Yan Cigui

Chapter 272: Invite her to a meal (two updates in one, please give me a monthly ticket)

Chapter 272 Invite her to a meal (two updates in one, asking for monthly votes)

 Outside the palace gate.

 Xu Jian and Shan Shen got off the sedan one after another.

Not long ago, someone from the palace came to deliver a message, saying that His Royal Highness the Crown Prince had returned to the East Palace, so the two of them came over.

 Master Shan held an umbrella and looked up at Xu Jian.

 The Duke of Fu also held an umbrella, and the umbrella was held low. Shan Shen could not see his expression, but he felt that even though the Duke was in a state of embarrassment, he was taller and taller than he looked.

"You really don't need to clean it up?" Shan Shen felt uneasy and asked while shaking his wet sleeves that were still dripping with water.

The case was urgent and the rain was not letting up, so he had not paid attention to it before.

 Just as the palace urged him, he was anxious himself, so he came like this.

 Until he arrived outside the palace gate, a feeling of uneasiness emerged from his back.

 Having been an official for many years, Shan Shen had never entered the palace in such a disheveled manner?

 Can a drowned rat enter the palace?

"It doesn't matter," Xu Jian said, "His Royal Highness is also in a panic at the moment. Master Shan has tidied up, but he is not working on a case."

Shan Shen thought about it, and it was right.

Unexpectedly, Xu Jian followed up with: "When you saw the prince early in the morning, was it worse than now? The prince should not be surprised."

Shan Shen:…

He saw the naked Crown Prince in the middle of the night last night. Shouldn't he be surprised no matter what His Highness wears in the future?

Xu Jian's original intention was to have some fun, but seeing Master Shan's helpless look on his face, he laughed again, holding an umbrella and heading to the palace gate first.

The palace people led the way to the outside of the East Palace.

This was the first time Shan Shen came to the palace. Looking around, he felt that something was not right.

 “So few people?” He whispered to Xu Jian in a low voice.

"The original guards were all summoned to Shuntian Mansion," Xu Jian also took a look at it. "There are indeed fewer maids, and they are quite unfamiliar."

 In saying this, both of them knew it well.

 The staff in the East Palace have been replaced.

Those who only protected the prince and reported half of the prince's condition to the Holy Father and left half behind were all replaced.

 Those who are being replaced now should all be elite soldiers and generals selected by Eunuch Cao at his request.

A chamberlain came up to greet him: "Master Fu Guogong, Master Shan, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince is taking a bath, please sit down for a while."

 Xu Jian looked at him.

 This chamberlain is in his early forties, not tall, and has small eyes.

 Xu Jian recognized him.

 His surname is Guo, and he is trusted by Eunuch Cao.

 Xu Jian and Shan Shen waited for almost a quarter of an hour.

 Eunuch Guo made good tea, but he asked the kitchen to bring **** tea and snacks, which were made by the imperial kitchen.

Shan Shen was so preoccupied with the case that he didn't pay attention to his hands, picking up one piece after another. When he found out, more than half of the plate had already gone into his stomach.

 “Ha, haha…” He smiled awkwardly.

Xu Jian took a sip of **** tea and said, "Your Excellency, you have been busy since last night and haven't even bothered to fill your stomach, right?"

Shan Shen’s face was quite red.

 It was indeed very hungry, and it was indeed delicious, but this was not the reason why he ate so much in the East Palace.

 That is to say, His Royal Highness is too slow...

Just as he was thinking about it, Li Shao finally came out.

 He put on clean clothes and wore his long hair down. As he walked, he wiped the water droplets from his hair.

"I've kept you waiting for a long time," he sat down. "I didn't feel very well after returning to the palace. I was afraid of getting cold after the rain, so I hurriedly went to wash myself. It doesn't matter how I call the doctor on weekdays. This time I said 'I'm sick' , It’s not like that.”

Shan Shen said hurriedly: "Your health is urgent."

No matter what, this is the precious son of the Holy One.

To ask questions like this after being caught in the heavy rain, he is really sick and it is troublesome for him alone.

Just like Wantang, he was rampant and extremely powerful. He could throw Liu Xun out in the rain to sober up, but he didn't dare to touch the prince.

Li Shao woke up and had to serve **** tea in Shuntian Mansion.

With this thought in mind, Shan Shen added: "Dry your hair first, then drink some **** tea to calm down, and ask about things in this moment and a half."

Li Shao picked up the tea bowl and drank in one gulp: "Let's ask now. I can't delay you any longer in investigating the case."

Shan Shen nodded and asked again about the ins and outs of the case.

Xu Jian sat beside him without saying a word.

I have to say that Li Shao was too honest at the moment.

  What Master Shan asked, he would answer. If he couldn't answer, he would just say "I don't know."

Such an attitude gives me a sense of clarity, as if I suddenly woke up after a hard fall.

 But Xu Jian knew clearly that these were just appearances.

 Because Li Shao is hopeless.

Looking from Li Shao's brows that were tense and relaxed at times, to his sitting posture, and then to his hands hidden under the desk.

Due to the angle, Shan Shen couldn't see His Highness the Crown Prince's hand, but Xu Jian could see it a little.

 Li Shao's hands clenched into fists with great force.

 That is restraint.

 It is not about restraining irritability and anger, but restraining excitement.

While Dan Shen was drinking tea to soothe his throat, Xu Jian spoke: "Your Highness, where did you go earlier?"

"Yongji Palace," Li Shao said, "I told my father the same thing. I was scolded by my second uncle, and I knew I was in trouble, so I went to Yongji Palace to see what the erring prince was like. of."

 Xu Jian asked again: "Have you met the man in Yongji Palace?"

"I've seen a madman, I won't listen to him." Li Shao said it before, and now he naturally said the same thing when facing Xu Jian.

After hearing this, Xu Jian nodded slightly and didn’t ask any more questions.

After Shan Shen finished asking all the questions, the two of them stood up.

Li Shao sent them out of the main hall, stood on the corridor and looked at the rain curtain, and said: "I will not send them off if they cause you trouble. Let Eunuch Guo send them off to you."

Xu Jian saluted, held up an umbrella and walked out.

Li Shao watched them leave, and when the two people left the East Palace, he curled up the corners of his lips and sneered.

 The chest is shaking, and the remaining emotion is called "pleasure".


 He is the crown prince, the most valued and beloved son of his father, but he is only confined for a certain period of time.

 Because he once again escaped from the imperial study room.

As he recalled the scene from Yongji Palace to just now in his mind, Li Shao thought that he handled it perfectly.

Father did not question him. Shan Shen could only ask a few questions. Even Xu Jian, who had no good words in his mouth, could not do anything to him.

  What could Xu Jian and Shan Shen say after leaving them alone for a quarter of an hour?

 Should we advise him to take care of himself?

The fear had dissipated the moment he stepped out of the Imperial Study Room, but the excitement continued, and it was still stirring his heart until this moment.

 Li Shao smiled again.

Li Jun is undoubtedly a madman.

  You don’t need to listen or believe what the lunatic taught him.

But the madman will also have one or two things that are right.

Obviously I was scared to death, but the excitement and excitement that made my skin crawl all over was really exciting.

 He likes it too.

 It’s a pity that I have to restrain myself for a while. It will take a while before I can taste this again.

How long will his father imprison him?

Li Shao is not sure now. The only thing that is certain is that it will not be later than September 25th.

 It was the death anniversary of the queen mother.

 In the other room, Xu Jian and Shan Shen were walking on the palace road, with no intention of talking to each other.

 There are many people talking in the palace, so it is not a good place for discussions.

It wasn't until he returned to Shuntian Mansion that Shan Shen relaxed his tense spirit, stretched his sore muscles, and asked: "Judging from the prince's words, the person behind the scenes is hiding very deep.

In the yamen, it seemed that more than 80 or 90 people were captured, but it turned out that they were all abandoned, and they couldn't even make a fortune.

If Lao Wan doesn't gain anything in the house, I don't know what he will answer when someone asks him tomorrow morning. "

"It's no wonder that Master Shan and Commander Wan are here," Xu Jian said. "That person is insidious and well prepared. He has been planning for so long, so it is naturally difficult to catch the loopholes."

"That's what you say, but you have to give the consequences that are due," Shan Shen looked over the confession compiled by the master again, and asked in distress, "If I don't know every question, I won't make any progress, and I won't be able to pay the job. Duke Master, I can’t bring myself to blame the prince’s guards for trying to kidnap someone, right?”

Xu Jian smiled and said, "If Master Shan doesn't want to be the governor of Shuntian anymore, you can give it a try."

He responded calmly and casually, as always, showing a sense of just watching the excitement and not taking it too seriously. It didn't look like he had the slightest connection with the kidnapping case.

Of course Shan Shen didn't notice it and just smiled bitterly.

While the two were talking, Zhang Yuan walked in quickly, his face not looking good.

"There is still a dancer who has not woken up yet, and she has a fever. The fever is severe," Zhang Fucheng said. "I should have known that I had asked An Yuan to check everything before. At that time, I was only looking after the prince and not the others. I just had another Let’s call the doctor.”

When Shan Shen heard this, his bitter smile turned into bitterness.

 There are two different things between taking a life and not taking a life.

Xu Jian flipped through some more case files and got up to go to Chenmi Hutong.

Since the staff of the two yamen were still busy, Wantang and Xu Jian greeted each other and pointed to the tall trees in the yard and said, "I wish I could uproot them."

Xu Jian thought for a while and said, "If it doesn't work, just pull it out. I'll look around."

Wantang let out a long sigh and motioned for Xu Jian to turn around.

 Xu Jian wandered around the house for an hour, but gained nothing.

 He was not surprised by this either.

The severed tails thrown out by the people behind Dao Heng must have been cleaned up, and there must not be any clues left behind that they don't want to be noticed.

 And what was left behind was probably the "bait" deliberately fed to him.

Those hands have always been like this.

The rain stopped before it got dark. Judging from the sky, there should be no more rain before dawn tomorrow.

 Xu Jian returned to Shuntian Mansion and told Shan Shen about the situation at the house.

Shan Shen was in great distress.

“Is the dancer awake?” Xu Jian asked.

"I fed her some water in a daze," Shan Shen shook his head and said, "The fever was very fierce, so I shamelessly asked the hospital judge to come. He said he was not optimistic, so I just wanted to see if I could get through it on my own. "

How could you bother the hospital with this kind of thing?

It would be even worse than watching the storm in the city and letting the outside know that a human life had been lost.

Shan Shen looked at the documents spread out on the table and felt that he had never handled such a difficult case in his life.

 The people involved are very troublesome.

 There are no clues behind it.

He is very good at handling cases, but he seems to be unable to exert his efforts at every turn.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, Shan Shen raised his head and glanced outside. It was Shen Chen coming with a cloth bag.

 “What?” he couldn’t help but ask.

“Clean clothes,” Xu Jian took them from Shen Chen and said to Shan Shen, “Let me tidy up the room next door.”

Shan Shen raised his eyebrows.

Mr. Fu Guogong has been exposed to a lot of rain today. He really doesn't care whether he gets wet or not. He can't hold on now.

 But since it’s now here, is it necessary to change into a new one in the Yamen?

In the past, in Shuntian Mansion, the Duke would stay with him as late as he wanted. He never left early. Even if he wanted to rest today, wouldn't it be good to take a hot bath and change clothes when he got back to the mansion?

Shan Shen was puzzled. After a while, he saw Xu Jian coming out of the next door, neatly dressed.

 Clean and dignified, completely different from the drowned rats like them who have been running around all day.

Seeing Master Shan looking at her, Xu Jian chuckled softly: "Excuse me, Princess, to do me a favor and treat her to a meal. It's not a big deal if she looks slovenly."

Shan Shen choked.

Xu Jian added: "It's not far. I'll bring some back to Mr. Shan later."

"You're welcome," Shan Shen felt much more at ease after hearing the words, "Then I'll wait."

 Xu Jian walked out of Shuntian Mansion.

 Liu Jing arrived just in time.

 After going to court, after he finished talking to Xu Miao, he went back to Qianbu Corridor.

It’s not that he doesn’t care about his son, he is worried that Liu Xun is worried.

 But he can only do this.

If you don't do your job properly and look for connections everywhere to beg for favors, not only will you not be able to help Xun'er, but you will also do more bad things.

The Holy Emperor has not suspended his duties. He is still the minister of Honglu Temple, so he must do a good job in government affairs.

 Ministers who are like headless flies cannot enter the eyes of the Holy One.

Now, he can't make a mistake every step of the way.

 The two cars met each other.

The situation was different. Liu Jing was very restrained when he spoke and had no intention of causing trouble.

"Is Xun'er okay in Shuntian Mansion?" he asked, "Have you given any useful information?"

Xu Jian said: "Master Liu can ask Master Shan. Relatives are concerned about the case. As long as they can tell, the Yamen will definitely tell them."

"You asked your mother and A'Ping to live in the temple?" Liu Jing said again, "That's fine. I can't take care of them these days. The temple should be cleaner."

Xu Jian had no intention of talking to Liu Jing. When he saw that the carriage was ready, he closed his umbrella and got on the carriage.

Upon seeing this, Liu Jing turned around and entered Shuntian Mansion.

 In the backyard of Taohe Zhai, Grandma He’s family is preparing vegetables.

Lin Yunyan arrived first, took out the stove from the study, asked her grandma to add some charcoal, and tested the temperature.

 Entering and leaving the palace, it was Shuntian Mansion and Chenmi Hutong. She was sure that Xu Jian was not good at cooking stoves today.

 It’s raining heavily today and it’s very cold, so my legs and feet will definitely feel uncomfortable.

As soon as they finished gathering, Xu Jian arrived and looked at Lin Yunyan through the kitchen door.

nanny He saw him and said with a smile: "My master and the princess will wait a moment. The hot vegetables will be ready to serve as soon as they are stir-fried. I have boiled some **** tea on a low fire. You can use some first."

 Xu Jian responded and said, "I drank a lot of **** tea today."

Lin Yunyan walked towards him, walked sideways out of the door, and stuffed things into Xu Jian's hands: "I must not be good at the stove today."

 After saying this, she went to the study.

 Xu Jian lightly weighed the stove.

 It’s hot.

 The little princess was also very angry.

I had to change my clothes before coming, otherwise I might have been fooled.

  Thanks to book friend Xu Bicheng’s official girlfriend, the charming lazy cat who loves to bask in the sun, for the tip.



 (End of this chapter)

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