Yan Cigui

Chapter 267: The Holy Spirit calms down the anger (two updates in one)

 In the Jinluan Palace, it was quiet at first.

 Shuntianfu Yin Shangzhezi must have something to say.

But everyone was waiting and waiting. Before Master Shan could speak, he was so respectful, as if he only read the book and said nothing.

 Involuntarily, there was gradually some muttering in the hall.

 This is unavoidable.

There are so many people today, so it’s bound to be a mixed bag.

What can make Mr. Shan silent?


Master Shan went out because he was looked at by Prince Jin a few times.

Then why did Prince Jin go to see Mr. Shan?

 Because the Holy One is asking about the whereabouts of His Highness the Crown Prince.

  Could it be that Mr. Shan or Shuntian Mansion is the one who knows the whereabouts of the prince?

What on earth did His Highness the Prince do?

Those distant or near, extremely quiet voices of discussion more or less penetrated into Shan Shen's ears.

 Word by word, it was like a dull knife cutting into Shan Shen's heart.

Had it not been for the emperor not being able to show off indiscriminately, he would have called Wantang over to "share the difficulties".

 Fortunately, Eunuch Cao came down to receive the package after consulting the Holy Master.

Shan Shen handed over the fold, still carrying the heavy burden on his heart, and continued to stand motionless and pretend to be dead.

 Quietly, he raised his eyes and took a peek at the holy face on the throne.

 Long Yan is unhappy...

 When I read the booklet later, I'm afraid I won't be happy about it even more.

Thinking like this, Shan Shen glanced at An Yibo again.

He hoped that the old man would calm down and stop insisting on asking what the contents of the brochure were.

The one bitten is not the prince, but their Shuntian Mansion, the garrison yamen next door, the black gauze hat of so many people!

 The Holy Spirit took the fold from Eunuch Cao, opened it and looked at it.

 Not long after, almost everyone noticed that the Holy Spirit's anger was rising.

Without speaking or glaring, even just looking at Zhezi, the entire Jinluan Palace felt the pressure of the real dragon.

 Eunuch Cao is right next to the Holy Master. This feeling is extremely obvious.

 He had to bravely peek at the contents of the brochure.

At this sight, his face turned pale.

If he hadn't been with you all the year round, I'm afraid he would have fallen to the ground with trembling legs.

However, Eunuch Cao can withstand it, but the officials below may not be able to withstand it.

Especially those petty officials who could only see the Holy Master during the Great Court. Standing closest to the palace or outside the temple, they were frightened by the anger between His Majesty's brows. They bent their knees and knelt down.

 When one person kneels, he is naturally joined by those around him.

Even if you don’t understand, you still have to kneel down first.

 For a time, almost everyone in the rows knelt down.

 From back to front, bring down another piece.

When they were brought to Shan Shen's area, he was breathing heavily.

what! What is this for? !

The Holy Father didn’t say a single harsh word, so why did everyone kneel down?

 It seems that those who do not kneel are particularly disrespectful and have no royal authority in their eyes.

 But is he this kind of person?

 He is not!

He just knew what was written in the fold, and knew that there must be an explanation for this kneeling, which blocked most of the way for the Holy One to just put the fold away, throw down his sleeves, and leave.

Having a temperament that is not in line with the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Father is very willing to listen to the discussions of the courtiers. Even if it is an argument, sometimes it is not very pleasant, but he will listen.

 The situation is heading towards the worst side.

Thinking like this, Shan Shen knelt down with a grimace.

  That's all, whoever allowed His Highness the Crown Prince was in his hands.

 He had this realization from the moment he lifted the mask and saw that face.

 More and more people are kneeling.

As for the first and second-rank officials and the princes and uncles at the front, they all probably had the idea of ​​"respect" in mind and knelt down one after another.

 Xu Jian also knelt down.

 Then, he saw Eunuch Cao next to the throne. He hesitated for a long time and finally fell to his knees.

Xu Jian lowered his head, a smile flashed across his eyes without letting others see it.

When the Holy Spirit finished reading the excerpt, he looked up and saw that there was no one standing underneath.

The crowd was so dense that they all knelt down.

  With such a king in the world, the Holy Spirit did not feel comfortable and proud at all. He only felt tired.

 Mainly because his prince made him exhausted physically and mentally.

Had it not been clear that Shan Shen was responsible for being an official, he wouldn't have believed that the **** in the brochure who was eating wine and sleeping with a bunch of women was his son!

"I..." The Holy One opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but he was so angry with partiality that his voice sank.

 It sounds like the word is coming out through gritted teeth.

 “Holy Lord, calm down!”

As if being frightened by the word "Sheng", such words suddenly rang out in the hall.

 If someone takes the lead, it will naturally arouse a resonance.

 In an instant, "Holy Lord, calm down your anger" came and went one after another, resounding throughout the hall.

Xu Jian couldn't hold it back and chuckled softly as his chest rose and fell.

Although I can't tell which official is so timid, I have to say that he is really a "talent"!

Amidst the series of "calming down", the Holy Spirit's face became even darker, and the fire did not go out, but burned even brighter.

  "Okay." He took a deep breath to calm down the anger in his heart.

 For a moment, he thought of Queen Xia.

Because he misses Queen Xia, his irritable temper has softened a lot in the past ten years, and he is no longer as impulsive as he was when he was young.

 Otherwise, the first moment he saw the contents of the fold, he would have already smashed the fold and started to curse.

 At the same time, it was precisely because of Queen Xia that the Holy Emperor became disappointed with Li Shao.

Sitting on the dragon chair, his eyes passed over the ministers.

Those who were listed, including the King of Jin, Shuntian Prefecture, and the people guarding the Yamen, were all insiders. They didn't say a word at first, and Shan Shen kept his mouth shut even when he had to hand over the post. The reason for this was clear to the Holy Emperor as soon as he thought about it.

 Xu Jian looked normal before, but Liu Jing's distraction had another explanation - Xu was ventilated by Shan Shen before going up to the table.

And An Yibo…

 The Holy Father looked at him deeply.

The old man must not have known about it, otherwise, with his upright temper, he would have scolded him directly and would not have played the roundabout trick of "Where is Your Highness?"

At this moment, it is best to call all the people involved to the imperial study room and make a decision after careful questioning.

 This is the most beneficial situation for the situation, whether it is punishing Shao'er or arresting the monk Dao Heng.

The Holy Spirit cleared his throat and glanced at Eunuch Cao.

Eunuch Cao agreed, stood up, and prepared to retreat, but saw the Holy Master sighing again.

Your Majesty has changed his mind.

Since Shan Shen's excerpt is limited in length, the reasons behind it are naturally not written in detail, and it is not known why Shaoer was arrested when Dao Heng was arrested.

 But the Holy Spirit is not stupid, he can be sure that "everything happens for a reason."

 This is a game.

Tao Heng was used as bait, and Shuntian Mansion and Guard Yamen were used as swords. From beginning to end, the purpose of the bait was on Shaoer.

 What they want is for Shaoer to "get into trouble".

 The position of prince is never easy to occupy.

Shao'er has been the prince for so many years. As he grew up and began to observe politics from the Qianbu Corridor, some people became anxious.

 After all, he was a holy man in his prime, and he also had concubines in his harem.

Concubines and wives who have the emperor's son by their side, concubines who don't have the emperor's son yet but want to be richer than their mother in the next few years, courtiers who have no one in the harem but want a share of the pie...

Too much. What's worse is that Shao'er's mistakes fell under the eyes of others.

                                       necessarily? Even if I don’t arrest him, I’ll be sorry for Shaoer’s **** behavior!

  In the previous wine exchange, the news on the surface was covered up, but the Holy Spirit is not sure whether there are people who are keen on the news.

 He calmed down a storm for Shao'er, but Shao'er responded by creating a more serious one.

  He raised his hand and pressed the center of his eyebrows several times.

 It seems that he has been too indulgent in the past few years, and Shao'er needs to be taught a lesson to sharpen his temperament.

Also look at how many fishermen there are in the stirred up water.

These people with impure minds are all hidden dangers.

Eunuch Cao had stood up before, but His Majesty did not intend to retreat, so he could only stand firm.

 Then, he saw the Holy One hand over the fatal piece of paper.

"Read it," the Holy Spirit's voice was deep and tight, like a pot of fire doused with cold water. It looked like it was extinguished, but there were still sparks inside, crackling in the thick billowing white smoke, " Read it to all the ministers."

Eunuch Cao was stunned: "This..."

 Can you pronounce this?

 Underneath, Shan Shen had the exact same reaction.

 This can be read? Can you hear it?

 He wrote it himself, and he knows that if he hears a few more words, he will be dead!

 Seeing the Holy Master nod slightly, Eunuch Cao could only open the fold.

  It is also the same as extending the head and retracting the head.

He stared at the folded book and read it word by word.

 In the main hall, except for Eunuch Cao's voice, there was no movement. It was so quiet that it seemed as if one was holding one's breath.

 Everyone who was completely unaware was shocked.

Your Highness the Crown Prince? !

There are also the sons of Mr. Liu's family, together with the prince.

There were eight other dancers in the flower hall, all of them naked.

Eunuch Shi is in the next room, and a rootless thing is still trying to make ends meet.

 Is this nonsense?

 There is no such thing as a sentence like this!

Liu Jing knelt down very low, his forehead almost touching the floor tiles, dripping with sweat. That was because the floor tiles were already damp today, so the water marks could not be seen.

 But he was terribly cold all over.

The floor tiles were as cold as ice, and the cold air penetrated directly into the body.

 The more nervous Liu Jing is, the more he thinks.

 The prince is the most valued son of the Holy Emperor, and anyone with a discerning eye can see that favor.

Things are ridiculous, but a son is a son. How can the Holy Spirit deny the son for such a ridiculous thing?


Punishment is unavoidable, but since the Holy Spirit spread it out, it means that the punishment is limited, or in other words, it is within an acceptable range.

 And what about Xun'er?

  They are all equally absurd, equally blind, half a pound to half a pound.

There is no reason for the Holy Spirit to punish his own son lightly, so he should punish Liu Jing's son more severely, right?

As long as I can survive this punishment...

Who would have known that the contents of the document would give Liu Jing another heavy blow.

When the prince went to that dilapidated house, it was actually Xun'er who took the lead?

 Did Xun'er find the way and invite the prince?

 There were stars in front of his eyes, and Liu Jing could hardly believe his ears.

 This is bad.

 It’s completely different if the priority is the same!

 The sword hanging above his head finally fell down and struck him on the neck.

 Liu Jing bit his lower lip hard.

 The smell of blood seeped out of his mouth, but it couldn't cheer him up, nor could it wash away his swollen forehead.

 What to do?

This time, he really had no clue.

Beside the throne, Eunuch Cao finished reading the last sentence and secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

 Having been the general manager for so many years, he has never encountered such a difficult job.

The Holy Emperor's expression was incomprehensible, and he said for a long time: "That's the way it is. All the ministers, please get up."

Even if you shout, you can still get up.

All the ministers, whether quickly or slowly, stood up.

 The Holy Spirit saw all their actions.

 Older people are inevitably slow and even staggering.

Sangu has been teaching the prince for several years. He stood up with his head hanging down, obviously everyone had his own emotions.

 And Xu Jian…

 After seeing Xu Jian stand up, the Holy Master moved his right leg slightly, the amplitude was very small. If he hadn't been condescending, he probably wouldn't have noticed it.

 Thinking of the reason for Xu Jian's leg injury, the Holy Spirit couldn't help but sigh again.

"The prince behaves erratically, and I am very disappointed. I don't know where he has gone now. If the ministers see him after going to court, tell him to come to see me."

 After saying this, the Holy One stood up and walked down from the throne.

Standing in the main hall, he ordered a few people to wait in the imperial study room.

 Xu Jian's name is also among them.

The guard of honor left, and the hall went from silence to hundreds of birds singing together, and the sound of discussion was endless.

Liu Jing was confused and confused. When he saw Xu Jian walking out silently, he hurriedly stopped him: "Ah Jian..."

Xu Jian paused and his eyes fell on Liu Jing, calmly and without any emotion.

Liu Jing became even more powerless upon seeing this.

He would rather Xu Jian was having fun now in a weird mood.

 But who can he turn to?

He could only continue to plead: "Ah Jian, if you help Xun'er, just do it for your mother and Ah Ping."

Xun'er said that Xu Jian came to Deyuelou that day.

Although the reason for this is that the Ministry of Rites was trying to alert the snake, it can also be seen that Xu Jian will at least take A Ping and his wife into consideration.

Xu Jian lowered the corners of her lips and did not argue with Liu Jing. She just said: "Master Liu, please give in. I want to go to the imperial study."

 Liu Jing would like to ask for a few more words.

Xu Jian replied to him with the same sentence: "I want to go to the imperial study room." Then, he took a step to the side and walked around Liu Jing to go out.

 Liu Jing stayed where he was, looking at Xu Jian's back, his heart sank.

 He was afraid that Xu Jian would add insult to injury.

 In the other room, Xu Jian walked out of the imperial study room without any hurry.

Wantang people have tall horses and long strides. Shan Shen came running, and both of them arrived.

Sangu has not shown up yet, so he is probably lagging behind and discussing as they go.

Eunuch Cao came out and called Xu Jian in first.

 Xu Jian entered and bowed respectfully.

The Holy One changed out of his court clothes and was wrapped in dark-colored regular clothes, making him look increasingly dignified.

 Getting straight to the point, he asked directly: "Did you know about these things about Shao'er before?"

Xu Jian said: "I don't know. Since you mentioned it last time, my office has never paid attention to the whereabouts of the prince."

 The Holy Spirit sighed.

 This is indeed what he said.

Looking at the summary, the first time Shaoer went to the house was before the thank-you banquet. At that time, Xu Jian would still keep an eye on it, but he was not a sharp-eyed person, so it was unusual for him not to notice the problem at first.

If you really have to kill him at the slightest sign, that can only be done by keeping a close eye on someone.

No matter how cautious Xu Jian was at that time, he would not be so cautious.

"What do you think about this matter?" the Holy Spirit asked again.

 Xu Jian came well prepared, deliberately pondered for a while, and said hesitantly: "I was wrong."

  Thanks to book friends 20230803021229171, Shi Gandangdangdang, Xiaoyuan, and Xu Bicheng’s official girlfriend for their rewards.

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