who had been holding back for a long time, finally stood up.

"I didn't see His Highness the Crown Prince in the morning today. Is His Highness feeling ill?" He was full of energy and his voice echoed in the hall. "The Holy One asked about it earlier, so it can be seen that Your Highness didn't even report it to you. This is not good."

 The Holy Master pursed his lower lip.

 Liu Jing's neck was covered in cold sweat.

Shan Shen's eyes were wandering from side to side, trying to find Wantang, but there were so many people today, and they were not as tidy as usual because they were taking shelter from the rain, so he really didn't see anyone in these few glances.

Uncle An Yi didn't know the inside story, so he just continued: "If you are sick, you should ask the imperial doctor as soon as possible, and you should also send someone to spread the news. I heard that the chief chamberlain beside your highness was just replaced a while ago, so it can be seen that this new arrival If your health is fine, Your Highness should not be absent from the morning service. Your Majesty has been on the throne for more than ten years and has never taken a break from the service. "

  What you say is reasonable and well-founded.

 An Yibo always had such a ferocious expression, and no one thought he was deliberately making trouble.

 Just discussing the matter.

It is indeed wrong for His Royal Highness the Crown Prince to be absent from the morning court.

 Sheng Wang looked at Xu Jian and asked, "Does Xu Qing know?"

Xu Jian lowered his eyes and replied respectfully: "I don't know. Yesterday when I went to the Yamen, His Highness was doing everything as usual, and he didn't seem to be unwell. I haven't seen the prince yet today."

This does not sound like there is any problem.

 Only Shan Shen glanced at Xu Jian and then looked away.

Eunuch Shi’s confession stated that when he went to the Yamen yesterday, there was some unpleasant talk between His Highness and Duke Fu...

Of course, he wanted to think about it and would not bring it up at this time.

 Otherwise, he himself, the “insider”, would be exposed.

An Yibo was obviously dissatisfied: "I was in low spirits a while ago, but I didn't show up today."

Eunuch Cao could only look at the Holy Emperor quietly when he heard An Yibo's shouting.

 The saint's face turned dark.

He knew what An Yibo said was reasonable, and he also knew that if he didn't give an explanation, the old man would probably be in trouble today.

Just in time, the chamberlain who had gone to the East Palace to ask for news came back and poked his head outside the palace.

 Sheng glanced at Eunuch Cao.

Eunuch Cao immediately understood and called the people in.

The chamberlain was stained with rain, and without caring about his appearance, he hurriedly knelt down in the palace and said, "His Royal Highness is not in the East Palace. I heard that he didn't come back last night..."

"What?" The Holy Emperor frowned and looked at Li Du, "Brother, where is Shao'er from you?"

 Li Du shook his head.

After thinking for a while, he reported: "Before going to court, Your Highness came to pass the palace, said a few words and then left. I thought he was entering the palace to attend court, but I didn't expect..."

Since he rejected Li Shao's request, it was impossible to hide it for him.

 The Holy Spirit felt slightly relieved.

 If you saw someone in the morning, it means you are fine.

 “Why didn’t you say anything just now?” he asked again.

Li Du didn't answer any more, he just turned his head and looked back, his eyes falling on Shan Shen.

Shen Shen has one head and two big ones.

 It is impossible to pretend to be dead.

With so many people watching, Shan Shen could only stand up and put the fold in his sleeves in front of his hands.

   In the new month, I finally have some operating funds and fans.

The book club building is now open. If you want a title, you can take a look.

Then for the monthly ticket building, the amount is not big. If you vote now, you will get some blood back. If you don’t vote now, you can keep it until the end of the month so I can get double the money. The monthly pass for this book is really a bit cruel...

   Thanks to book friend Xu Bicheng’s official girlfriend for the reward. Thanks to Bookstore Book Friends for the tip of Pastoral Night.



 (End of this chapter)

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