Yan Cigui

Chapter 274: Very different (two updates in one)

Chapter 274 is very different (two updates in one)

Lin Yunyan raised her head.

 She knew she had been growing taller in recent months.

Two days ago, the third sister was dragging her into a competition, complaining that she was suddenly left behind.

 Growing taller is normal.

 As before, it was time for her to grow taller.

 But she felt that when this sentence came out of Xu Jian's mouth, it was different from when it was spoken by others.

 Inevitably, Lin Yunyan remembered what Xu Jian had said when he was angry with her before.

 The words "The princess is slowly growing taller" and the words "You are still greedy for wine at a young age, so you should grow taller by two years", always make people want to stare at him when they think about it.

With a thought in her mind, Lin Yunyan raised her hand and made gestures above her head.

Reluctantly, it only reached Xu Jian's chest.

Suddenly, **** fell on the back of the hand and clasped lightly.

Seeing that Lin Yunyan was puzzled, Xu Jian pointed his fingertips again: "When you gesture, just gesture properly, don't lift it in vain, don't tilt it sideways."

Lin Yunyan laughed angrily.

 Why is this not a serious gesture?

It may be a little slanted, but that's because she tilted her head up, so she didn't mean to fake it.

Taken her hand back, Lin Yunyan said: "It's not like it won't grow anymore."

 Xu Jian laughed again: "Yes, it can still grow."

The night was so dark that Lin Yunyan couldn't see Xu Jian's expression at this moment, but in the night, the voice was clearer than in the day.

 Heartbeat, smile, passed into the ears.

"Me," she heard the voice and realized it was her. Her head was already open and she simply asked a question, "How tall can I grow?"

 She seemed to have never paid special attention to this issue before, and there was no clear reference around her.

 Because Xu Jian couldn't stand up, he couldn't be more careful even when he was sitting or lying down.

"If you are really worried about not growing taller," Xu Jian pursed her lower lip, "You can just jump a few more times."

Lin Yunyan:…

She didn't say anything, but Xu Jian smiled again: "Grow as tall as you can. You can't always talk to me with your head raised like this. It makes you tired."

Lin Yunyan glanced at him.

 The neck is really sore.

 But no matter how tall she is, she can never be taller than Xu Jian.

 Just be tired if you are tired.

Lin Yunyan thought, it is easier than pushing a wheelchair.

She didn’t want to push Xu Jian’s wheelchair all the time.

 Xu Jian's figure had to stand like this.

Thinking of this, Lin Yunyan couldn't help but ask: "Is the leg injury really okay?"

Xu Jian didn't tease her with any "injury test" this time, and said: "I covered the stove for a while, and I feel much better now. We will be busy at the Yamen in the evening, so I asked Shen Chen to change some charcoal before I go there. It should be fine." Run west and sit in Shuntian Mansion."

Hearing what he said, Lin Yunyan sighed: "When I get back home, I'd better take a dip in the medicinal soup."

 Xu Jian responded "Okay".

It was getting late, Uncle Niu had prepared the car, and Lin Yunyan raised the curtain to go to the store.

 “A Yan.”

Hearing Xu Jian calling her, Lin Yunyan paused. The curtain was raised but she did not lower it. She stood in the door and looked at Xu Jian: "What's wrong?"

 Xu Jian looked at her and just said, "Be careful on the road."

Lin Yunyan nodded slightly.

 The oil lamp in the shop was bright, and it shined through the door, illuminating Xu Jian's face.

There was no emotion on his face, and he looked a little cold, but Lin Yunyan knew that the palm he was holding her on just now was hot.

 The curtain was finally lowered.

Lin Yunyan turned around, and in front of her was the long staircase leading to the second floor.

 No one was walking now, but she could clearly remember the sound of footsteps falling on them.


  fallen on her heart.


Shan Shen frowned and listened to the Fu Cheng and Masters beside him analyzing the situation.

After investigating the case for a day, the ins and outs were clear, but there was still no progress in the inside story they wanted to investigate.

 And that "Dao Heng" is indeed an excellent fishing bait.

 After fishing them to Chenmi Hutong, they completely disappeared without any news.

 From appearance to disappearance, everything is just right.

Shan Shen was worried, so he simply walked out of the house and stood on the porch to breathe. When he raised his eyes, he saw Xu Jian coming back.

 Xu Jian held a food box in her hand and walked up to Shan Shen: "Promise Master Shan to have dinner."

As soon as he finished speaking, the whispering in the room stopped.

Zhang Yuan turned his body to look out and saw that the food box had three layers, which was quite big. He immediately smiled and said, "The Duke is very polite."

Shan Shen saw this and waved his hand, filling his stomach first.

 Xu Jian brought a lot of them over.

Of course it was not made by Grandma He, but just bought from the restaurant in front of me, and it is still hot at the moment.

It has meat and vegetables, and a few steaming big steamed buns, which makes people relax a lot after a busy day.

Shan Shen touched his belly: "It's a pity that I can't drink wine."

"You can eat the rice," Zhang Yuan bit into the steamed bun with the meat juice, "Forget about the wine. Drinking will make things worse."

 This makes sense.

 Why are you so worried today?

Isn’t it the result of His Royal Highness drinking?

They had just finished eating here, and Wantang also arrived.

"Nothing was gained," he said with a long face and a solemn expression, "We searched all the places that we could see in the house. No one lives in the neighboring houses. It looks like it has been abandoned for some time. I might as well take it with me. People turned around.

As a result, only some wine was found. There were also vegetables and meat bought yesterday in the kitchen. The stones, calligraphy and paintings placed in the house were also checked. The things were all good and valuable, but we had to judge from these things. Master, I can’t decide.

 If it really doesn’t work, I’ll dig the ground tomorrow, three feet deep, and pry out all the floor tiles. "

Xu Jian looked at the document in his hand, looked at it carefully for a long time, and asked: "Tomorrow morning, have you two decided what to say?"

Shan Shen and Wantang exchanged glances, each feeling helpless.

 They, the veterans, naturally knew the situation they would face during the early court.

 The main purpose is definitely to scold the prince.

When the censors get such an opportunity, they will never evade the important and take the easy. They will even scold the prince, the three orphans, and even the emperor.

 However, scolding alone cannot solve the problem.

The person who designed such a big trap for His Highness the Crown Prince did not just listen to a few curse words for fun.

There are other ministers who have their own thoughts, and they will definitely take this opportunity to make more plans.

After pulling back and forth, but not really making too much of a fuss, standing out from the crowd, and eager for quick success, in the end the spear will inevitably be turned and directed at the two case-handling yamen.

 After all, you can’t go wrong by urging the case to be handled.

Unfortunately, the two yamen did not have any suitable news to report for the time being.

Wantang wiped his face: "I don't mind being called mediocre and useless."

 He just doesn’t want to be a scapegoat to settle conflicts. In the end, it was all the fault of Shuntian Prefecture and the garrison Yamen.

Shan Shen also let out a long sigh. He looked up and saw Xu Jian frowning in thought, so he asked, "What do you think, Duke Guo?"

  Xu Jian said: "I'm thinking about how the Lord wants to end this."

 Speaking of which, it is a sin to speculate casually on the divine will.

 But if you don’t understand the holy will while walking in the court, you will definitely not be able to go far.

Even if the idea is contrary to the holy will, it will cause big trouble.

 After all, the ministers could easily defeat the Holy Emperor.

Of course, it does not mean that the ministers will obey whatever the Holy One thinks. If the Holy One makes mistakes, they should give advice as well.

 But in general, the premise of everything is "clarification".

Everyone is unclear, who can seduce whom?

"According to what I saw today," Shan Shen wiped his face, "the Holy Master punished the prince, but he didn't mean to be cruel."

Wantang nodded: "His Royal Highness the Prince is completely different in His Majesty's heart."

“The Holy Spirit was so angry that he really punished the prince severely,” Shan Shen said. “If your thoughts change in a few years, you have to be careful if you add insult to injury.”

 Xu Jian said nothing, and listened quietly to the discussion between the two adults.

The room was filled with worries, especially when Zhang Fucheng came in and said that the dancer who had a high fever was still in bad condition. Shan Shen was so worried that he pulled out several hairs.

 Halfway through the third watch, Xu Jian returned to the Fuguo Palace.

Not in a hurry to rest, he asked Shen Chen to prepare a medicinal soup.

His injuries were not as severe as Lin Yunyan remembered, so the decoction had naturally been adjusted. Soaking in it was so hot that it dispelled the cold, soothed the pain and relieved fatigue.

 On the right leg, the injury has healed, but the scars can still be seen.

Xu Jian bent his legs and looked at it carefully for a while.

He went back and looked for some light-scar plaster. He was used to seeing it and it didn't matter. The little princess had such a temperament that when she really saw this scar, she had to be more serious.

He could coax her, but he didn't want to bother her with his leg injury.

 After dawn, Xu Jian met Wantang in the court room.

Commander Wan was in normal spirits. There was a bloodstain on his chin. It looked like he had groomed himself and shaved crookedly before coming.

 Looking at the big picture from a small point of view, you can see that you are upset and angry.

Master Shan came later and said to the two of them, "I didn't sleep for the rest of the night. When I closed my eyes and opened my eyes, that person was dead or alive."

Wantang cursed a few words, quite helpless.

When we arrived at Jinluan Hall, the situation was exactly as expected.

Those who scolded the prince, asked about the case, and rambled on, it was all a big show.

Xu Jian did not stand out, but just stood in the queue, observing the situation of this position, and more of his thoughts fell on Li Du.

 Prince Jin stood at the front with a serious expression.

On the dragon chair, the Holy Master was holding the armrest with one hand and looking at the people below expressionlessly.

 He did not interrupt anyone's impassioned speech, and listened to it no matter how eloquent it was.

 He needs to carefully discern the intention behind these words.

To be fair, it is not a good feeling to hear others scold his son, the son he values ​​the most, in this way.

 He knew that Shaoer should be scolded.

 Acting in a chaotic manner, going to Yongji Palace to meet Li Jun, and having a whole plan planned but not even a single clue found. No matter which one, you should be scolded.

But some curse words are obviously just looking for trouble.

 Almost all of them are rehabilitating old scores, settling accounts of some naughty children when Shaoer was a child.

What is obedient to climb the trees and affect a few palaces; what is harsh and scolded to cry at the bottom ...

This kind of old dispute is extremely boring and does not solve the problem when it is left to ordinary couples to quarrel. However, these old officials who have been immersed in the court for many years are now enjoying it and talking about it.

 The Holy Emperor's eyes passed over their faces one by one.

Shaoer made a lot of mistakes, that is, they were not publicized.

If you knew the cause of Xu Jian's leg injury and the thank-you banquet, the scolding now would be justified and very similar to the same thing.

But they don’t know that they can only read the ones that are innocuous and innocuous, so that their selfishness is so serious that they smoke.

 The Holy Spirit is not afraid of those selfish motives.

 He rose to greatness through strife, knowing that the strife would continue.

 In the past few years, Shao'er was younger and his other sons were also younger, so the fight was less obvious.

Now, Shaoer fell hard and all came out.

“In your opinion,” the Holy One suddenly said, “what should I do?”

There was no anger and the tone was calm. It seemed like it was just a normal inquiry, but walking around the Jinluan Palace made people shiver inexplicably.

 Everyone at the bottom suddenly stopped being angry.

No one wants to be the first person, look left and right, and finally come to a conclusion - find out the case first.

Shan Shen's breath caught in his throat.

Rao knew that it was such a situation, but panicked and panicked.

He said that His Highness the Crown Prince is undoubtedly not a good person, but he cannot carry tribute wine; Liu Xun is not a good person, but he cannot say that he is kidnapping people; the one who counts these two people behind his back has evil intentions, and he is very He wanted to mention it, but he had no clue.

 What else could he do?

He stood up and wiped his sweat: "I should do my best, try my best..."

Wan Tang saw this and thought, he would have to dig three feet into the ground later.

Eunuch Cao called to withdraw from the court.

 The Holy Spirit stood up, strode down, and walked straight out of the Jinluan Hall, leaving all the officials staring with big eyes.

 Xu Jian looked at Li Du.

Prince Jin put his hands behind his back, and King Xian joined him. The two of them talked and left.

Shan Shen was talking to Wantang, followed Xu Jian's gaze, and then asked him in a low voice: "Master Guo wants to ask Prince Jin?"

“I want to go to Prince Jin’s Mansion,” Xu Jian replied. “The prince left Shuntian Mansion and went to Prince Jin’s Mansion first. Even if the prince doesn’t know the inside story, he has to go there according to the investigation procedures.”

Shan Shen nodded: "I didn't take care of it yesterday. I will go with the Duke later."

"Then please wait a moment, Master Shan," Xu Jian said softly, "I want to talk to the Holy One first."

  Imperial study room.

 When Eunuch Cao heard that Xu Jian was coming, he came out to meet him.

 Xu Jian pointed to the present moment: "Eunuch Cao, haven't you rested yet?"

Eunuch Cao smiled bitterly.

His Royal Highness the Prince is in trouble, His Majesty is in a bad mood, and he is not sleeping well. Who among them, those who serve closely, are not worried?

"Master Guo is here. Is there any progress in the case?" Eunuch Cao lowered his voice and glanced behind him, "The Lord is very concerned."

 Xu Jian sighed: "It's not easy to check, but I have some ideas."

Eunuch Cao was quite relieved about Xu Jian. After hearing this, he only gave him a few words of advice and led him in.

The Holy Father has changed into his regular clothes and is sitting behind the big case.

 Xu Jian respectfully said hello, and then sat down as he was told.

 After Eunuch Cao served the tea, he withdrew the other people's hands, leaving a confidant to guard the outside, while he waited alone in front of the emperor.

"Tell me," in the royal study, the Holy Master's voice was not as tense as in the Jinluan Palace. He relaxed and showed signs of fatigue, "what are your thoughts."

“Yesterday I went to the East Palace with Mr. Shan and asked about the prince’s situation.” Xu Jian sat upright and said, “I heard that your highness is very regretful and annoyed, and his words are sincere.”

Your Majesty raised his eyebrows slightly.

  After hearing the scoldings all morning, Xu Jian's words were very different.

   Thanks to book friends 20230803021229171, Tongtong 1609, Xiaoyuan, and Xu Bicheng’s official girlfriend for their rewards.



 (End of this chapter)

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