Yan Cigui

Chapter 270: I'll teach you (five thousand

 Liu Xun sat in the room for a long time.

 He knew that Shan Shen and the others had gone to court and had no time to interrogate him, so they simply locked him up.

However, the people in the yamen were polite and gave him a set of clean clothes to change out of his rain-soaked coat.

Ginger tea was also given, and some noodles were prepared for him to fill his stomach.

Aside from the fact that the guard was like a wooden man and didn't respond to any questions, Liu Xun thought that it was quite easy for him to be locked up.

  Relaxing to the point of boring.

 This reminded him of the situation when he was here last year.

 It seems like, there’s really no difference.

It seems that when Shan Shen and the others go back to the Yamen, their father will be able to come together and take him out.

 After all, no matter how bad things get, His Royal Highness will still be able to handle it.

He heard just now that the prince had already left Shuntian Mansion, and Master Shan didn't even dare to stop him.

This amount of time is enough for the prince to meet with the Holy Emperor and smooth things over, right?

Although the scene when he was brought back last night was indeed not good-looking. Liu Xun was drunk and didn't know it, but Master Shan later cursed others and he heard it.

Zuo is just disheveled and sleeping with the dancers.

 It’s not all his fault, there are many masterpieces by the prince.

 Besides, these are the only things that happen in the joyful scene, and they are not unusual.

 Liu Xun thought a lot, and gradually he comforted himself, naturally feeling much calmer.

 Until he met Xu Jian.

 The yamen guarding the door pushed open the door.

 Liu Xun did not see Liu Jing at a glance, but only saw Xu Jian's indifferent expression.

  The psychological comfort, the stability and calmness that I had built not long ago were shattered into powder in an instant when I met those eyes that were so deep that no emotion could be seen.

 Fear and fear spewed out from the mountain-high powder, and Liu Xun covered his mouth and coughed heavily.

 He hates Xu Jian.

Looking at Xu Jian, you knew something was up.

 Look, even his voice knows it.

Shan Shen also came in, looking at Liu Xun with a cold face, his face turned red and his neck was thick.

 After a long time, Liu Xun finally recovered and leaned against the wall to catch his breath.

Shan Shen glanced at Xu Jian.

This Bodhisattva still had the same old habit as before and had no intention of asking questions at all.

 The leadership still lies with Shan Shen.

Master Shan was sure that Xu Jian didn't want to talk much, so he didn't waste time: "Come on, are you awake? Who introduced you to Chenmi Hutong? Who have you met there these days? 151 Ten said.

Liu Xun couldn't explain it clearly, so he just scratched his head and asked, "Where is my father?"

Master Shan thought of Liu Jing's expression when he heard about this, and seeing Liu Xun being so confused, he sighed: "What? Let him answer? Does he have anything to do with this? Do you and your son want to end it together?"

 Liu Xun was anxious.

 Why is it over?

 Isn’t there still His Highness the Crown Prince?

When a person is in a hurry, his mouth becomes loose. These two words were spoken softly, but everyone in the room could hear them.

"Prince?" Shan Shen said, "There is no trace of the prince. Do you want to tell me where he can go?"

At this moment, Li Shao is still in Yongji Palace.

Yongji Palace is not within the walls of the imperial palace. It is located to the north of the palace city. It was built by an emperor in the previous dynasty to provide care for the empress dowager in her old age. As times changed, it also housed an abdicated emperor and his wives and concubines.

When the construction of this dynasty started, the place was much deserted. Several emperors successively made simple repairs, and no one would come here on weekdays.

 After that, the late emperor imprisoned his third son Li Jun, who had made a mistake, here.

This became Li Jun’s “territory”.

It’s just that the place where Li Jun can move is very limited, only in a palace on the west side of Yongji Palace.

His daily companions are his wife and two concubines, and the rest of the palace maids, mammies and eunuchs are called taking care of him, but they are actually monitoring him.

Li Shao came back to Yongji Palace for the first time.

As soon as he stepped in, he felt regretful.

Even the second uncle is afraid of the emperor’s anger. How can the imprisoned third uncle not be afraid?

 If he is afraid, Li Jun will be of no use to Li Shao.

If he wasn't afraid, what would Li Jun's attitude be?

The elder brother who failed to win the throne faced the younger brother who succeeded in becoming emperor. He made sarcastic remarks and made harsh remarks, adding fuel to the fire.

The last one to be burned was Li Shao, wasn't he?

 It was him, and he would have laughed three times when he heard that his enemy's son was in trouble, right?

Then why should he come to Li Jun's house to deliver jokes to Li Jun?

With this thought, Li Shao wanted to leave, but the **** guarding him saw him and came up to salute him in a hurry.

The attitude is respectful, flattering and even a bit flattering.

Li Shao couldn't help but look at the **** twice.

 After waking up, Shuntian Mansion and the garrison Yamen first chased him to question him. Shan Shen and the others clearly did not dare to neglect him, and their tone was respectful, but they did not act disrespectful.

Li Shao felt even more unhappy when he went to Jin Prince's Mansion and couldn't get a good word from his second uncle.

He felt angry in his stomach, and when he suddenly saw such a chamberlain, he immediately found him quite pleasing to the eye.

 This is the attitude that other people should have when facing him, the crown prince.

 “What’s your name?” he asked.

The chamberlain said: "The younger one's surname is Wang, and everyone calls him Little Gouzi."

Li Shao laughed heartily: "Gouzi, what is my third uncle doing?"

Wang Gouzi reported: "I'll do some boxing after getting up in the morning, and then read a book after having breakfast. It's raining heavily today, so I won't do any boxing. I'll rest in the inner hall."

 What Li Shao asked, Wang Gouzi answered.

This attitude made Li Shao very satisfied.

 Similarly, what kind of future and fortune can be gained by working in Yongji Palace? Can't we try to find a way out?

 As the prince, he can promote individuals with just one sentence.

“Your Highness,” Wang Gouzi asked with a smile, “will you let me see him?”

Li Shao had already given up his thoughts, but after a compliment, he started to think again.

“See, why not?” he said, striding inside.

According to common sense, Li Jun is in confinement here, and no one can see anyone without the Holy Emperor's instructions.

Not mentioning Wang Gouzi, Li Shao went to see Li Jun without even thinking about it.

Li Jun was flipping through the chess book when he heard the movement and looked up at the person coming.

 The two sides faced each other, both sizing each other up.

"Isn't this His Highness the Crown Prince?" After a long while, Li Jun raised his eyebrows, "I almost didn't recognize him when I grew up."

Li Shao has also met Li Jun. He was four or five years old when he last saw him. He doesn't remember what Li Jun looks like at all. At this moment, he just observes randomly and can barely find some traces of his father and uncle from Li Jun's facial features. Uncle look.

After all, we are all brothers.

Li Jun put down the chess game, but had no intention of getting up: "Why are you here? Your father asked you to come? Or is it that he can't do it at his age? You are about to ascend the throne. Do you think there is still me here?"

This was said with ill intentions.

 “Father is in good health.” Li Shao shot back.

Li Jun asked again: "Then why are you here? Aren't you going to go to the morning court at this hour? You can't just cause trouble and have nowhere to hide. Are you thinking of hiding here from me?"

 Li Shao was speechless.

He has changed his mind and will not tell Li Jun what happened. He will just come in and take a look, not giving Li Jun a chance to laugh at him and his father.

But I didn’t expect that Li Jun would speak like this.

Li Jun could see through Li Shao's thoughts almost at a glance.

He had many plans and plans step by step, and he was only one step away from achieving what he wanted. How could his fortitude and acumen be compared to that of young Li Shao?

Although I don’t know exactly what happened to Li Shao, I can figure out the general situation as soon as I figure it out.

"Why are you hiding here from me?" Li Jun's voice was lowered and deep, "Yongji Palace is a place for people like me who have made big mistakes. You deserve to come here for your little troubles." Hide from disaster?"

With just a few words, Li Shao became more and more depressed.

 He had no good impression of this uncle whom he had not seen for more than ten years. He even disliked him so much that he turned around and left.

Li Jun did not let him go.

His voice came from behind Li Shao, with a bit of confusion: "Do you want to know how to deal with your father? You might as well ask me."

Li Shao paused slightly.

"I was imprisoned here by my father, not your father, and your father can't do anything to me."

Li Shao's hands hanging by his sides were clenched into fists. His words sounded unpleasant.

“My dad is a ruthless character, and fighting with him makes me scared and excited at the same time. You know? I love that kind of excitement and excitement when I’m obviously scared to death but have goosebumps all over my body.”

Li Shao's body froze and his fists loosened little by little.

 He turned his head and looked at Li Jun: "What do you want to say?"

"I lost because I have many brothers of similar age. My father was able to demote the fourth child to a commoner and lock me up." Li Jun licked his lips, raised his chin, and stared at Li Shao and Li Shao. As if staring at prey, "You are different. Your brothers are too young, and you are the prince. Your father dotes on you too much. If you cause something, he will not take care of you. As for you, you like That feeling of fear and excitement? "

 Li Shao's breathing stagnated for a while. Li Jun said again: "I'll teach you."

 Li Shao sat down.

 He wanted to hear what Li Jun could say.

 The rain is getting heavier.

In Shuntian Mansion, Shan Shenhei had a sullen face, and his master was writing fast beside him.

Liu Xun's mind was confused and his words were very messy, but he still explained something, but the information was limited.

Xu Jian said nothing and winked at Mr. Dan.

 The two of them left the house together and stood on the porch talking.

“It’s useless to ask,” Xu Jian said. “We all know that someone planned it and laid it out for several months. Can such a move make a fool like Liu Xun see the problem?”

Shan Shen smiled and quite agreed with this "fool-headed" evaluation.

After finishing laughing, Shan Shen said in a low voice: "The others are all abandoned, and we can't find out. We can only take as much as we can from Liu Xun. Although the Holy Master also knows that the black hand is difficult to catch, and Dao Heng can't catch it either. You can do whatever you want, but the Duke of Guo knows that I am handling the case, and I feel uncomfortable if I can’t catch anyone or solve the case!”

Xu Jian thought for a moment and said, "I'm going to check out the land deeds and stuff, and then I'll go to the house for a walk. The prince is nowhere to be seen, but there is not only a stone chamberlain but also bodyguards following the prince."

Shan Shen’s eyes lit up.

 Xu Jian went to read the documents first.

The deed documents related to that house, as well as the houses around Chenmi Hutong, have been sorted out and piled on Master Shan's desk.

Xu Jian had done a lot of research in the fog before, and now he was sorting it out bit by bit in conjunction with the paperwork.

 Not long after, several guards came to the East Palace.

Xu Jian took a few glances and introduced to Shan Shen: "This Qian Hu has been with the prince for a few years. This Li Anyong was promoted to chief position only after the year. In the past, he mostly stayed in the East Palace. This..."

Shan Shen looked at each other one by one and first called Qian Hu, who followed Li Shao most often, for questioning.

 In fact, Qian Hu couldn't answer anything.

I thought I would find an opportunity to sue Liu Xun with His Highness, but I didn’t expect that before he could get Your Highness away from Liu Xun’s big-tailed wolf, Liu Xun would get His Highness involved.

 “This Liu Xun is not a good person at all!”

  "If he hadn't brought some tribute wine, His Highness wouldn't have thought of drinking it."

“He wanted to present his beauty to His Highness before, thinking that Your Highness liked the smell of his outer room, so he signaled to us that someone with the image of the outer room would let us go and rob people quietly.”

"I didn't go, how could I do such a thing! Maybe Geng Baoyuan heard it, anyway, he disappeared later, maybe he missed it?"

"Who is the culprit? How do I know! Anyway, His Highness was very angry after Geng Baoyuan disappeared. His Highness had no such **** thoughts at all. It was all Liu Xun who deceived people."

Xu Jian crossed her arms and stood aside. She glanced at Mr. Shan who looked embarrassed, and then turned her attention to Qian Hu.

 He signaled Master Shan to ask questions to the guards. In fact, he wanted to ask Qian Hu.

Qian Hu is not an idiot. He wants to protect the prince, but he doesn't like Liu Xun, so he will naturally say half and hide half.

Turning their heads, Xu Jian and Shan Shen said, "I heard a few days ago that Liu Xun's outer room has disappeared."

Shan Shen didn't care about the process of what he heard.

Qian Hu was very excited: "Liu Xun still wanted to dedicate the outer room to His Highness and run away if others didn't obey? He didn't even think about whether the woman he had played with was worthy of serving His Highness?"

 After the questioning, the confession came to Liu Xun again.

Liu Xun's face turned pale and pale.

 Is robbing someone something that can be recognized?

Last night, the prince might still be able to catch him, but the matter of robbing people was solid, and he finished his egg.

 He just didn’t understand. Is Qian Hu stupid?

"He's slanderous!" Liu Xun denied, "I didn't say anything like that, and I didn't signal any robbery. I'm not crazy. Can I do that kind of thing?

Geng Baoyuan obviously ran away with a huge gambling debt and had nothing to do with me.

Yue Niang did leave, but she, she left because she felt bad because I got married. "

Shan Shen came out of the house and rubbed his face vigorously against the wet rain.

 He didn’t believe what Liu Xun said.

Of course, I can only listen to half of what Qian Hu said.

However, the Chenmi Hutong matter is at the forefront, and Shan Shen does not think that Qian Hu will inexplicably make up some "robbing people" story...

Xu Jian stood next to Shan Shen and said, "Sir, you still want to investigate the matter of robbing people? The city is full of trouble, and the matter is bigger."

Shan Shen sighed.

Furthermore, Geng Baoyuan disappeared, and it was probably a mistake. There was no one to report the so-called robbery, so there was no way to investigate.

Is it a good thing if he really finds out some clues?

The Holy Spirit wanted to hear the inside story of Chenmi Hutong, so he reported that the guards around the prince were trying to rob people for the prince's entertainment...

Every student knows that when writing an article, it must be to the point.

 If you can’t break the topic, it’s useless even if you write fancy words.

 The same applies to being an official now.

  He handed the Holy Emperor a mismatched case file related to the prince.

  However, how does His Highness manage people if they are not checked back and are not checked, and people around him are causing trouble randomly?

It seems that His Highness's daily behavior is so ridiculous that others below him are imitating it.


 The rain is sometimes heavy and sometimes light.

 In the half-open flower hall, monk Daoheng was sitting.

 After waiting for a while, the sound of footsteps came closer and closer. He looked up and saw his master coming.

The rich man sat down and asked, "The prince is still in Yongji Palace?"

"Yes," the person who followed him in lowered his head and replied, "it's still inside."

"He and Li Jun can really have a good talk," Jin Guiren chuckled, and then turned his attention to Dao Heng, "What did you find out?"

“Neither Shuntian Mansion nor the garrison Yamen have made much progress,” Dao Heng replied, “The arrangements have been made at the house, and what they can find out is what we check for them.”

 Jin Guiren is not worried about this.

 Dao Heng added: "The Holy One asked Xu Jian to go to Shuntian Mansion to assist in investigating the case."

Jin Guiren frowned slightly.

 What happened last night was all the fault of Xu Jian.

It was Xu Jian who stimulated the prince with a few words and made the prince appear in the house.

"I saw him clearly, but I didn't expect that he would do such a bad thing." Jin Guiren said word by word.

 Daoheng lowered his eyes, knowing what his master was referring to.

 The master had analyzed it with him before.

Xu Jian is too young, and the way he guides the prince is too strict, which will only be counterproductive.

 The prince was unwilling to listen to Xu Jian, but instead got closer to Liu Xun.

Unexpectedly, he was so determined to force the prince to make progress, and forced the prince to go to Chenmi Hutong at an inappropriate time.

  So much so that their plan here went awry.

Jin Guiren didn't hesitate much, and his brows gradually relaxed: "The matter is over, let's move on. Liu Xun's chess piece falls into Xu Jian's hands, which is a good show."

 Brothers kill each other.


 It was Xu Jian who killed Liu Xun.

This will bring Liu Jing and his wife into the mix, and it’s hard not to think it’s exciting.

 He is still willing to see this drama between father and son, mother and son, and even develop into a quarrel between husband and wife.

 On the other side, Lin Yunyan arrived at Guangde Temple.

 When she learned that Xu Miao had already settled in the back room, she went straight over.

Mother Xia had just helped the mother and daughter clean their faces, brought out the water and poured it out. She turned around and saw the princess coming quickly.

She bowed and called into the house.

 Xu Miao was exhausted and tried to cheer up so that she would not be too rude.

Liu Ping held the handkerchief and her mood was ups and downs.

This is the first time she has met the princess and her sister-in-law who has not yet visited her.

 Her impressions of her sister-in-law came from Zheng Liu.

Zheng Liu used to be kind to her, but today, his true colors suddenly showed.

The difference was so big that Liu Ping was shocked and frightened.

Then, where is this sister-in-law?

Liu Ping raised her head and looked at Lin Yunyan who walked in quickly.

 The first impression is that it is beautiful.

Turning their eyes to each other, she saw Lin Yunyan curling her eyes at her with a gentle smile.

Liu Ping's heart suddenly became much calmer.

I heard that my eldest brother likes this proposed marriage partner very much.

 As a smart person like my eldest brother, his sweetheart must also be a very good person.

Monthly votes continue to shout. If you can keep the end of the month, try to keep it at the end of the month. Thank you all.

  Thanks to book friend 20230803021229171 and Xu Bicheng’s official girlfriend for the reward.

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