Yan Cigui

Chapter 271: He's a madman (two updates in one)

Chapter 271 is a madman (two updates in one)

Lin Yunyan sat down.

 It can be seen that Mrs. Xu’s spirit is much worse than the previous time.

 This is also inevitable.

Who can not be shaken or worried when his son suddenly encounters these things?

 Liu Ping, on the other hand, was in a panic, but he was able to hold on.

As Xu Jian and Lin Yunyan mentioned, Liu Ping has a certain tenacity.

Thinking of this, Lin Yunyan said this: "I heard the Duke mentioned you. He said that although you are young, you are resilient."

Liu Ping's cheeks suddenly turned red.

 Did Brother really praise her so much?

 Resilience? Does she really have such a thing?

 She really doesn’t know at all…

Lin Yunyan smiled.

 Liu Ping's resilience is actually different from the usual perseverance, determination, and perseverance.

 She prefers to be patient and accustomed.

 In the past, after Mrs. Xu’s accident, Liu Ping was also confused and the balance between her husband’s family and her maiden family was very difficult.

She couldn't use all her strength to break the situation or tear a hole. She just instinctively wanted to grab it with both hands, and she would endure it no matter how hard it was.

Xu Miao looked at her little daughter with gentle eyes: "Our A-Ping is very powerful."

Liu Ping's face turned redder and she held her mother's hand tightly: "I want to be more powerful."

 In this way, mother can get through this difficult time.

 Mother Xia poured tea for them all.

 The coarse tea in the temple is a bit bland.

Xu Miao held it in both hands and drank in small sips. Her eyes were a little distracted, which showed that her mind was also distracted.

Lin Yunyan saw it in her eyes.

I think Xu Jian and Liu Ping have said a lot about the principles of persuasion, and Mrs. Xu is not someone who cannot listen to them.

Those who really don’t understand, or don’t want to understand, should be messing around and making noise at this moment, and they must do this or that.

Mrs. Xu is neither noisy nor fussy.

It is precisely because she has a clear mind and knows what can and cannot be done that she becomes increasingly anxious and painful.

The more you understand the importance, the more heart-wrenching it becomes.

Unfortunately, she can't even show her true emotions now.

The two people in front of her are the opposite of Xun'er. If she sheds tears and feels sad for Xun'er, the people in front of her will also find it difficult to deal with themselves.

 She had to keep all her emotions inside.

Lin Yunyan can see clearly.

 At this time, any more reasoning will only increase the burden, and no matter how much persuasion, the same is true.

Lin Yunyan wanted to talk to Xu Miao about something else.

"I told you last time that I got engaged to the Duke not long ago and I don't know him very well yet," Lin Yunyan bent her eyes and pursed her lips in a smile, a shy look slipped across her face, leaving her calmness and generosity until the end. , "I have met him several times in recent days, and I seem to know him better. Do you want to hear it?"

 Xu Miao was slightly startled when he heard this.

Even Liu Ping looked surprised.

She thought her sister-in-law would talk about her brother's case, but in the end, she wanted to talk about her brother?

Of course Xu Miao would give Lin Yunyan face: "Really? Tell me."

Lin Yunyan spoke very slowly, speaking for a while and thinking for a while.

“He has a good drinking capacity and can drink any kind of wine. Last time I gave him the ancient moon tribute wine given by the palace..."

“He doesn’t eat fish and shrimp very much. It’s not that he doesn’t like it, but it’s just too much trouble. He used to study and practice, and he was very pressed for time, so he didn’t have that much time to eat well.”

“Now that I’m free, I haven’t completely changed this habit, but the cook also knows this. She can make fish meatballs, shrimp meatballs, and the soup is very delicious.”

“Rainy days are always difficult, especially these days. It’s damp and cold. I have to cover my legs with a hand stove to feel better.”


 Xu Miao listened very carefully.

 At first, she was more supportive of Lin Yunyan, but gradually, she was completely immersed in it.

 She really knows very little about Ah Jian, and is often powerless.

 But gradually, through Lin Yunyan’s narration, Xu Jian, who she should be familiar with but was very unfamiliar to, gradually became “imaged” in her mind.

 She wanted to hear more.

With his mind on this side, Xu Miao didn't even think about why Lin Yunyan knew so much.

  Can an unmarried couple really understand so much just by having a few encounters in the days after marriage?

Liu Ping thought for a moment, but it was only for a moment.

 First of all, she was young and had no such experience.

 Secondly, she was attracted by Lin Yunyan's eyes.

   When my sister-in-law talks about her eldest brother, her eyes are filled with light.

 In those lights, there is trust and joy.

  It also affected her when it fell here, making Liu Ping involuntarily want to hear more.

Mama Xia would add some tea from time to time, and her eyes were wet when she turned her back.

The princess is so kind.

 No wonder the Duke of the country said that he wanted the princess to come to the temple to accompany his wife.

Lin Yunyan said a lot.

Of course, it couldn't be what she had discovered in these days, but more of what she had accumulated over time. She picked some and told Mrs. Xu.

After talking for almost three quarters of an hour, she said: "That's all for now. I will tell you and Sister Ping if I find anything later."

 Xu Miao's heart felt warm and she said "Okay".

Lin Yunyan blinked again: "Don't tell the Duke what I said, he will definitely laugh at me."

 Xu Miao Wan'er.

 The friendship between children is so beautiful.

"I have nothing else to exchange," Xu Miao thought about it for a while and finally said, "Let me tell the princess what happened when A Jian was still in my belly.

When I was pregnant with him, I didn’t suffer much at first, rarely had nausea, and had a good appetite. He was very stable. Until I could feel him, he didn’t move much.

I told the nuns that my father might be disappointed. He was so polite and well-behaved, and he was probably not a girl. The nuns all laughed at me and said that I couldn't think so.

When he was about eight months old, he suddenly changed his temper, running rampant, punching and kicking, and making a lot of noise every day.

This fuss almost made me stupid..."

As she spoke, Xu Miao paused, with tears in her eyes. She raised her hand to wipe them away before continuing.

 In fact, after so many years, she rarely recalled the year when she was pregnant with Xu Jian.

 Being a mother for the first time and being separated again is a painful feeling.

 She was afraid of pain, so she didn’t think about it.

 But today, she was probably in a state of emotional chaos trying to find a way out, so she rarely mentioned these things.

Lin Yunyan and Liu Ping both listened carefully, caring about both Xu Jian and Xu Miao.

 There are not many ways to support Xu Miao, this is the best they can do at the moment.

It is nearly noon.

 Li Shao returned to the palace.

 Come in from the North Palace Gate and go all the way south, heading straight towards the Imperial Study Room.

Eunuch Cao got the news and after deducing the Holy Emperor's thoughts, he hurried to pick him up with an umbrella. Halfway through, he met His Royal Highness the Prince, who was coming towards him. Li Shao was soaked all over, and the little chamberlain followed him, even with or without an umbrella.

Eunuch Cao asked: "Why does Your Highness look like this?"

"Is your father in the imperial study?" Li Shao asked. Perhaps it was because of the rain that his voice was a little hoarse. "Is your father angry? I'll go see him first."

Eunuch Cao said, "The Holy Lord is indeed very angry."

He didn't mention anything else, let alone asking Li Shao to clean up his appearance first.

If His Highness were to return to the East Palace and tidy up before meeting the Holy Spirit, the anger in His Majesty's heart would be 30% greater.

While guiding Li Shao, Eunuch Cao asked, "I heard that you went to Yongji Palace? Well, that's not the place you should go."

Not long ago, news of His Highness’s whereabouts reached the Imperial Study Room.

When the Holy Emperor learned that the prince had gone to Yongji Palace, he was angry and surprised, but he did not let his subordinates go to Yongji Palace to "invite" anyone.

 That's not necessary.

 He just wanted to know when Li Shao would show up.

Li Shao saw Eunuch Cao asking, but he didn't answer and just walked away with his head down.

When it arrived, Eunuch Cao went in first to report. Li Shao stood on the porch and took a deep breath of rain.

 Li Jun is a lunatic at heart.

Li Shao could see and hear that his third uncle, who had been imprisoned for a long time, was not normal!

Of course, maybe he was locked up because he was crazy.

Li Shao couldn't quite explain cause and effect, but this big conclusion had sunk deep in his heart.

 A madman, what good things can be taught to him?

 Li Shao sneered.

If you really listen to Li Jun, then he will become a madman.

He is a dignified crown prince, why should he imitate Li Jun’s crazy appearance?

 In the Imperial Study Room, the Holy Master pressed his eyebrows and said, "Let him come in. You stay outside and don't let anyone come in casually."

Eunuch Cao responded.

Li Shao entered and knelt down without saying a word.

 He lowered his head, letting the water droplets fall down his hair and cheeks to the floor tiles.

The Holy One leaned back in his chair, without shouting or asking any questions. He just let Li Shao kneel for two quarters of an hour before he put down the pen he was using to mark the book.

“You answer it yourself, or I ask you to answer.” asked the Holy Sage.

 Li Shao moved his neck.

 It was very painful for him to kneel.

  Since he was a child, the number of times he was punished was limited, and he was rarely punished by kneeling for such a long time. However, he was soaked all over, and his bones and flesh were extremely uncomfortable from kneeling.

 But he had not moved before. He knew very well that at this moment, he had to kneel like this.

"You ask," Li Shao said, "I am so confused that I don't know where to start."

 In the imperial study room, there was a question and answer session between father and son.

"What's the details of that house? I don't know. I followed Liu Xun. I didn't think much about it at that time?"

"I drank too much last night, so they came to search. I didn't know anything about it. When I woke up, I was already in Shuntian Mansion."

"Yes, I went to see my second uncle after I left Shuntian Mansion. At that time, the palace door was not open yet. I was panicked and knew that I had done something wrong. I wanted my second uncle to intercede with you on my behalf. Second uncle I have given you a lesson. If you say something wrong, it is a mistake. Let me admit it to you."

"Why go to Yongji Palace?" Li Shao swallowed his saliva and said, "I just want to know what it will be like for the prince who made a big mistake."

Hearing this, the Holy Master's brows jumped.

This answer was indeed beyond his expectation.

“Then what did you gain from what you saw in Yongji Palace?” Without questioning directly, the Holy Master followed the answer given by Li Shao and asked another question.

Li Shao took a deep breath: "It's not good. It's not good to be locked up in Yongji Palace. It's very desolate there.

It is also a royal palace, but Yongji Palace is not popular and dull... Although I have never been to the Leng Palace, I think it will be like this when I come to the Leng Palace.

After I entered, I stood in the front square for a long time. It was raining heavily and it was completely lonely. There was not even a bird.

 Er Chen likes things that are more lively, but it’s so quiet there, it’s so quiet that it’s scary. "

After hearing this, the Holy Spirit asked again: "Have you seen Li Jun?"

"I saw it," Li Shao chose to tell the truth, "He is a madman. He did not yell, but he is a madman. After staying in that place for a long time, it is not surprising that he is crazy."

 “What did he say to you?”

"They are all arrogant words," Li Shao said. "He talked about the emperor's grandfather, you, your other brothers, and a lot of things."

The Holy Emperor chuckled, not too surprised by Li Jun's temper: "Then you still listened to him for so long?"

“It’s been a long time indeed,” Li Shao said. “The reason why I listen is because I want to know what will happen after being imprisoned for a long time.”

These are indeed the truth.

 He listened to Li Jun's words, but he would not believe them.

 He was curious about the scared and excited situation Li Jun described, but of course that was all.

 After all, Li Jun is a generation different from him.

 Li Jun’s tactics were used to deal with the emperor’s grandfather.

 As for his father, Li Shao thought, he must know better.

“Do you think I will lock you up?” asked the Holy Sage.

Li Shao thought for a while and said: "I made a mistake and I have to be punished. If the punishment is too light, I will not be able to convince the public. Being punished by confinement is also a way to deal with it."

"You have figured it out," the Holy Master stood up, walked out from behind the case, walked to Li Shao, and looked at him condescendingly, "Why didn't you think about this before the incident happened?"

 Li Shao's head hung down again.

He did not look into the eyes of the Holy One, but said in a low voice: "You will gain wisdom if you take a bite."

The Holy One looked at him steadily and put his hand on the exposed part of his neck.

 There was rain and it was very cold, even to his heart.

"For so many years, I have tried hard to be a good father," the Holy Father spoke, word by word, his voice hoarse, "I miss your mother, and I miss you especially.

I have watched you grow up day by day, and I also know that you will have to fall hard several times on the way to growth, but I never thought that you would end up like this.

 A few times before, you made too little progress after doing something wrong.

It’s my fault, I’m so tolerant to you that you’re not afraid of anything.

You went to Yongji Palace. I hope you really understand what you saw there.

 Go back to your own palace later, be honest, Shan Qing and others come to ask questions, just answer whatever you know, go ahead. "

 After saying this, the Holy Spirit removed his hand.

Li Shao raised his head, looked at the Holy Father for a while, and left without asking any more questions.

Eunuch Cao kept his ears open to listen to what was going on inside, but it was hard to hear anything.

When he saw Li Shao coming out, Eunuch Cao became more and more confused.

 That’s it?

Your Majesty did not get angry or curse. This is wrong!

They all seemed to be calm, but Eunuch Cao thought that this calmness was even more deadly.

Eunuch Cao sent Li Shao off first.

After walking out a little, Li Shao said: "I'm going back. I won't be able to pay my respects to my father for some time. Eunuch Cao, please help me pay more attention to my father."

Eunuch Cao responded naturally.

 After sending the people away and returning to the imperial palace, they saw that the Holy One was still standing where he was.

There was not much expression on his face, but the sadness and disappointment still seeped out little by little.

“Let’s change the number of people in his palace,” the saint said without even looking at Eunuch Cao. “The number of people doesn’t need to be large, just be more calm..."

   Thanks to book friends Mo Chengcheng, Xu Bicheng’s official girlfriend, and Wuhanhuan166 for their rewards.

  (End of this chapter)

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