Yan Cigui

Chapter 277: A piece of gold paper (two updates combined into one, please give me a monthly ticket)

 The thoughts are chaotic.

Liu Jing closed his eyes and tidied up for a while, then stood up and walked out.

 Manager Tao raised his eyes and saw him, and hurriedly caught up: "Master, do you still want to go out? It's going to rain again soon."

 “I don’t care whether it’s raining or not.” Liu Jing glanced at the sky.

Manager Tao had no choice but to prepare a carriage according to Liu Jing's wishes.

 The carriage left the mansion and went all the way to Guangde Temple.

When we arrived at the gate of the temple, the rain had already fallen and the sky was as gloomy as midnight.

 The temple door was closed, Liu Jing stepped forward and knocked.

 After waiting for a while, a middle-aged monk opened the side door.

“Donor,” he said, “it’s getting late. Come back tomorrow.”

Liu Jing hurriedly stepped forward and said, "My surname is Liu, and I am Liu Jing, the minister of Honglu Temple. My wife and my daughter are staying in the temple for a few days."

 The monk looked at Liu Jing a few times.

Liu Jing smiled bitterly and said helplessly: "Something happened at home..."

The monk thought for a moment and opened the door for Liu Jing.

He has also heard some things about the Liu family, and it is all cause and effect.

 But to parents, an unworthy son is also a son.

 The monk took Liu Jing to the guest room.

Guangde Temple is famous for its incense, but it is located in the city. Except for the pilgrims who do the temple, there are not many people staying in the temple.

 Xu Miao and Liu Ping lived in the northernmost room.

 Liu Jing knocked on the door: "Madam, Ah Ping, it's me."

Hearing the sound, Grandma Xia quickly opened the door for Liu Jing.

Xu Miao was sitting behind the desk copying scriptures. Liu Ping was studying the ink for her. When they saw Liu Jing coming, they all put down what they were doing.

"You," Liu Ping looked at his father and said in surprise, "You came here in the rain? You are all wet."

Xu Miao has already brought the handkerchief and wants to wipe it for Liu Jing.

Liu Jing stopped Xu Miao and took the handkerchief over: "It's all rainwater. I just wipe it off myself. Madam, please don't get it wet. Ah Ping, help your mother sit down first."

Liu Ping was very obedient and helped Xu Miao sit down as instructed.

Xu Miao did not argue with Liu Jing over these trivial matters. After sitting down, she looked at her husband quietly by the light of the candle.

 The master looks very tired, which is inevitable.

The old man has stubble on his chin. He used to pay great attention to his appearance. No matter how busy or hard he was, he would never do this.

 The master's eyes are obviously blue, and his temples are a little shiny.

Xu Miao looked carefully and saw clearly that they were a few white hairs.

 I let out a long sigh in my heart.

They all say that children are debts, and parents are willing to bear them from the bottom of their hearts.

 But it seems that they really can't afford this debt from Xun'er.

"How is the investigation in Shuntian Mansion?" Xu Miao handed the tea cup to Liu Jing and asked softly.

Liu Jing also sat down, slumped his shoulders, and shook his head slightly at the two mothers: "This afternoon, A Jian and Commander Wan found two gold bricks in the house, which were related to the late emperor's deposed prince Li Mi. ”

Xu Miao was stunned.

Liu Ping couldn't tell the situation clearly and asked hurriedly: "What do you mean? Is it good or bad?"

"I went to Shuntian Mansion, but I didn't see A Jian. I only chatted a few words with Master Shan." Liu Jing pursed his lips. "Master Shan persuaded me several times. I heard what he meant was to let me If we give up on Xun'er, we will involve Li Mi and also affect the prince. Xun'er may..."

Even though he was mentally prepared, Xu Miao's eyes were still red after hearing these words.

"I know that Xun'er is at fault because we didn't teach him well, but he, he is my son after all," Liu Jing choked, holding Xu Miao's hand and said, "I am just a minister of Honglu Temple. I wanted to save him but was unable to do anything, not even A Jian.

 It is state-owned and national law, and there is nothing he can do about it.

 Madam, I am really conflicted.

 I can’t bear to let go of Xun’er, and I understand that Xun’er is terribly wrong. I, I…”

 Xu Miao's tears streamed down.

 Every word Liu Jing spoke spoke to her heart.

No matter how bad a son is when he is born after ten months of pregnancy, he will still feel sorry for him and blame himself for not educating him well.

 Liu Ping also turned his head and sniffed.

 She wanted to say, "My brother deserves it."

 Brother even gave her a bad idea.

 But they were brothers and sisters after all. Watching Liu Xun die helplessly, it was impossible for her to not feel a little shaken in her heart.

Liu Jing raised his hand, wiped his eyes with the heel of his palm, stained with tears, and held Xu Miao's hand.

Wet tears fell on Xu Miao's hands, burning hot.

"Think about my life. When I was young, I was immersed in studying, and after high school I worked hard as an official. I thought I had made a difference step by step, but I didn't expect that Xun'er..." Liu Jing shed tears.

 Sorrow comes from it.

This grief is true and heartfelt.

“Suddenly, madam, I suddenly don’t know what I have been doing in the past few decades.”

Xu Miao wanted to explain a few words to him, but she didn't know what to say when the words came to her lips.

 She has heard a lot of comfort in the past two days.

 Ah Jian, A Ping, the princess, and Aunt Xia took turns to untie her.

She heard it all, but how was she going to tell the master what she said?

She had to hold back for Ah Jian's sake and not cause trouble for Ah Jian with Xun'er's matter, but could the master listen?

The master must understand all those great principles.

 But in the human heart, in addition to principles, there are also emotions.

There is no doubt that the master’s father-son affection for Xun’er is far greater than that for A-Jian.

Thinking like this, Xu Miao didn't say anything, she just shed tears.

"I went back home just now. Xun'er's wife packed some things and was clamoring to go back to her parents' house, so I let her go."

"Their couple has only been married for a short time, and their relationship is just like that. Something happened to Xun'er, and it is only natural for her to want to distance herself."

“Maybe we can’t rule it out, and I don’t know. In the end, it depends on what the Holy Father thinks.”

"The Holy One will not spare Xun'er lightly. The Holy One treats the prince so well..."

“I don’t know what will happen to me. If the Holy Spirit is merciful, I will be banished to a lair. Otherwise, I will be deprived of my fame. If I am not merciful, I will be exiled or even lose my head..."

Xu Miao felt her heart pounding loudly: "Master, don't say that, don't say that."

"Jian went to see the saint in the afternoon. I wanted to ask him if he had any other news," Liu Jing said, "but he probably can't tell me casually. Madam, I don't want to embarrass Jian. It's just a matter of fact. To this day, I really don’t know what to do.”

Xu Miao cried and said: "Ajian has a hard mouth and a soft heart. If he can plead for mercy in front of the Holy One, he will definitely do it. If he can't get it..."

 Liu Jing did not speak again for a long while.

Based on his understanding of Xu Miao, the lady's reaction was a bit calm.

Madam has a good temper and a good temperament, but she gets anxious when things happen, and when she is anxious, she doesn't think so carefully.

Now, the lady has endured her patience, her eagerness, and her impatience.

 She loves Xun'er so much, loves him, loves this family, she shouldn't be like this...

After quietly observing for a while, Liu Jing said: "I came here just to talk to you two. It's getting late, so I'm going back first. I have to go to court tomorrow."

 Xu Miao wanted to send him away.

Liu Jing advised: "It's dark and it's raining. Madam, it's better not to send her off."

 Farewell to mother and daughter, Liu Jing walked out of the temple along the original route.

 It was still the monk who opened the side door for him.

"I've caused trouble to the masters these days," Liu Jing thanked him and asked, "My wife seems to be doing well. I wonder if anyone else has come to solve it."

The monk said: "Yesterday there was a visitor, the princess came to visit."

Liu Jing thanked him again.

  His expression didn't darken until he sat in the carriage.

Yesterday, Xu Miao went to see Xu Jian and he knew about this.

The two could not reach an agreement, and it was not surprising that Xu Jian was worried about Xu Miao and asked the princess to come forward to persuade her.


What on earth did the princess say to Xu Miao?

 Liu Jing pressed his eyebrows.

Xun'er's affairs were ruined in the academy, and Zheng Liu was trapped in Zhangping Garden with his body intact. Geng Baoyuan disappeared, and Xun'er and the others went to the temple to find the princess, who was also there.

Princess Ning'an, Princess Ning'an is really... Returning to the mansion, Liu Jing entered the study.

He sat quietly for most of the night and wrote an article before dawn, polished it and copied it on a notebook.

With this document in his arms, he entered the palace and went to court.

 The atmosphere in the court room was even more tense than yesterday.

Maybe everyone has heard about the gold bricks. Originally, I encouraged you and you tried to irritate him, hoping to make a deposed prince stand out. Today, everyone has become much more honest and gathered together to discuss Li Mi.

 Looking around from time to time, trying to get some news from Shan Shen and others.

But Shan Shen folded his arms and looked drowsy, Duke Fu stood outside and did not talk to anyone, and Commander Wan did not even show up.

 Several upright censors are closing their eyes to rest.

 They need to adjust themselves and continue to scold them when they enter the main hall.

He scolded Li Mi and also scolded the prince.

They are scheming and scheming, but neither of them is good at it.

 When everyone moved to the Jinluan Hall, the holy guard of honor came in, and he walked straight to the dragon chair and sat down.

 He quickly glanced at everyone and did not see Wantang.

 Shan Shen came out and reported the investigation status.

“Master Shan, are you really Li Mi’s gold brick?” someone asked.

“In the sixth year of his reign, Wang called for gold bricks, and there was Li Mi’s mark on the gold bricks,” Shan Shen replied, “Judging from the situation, the gold bricks had been hidden there for several years…”

 The Holy Emperor's eyes fell on Xu Jian.

 Xu Jian is indeed reliable in his work.

Yesterday when Xu Jian came to the imperial study to discuss the situation, the Holy Father once asked him, could he really hide the handling of the gold bricks from Shan Shen and Wantang?

Xu Jian is quite confident.

 Because of the rain, the high location, and the constant checking, a lot of traces were destroyed.

 Now it seems that it is indeed as Xu Jian said.

The officials below were holding two gold bricks, and they were going back and forth. They were about to argue for another two quarters of an hour, but Liu Jing stood up.

His official uniform is neat and tidy, his appearance is good, but his voice is hoarse.

Hands holding the book in front of him, he knelt down in the temple.

 The chamberlain went to get it and handed it to Eunuch Cao, who in turn presented it to the Holy One.

The Holy Father opened it and saw that it was a letter of self-condemnation.

 He briefly glanced at it and asked Eunuch Cao to read it.

Eunuch Cao read every word. Apart from his voice, there was no more noise in the hall, and everyone was quiet.

Xu Jian was also listening, and even wanted to give Liu Jing a round of applause after listening.

 Liu Jing is extremely good at writing articles, which is his advantage.

The first half of this self-incrimination letter is very neat and pays attention to the layout and confrontation of the article. However, it becomes chaotic from the middle part. The second part is even more unorganized and without skills, only full of emotions.

 Is it because Liu Jing cannot write such a seamless article?


 What Liu Jing needs is such a messy article.

This is how a father should feel after his son makes an unforgivable mistake.

 He was talking about his failure as a father, full of regret and pain.

"It's my fault that I didn't teach him well," Liu Jing buried his head on the ground, his shoulders trembling.

Besides, far and near, there are a few sighs.

 Educating a son is a difficult problem, sometimes even a matter of luck.

 If you can teach well by paying attention...

 Some of them were brave enough to even look up at the holy dragon's face.

If it is enough to be attentive, then isn't His Majesty not attentive enough to His Royal Highness?

 Liu Jing did not raise his head for a long time.

 He was betting on the Holy Spirit's will.

If the Holy One wants to be merciful to His Highness the Crown Prince, he must not be too cruel to the Liu family, otherwise he will not be able to convince the public.

Xu Jian looked at Liu Jing for a while and then looked away.

 He saw "survival" in Liu Jing.

Liu Jing knew that it would be difficult to keep Liu Xun, so he had to find a way to save himself first.

This letter of self-condemnation is a good choice to make progress by retreating.

Given Liu Jing’s hard work and hard work for so many years, he wanted to ask for a lighter sentence, and he did have a chance.

Of course, this light sentence is limited to this moment.

 Liu Jing's subordinate Huang Shaoqing stood up, carefully considered his words, and said a few words for him.

 Some people took the vanguard, and later there were also people who were familiar with Liu Jing who helped to support him.

Liu Jing was still kneeling on the ground. He didn't have much confidence in his heart. While he felt hopeful, he also felt that the Sacred Heart was unpredictable.

"Where is Lord Wan?" Suddenly, an official asked, "Why don't you see Lord Wan today?"

As soon as the voice came out, many people noticed that Wantang did not go to court.

 This is strange.

 The focus these days is on Chenmi Hutong. As an investigating official, Wantang should not be absent from the court.

Shan Shen noticed Wantang's absence, but he didn't know the reason.

While there was a lot of discussion, Wantang held up the hem of his clothes, trotted up the footpath, walked into the main hall, and appeared in front of everyone.

He hurried along in a hurry and was out of breath, with a lot of sweat on his face.

 “I, I’m late,” he said.

The Holy Spirit asked: "Isn't this the first time Wan Aiqing is late?"

Wantang smiled dryly.

Not just him, but also among the civil and military ministers present, how many of them have experience of being late for morning appointments?

"I have something important to report," Wantang said, "I found this thing in the house."

 Speaking, Wantang presented something with both hands.

Everyone’s perspective was different. Many people didn’t know what Wantang was holding, but those who could see it clearly frowned.

Eunuch Cao walked down the steps and waited for the **** to hand him over.

 He took it and looked at it, his face also changed, he lowered his head and handed it to the Holy One respectfully.

 The Holy Spirit looked at the things in his hands.

That is a gold paper.

 Two fingers wide, very thin, with mountains on one side and words on the other.

 This is something from the Gu Yue Envoy.

 “Where did you find it?” The Holy Master held the gold paper in his hand and asked coldly.

"I asked people to dismantle the flower hall. I was in a hurry to go to court, but the people below said they found something in the gap between the floor mats." Wantang replied, "It should be that the person carrying it fell in accidentally. Yes, if you don’t dig up all the floor mats, you won’t be able to see anything on the surface, and you won’t be able to find it even if you look for it.”

After hearing this, the Holy Spirit looked at Xu Jian.

 Xu Jian shook his head slightly, indicating that he had no idea.

The Holy Spirit looked at Liu Jing again: "Master Liu, why do people from Gu Yue go to Chenmi Hutong?"

Liu Jing’s whole body was tense and his breathing was stagnant.

 He doesn’t know the answer. Honglu Temple is responsible for reception, but it is impossible for him to know the whereabouts of everyone and every day.

He only knew that his preparations and his confession were about to fall short.

 Xu Jian did not look at Liu Jing.

 His attention was focused more on King Jin.

When the Holy One named "Envoy of the Ancient Moon", he keenly saw King Jin's face darken.

Although it was only for a moment, Xu Jian did not miss it.

From this point of view, the Guyue merchant and the chamberlain that Xuansu met outside the house that day were indeed related to the King of Jin.

 Compared to the two gold bricks, Xu Jian was more satisfied with the harvest brought by the golden paper.

 Speaking of which, it took a lot of effort to bury the gold paper yesterday.

 Make sure that Wantang can be found, but also make it difficult for him to find him.

It’s really no easier than hiding gold bricks.

  Thanks to the book friend Xu Bicheng’s official girlfriend and Wuxihuan 166 for the reward.

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