Yan Cigui

Chapter 273: The target must continue to stand upright (two updates in one)

 In the small hall, the oil lamp has been lit.

 Lin Yunyan walked in, and the night wind blew over her like someone chasing her, making it damp and cool.

 Just for a moment, the heat brought by the palms of my hands dissipated.

Perhaps it’s due to the temperature difference, but it seems colder.

Lin Yunyan pursed her lips and looked at Xu Jian, who was coming a few steps behind.

Without looking carefully, she knew that Xu Jian had just changed clothes as soon as they met in the kitchen.

  Everyone will leave some traces on their clothes when they come in and out all day long.

 It’s not that there’s any dust or oil stains on it, it’s more like wrinkles.

 Xu Jian used to travel in a wheelchair. In addition to her lower back and lower body, her elbows and arms were also prone to wrinkles.

 This is Lin Yunyan’s experience.

Of course those experiences do not apply to Xu Jian now. Wheelchairs and normal walking are two completely different things.

 However, the difference between a new top and one that has been worn for a day is so great that it can be distinguished without any old experience at all.

As long as the previous clothes were acceptable, Xu Jian would not have to change them.

Thinking about this, Lin Yunyan pursed her lips tighter.

 Who among the civil and military officials in the dynasty didn’t know that he had a leg injury? It is normal for people with old injuries to behave inappropriately in order to maintain their health.

 Forget about holding a hand stove in late spring, when the weather is bad, you have to hold it.

She knew clearly that Xu Jian was not afraid of being crowded with people, he just felt it was inconvenient to hold such a thing in his hand when he was running around for inspections.

 But he was still caught in the rain.

 Xu Jian also walked in.

 After Lin Yunyan sat down, he sat on the edge.

“The house has been taken care of, and there are indeed a lot of things going on today.” Xu Jian put the stove on her lap, and the warm air penetrated under her clothes, and her skin also warmed up.

 To be honest, it must be comfortable to be comfortable.

 It drives away the coolness and relieves a lot of stiffness.

This feeling of comfort made his back relax a lot.

He simply leaned on the back of his chair and slowly and leisurely counted with Lin Yunyan: "After coming out of the palace, we went to Shuntian Mansion without touching the ground. Later, it was said that the prince had returned to the East Palace, so Mr. Shan and I rushed over again and waited for questions. After finishing him, we went back to Shuntian Mansion and walked around again, and then went to Chenmi Hutong. The house was really well built and the scenery was very nice. Unfortunately, Commander Wan and I didn't get much, so before going down to the Yamen, we went back to Shuntian Mansion to meet Mr. Shan. I said something..."

Lin Yunyan raised her eyebrows and hummed: "Finally changed into clean clothes in Shuntian Mansion?"

Xu Jian laughed when he heard her criticism: "I did change it. I can't help it. I was soaked too much before. To be honest, I wasn't feeling well either. It was sticky and cold, but it was too wet." I’m too busy to take care of that.”

Lin Yunyan did not answer these words, but felt a sudden rush in her heart.

 She heard "concession" and "sharing" from Xu Jian's tone.

 This is rare.

  It’s not that Xu Jian was so strong in the past, but he shouldered a lot.

 Xu Jian and her, they will analyze the situation, judge the advance and retreat, and exchange various information without reservation in the most difficult times, in order to go further and get closer to the truth.

 There is no way to go forward by relying on one person alone.

 She will naturally take up the responsibilities that should be shouldered by Lin Yunyan.

They have no naive illusions, and prepare for the worst in every move. Xu Jian will not give her unrealistic good expectations, and life and death are clearly analyzed.

 But Lin Yunyan knew that Xu Jian carried more.

Emotionally, Xu Jian put away his own uneasiness, hesitation and hesitation, leaving Lin Yunyan with calmness and determination.

 But now, Xu Jian rarely showed some true emotions.

He was stating, his tone was calm, not sinister, and he didn't mean anything, but Lin Yunyan could hear some "pleasure" in it.

The fire was extinguished little by little. There were still a few sparks, but they couldn't burn.

Lin Yunyan sighed: "Every foot does not touch the ground, but your leg is the only one that feels uncomfortable."

"It's not bad," Xu Jian said, paused, and added, "It's not that serious, it's different from the wound in your impression."

Lin Yunyan snorted softly.

 Of course it’s different.

 In the past, I was injured and had to sit in a wheelchair. Now I can’t walk very fast, but I can still walk freely.

 Except for rainy days and going up and down stairs, take it easy.

“If you’re worried, you can have your injuries checked,” Xu Jian said.

Lin Yunyan raised her eyes to look at him, and her ears suddenly felt hot: "I'm not a doctor."

Xu Jian said: "I can treat half of the patients after a long illness, and you can do the same. You didn't bother too much in the past."

Lin Yunyan understood.

This is the arrogance of a person who is wrong, and he talks about him in various ways.


I’m already soaking wet, what else can I do?

A real on-site injury examination is outrageous.

"Mrs. Xu," Lin Yunyan simply changed the subject, "Mrs. Xu looks fine on the surface. Although her spirit is not good, she is not depressed, but she is suffering in her heart."

 Sometimes, being too sober is not a good thing.

 At least that’s the case with Xu Miao.

She knew what Liu Xun had done and what he was most likely to face. She also knew Xu Jian's difficulties and Liu Ping's worries.

 The positions are different and the directions are different. If she wants to go to either side, she will harm the other side.

She could not turn to the left or right, she could only stand in the middle, looking around and burning herself, because she could not even reveal her pain, and the only people who would listen to her were from one side.

 There are no real “outsiders”.

  Speaking it out will hurt others, not speaking it out will hurt yourself.

If this goes on for a long time...

 Xu Jian is right, Xu Miao will go crazy, sooner or later.

They initially hoped that Liu Ping could support Xu Miao. At present, it seems that because of Liu Ping, Xu Miao is indeed "forced" to give up Liu Xun in her heart, even if she is in pain.

 For a mother who loves her children deeply, giving up is not just a matter of words.

“I told her that since she believes in Bodhisattva, she might as well tell Bodhisattva many things.” Lin Yunyan said.

 Xu Miao needs a place to vent.

 There are no "outsiders", so let's talk about the clay and gold sculptures.

Xu Jian understood what Lin Yunyan meant: "Disappointment and giving up are both a process."

 Giving up may come from being forced by the situation, but to give up from the bottom of your heart, you have to accumulate countless disappointments little by little.

Lin Yunyan nodded: "Based on my understanding of the Holy Emperor, he will be disappointed and punished, but he will not give up on Li Shao easily from the bottom of his heart."

 Outside, Shen Chen announced that the food was ready.

The two of them simply gave up and asked Shen Chen to come in and set the table.

 Eat full first, it won’t taste good when it’s cold.

Besides, Lin Yunyan thought, Xu Jian had been running back and forth all day, and he probably didn't even have a proper lunch, so he just laid on the bed indiscriminately.

 Have to eat something hot.

 Grandma He’s craftsmanship is as good as ever.

  After finishing the meal and clearing the table, we started talking about important matters again. Xu Jian spoke faster to explain the ins and outs.

Lin Yunyan listened very carefully. After listening to everything, she sorted out some doubts in her heart.

“The people in the East Palace have changed their hands,” she asked. “Then the nail that was buried before is gone?”

 “No,” Xu Jian said, “I can only think of another way.”

Lin Yunyan asked again: "How long do you think the Lord will keep the prince in prison?"

"A few months," Xu Jian judged. "Based on the current situation, it will be the death anniversary of the late Queen at the latest."

Lin Yunyan agreed with Xu Jian's judgment and said: "It's just that even if he comes out, he will have to be honest for a while."

"We have to let him out," Xu Jian smiled, "We want to catch that hand, but we can't lose a good target like the prince."

Lin Yunyan nodded slightly.

 When she asked further, her expression became much more solemn.

“The prince went to Yongji Palace? He even met the one inside. Did the palace officials of Yongji Palace please him, or..."

 While saying this, Lin Yunyan thought of the past.

The father was seriously injured, and one of the last words he left to them was about Li Jun.

“The prince most likely went to see the one from Yongji Palace.”

Lin Yunyan took a deep breath: "Thinking about it now, maybe the connection between Li Shao and Li Jun was much earlier than what was thought at the time."

Li Jun is a madman.

Li Shao has not gone crazy yet, but as long as the connection between him and Li Jun is not broken, he will gradually go crazy.

 Everyone needs guidance.

 Li Shao’s crazy method really needs someone like Li Jun to guide him.

“Li Jun is indeed crazy,” Xu Jian tapped her fingers on the armrest again and again, thinking a lot, and said, “Since he was imprisoned in Yongji Palace, Li Jun’s wings have been clipped too many times by the late emperor.

Even if he can win over everyone in the palace, he is still not the third prince from before.

 Let’s not talk about Dao Heng and Wang Liu6, but only the Zhu family, the former British duke who was beheaded. He would not work hard for the demoted Li Mi, but he may not like Li Jun either. "

 Compared to Li Mi who was demoted from Beijing, Li Jun certainly has advantages.

He was not demoted to a commoner, he was just imprisoned, and he was still alive and well.

 But with the court stable, why would Zhu Chang be willing to pursue Li Jun?

"Before today, Li Jun and Li Shao had no contact at all," Xu Jian continued, "If we hadn't tricked Li Shao into this situation, Chen Mi Hutong would have been investigated and nothing would have happened to him. He escaped unscathed. , and would never even think of going to Yongji Palace.”

Lin Yunyan followed Xu Jian's train of thought and sorted out her thoughts: "That person is the one who can really lead Li Shao away. This time we tricked Li Shao, which was beyond his expectation, so he simply let Li Shao go. Meeting Li Jun made the water even more muddy.”

 An answer has come to mind.

“Another sentence left by my father at that time,” Lin Yunyan murmured, “The third prince and Prince Jin had close personal contacts.”

The third prince Li Lin is the only son of the concubine Zhao.

 Born in the sixth year of Yongjia, he is not yet six years old now.

 And Li Lin, who was identified by his father as having "close contacts with the King of Jin", was only thirteen or fourteen years old.

"He wants to be the regent?" Lin Yunyan's eyes lit up, "Li Shao is very close to him now. After today's incident, Li Shao also went to the Jin Palace immediately.

The King of Jin would not directly tell Li Shao to go to Yongji Palace, but he understood Li Shao and could 'guide' him.

It was he who allowed Li Shao to meet Li Jun smoothly and laid out the subsequent chess moves.

 In the past, Li Shao had done all the bad things, and everyone in the court was in panic. The role of his chess piece had almost come to an end.

The words are justifiable, and he can even convince Prince Ping to let him step in to depose Li Shao, and then support the third prince who trusts him. After that, he will repeat the same process all over again.

 Prince Ping will not be able to survive for long, and the court has almost been cleaned up. It is all his words, and the third prince can throw it away.

 He can go from the regency to the throne. "

Xu Jian poured a cup of tea for Lin Yunyan and drank one himself.

Thinking of Li Du's response to the court this morning, and the temperament he usually displays...

"If it's really him," Xu Jian's eyes darkened, "then this fox will be difficult to deal with."

Lin Yunyan stroked the tea cup with her fingertips and thought about it again: "I can't completely conclude, I need to test more."

If you guess wrong, the subsequent layout will be completely wrong.

The road goes further and further away, and by the time the problem is discovered, it is already too late.

 Xu Jian's eyes fell on Lin Yunyan's hand.

The white porcelain tea bowl is very moist and translucent, but it is still inferior to the little princess.

 The nails were dyed with kodan, making them whiter and more delicate.

 The fingertips were stroking again and again, which was very interesting.

Xu Jian simply stretched out his hand and used some strength on his fingertips to take the tea cup from Lin Yunyan's hand.

Lin Yunyan glanced at him in surprise and didn't say anything when she saw him adding more tea.

“Don’t touch it now, be careful of burning it,” Xu Jian pushed the full tea cup back, “If you can’t think clearly without something on your hands, I’ll lend you my tea cup.”

Lin Yunyan looked at the two teacups in front of her, neither angry nor smiling.

This man is really.

  He deliberately interrupted when talking about such an important matter.

“So, we still need Li Shao,” Xu Jian said as if nothing had happened. “He has to continue to be a target. Firstly, we want the Holy Emperor to give up on him completely. Secondly, we have to follow the clues.”

 When dealing with the Holy Spirit, we must do it step by step, just like eating, one bite after another.

But when facing the person behind you, following the step-by-step approach won’t work. You have to take the wrong approach.

 After deciding on the general direction, the two discussed it some more and planned to leave.

Lin Yunyan returned to Chengyi Bofu, while Xu Jian had to go to Shuntian Mansion.

 Lanterns were lit in the yard.

 The small gate connects the two courtyards. Under the light of the lantern, there is darkness and light.

Lin Yunyan was walking in front, and there was water under the bluestone floor tiles. She accidentally stepped on it, and the splashed water wet her shoes.

 She couldn't help but frown.

 Then, someone held his arm.

Perhaps because she had been holding the stove, Xu Jian's palms were very hot, which was transmitted through her sleeves.

“Walk slowly, these floor tiles haven’t been repaired in many years, so they will be like this on rainy days.” Xu Jian was familiar with this place and had a good memory. He helped her avoid several unstable floor tiles until she walked to the eaves corridor.

Lin Yunyan stood still and then looked up at him.

The light was behind Xu Jian, and he was so tall that he almost blocked it. Lin Yunyan couldn't see Xu Jian's expression clearly.

 No one spoke for a while.

Just when Lin Yunyan was thinking about opening her mouth first, Xu Jian's hand let go of her arm.

 Xu Jian did not lower his arm, but raised it a little higher, and made two gestures on the top of Lin Yunyan's head.

  With a chuckle, he said: "I've grown taller, taller than in the past few months."

 The words left behind by Uncle Chengyi are in Chapter 57 Father and Daughter.

Thanks to book friend Xu Bicheng’s official girlfriend for the reward. Thanks to Bookstore Book Friends for the tip of Pastoral Night. Thanks to Hongxiu Book Friends 84993, Jixiang Yunqi, and Ye Xiaoye for their tips.

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