Yan Cigui

Chapter 269: It’s all true (two updates combined into one, please vote for me)

 Xu Miao was completely confused.

I woke up early in the morning and was about to have breakfast when I saw Liu Jing coming back half wet.

Xu Miao was quite surprised to see him in such a mess.

"What happened?" she asked while urging the nuns to prepare hot water and change clothes. "At this hour, the master should have just gone to court? How come he is not in the Yamen?"

Liu Jing held her hand, and the cold rain made her shiver.

After hearing what her husband said, Xu Miao felt as if she had fallen into an ice cellar.

 Xun'er actually, unexpectedly...

Xu Miao was trembling uncontrollably.

She knew that Xun'er acted improperly, knew that there were problems with Xun'er's dealings with the prince, and knew that Xun'er hid many things from her, but she really didn't expect that Xun'er would be so dissolute!

If it wasn't about her own son, she would have wanted to cover her ears about the things the master said.

 Too dirty!

He made a mess by himself, and even instigated the prince to go with him, which lasted for several months.

 Now something happened, the prince is the prince, where is Xun'er?

 Under the wrath of the Holy One, any method is possible.

Not only Xun'er, but also the master, she, A-Ping, Xun'er's wife, no one has a good harvest.

 But can she not save Xun'er until he dies?

 That’s her son!

 “Where’s A Jian?” Xu Miao asked, “What did A Jian say?”

Liu Jing shook his head: "He was called to the Imperial Study Room by the Holy Emperor. I begged him for mercy, but he ignored me."

 Xu Miao's heart sank.

 Ah Jian must have his own difficulties.

 No matter what, she had to see A Jian and hear what A Jian had to say.

Knowing that Xu Jian was in the imperial study, Xu Miao came to wait outside the palace gate. She was impatient and naturally wanted to see someone as soon as possible.

I kept waiting with heartache, and when I saw Xu Jian's figure, I naturally came over in a hurry.

In this room, Shan Shen also saw Xu Miao in a hurry.

He has never seen this lady, but he has heard that Mrs. Xu is beautiful. With such an anxious look now, he can easily tell the identity of this lady.

"The Duke of the State wants to say a few words to Mrs. Xu," Shan Shen said, not wanting to get involved in other people's housework, "I will also go back to the Yamen."

 Xu Jian nodded.

 Xu Miao and Shan Shen passed each other.

She was thinking about something and only gave a brief salute to Shan Shen, then looked at Xu Jian again.

 Aunt Xia chased her and held an umbrella for her.

Xu Miao didn't pay attention to the rain. The rain was nothing compared to her state of mind.

Seeing the disapproval in Xu Jian's eyes, Xu Miao hurriedly stood still under the umbrella.

"A Jian..." Xu Miao's tone was somewhat flattering.

Xu Jian heard it and stepped forward to help her: "Why are you here?"

“After hearing this, I couldn’t sit still,” Xu Miao said, “Did Xun’er really do that?”

 Xu Jian looked around.

 The square was not a good place to talk, so he said, "Let's talk in the car."

 Back in the car, Xu Jian did not answer, but asked first: "What have you heard?"

Xu Miao was caught in the rain and her face turned pale. She was really embarrassed to mention those embarrassing things, but she had to say them. She chose words that she could accept and talked about them in general.

Xu Jiandao: "It's similar to what you heard. Liu Xun is in big trouble this time."

Xu Miao was so anxious that she held Xu Jian's hand fiercely: "Jian, what will happen to Xun'er? He, will he..."

 That last word was stuck in my throat.

 She couldn't say it anyway.

 Xu Jian lowered his eyes and said calmly: "It's hard to say, you have to be prepared in your heart."

Xu Miao's breath stagnated: "Save him, Ajian, please beg for mercy on his behalf. He is at fault. I know he is at fault. I can punish him, imprison him or even beat him, but, but I want him to live." ”

"Look," Xu Jian still looked calm, "you know very well what he committed, you know the severity, but you care about him very much."

Xu Miaomiao couldn’t help but nod.

 She knew it, and she couldn't care less.

"But this matter is not easy to handle. It concerns His Highness the Crown Prince and is involved with a deposed prince. Everyone in the investigation office is nervous." Xu Jian paused and then said, "Just now in the imperial study, the Holy One asked me to assist in investigating this matter. You can't let me handle the case privately, can you? I can't do it for personal gain in this kind of case."

Xu Miao was stunned for a moment, obviously a little surprised: "Are you also investigating this case?"

"Yes," Xu Jian said, "I can only say that what is his is his, and if it is not his crime, it is not."

This statement made Xu Miao unsure.

"Can I go see him?" Xu Miao asked, "How much can you do for him if you investigate this case..."

"Listen to me, go back and have a rest," Xu Jian interrupted Xu Miao and advised, "I'm so worried at home that I'll ask A-Ping to accompany you to the temple to stay for a few days. Don't think about it any more."

 Xu Miao naturally didn’t want to.

This stubbornness was unexpected by Xu Jian.

 The one who can persuade someone with just these few words is not Xu Miao.

Xu Miao is very stubborn when it comes to matters he decides on.

Xu Jian lowered his eyes and said: "If the case is really investigated and you are honest, I can still protect you and A-Ping. If you act recklessly and ask people everywhere, I might not even be able to protect you."

Xu Miao hurriedly said: "It doesn't matter to me, I'm not afraid."

"I know, I know that as a mother, you can risk everything for your children," Xu Jian said, "But you are not only Liu Xun's mother, you also have Ah Ping. Do you want to save Ah Ping again just to save Liu Xun who cannot be saved? "Ping compensated for it?"

Xu Miao's head buzzed, and her eyes were filled with astonishment.

 She just looked at Xu Jian for a moment and listened to him continue.

 “You no longer care about yourself, you should also care about A Ping.”

Xu Miao's eyes were red, and involuntarily, her fingers tightened on Xu Jian's arm, and it could even be said that she used a lot of force.

It seemed that only by exerting all her efforts could she control her overwhelming emotions at the moment.

Of course she cares about A Ping.

There is no doubt about it.

 But she has more than two children!

 A-Jian did not mention her other child—himself—from beginning to end.

 Because, as her mother, she has not given him support and reliance for so many years.

A Jian is used to this.

 But her heart will hurt when she witnesses this.

"Ajian..." Xu Miao choked, wanting to say something, but he hesitated.

How else could she speak?

 Sacrifice everything for your children, just to harm another son and a daughter just for the sake of one son?

 It looks like one to two, but of course the account cannot be calculated that way.

Xu Miao knew very well that this was not an arithmetic problem. How could her heart and love be calculated in this way?

 But now, apart from the simplest comparison of sizes, what can she do?

 The thunder sounded again.

The wind became much stronger, causing the carriage curtains to sway.

After a long time, Xu Miao let go of Xu Jian's arm with difficulty, her hands hung by her sides, her head lowered and she remained silent.

 Xu Jian knew that she had given up on pleading and persuading.

“I still need to go to the Yamen.” After saying that, Xu Jian stood up and jumped out of the carriage. Nanny Xia came to see him off.

She understood Xu Miao's unwillingness to give up but was helpless. She spoke hesitantly: "Madam, I didn't mean to embarrass you."

"I understand," Xu Jian glanced at Xu Miao in the car and said to Grandma Xia, "Grandma, let's arrange to stay in the temple for a few days. I'm afraid she won't be able to bear the ups and downs, so I asked A-Ping to stay with her more. If she is willing, I will ask the princess to go and talk to her."

 Mother Xia nodded.

Facing Xu Jian, she did not hide anything: "I met the princess by chance at Guangde Temple before and exchanged greetings with each other. Madam likes the princess very much."

 “Then let’s go to Guangde Temple.” Xu Jian said.

Shenchen came to greet him holding an umbrella, and the sedan chair was ready.

nanny Xia sent Xu Jian away and got on the carriage again. Inside the carriage, she saw Xu Miao with her head hanging down and tears on her face.

“Mom,” Xu Miao spoke first, “I want to save Xun’er and help the master, but I don’t want to get A-Ping in trouble, let alone A-Jian. I don’t want A-Jian to be indifferent between public and private affairs. In the end, the Holy Lord will be offended, and even A-Jian will be blamed.

I understand what Ah Jian said, but if I don't save him, it feels like my heart has been ripped out.

 That day when we went to the Duke's Mansion, I understood that one day, there would be conflicts between A Jian, the master, and Xun'er.

I thought it was due to political differences. I didn’t expect that there would be such a conflict between the judge and the suspect, and I didn’t expect that this storm would come so quickly..."

"Madam, you can cry as much as you want," Nanny Xia hugged Xu Miao, "but remember, you still have Miss Ping who is looking after you wholeheartedly, and the Duke of Guo hopes that you will be stronger. , you don’t want to get into trouble alone.

Let's go back to our hometown first and take Miss Ping to Guangde Temple to stay for a few days. The princess will go there to visit you soon.

 She has arrived but you haven’t arrived yet. How rude! "

Xu Miao's tears welled up and she was so confused that she really needed someone to sort out the things that could be accomplished in front of her.

 The princess cannot be neglected.

This point was first pressed on Xu Miao's mind by Aunt Xia.

 The carriage returned to Liu Mansion.

As soon as Xu Miao got out of the car, Liu Ping came up and hugged her: "I heard that my brother..."

Zheng Liu also came and stood aside, looking as ugly as possible.

 She knew that Liu Xun was not a good person.

There are many things that annoyed her about Liu Xun.

But this time Liu Xun failed, she didn't feel at all happy.

How long have you been married and she will be a widow?

That's not right. Liu Xun's crime may involve the whole family, and she must be included in it.

Zheng Liu was unwilling to do so.

 But is there any way she can save herself now?

To get out of this quagmire, he had no choice but to go back to Uncle Yunyang's Mansion for help. Just the thought of bowing his head to the Zheng family made Zheng Liu panic.

"Mother," Zheng Liu took a step forward and asked Xu Miao directly, "Is there any room for change?"

 Xu Miao looked up at her.

Zheng Liu added: "If Liu Xun did something like that, how should I deal with it?"

Liu Ping saw that there were still tears on Xu Miao's face, even though she was timid, she said: "Sister-in-law, this thing just happened, you are so anxious..."

"A Ping," Xu Miao stopped Liu Ping, looked at Zheng Liu and said, "You are Xun'er's wife, and it is reasonable for you to resent him. The case has not been clear yet, and I am powerless. I plan to take A Ping with me. Stay in the temple for a few days and ask for God's will. Will you go with us or stay at the house?"

Zheng Liu sneered.

 Something happened. Can I ask for help from Bodhisattva?

Can the Bodhisattva save the deceitful Liu Xun?

"I'm not going," Zheng Liu said, looking at Liu Ping coldly, and said, "If you hadn't been ignorant of praise, your brother wouldn't have to think of all kinds of ways to please the prince, and in the end he would have to pay for it. Jinyi at home Jade Food supports you, but it’s your fault that you repay his kindness like this!”

Liu Ping's eyes widened suddenly.

 Rao knew that Liu Xun "sold" her, and also heard Liu Xun admit it with his own ears, but now that Zheng Liu was beating her up like this, Liu Ping was extremely emotional.

Xu Miao hugged Liu Ping who was breathing rapidly and ignored Zheng Liu.

 Ah Ping is the most important.

 When the carriage left the Liu Mansion again, Liu Ping in the car was leaning against Xu Miao with tears in her eyes.

Even though she was in extremely uncomfortable condition, Liu Ping kept comforting Xu Miao.

 She remembered what her elder brother said last time.

 “Stay with her more and open up to her more.”

“If Liu Xun insists on hanging out with the misbehaving prince, the one who cannot spare him is the Holy Emperor.”

 Eldest brother has told her.

She can't help her brother, but she wants to listen to her brother and make her mother feel at ease.

 Liu Ping's voice was hoarse, with a cry in it, and she kept talking.

“Mother, if I want to investigate this case, I will definitely tell you the whole story. You don’t have to worry about the yamen not investigating the case carefully and unjustly accusing people.”

"But the eldest brother has the same problem as the eldest brother. He follows the prince to oversee the government. Now that the prince is in trouble, he is very embarrassed in front of the emperor. Whether he can let the emperor continue to trust him depends on how the case is handled."

"What will he do if he tries to avenge his brother? What will the Duke of Fuguo do?"

"The eldest brother was taken back to the Xu family and left you and his father since he was a baby. He wanted to inherit the Duke's palace. In order for my grandfather to let him inherit the title, he suffered a lot when he was a child."

"His leg is injured and he can no longer fight the enemy. If he loses the Sacred Heart this time and is implicated in his title, how can he explain to his grandfather underground?"

“His suffering for so many years, and the suffering of you not being able to raise him for so many years, haven’t they all been in vain?”

 “Brother, he made too many mistakes, and the Sacred Heart cannot be violated.”

Xu Miao did not speak, but looked at her little daughter very seriously.

As A-Ping grew up, everything she said made sense.

But how could Xun'er not understand something that even the youngest A'Ping in the boudoir understood?

In order to please the prince, Xun'er robbed people, sold his sister, and caused chaos. Did he think about his parents when he did these things?

 On the other side, Lin Yunyan also received the news.

From the moment she handed the news of "Dao Heng's appearance" to Xu Jian, they had expected what the situation would end up with.

The only thing that surprised Lin Yunyan was that the Holy Father took the initiative to let Xu Jian go to Shuntian Mansion.

The foundation of that house is difficult to dig.

By participating in the investigation, Xu Jian can legitimately read the land deeds and various documents without "alarming" the keen Master Shan.

No matter how smart Mr. Shan is, he can't get rid of "darkness under the lamp".

 It depends on how much can be dug out through further digging.

 But no matter what results were obtained, Liu Xun's ending seemed to have been decided.

 “Let’s arrange a carriage to go to Guangde Temple.” Lin Yunyan explained.

She should try to persuade Mrs. Xu more.

 Mrs. Xu’s madness is what she, and even Xu Jian, doesn’t want to see.

At this moment in Shuntian Mansion, Liu Xun finally saw someone again.

Looking at Xu Jian with an indifferent expression, he almost couldn't help but shrink his neck.

 At the end of the month, the monthly ticket will be doubled, but I changed my shouting and still have to shout.

 Those book friends who can save until the end of the month should save some, and those who can’t save should invest.

  Thanks to book friend 20230803021229171 and Xu Bicheng’s official girlfriend for the reward.

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